Discussion of the Day
Should body corporates dictate our response to climate change?
andrew 106-Jun-21
I had intended to install solar panels on the roof of the building that I own...these panels will not only meet all my power needs but also feed back MORE power to the grid...my body corporate is actively doing everything possible to stop this...THIS IS MADNESS....body corporates need to be forced to allow solar panels...by law...if we can't install solar panels..how are we going to make any difference to climate change...all these little self important people with pencils....someone needs to stamp on them from a great high and let us start saving this planet
  • mary c
    Just interested in what reasons they gave for trying to prevent the solar panels being installed? I have only ever heard negative things about Body Corporates.
    • APB
      Aside from insurance issues...are they safe?...will they overhang the roof (?)...are they attached through the tiles...will they break the tiles...they reserve the right to make us take them off again if they decide they are viewed as unsightly (?)...it just goes on...
    • mary cAPB
      Good Lord help us they sound like they are a group of ijits. What a mission...but worth pursuing and providing the info needed if you have the time, energy and frustration tolerance! Would be great if there was already someone who has gone through this process and they could advise you.
  • Amor Fati
    is the roof only for your building? or you share this roof with others?
    • APB
      It's a townhouse...but I wasn't intending on using my neighbour's roof!!
  • Emmi G
    Working together with the other people in the complex can bring on changes. Eg getting roller blinds and solar power and when all bind together get a power storing battery for the excess power to use in the evening for the Unit you paying big money for.
    • Laura W 363255
      Body corporate would be more mindful of what this would look like & spoil the appearance of the buildings etc
      • Helen E 385873
        no, they don't seem to have money to fix important things like hot water systems and this person seems a). to be doing something positive for the environment and b). happy to pay for it herself
        • Lones
          I think the body Corp should mind there own business, a reason to look into body Corp before purchasing a place as there specifications can be ridiculous for what they charge, your place, you should be able to put solar on if you want
          • Chewe E
            True, I believe that if we work together we can make your dream and many other climate dreams true .
            • JANET R 328390
              If it is your building - what the hell has it got to do with a body corporate???
              • Judy C 96642
                If it’s your own house,why is a body corporate involved?
                • JANET R 328390
                  Yes that was what I was wondering too????
              • Judy C 96642
                Do you own the whole building or the unit you live in?
                • Disie
                  It's the Rental laws that need updating. I'm sure you have renters there as well. If you put Solar in, they all have as well. Just like the dividing fence. no-one else wants the job done
                  • Jacqueline R 353303
                    Definite NO. If something goes wrong well then it is your responsibility to have it fixed but should not be stopped from helping the environment.
                    • Dimitri T 100433
                      NZ is doing well with climate change being a small country with very small contribution to damage to the environment & body corporates should not be involved in this?
                      • Claude H
                        • Larry S 382961
                          I live in a townhouse under body corporate/ strata laws and you need a special bi-law to do it. It allows you to install BUT you are responsible for future repairs to the roof etc as the other owners should not have to pay for your problem if it comes.
                          • Amber 22
                            yes it not fair there should be more funding to help people
                            • Kristina L 134251
                              Body corporates are crooks
                              • Glenyse H
                                And the6 get paid a kings ransome a# I know our chief executive gets mor3 than prime minister ie over $360k.
                                • Bung,
                                  Are you the owner, if so, there are guidelines set within most area regarding solar power and green energy. Check with your local council before doing anything else.
                                  • Dennis M 546874
                                    join together with other residents to stand and vote against the current body corporate members so people sympathetic to environmental/climate concerns are voted onto the board of directors. also check if a body corporate can actually ban actions that are beneficial to the environment (be it solar panels, using outdoor clothes lines, declaring the area around your unit to be pesticide-free, an organic-only zone, etc)
                                    • MoB
                                      Where do you live Andrew 1? In Queensland solar panels are part of the Councils green activity. Solar panels are great for the planet so you can have them in a complex, if you wish to have them the Body Corporate cannot refuse. We are in a community that is Freehold, but even in a Strata titled community you can put solar on your roof and the Body Corp cannot say no. Check the Council's website and also check with your local Councilor.
                                      • roger l 315504
                                        I'd guess that outcome is directly related to that which you own, possibly only a right of occupancy , and that which is the property of the bbody corporate which includes responsibility for the common areas and the exterior of the building, I'd assume that as an you personally have occupancy rights you have associated opportunity to attend body corporate meetings where you could raise the issue with others wiht similar rights. Another case of contracts being entered into without a complete understanding of one's rights and responsibilities.
                                        • Val B 69099
                                          I agree, Body corporate think they are God and can rule everything. If you want solar panels you have them. Go to Consumer and Business affairs or your local M.P.
                                          • MoB
                                            The Body Corporate have to abide by the legislation covering Body Corporates, sometimes the committees don't read or check on the legislation that they should and then proceed to say no to a lot of things they legally cannot say no to.
                                        • Grommie
                                          you are part of the body corporate, get the wavering people on side, or move to a house where you can do what you want. Grommie and I have 16 solar panels... oops, make that 18., two on the motorhome...
                                          • Jo O 523632
                                            They shouldn't but they do.... Funny how we humans react with a little power and no thought.
                                            • Stephen F 84899
                                              Body corps do have the final say sadly
                                              • mary s 526578
                                                • Maria G 96668
                                                  Unfortunately the Body Corporate has the final say
                                                  • MoB
                                                    No the legislation that the Body Corp should be abiding by has the final say.
                                                • Carolyn H 319412
                                                  I also think that THIS IS MADNESS.
                                                  • Lorraine C 90175
                                                    Yes, when you move into a complex with a Body Corporate you need to abide by the rules, get yourself on the BC committee if you want to make changes.
                                                    • Mr Blobby
                                                      No. That will be the first stage of a "dictatorship"
                                                      • Pat B 169666
                                                        • Pato Lo Duck
                                                          There is a procedure, you need to attend the Body Corp meeting that is held each year by law, file a motion to allow owners to install solar panels, then have all the members vote on it. If it is passed they can’t stop you.
                                                          • Colin L 88398
                                                            Well all I can say is buyer Beware. Anyone who walks into any Body Corporate place without their eyes wide open has not done Due Diligence and gets exactly what they deserve. The simple fact of life is that the Body Corporate has a responsibility to the rest of those who live in the complex and that mostly begins with maintenance but can also require that things be kept the same so plces do not look different so if no one else has solar then they are quite within their rights to stop you putting up solar. They are actually doing you a favour as here in Queersland the daily connection fee almost doubles when you install Solar and things only go downhill from there so while you may be able to reduce your electricity usage it tends to increase your bill as only a small part of the bill is involved around the amount of electricity that you use most of the bill is for being connected tot he Network and maintaining that network.
                                                            • View all 3 replies
                                                            • APB
                                                              Thanks Colin...that makes me feel a bit better
                                                            • Colin L 88398APB
                                                              I remember one place where the Body Corporate rang up a tennent and told them to remove a towel that a visitor had thrown over a railing on their patio on the fourth floor. Took them about all of ten minutes to be on the phone to demand it's removal and that was of no importance at all. The difficult things get far worse.
                                                            • MoB
                                                              The thing is anyone who purchases a home within a community with a Body Corp is part of that Body Corp, if you want to have a say get on the committee, or at least take part in the Body Corp meetings. However, the Body Corp has to abide by the legislation that covers Body Corps, they can't just do as they like.
                                                          • JANN R
                                                            THEY SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO TELL YOU WHAT YOU CAN AND CANT HAVE IT SHOULD BE YOUR JOYCE
                                                            • Sonya F 68771
                                                              they have to much say as long it looks ok on the roof there should be no problem have a extra ordinary meeting and vote on it
                                                              • Bugalugs
                                                                That is the probnlem with buyingb into this sort of housing, There are always those who want to control everything - the are called "Control Freaks" they think they know everything and everyone should bow down to them and their ideas - that is until the proverbial hits the fans and everything goes wrong which is when these cowards run for cover and refuse to take any responsibility and blame their mates. If I buy a property and get a Titlle - even if within a group then I should be able to do exactly as I like with it. If I want to install Solar Panels, Solar Hot Water service then I should have the right to do so and if others in that group don't like it too bloody bad. It is my home and thats the end of the argument. Many years ago, when I was young and inexperienced, I bought a free-standing unit in one of these projects. There was no solar of anything like it BUT there was one couple who thought because they were the first to buy and move in that they were in charge. They even tried to stop me painting the rooms of my unit in the colours I wanted and told me that I was not allowed to hang pictures on my wallls - Now being young I was also very short tempered and they got the very sharp side of my tongue. Put up your Solar Panels and to hell with the control freaks!
                                                                • Chosen
                                                                  Oh it's raining. Must be Climate change.
                                                                  • Frank N
                                                                    What does your lawyer say?
                                                                    • Maria B 89860
                                                                      OK Andrew, if you can't win them over then try outwitting the twits. Is there anyone among the "tenants" who are on your side and perhaps may be wanting the same thing and would be willing to "climb" this Everest of a problem and shame the body corporate by really creating a shaming eye saw! Stage a rooftop peaceful sit in. " from a great height", by dressing up as mock up solar panels naming and shaming the Stone Age Body Corporate stuck in BC narrow minded times.
                                                                      • Bex
                                                                        If you can get enough people on the committee to vote to have the option of solar panels, then have a lawyer change the by-laws. Pets are now allowed in strata buildings, it seems inconceivable that in this day and age people are not advocating more on this pressing issue, especially when using electricity over solar affects our planet for future generations to come.
                                                                        • doug m 408074
                                                                          keep fighting them
                                                                          • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                            In theory - no, but in reality - yes (with you being a prime example)!
                                                                            • kristian s 513441
                                                                              I don't own any property for me to put any solar panels on.
                                                                              • Linda C
                                                                                I am on a BC committee and it is the most frustrating position to be in. Most leave everything up to the few and then complain if it does not meet with their view even though they were advised of meetings they never attend, asked to vote on an issue, asked for their input all to no avail. I do realise that living in a Strata situation everyone has the right to vote and reject, request etc. and also the units are supposed to be uniform as much as possible i.e. fencing, colours and such. I cannot see any reason to veto your application to install solar panels unless they are an ugly eyesore which I cannot see them being. May I ask if you are on the committee?
                                                                                • APB
                                                                                  My wife is ....but she has been excluded from the debate
                                                                                • Linda CAPB
                                                                                  I think only one person/owner per unit is allowed on the committee or have any input. That is how it is here in Qld. anyhow.
                                                                              • The dog house
                                                                                It is your property I thought you have the right to put them in. It is no cost to them.
                                                                                • APB
                                                                                  Thats what I would have thought too Suzy!!!
                                                                                • Pato Lo Duck
                                                                                  You don’t own the roof in a strata complex.
                                                                              • Phyrephly
                                                                                If you own the building, how can they stop you from doing pretty much what you want to do with it? Unless they say it's a "eye-sore" issue, which is basically crap these days esp to do with solar panels - everyone wants to save the planet from nasty old climate-change monster, right? Damned if you do, and damned if you don't with these people. If you can "threaten" them with court, I'd do so. These idiots think that the common Joe-Shmo is an idiot. They're probably just trying to scare you. Good luck with it tho', whatever happens.
                                                                                • APB
                                                                                  I meant to say "from a great height"...OK?...lets concentrate on the rest of this issue and please let us not get side tracked...I should be allowed to help save the world....right?

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