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Hot Discussions
Your Valentine plans? | Discussion of the Day |
17-Feb-21 138 comments |
Collections. Do you have one? | Discussion of the Day |
14-Mar-25 178 comments |
In The Mood For Love....Songs | General Topic by Holly Cat |
26-Feb-25 777 comments |
Travelling with Pets | Discussion of the Day |
19-Feb-25 150 comments |
Sport Stars | Discussion of the Day |
17-Feb-25 111 comments |
Alternative Living - Downsizing - Tiny House Living Movement | Discussion of the Day |
12-Feb-25 154 comments |
Bank fees for accounts and withdrawals. | Discussion of the Day |
02-Feb-25 195 comments |
Are we improving as a society? | Discussion of the Day |
31-Jan-25 109 comments |
Solar Panels | Discussion of the Day |
26-Jan-25 149 comments |
People who don't do stuff | Discussion of the Day |
15-Jan-25 123 comments |
Teddy's or Dolls? | Discussion of the Day |
13-Jan-25 167 comments |
Banning of Fireworks | Discussion of the Day |
11-Dec-24 167 comments |
Government supported art | Discussion of the Day |
28-Nov-24 90 comments |
What is your fondest 'just because' gift from childhood or as an adult | Discussion of the Day |
02-Nov-24 86 comments |
What is the best advice you were given but did not take? | Discussion of the Day |
28-Oct-24 123 comments |
Would You Ever Change Your Name? | Discussion of the Day |
26-Oct-24 173 comments |
Why is it so hard for some people to make money, yet so easy for others? | Discussion of the Day |
23-Sep-24 109 comments |
The Friendly Bank | Discussion of the Day |
19-Sep-24 158 comments |
Getting husband to clean out what he wants to keep and what to throw away | Discussion of the Day |
01-Sep-24 154 comments |
Beauty pageant for toddlers and children, bad or good idea? | Discussion of the Day |
18-Aug-24 156 comments |
What do you find annoying or should be improved on Rewardia? | General Topic by Edward S 497347 |
13-Aug-24 82 comments |
Do you think life was better in the past? | Discussion of the Day |
24-Jul-24 186 comments |
Back in my day | General Topic by Tom S Qld |
14-May-24 92 comments |
What is the number one killer of marriages? | Discussion of the Day |
01-May-24 179 comments |
Family staying over | Discussion of the Day |
30-Apr-24 145 comments |
Lonely Holidays | Discussion of the Day |
20-Apr-24 154 comments |
Charitable activities | Discussion of the Day |
04-Apr-24 130 comments |
Why does showing love require making sacrifices? | Discussion of the Day |
02-Apr-24 125 comments |
Life's little pleasures | Discussion of the Day |
28-Mar-24 151 comments |
Fireworks | Discussion of the Day |
21-Feb-24 135 comments |
The Bride - to - Be | Discussion of the Day |
19-Jan-24 118 comments |
Clothes and Shoes Repaired Bonus | Discussion of the Day |
13-Jan-24 133 comments |
Drivers over 80 | Discussion of the Day |
17-Dec-23 158 comments |
Can fuel prices save the planet? | Discussion of the Day |
29-Nov-23 145 comments |
Playing golf | Discussion of the Day |
16-Nov-23 128 comments |
Getting rid of plastic | Discussion of the Day |
06-Oct-23 108 comments |
Selfish people in the Community | Discussion of the Day |
02-Oct-23 147 comments |
Married Young | Discussion of the Day |
19-Sep-23 99 comments |
Cats or Dogs? | Discussion of the Day |
18-Sep-23 232 comments |
Daycare and kindergarten | Discussion of the Day |
10-Sep-23 99 comments |
Is Nuclear Energy the way forward? | Discussion of the Day |
30-Aug-23 172 comments |
How much do you let your animals get away with? | Discussion of the Day |
17-Aug-23 118 comments |
Property prices. Millennials Complain | Discussion of the Day |
08-Aug-23 66 comments |
Do Governments Spend Too Much Money On Sports | Discussion of the Day |
24-Jul-23 108 comments |
Do the RSPCA organisation help animals? | Discussion of the Day |
20-Jul-23 121 comments |
Facial Spying | Discussion of the Day |
16-Jun-23 188 comments |
What is weird to you? | Discussion of the Day |
13-Jun-23 150 comments |
Men's Mental Health and Society's View on Getting Help | Discussion of the Day |
12-Jun-23 73 comments |
Satisfaction in job vs. Your paycheck amount | Discussion of the Day |
14-Apr-23 165 comments |
Random acts of kindness | Discussion of the Day |
16-Feb-23 175 comments |
Survey addiction | Discussion of the Day |
04-Feb-23 135 comments |
What would be some solutions for the current drug and homelessness problems we face worldwide? | Discussion of the Day |
28-Jan-23 165 comments |
Why the middle-class Is disappearing? | Discussion of the Day |
14-Jan-23 138 comments |
Are we "Lab Rats"? | Discussion of the Day |
13-Jan-23 101 comments |
Best Christmas Presents Ever? | Discussion of the Day |
30-Dec-22 113 comments |
A Question of Polls | Discussion of the Day |
23-Dec-22 154 comments |
Why Buying A Tesla Is A Bad Idea | Discussion of the Day |
20-Dec-22 117 comments |
Has Covid 19 created a strange new better normal? | Discussion of the Day |
13-Nov-22 95 comments |
Is there something you can't shut up about? | Discussion of the Day |
28-Oct-22 124 comments |
A day with a disability | Discussion of the Day |
16-Oct-22 85 comments |
Who designs "Retirement Resorts"? | Discussion of the Day |
12-Oct-22 96 comments |
What's the best part of your day? | Discussion of the Day |
09-Oct-22 176 comments |
How did you get your name? | Discussion of the Day |
27-Aug-22 176 comments |
Do you agree with voluntary assisted dying? | Discussion of the Day |
25-Mar-22 109 comments |
The Good Old Days! | Discussion of the Day |
11-Feb-22 103 comments |
Supply Chains | Discussion of the Day |
31-Jan-22 97 comments |
Titles like Mr or Mrs | Discussion of the Day |
25-Jan-22 128 comments |
Immigration | Discussion of the Day |
13-Nov-21 98 comments |
Cashless society | Discussion of the Day |
19-Oct-21 120 comments |
Stuck at Home | Discussion of the Day |
21-Sep-21 75 comments |
Post Covid Plans | Discussion of the Day |
13-Sep-21 116 comments |
To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all | Discussion of the Day |
30-Jul-21 73 comments |
Loneliness - is it a crime? | Discussion of the Day |
07-May-21 120 comments |
Problems with neighbours. Are peaceful resolutions possible? | Discussion of the Day |
20-Feb-25 139 comments |
Most costly thing/service? | Discussion of the Day |
14-Feb-25 255 comments |
Does anybody remember Murphy's law? | Discussion of the Day |
03-Jan-25 160 comments |
How much money would make you happy right now? | Discussion of the Day |
04-Dec-24 168 comments |
Do you trust doctors? | Discussion of the Day |
28-Nov-24 185 comments |
When husband is horribly ill and neighbors are jealous | Discussion of the Day |
24-Nov-24 144 comments |
Should you give up your life to care for your elderly ill parents? | Discussion of the Day |
14-Nov-24 119 comments |
Practical Jokes | Discussion of the Day |
05-Nov-24 96 comments |
Are you or should we be scared about the future of jobs? | Discussion of the Day |
20-Oct-24 134 comments |
I Heard The News Today, Oh Boy! | Discussion of the Day |
14-Oct-24 128 comments |
Baby, You Can Drive My Car ... | Discussion of the Day |
06-Oct-24 95 comments |
Everybody's Great Vinyl Albums - 60's To 80's - Add One or Thumbs Up One | General Topic by Somebody Kinda Loopy |
31-Aug-24 706 comments |
Going on a cruise | Discussion of the Day |
27-Aug-24 158 comments |
Don't You Know That It's Different For Girls? | Discussion of the Day |
02-Aug-24 109 comments |
What is the most important thing that parents need to teach their children? | Discussion of the Day |
16-Jul-24 174 comments |
Self service at checkout | Discussion of the Day |
24-Jun-24 213 comments |
How much alcohol is too much? | Discussion of the Day |
24-Jun-24 119 comments |
Working in cafe, but ordering very little | Discussion of the Day |
03-Jun-24 140 comments |
Is it rude to not talk much? | Discussion of the Day |
03-Jun-24 153 comments |
What was your dream job? | Discussion of the Day |
20-May-24 160 comments |
What's most valuable to you? | Discussion of the Day |
20-Apr-24 183 comments |
THERE IS PROTEIN AND PROTEIN what is going on? | Discussion of the Day |
17-Mar-24 93 comments |
Is it better to ignore cravings or to eat in moderation? | Discussion of the Day |
09-Mar-24 131 comments |
Autocorrect or Not? | Discussion of the Day |
25-Feb-24 166 comments |
Medical Bills | Discussion of the Day |
24-Feb-24 108 comments |
Invisible art | Discussion of the Day |
20-Feb-24 131 comments |
How can we stop scammers stealing money? | Discussion of the Day |
14-Feb-24 140 comments |
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