Discussion of the Day
Using the RIGHT Cutlery
Growing up a little boy my Mother had a vast array of cutlery she told me that if I was ever invited to tea with the Queen I'd know what spoon, knife or whatever to use...three full sizes of knives and forks...fruit spoon, soup spoon, desert spoon, jam spoon, cheese knife, steak knife, fish knife...the list went on.... I haven't seen most of these in over 40 years...has anyone else?
  • marni k
    If you're hungry who cares how you shovel it in Mind you I still want to know what cutlery is what in case I ever go to a posh restaurant like in the movie Pretty Woman
    • Grommie
      I have a great niece who is drop dead gorgeous but her handling of a knife and fork is horrific to watch., the family were knee dinner people. I have given her lessons, almost felt like Pygmalion... My big concern was that when she eventually leaves university and takes business clients to lunch, she would show herself up.
  • Merci
    I used the full cutlery set for dinner every Sunday so if my youngsters were ever invited to dine in the utmost style they would not feel out of place by not knowing which cutlery to use for each course.
    • LEAH G. (Philippines CEBU )
      I saw of this all in a big five star hotel
      • Diana
        Star from the outside and place your napkin on your lap and elbow off the table
        • Margaret C 68385
          At a posh restaurant or a military dining in night. Thanks to friends and not my mother, I knew which was what!
          • Jania S
            Yep apart from real life, decades ago, it was in movie Pretty Woman,,,,,, always start from outside. You will only have cutlery to match the meal you ordered.
            • Bev
              Good to know in case the Queen drops I.
              • Leanne B 76015
                • Catalina
                  Years ago I bought in a second hand shop a big wooden box full of nicely arranged nice cutlery. About once a year we used it, but honestly, I’m still confused which size and shape goes with what.
                  • Empress
                    I know we have become more minimalist with cutlery, and most of us are not living the nobility life. However, it's handy to know about the various types of cutlery to as to not embarrass yourself at a formal occasion such as a wedding. Children aren't being taught either. I learned all of this as a girl guide. The ex was a real idiot and often put out butter knives to cut meat!!! Drove me nuts. But then he was as common as,
                    • Cely
                      Nope, only ever used the usual
                      • Pat C 618241
                        Yes when I cleared my mother in laws cutlery drawers some 30 years ago. I've had a full canteen of cutlery sitting in my cupboard for over 30 years. We bought a picnic set some years ago and have used them ever since. I tried to give the full set to my daughter but was told no one needs all that these days.
                        • Paul B 522937
                          I agree with Carol M and i hate men keeping their hat on in the house
                          • Gwynneth B
                            Yes and teach others
                            • boy blunder
                              its dig in with whatever you want to use at our house
                              • Greg B 520364
                                Not since I was a little boy. Life is a little free and easy now
                                • Raymond M 384376
                                  wow , no one would use it now
                                  • karen M 876336
                                    an important thing to know if you are invited somewhere fancy, dont eat with your fingers !
                                    • Carolyn H 319412
                                      • Jenny L 591463
                                        Not really and we just use basic cutlery knife, fork and spoon. All I remember is to work inwards so start with what ever is on the outer side first so really it is quite simple. Just no one can be bothered any more and I am sure the Queen has her days she can't be bothered too, well one can only hope. Saves on washing up.
                                        • Tiffany L 690503
                                          I never been an fancy resturant
                                          • Pam 431550
                                            I was taught form out side in but do not go to fancy restaurant's
                                            • GrumpyBsd
                                              I find a spoon it best for curries, stews, soups etc and a knife comes in handy for meat but really who can afford meat these days!
                                              • Maxine S (WA)
                                                I was taught from outside in. But haven't had the need to follow this in later years. Don't go to fancy restraunts these days or holidays away or cruises because of Covid.
                                                • Jan H 753322
                                                  I was taught from the outside in and I have taught my girls this way. my great Nana would always put the tablecloth on after breakfast, take it off for morning tea and the table was always laden with delicious cakes and the china cups and saucers. my aunty still does it til this day. such lovely memories! i try to do it this way at christmas and other special occasions
                                                  • Larry S 382961
                                                    My parents went to a wedding of a work mate of dad.at the reception he was sitting opposite the priest who said. some how I have an extra fork.. dad replied .don't worry father as long as you have a spoon for dessert.
                                                    • Eileen L 831279
                                                      I think in today's busy life with a lot of all adults in the household working just to get by the use of that cutlery as gone because of the extra work it puts on people
                                                      • Lyn A.
                                                        the only thing I can remember is to use from outside in if you miss a course you miss that 'row' of cutlery. My Grandmother taught me, but I never been and unlikely to ever go to anywhere that is that pretentious
                                                        • MARGARET p 388156
                                                          I go to op shops and hunt for these kind of cutlery and bring them out on Birthday etc, and make a nice meal to go with the cutlery my family loves it .
                                                          • Sandra C 12043
                                                            There are still restaurants that use the array of knives,forks & spoons. I taught my children the correct ones to use. for when they are in those places to eat. I do guess though that it's only used in upper class restaurants these days. Pity the practice has fallen down when you see the way some eat in a restaurant these days. Atrocious manners.
                                                            • Colin L 88398
                                                              Yes have them all here as well but Splades messed up the entire idea.
                                                              • Priscilla R 316016
                                                                It was nice to know table manners and which knife, spoon or fork to use, but these days it seems we have gone back to using our hands and not much else. Pity in one sense, but it does save washing up especially these days when you have a dishwasher to do it fir you. Haha
                                                                • Sonya F 68771
                                                                  Just been on a river cruise in Europe and yes they use lots of cutlery for dinner and work from the outside in
                                                                  • Joe B 288252
                                                                    If you can get it into your mouth without dropping it onto the table or your shirt front then you have the right cutlery……..lol
                                                                    • bobbie k
                                                                      I have a set ,hardly ever use them.
                                                                      • SueS
                                                                        Only need to know in a formal setting
                                                                        • Don T 805693
                                                                          Not even the Queen uses that many eating irons.
                                                                          • Alan P 162916
                                                                            Eighty years ago my parents could only afford a tin plate and a spoon for each of us now most of the children are taught to eat out of a paper bag.
                                                                            • Busyasabee NZ
                                                                              keep it minimal
                                                                              • Ann H 652541
                                                                                I think that having that many spoons and forks on the table it is a little over done where would you put them after unwrapping them a spoon a fork soup spoon a steak knife if you were having stake it is etiquette but I would rather just relax and have a good time just with company and not having to second guess whether or not if I picked up the right fork or not people or more important then objects anyway!
                                                                                • Pauline T 68358
                                                                                  Yes, I still have all of the above, and I taught my children how, and when to use them. I still think that good table manners are very important.
                                                                                  • lulu
                                                                                    Posh, only for going out ir entertaining
                                                                                    • Beverley S 383001
                                                                                      It is good to know the etiquette of these things in case of a sudden invitation to something major, but in everyday use they are unnecessary.
                                                                                      • Daniel T 626103
                                                                                        I don't think it matters at all, also the most useful untensil for eating is our hands.
                                                                                        • ken w 873653
                                                                                          who cares
                                                                                          • Jennifer H 396811
                                                                                            I was brought up in a household where I was taught correct etiquette that included which cutlery to use and when. There was always a cloth on the table and serviettes. These days it doesn't seem to matter to most people and even basic restaurants don't seem to know how to lay a table properly. But then good manners and eating habits have fallen by the wayside since I was growing up.
                                                                                            • Grommie
                                                                                              the first thing is to get the family around a table instead of dinner on the knee with two hands on a hamburger
                                                                                              • Igor A
                                                                                                Th Japanese have a very complicated culture of using chopsticks.
                                                                                                • Elizabeth A 807208
                                                                                                  No but was taught the same you start from the outside and work your way in with each course
                                                                                                  • Kamila P
                                                                                                    I have old set of silver cutlery where are most these pieces listed from my grandmother.
                                                                                                    • Denise E 319573
                                                                                                      No, I have not ever seen most of these pieces but I do remember the line about the Queen, although I do recall something else about the Queen and clean undies, or was that the Ambulance. ???
                                                                                                      • Robin L 79437
                                                                                                        Still have all these, but rarely used these days
                                                                                                        • Joy L 68767
                                                                                                          I was taught to use all those also. I think I have only had to do it once or twice when at very formal do's.
                                                                                                          • Sheree T
                                                                                                            All I need is the basic cutlery, a knife, fork, dessert spoon and a teaspoon for tea or coffee.
                                                                                                            • Dianne B
                                                                                                              Same here.
                                                                                                          • kristian s 513441
                                                                                                            I think you only use the right cutlery in a fine restaurant.
                                                                                                            • mary c
                                                                                                              That reminds me of when daughter was in late teens and cups and plates would pile up in her room and yoghurts would be thrown out with the spoons still in them. I kept my own dishes etc hidden. I thought that was a cunning plan until one day she and her pals had run out of glasses to drink out of and they resorted to using a small vase and milk jug. Gods sakes.
                                                                                                              • Maria B 89860
                                                                                                                Bet you were ever so glad that you never received that "special invitation" then .. so much stress, for someone so young, over how many pieces of cutlery to soil! Haven't seen them in my over 40 years but then again do not hobnob so can't speak for the elite crowd.
                                                                                                                • SueM2
                                                                                                                  I have used all of these utensils at one time or another during the course of my life, but have noticed that these days, even the better restaurants seem to have trouble setting a correct table. The only knife I have ever refused to use is a steak knife - if you need one of these, your steak is overcooked!
                                                                                                                  • Tupulua S
                                                                                                                    We did not have spoon or fork to eat with. We used our fingers. even some far and middle east countries are still using their fingers to scoup up their food, so am i sometimes. Just wash your fingers and away you go
                                                                                                                    • Carolina Z
                                                                                                                      that's all passe!
                                                                                                                      • allin
                                                                                                                        last time i ate with the queen, we ate with our hands, it was baby back ribs,, and then my queen went into the house and cleaned up the dishes,, ;-))
                                                                                                                        • Vicki C 891784
                                                                                                                          Eat however you need to.
                                                                                                                          • misfortune8
                                                                                                                            That reminds me of going to my posh cousin's wedding: my sister loudly said she needed a bloody map to eat, haha - I told her to start at the outside & work her way in.
                                                                                                                            • Nola B 392757
                                                                                                                              I have heard of, and used all of these things...Maybe its just my age or that I lived in an age where we could afford such dining and travel...these things were basic to me. I went to Charm School when I was 16yo and I think they should bring Charm schools back for some millennials onward.
                                                                                                                              • Phyrephly
                                                                                                                                A correctly laid-out table placing is a crowded thing.... but it is beautiful ;P My Dad has some fruit forks and spoons, (if my memories serves), somewhere in the back room, handed down from his Grandma. as well as two or three tea sets. My Mum has a whale-bone handled cutlery knife her Dad was given, during WW1, which is still sharp enough to use.
                                                                                                                                • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                                                                  NEVER - but my main consideration was food on the plate - not which cutlery to used - which happens when you grow up as a despised minority in a not enlightened country (USA)! These days I use paper plates, woodened forks, woodened spoons, and woodened knifes. I was never going to get an invitation from the Queen for tea - wrong skin pigmentation. My dream consists of making it to the eighth grade and becoming a runaway (which would drastically increase my odds of surviving to my eighth-teen birthday). FYI: Skin pigmentation affects even - WHAT dreams your mom uses to encourage and motivate YOU (HAHA)???????????
                                                                                                                                  • Michelle S 553303
                                                                                                                                    It sounds like a very complicated way to have dinner! Very exhausting!
                                                                                                                                    • doug m 408074
                                                                                                                                      some I've seen but I too was tought which went where!
                                                                                                                                      • Linda C
                                                                                                                                        No and I did silver service waitressing for people like the Prime Ministers, Sirs, etc. It is used in certain circles though.
                                                                                                                                        • Chin C
                                                                                                                                          You are old school.
                                                                                                                                          • Squirrelsmo
                                                                                                                                            I haven't seen a collection like that in years! We just always, and still have, butter knives, forks, spoons and knives...nothing special, just regular stainless steel works good enough for me :)
                                                                                                                                            • Julie K 348980
                                                                                                                                              I have a full canteen of cutlery with the whole shebang which gets used.
                                                                                                                                              • Rhonda D 522615

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