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Youth crime in Australia | General Topic by Linda C |
20-Mar-24 13 comments |
Excessive security measures on websites these days | General Topic by Andrew C 287196 |
17-Oct-23 12 comments |
What's better? A PC or Mac? | Discussion of the Day |
01-May-23 74 comments |
Have you rented movies and TV series on YouTube? | Discussion of the Day |
01-May-23 74 comments |
ANZAC - Lest we forget. | General Topic by Lachelle B |
27-Apr-23 27 comments |
Leather ban | General Topic by Linda C |
15-Jan-23 23 comments |
Where is the Rewardian End of Year party going down??? | General Topic by mary c |
01-Jan-23 23 comments |
Should working Solo Mums/Dads get extra sick days for their kids? | General Topic by Kirsty H 1016139 |
15-Dec-22 8 comments |
Unwanted Gifts | Discussion of the Day |
02-Aug-22 88 comments |
Moving Countries spontaneously | Discussion of the Day |
26-May-22 78 comments |
Pets | General Topic by CourtneyM1993 |
04-May-22 19 comments |
Any of Foo Fighter fans out there? | General Topic by mary c |
01-Apr-22 22 comments |
Easter Gifts | Discussion of the Day |
15-Mar-22 84 comments |
Would You Dine With A Complete Stranger? | Discussion of the Day |
10-Feb-22 88 comments |
Beach, Snow, Mountains or somewhere else - what kind of holiday destination is your favourite | Discussion of the Day |
31-Jan-22 76 comments |
Family get together | Discussion of the Day |
26-Dec-21 52 comments |
What is the most beautiful song you have heard and what song gets you pumped every time it comes on. | General Topic by Elizabeth J 447888 |
12-Dec-21 41 comments |
Babysitting for close family members | Discussion of the Day |
13-Sep-21 65 comments |
Does Over-worked and Underpaid make for bad customer service? | Discussion of the Day |
12-Sep-21 63 comments |
Do you prefer male or female pets? | General Topic by Jenny L 591463 |
18-Aug-21 30 comments |
Home Improvements | Discussion of the Day |
04-Aug-21 67 comments |
The love for your grandkids | Discussion of the Day |
19-Jun-21 73 comments |
Sharing custody of pets | Discussion of the Day |
13-May-21 65 comments |
Parenting during Covid | Discussion of the Day |
12-Apr-21 34 comments |
What have you been saving during COVID | Discussion of the Day |
07-Apr-21 75 comments |
Have you ever hocked sentimental items at a hock shop to survive? | Discussion of the Day |
05-Mar-21 68 comments |
How green can you be? | Discussion of the Day |
11-Jan-21 61 comments |
People are lazy with gift ideas | Discussion of the Day |
28-Dec-20 36 comments |
What would it be like to see Santa? | Discussion of the Day |
27-Dec-20 70 comments |
Should I be the best girlfriend ever and buy my partner an Xbox or should I tell him buy his own? | Discussion of the Day |
13-Dec-20 62 comments |
Would you want to live in a cashless society? | Discussion of the Day |
07-Dec-20 100 comments |
Do you take naps throughout the day? | Discussion of the Day |
07-Dec-20 94 comments |
Why are people so scared to speak their aspirations out loud? | Discussion of the Day |
29-Nov-20 54 comments |
A War between Smarties and M&Ms | Discussion of the Day |
12-Oct-20 97 comments |
People who spend their lives on social media need to get a life | Discussion of the Day |
06-Oct-20 77 comments |
Fashion is for losers! | Discussion of the Day |
10-Sep-20 75 comments |
Aliens are on the news a lot lately | Discussion of the Day |
31-Aug-20 68 comments |
I love sunbaking but I know it's bad for me | Discussion of the Day |
05-Aug-20 79 comments |
Which dangerous animal is the cutest? | Picture Poll |
15-Mar-25 49 comments |
Denmark wants to take over the US and rename it... | General Topic by APB |
29-Jan-25 50 comments |
I wish someone would give us Great New Forum Topics! | General Topic by APB |
06-Dec-24 18 comments |
People lie a lot | General Topic by Nikush |
11-Nov-24 20 comments |
Adult Children's Responsibility to Aged Parents | General Topic by Vicki S 484904 |
27-Apr-24 10 comments |
The jail system in Australia | General Topic by Gaza |
31-Oct-23 12 comments |
Babies first words? | Discussion of the Day |
22-Sep-23 91 comments |
Rewardia code impossible to get now that Facebook insists on login | General Topic by Andrew C 287196 |
17-Sep-23 17 comments |
Rewardia's surveys | General Topic by Mark D 429608 |
06-Sep-23 12 comments |
Ministers pay rising again | General Topic by Linda C |
04-Sep-23 18 comments |
Grandchildren children birthdays & Christmas presents | Discussion of the Day |
25-Aug-23 74 comments |
Cruise Ships | General Topic by Elizabeth 1354187 |
17-Aug-23 28 comments |
DAZED AND CONFUSED | General Topic by APB |
23-May-23 30 comments |
Crime shows | Discussion of the Day |
01-May-23 49 comments |
Do you have regular health check-ups? | Discussion of the Day |
23-Feb-23 79 comments |
Are there really 'Aliens' out there? | General Topic by Missy Wyld |
21-Nov-22 24 comments |
Wedding/anniversary idea | Discussion of the Day |
03-Oct-22 89 comments |
Do you think online games for money are legit? | Discussion of the Day |
29-Sep-22 98 comments |
Attention Australian PENSIONERS | General Topic by Edward S 497347 |
23-Sep-22 14 comments |
Have you had to lie to keep your partner in your life | Discussion of the Day |
18-Aug-22 95 comments |
Is it worth doing a poll on rewardia?? | General Topic by mary c |
21-May-22 34 comments |
Too many likes, a little uncomfortable? | General Topic by Christina C 466456 |
18-Mar-22 20 comments |
How many hours are you on your phone for? | Discussion of the Day |
13-Feb-22 72 comments |
How valuable is a smartphone camera to you? | Discussion of the Day |
22-Jan-22 80 comments |
Fixing a historic blunder? | General Topic by Lachelle B |
09-Oct-21 27 comments |
Play on words? | General Topic by BLACK LIVES MATTER |
01-Sep-21 33 comments |
Covid-19 is here to stay....BUT....no more lockdowns; how will you protect yourself? | General Topic by Edward S 497347 |
01-Sep-21 22 comments |
Do you believe in Aliens? | General Topic by Steven K 462804 |
13-Jul-21 13 comments |
Who has the best Pumpkin Pie recipe? | General Topic by AntEye folkz777 |
30-Jun-21 8 comments |
Luck or Omen? | General Topic by Katzeye |
24-May-21 28 comments |
Cyber-wars | Discussion of the Day |
04-May-21 40 comments |
Movie and Television Remakes | Discussion of the Day |
23-Apr-21 76 comments |
Do you feel embarrassed purchasing sanitary products or contraception at the supermarket? | Discussion of the Day |
07-Mar-21 88 comments |
Supermarket packing | Discussion of the Day |
15-Feb-21 92 comments |
Carpark Mishaps | Discussion of the Day |
31-Jan-21 78 comments |
Do you think cats actually mimic humans linguistic behavior? | General Topic by AntEye folkz777 |
11-Jan-21 11 comments |
Baths are better than showers | Discussion of the Day |
30-Nov-20 68 comments |
I've never understood why people get married | Discussion of the Day |
21-Nov-20 60 comments |
Through science and medicine will human beings ever be immortal? | Discussion of the Day |
20-Oct-20 73 comments |
Have you ever purchased and assembled something from IKEA? | Discussion of the Day |
07-Oct-20 80 comments |
Social media affects my mental health | Discussion of the Day |
30-Jul-20 55 comments |
I am thinking of signing up to TikTok | Discussion of the Day |
30-Jul-20 84 comments |
speed cameras | General Topic by Kaylene D |
25-Feb-25 17 comments |
How about great quotations?...from History or literature? | General Topic by APB |
10-Feb-25 28 comments |
Insurance premiums | General Topic by The ghost |
12-Dec-24 22 comments |
Climate Change | General Topic by Lawrence 1591081 |
10-Nov-24 20 comments |
Feet v. Footwear | General Topic by Glenice L 1244113 |
27-Jan-24 15 comments |
Aussie's celebrate the Aussie battler or do we embrace the Aussie's battling? | General Topic by Liane H |
14-Jan-24 17 comments |
What is your most memorable Christmas present or Christmas time. | Discussion of the Day |
18-Dec-23 36 comments |
A Rewardia Dilemma. | General Topic by Chosen |
11-Dec-23 12 comments |
COMPENSATION POINTS | General Topic by Alex H 487498 |
10-Dec-23 17 comments |
It's like snooping... | Discussion of the Day |
08-Dec-23 78 comments |
Zen and the Art of filling out Surveys | General Topic by APB |
29-Nov-23 19 comments |
How do you feel about targeted marketing? | Discussion of the Day |
08-Aug-23 90 comments |
If you were in charge of managing the pandemic, what would you do? | General Topic by Christina C 466456 |
13-Jul-23 25 comments |
Due to the major hack at Optus should they be allowed to continue operating? | General Topic by Edward S 497347 |
02-Oct-22 15 comments |
R.I.P to the Queen | General Topic by Annette G 805380 |
11-Sep-22 12 comments |
Games and Technology | Discussion of the Day |
14-Jul-22 84 comments |
Kids and part-time jobs | Discussion of the Day |
10-Jun-22 52 comments |
Redlining which still exist in USA. | General Topic by BLACK LIVES MATTER |
29-May-22 17 comments |
Bias or No? | Discussion of the Day |
28-Apr-22 61 comments |
A Film Was Based On Your Life | Discussion of the Day |
01-Jan-22 85 comments |
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