Discussion of the Day
TV or not TV
Linda A05-May-22
I'm in my 60s, raised a family, worked, kept house all of that stuff, but I would never allow TV when the kids were getting ready for school. I preferred books or crosswords and puzzles. Even at home between jobs I couldn't be bothered with it but now in retirement that TV is never off grrr, personally I think it could be binned anyone else like me?
  • Dimitri T 100433
    not much of good content on TV so don't watch much just news occasionally
    • Diana
      I never watch T.V during the day I only watch T.V at night the news and Currant affairs
      • Mary M 329762
        Its up to the person. Little tv is ok for all age but family time mean more to me.
        • Katzeye
          I watch the news and that's about it on live TV the rest of my viewing is online through paid subscriptions or TV on demand where there are minimal ads and slightly better content then the crap that is on free to air Live TV
          • Claire L 349406
            TBH being “anti TV” sounds like Luddite snobbery, which is ironic given that we’re using the internet right now.
            • Claire L 349406
              TV is one of many avenues that provides education, entertainment, access to current events - both locally and around the world. And of course, some crap.
              • Amy A 822324
                I love watching TV, but I also do other things. Most of the shows I watch are more educational, but I also enjoy movies and other fun shows. When I'm not watching TV I like reading, playing games on my tablet, listening to music, and doing word finds.
                • Cindy S 799292
                  Not me I love tv. But I never turned it on while my daughter was getting ready to school. I rearly turn it on before noon still because I know that I won't get my chores done if its turned on. I knew a lot of parents that let their children watch TV while eating breakfast before school. I had a harder time getting my daughter to do anything. I'm not sure if she turns it on or not. But at the end of the day TV is a time waster
                  • Pat C 618241
                    We put it on for the evening news. The current ABC programmes I find totally silly. I also watch SBS - some of their historical programmes are interesting. Overall if you don't want the latest news item played endlessly on the commercial stations there is nothing much TV can offer me
                    • Graham I
                      TV can be educational but needs to be supervised by parents
                      • Greg B 520364
                        TV rarely turned on before 5.00 on week nights. Sports on the week end maybe. Never in the AM. I have been retired for 13 years. I do rewardia during the day.
                        • Robert L NZ
                          We only watch TV after 5.30pm. Our son as a child was more interested in books and playing outside with his friends , than watching TV.
                          • Shirley H 391879
                            Unless it was school holidays the tv didn’t go on until about 530 pm. Nowadays there is so much rubbish on.
                            • Cindy S 799292
                              Your not wrong there...reality tv stupid stuff
                          • Stephen F 84899
                            As a child we did not have a TV - would go to the grandparents once or twice a week. Cannot remember what was on but it would have been what the old folks wanted to see
                            • Bugalugs
                              the children in our family were restricted to how much TV they could watch. As they grew and left home we got older we tended to watch more TV. In recent times we have been watching less and less TV. Not because we are actively trying to reduce our viewing time but because ALL the Commercial Channels, the pseudo-commercial SBS (which seems to only advertise it's own programmes, especially now when they inundate us with ads for "Alone" every 2 minutes or less, and the ABC which endlessly advertises it's programmes, are wasting our time and just being bone lazy with endless Repeats of Repeats of Repeats of their own shows and are now showing Repeats or Repeats of Repeats of Shows which appeared on other channels! It has become an insult. have a look at both Ch7 and Ch9. They are not content with just having AFL and NRL on their main channel they both broadcast the same AFL or NRL game on All of their channels - 72, 92 and all of the others. So Much for their PROMISE when all these new Channels started that they would be bringing us a Whole New World of Entertainment! They are like our politicians! All promises and No Results!
                              • Paul G 348946
                                And their multichannels (7TWO, 9GEM etc) show nothing but repeats of British detective shows that have been on nearly every channel at sometime. How many times can you watch Inspector Frost, Inspector Morse, Inspector Barnaby, et al.
                            • Sonya F 68771
                              I watch TV as my children did as well but only certain times and shows but still better than ipad or a smartphone
                              • Hasina P
                                There is too many trashy reality programmes on TV
                                • Alan P 162916
                                  It is a great way to learn how to swear and abuse people.
                                  • Pauline T 68358
                                    It is better than a sleeping pill !!!!!!!!!!!
                                    • Jennifer H 396811
                                      I do enjoy TV I must admit but I think that children are allowed far too much and unfortunately quite commonly it's used as a babysitting machine. You don't have to watch TV there is an "off" switch
                                      • Annette D 716821
                                        So much part of our world now.
                                        • Jenny L 591463
                                          I love TV, it is at the end of the day our only entertainment we get. We don't go to the movies because we have animals and don't like leaving them and the cinemas are just so far away by the time we got there I wouldn't want to sit in a chair for a few hours or so watching a movie. We watch quite a bit of TV mainly in the evenings and of course the news and sports, weather. Love a good movie at home and we do record a few so we can watch them on a not so good night on the TV. If we don't keep using free to air TV it will disappear and we will be made to pay for TV. I still read, do crosswords and other things.
                                          • Lyn A.
                                            so very little on as it used to be called 'the idiot box' that's actually worth watching. It really irks me when visiting and the TV is on, left going not even turned down or muted.
                                            • Cely
                                              I watch very little tv as I stream shows from online. At present I'm watching Prisoner on 10play. I have other sites I watch movies and show on. TV is too full of ads
                                              • Larry S 382961
                                                You have a special thing on the remote. It’s called OFF/ON button. You choose what you want
                                                • APB
                                                  So much content....so little quality...I follow world events that interest me...maybe watch a movie every few days...or a comedy...that's it
                                                  • Tupulua S
                                                    like the ad on TV says --- "I am living my life a quarter a mile a day" That sounds fantastic, not far from the truth { Good old turtle } What about the cow , screaming out " we are going drinking" right, oldies going drinking ??? Good old TV
                                                    • Karen B 818052
                                                      It’s about the only entertainment we have at the moment due to rise in prices
                                                      • Timtam
                                                        Nope not with you. I quite enjoy a bit of background noise when I am doing other things, sometimes I'll put on music instead depending what I am doing. I'm not crazy about most of the free to air channels though I do enjoy programs on the ABC and SBS. We mostly use streaming services but I definitely use iview and some of the other catch up services. I do agree about kids and tv in the mornings, that was never a thing in our house when the kids were school age. Now I do like to catch a bit of the morning news on ABC when getting organised for the day.
                                                        • TERRIE K
                                                          I mostly have the tv on at night but mostly watch movies or cricket. I will have the telly on during the day if cricket is on. I prefer to do puzzles. When my boys were young, the tv would be on in the morning but only once they were all ready for school.
                                                          • Empress
                                                            I think all media is beneficial in moderation. Yes there is a lot of PC garbage on the TV these days and I switch off anything that is mind numbing or stupid. TV does teach us new things and can be inspirational. I don't like banning kids from things, it's good to have variety in different media and lots of hands on toys and books.
                                                            • JANET R 328390
                                                              Totally agree ................
                                                          • Raymond K 449636
                                                            i agree , being in my 70s, only seeing my first T V as teenager, it is only on for news and in the evening, but it must be hard for those who have grown up with it
                                                            • Don T 805693
                                                              Kids watching TV in the morning is not and never has been a good thing.
                                                              • Redoctober
                                                                There are sufficient channels to choose from, just be selective and enjoy some downtime
                                                                • Christina D
                                                                  There's some real rubbish on TV these days. I prefer to watch documentaries on YouTube on my laptop. Doesn't help that ads are absolutely ridiculous.
                                                                  • Morenita
                                                                    My grandson isn’t allowed to watch tv
                                                                    • JANET R 328390
                                                                      I agree.
                                                                  • Debra F 499651
                                                                    I'm also in my 60s. TV shows aren't as good or as family oriented like they were when I was little. Too much blood, gore and vulgarness!
                                                                    • Don T 805693
                                                                    • Debra F 499651Don T 805693
                                                                      I stand corrected!
                                                                  • Elizabeth J 447888
                                                                    Love Sky News. Get the news there morning and night. My other half likes sci-fi and dinosaur movies. I just sit on the lounge doing Rewardia Sudoku.
                                                                    • Robin L 79437
                                                                      I never have TV on during the day, but watch the news at 6pm, then have dinner and watch a movie , then go to bed.
                                                                      • Nicole A 764628
                                                                        im 32,mother of 9 yr old lad and with extreme hesitation and sadness we have to Sercombe to technology. I reluctantly observe this child grow, and my heart breaks to know books are not his go to for research.... Videos and discussions through gaming have thankfully opened up doorways to education that actually helps him.... The days have changed, even mathematics is different even I struggle with. I love how he sits here playing rewardia daily with me.
                                                                        • Aisha A 379399
                                                                          Love watching movies and certain TV shows so never getting rid of it.
                                                                          • Jo O 523632
                                                                            Depends ,what time, what’s on, whether I think it isn’t going to influence negatively. I am Nana! So what I say goes!
                                                                            • Igor A
                                                                              TV should be limited. We have a certain number of memory cells in our brain. If we stuff those with TV only. The poor we! There will be no memory space for any professional, educational etc.
                                                                              • Sheree T
                                                                                TV was never allowed before school. And also limited after school they were always encouraged to play sport and do other activities or chores. I very rarely watch TV now most of it is just rubbish.
                                                                                • Sandra C 12043
                                                                                  My kids never allowed on school mornings only for a short while on weekends as they all played summer sport & winter sports. With 3 of them we were always at a match somewhere. Not a big fan myself now..
                                                                                  • Ceasar 156113
                                                                                    I think watching television should be limited. I'd rather read, write or work on my computer.
                                                                                    • SueM2
                                                                                      TV was never on in the mornings when my children (now in their mid/late forties) were growing up. I have lost patience with it entirely now, and only use it to watch the odd dvd. I refuse to pay for TV (we did that for years when we had to purchase a radio/tv licence) and all that seems to be on otherwise is a constant diet of (so-called) reality shows. I'd rather read!
                                                                                      • Catalina
                                                                                        Yes, when the children were growing up, tv was limited. Then as I got older and alone, somehow tv is always off...
                                                                                        • Ann H 652541
                                                                                          I love tv but within reason I would send the children to the bedroom to do home work and as soon as they got it done I would let them watch television they thought that was the meanest thing anyone could do now they are all grown and have children of their own I am not sure wether they did the same thing but I thing they doooooo! Also I am still addicted Television I love a good movie with a male as genius and the woman lets him get away thinking it and then movie fun but as authentic I like those kind of movies.
                                                                                          • stephen m 596524
                                                                                            not in the morning of a week day. Too distracting
                                                                                            • kristian s 513441
                                                                                              I had watch Tv when I was younger, but I only can watch certain type movies and shows is because my parents were very strict of me watching movies and shows that should not watch for my age.
                                                                                              • Linda C
                                                                                                TV was not around until I was about 9 years old. We had an open fire and we all laid on the floor talking and listening to the radio (wireless in those days). TV is entertainment and in moderation it is a great tool especially if the children are tired and grumpy. An hour in front of the TV is a great chill out. However, likewise is going outside to play. I lived in Queensland most of my childrens lives and had a swimming pool, the beach, an creek and lakes all round us. They played cricket, football (AFL), swimming, rugby, athletics, basketball, netball, etc. and also had their bikes they rode around the area. TV was something they barely watched. They had some chores and school work but otherwise they had an active life with many friends. Now though, kids are on all types of screens and sports is no longer something most kids get into missing out on interactions with others, team work, etc. Now I am older I watch a couple of shows but it annoys me. I never listen to the radio now either. I love my peace and quiet and I read a lot.
                                                                                                • Darla T
                                                                                                  Turn it off and get outside. Be with people. Do exercise. Relax and read. Dance. Garden. Cook. Catch a program now and then but choose real life and live it away from the TV. Don't let Hollywood dictate your outlook.
                                                                                                  • Jania S
                                                                                                    My TV has not been on sice 1980 apart from 2010 - the VCR was connected to play the original sesame street for 30 mins if it was raining. and durin 2014 when I housed Chinese students we watch on VCR "Mind your Language" as another way to practise English. When my daughter was young, she watched sesame street on Sat morning. and occassionly she would see playshool on public hols. My home was a NO IDIOT BOX ZONE and still is
                                                                                                    • Pam G 449028
                                                                                                      No way they would never be ready on time.
                                                                                                      • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                                        I have not owned a TV - for over four decades! I have not watched TV - for over four decades. "IF" I have children (and I do not have children) - I would "definitely" home-school my children - the best way to educate your children. Especially when you factor in racism and sexism (for centuries) in public school systems - in the USA. Examples: Segregated public schools in the USA till 1965. Colored and White signs posted in the USA till 1965. Lack of opportunities for minorities in the USA till 1965. The REAL history of the USA is NEVER shown on TV!
                                                                                                        • View all 4 replies
                                                                                                        • Linda C
                                                                                                          55 years ago things were different and as I live in Australia I can say I did learn about segregation in your schools, the signs and lack of opportunities for minorities. I think times have changed in many circumstances. All the things you mentioned have been eliminated or addressed or become less. Times are tough not just for minorities although I guess in USA there is a lot of racism still but things are so much better. You have singers, sportspeople, judges, actors, business men and women, politicians etc. and let's not forget Obama who was a shining light in an otherwise nutty world of politicians and this would have been unheard of back in 1965. As for home schooling. Unless you are a well educated person who is organised this could be disastrous for children. This has been borne out by the isolation rules due to Covid and many children who were home schooled have not settled back in the class room at all and are far behind where they should be. They have trouble now learning to mix with children of their own age and learning interaction skills and are finding it hard to catch up putting pressure on the teaching staff. There also has been shows on TV depicting the USA history from movies to documentaries. There is no perfect scenario and we just have to keep going forward and trying to make things better and learn from the past . Unfortunately, it seems in many cases things are going backwards with PC rulings, rites of women etc. being eroded but we hope that smarter and wiser heads will prevail.
                                                                                                        • BLACK LIVES MATTERLinda C
                                                                                                          If the USA was democracy, then none of these things would have never happened (to begin with) - that I mention. One, public schools are STILL covert segregate in USA. Two, the Colored and White signs came down - not the mentality behind it! Three, job opportunities are still lacking for minorities. Last, the new slogan Is "Stop the Steal". I am puzzled - when did things get better and when did the USA become a democracy!
                                                                                                        • roger b 167654BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                                          As you would expect when the 'founding fathers', all rich white males, acted to further their interests when drafting the constitution - way over half of them owned slaves, which is quite ironic since once of the foundations was all men are created equal.
                                                                                                        • Linda CBLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                                          I think sometimes your opinion is biased and I do not mean to be rude to you or your opinions. Yes I agreed there were and are still problems but in every nation on earth this seems to be so. Men, women, minorities, etc. all have something or someone or some culture treating them poorly whether USA, Australia, Asia, China, Russia, Middle East etc. What I was trying to get across was that yes things were bad back when but have improved substantially in your country to the point many of your people are very rich and have a lot of opportunities in Music, Sport, right up to being the President. Do not look at life as your glass half empty. Be more positive that things have improved and will hopefully keep doing so although your country seems to have some huge problems at the moment. Our country was founded on rich English sending out their prisoners from over crowded prisons and hulks often in the slave ships and these were overcrowded, lack of food and sanitation etc. and the conditions they lived under when they landed were horrendous. Our indigenous were treated poorly also. Then the land owners came and again only the rich did well. Some were good and some were bad. However, most Australians like to hear about the past but do not dwell on the wrongs so much but on the positives. There is a minority always that want to live in the past and bring up hate and injustices but it seems mostly wanting money in compensation. Job opportunities are lacking in my country also for many. This has been bought about by off shore manufacturing etc. again by corporations wanting to make more and more money. My country is heading for a financial crisis with housing becoming so expensive and limited. Nowhere to rent for anyone, jobs for labourers etc. limited, cost of living rising daily. Life is not great for many people in this world no matter what culture, country or colour. However, working together is the only way forward. One must never forget the past but must go forward otherwise the past will just repeat. You obviously do not like the idea of democracy. I am wondering what would be your idea?
                                                                                                      • Nola B 392757
                                                                                                        Who the hell had time for TV before school LOL..no chores to do I guess
                                                                                                        • Rosemary E 383382
                                                                                                          If the child stays that close he is definitely going to damage his eyes
                                                                                                          • Rhonda D 522615
                                                                                                            I love TV.

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