Discussion of the Day
Physical Activity
bill k26-Jan-25
Should adults be paid to exercise in order to improve their health and fitness, or receive s rebate from their health fund for exceeding?
Comments - Page 2
  • jeffrey t 1083827
    No Like It or Leave It. It's your choice
    • Christine 1448143
      I tend to think that governments would not be able to afford to do this. Who would keep the people accountable to make sure that they exercise? Exercise is normally healthy but it needs to be done in moderation. Unfortunately there have been cases where people have died doing exercise. There could have been an underlying reason or someone had a traumatic injury playing sports.
      • MoB
        No. Who would be paying them? Would that be the goverment, that is the taxpayers, or their employers?
        • Robert F 1161011
          Sure, and may as well pay us to quit smoking, drinking alcohol, and consuming large amounts of sugar and salt.
          • Lyn A.
            sounds good, but no. no government/tax payer/insurer can afford to do this. Exercise is not always a good thing if taken to excess as many do. there are long term affects on body from many exercise regimes
            • View all 4 replies
            • writerrochelle
              AARP United Healthcare Advantage Plan pays $10 a month for just 30 minutes of activity for 10 days a month, and I self report. ;-D
            • Lyn A.writerrochelle
              wow that is incredible. I walk every day, usually twice per day between 2 and 4.5k's per walk. Just to get bit of outside exercise, meet people etc. Used to have a dog to do it with but she 'crossed the bridge' 3 months ago, now sometimes I borrow a dog for the company
            • writerrochelleLyn A.
              I have a 13 year old toy poodle named Sadie, but we don't walk in the wind, rain, cold or heat! I would love to 'go' when she does! ;-D
            • Lyn A.writerrochelle
              yes timing is important with fur baby. Mine needed walk at least once per day as she wouldn't defecate in her own yard. so had to time it around the weather. Enjoy your time with Sadie
          • pam rae
            TY,Pamela G...!!
            • Peter 1546748
              I would have gladly taken payment to watch those 3 beautiful women , doing the 20 minute workout show on Toronto TV. Great cardio for me just sitting on the couch, watching every day.
              • Norman PSBHRJ
                People should exercise on their own terms, it's pretty rediculous to think that adults should be paid to exercise. Maybe when over a certain age have a discount at some Gym.
                • writerrochelle
                  AARP United Healthcare Advantage Plan pays $10 a month for just 30 minutes of activity for 10 days a month, and I self report. They offer Silver Sneakers gym membership for free, and pay for this activity! ;-D
              • pam rae
                HELLO JANN R, TY....
                • JANN R
                  I think thats over the top if you want to exercise its your choice why should anyone pay you to do it I just do my gardening and other things out side
                  • Val 1394045
                    Just excerise. Little walk Maybe chair excerises. You do not need to be paid to have some fun
                    • Tupulua S
                      WHAT MONEY ??? If you want to live and get more time with your love ones, get up do some walking. People who cant walk, get your nurse and health care take you outside in the wheelchair . breath some fresh air, will do wonders in your body
                      • Roeli L
                        No, don't need any money. Just need to stop doing surveys, which I am hooked on!
                        • Tupulua S
                          eat pork trotters, the bone will stick on your fingers, then you can't hold a computer mouse
                      • Darla T
                        Money is not a good incentive. Perhaps a full length mirror would be helpful tool in getting people to get physically active. You have to like what you are doing in order to keep doing it. Finding out what that is can be challenging.
                        • Daniel T 626103
                          No, thats rediculous!!, it would be like getting paid to sleep.
                          • Kristine 1623930
                            Motivation always helps, but I'm not sure about monetary rewards.
                            • Elizabeth T 396096
                              • Pamela P 877367
                                It’s a great incentive for a discounted insurance rate. However, trying to stay in shape is to your personal benefit.
                                • Laura 1512647
                                  BE PAID that would be a no, I think adults should exercise in order to improve their health and mobility, but not be paid to do so
                                  • Danielle R 478487
                                    If you buy items to assist your fitness,whether it be a mountain bike ,yoga mat ,gym subscription etc then it would be nice to either be able to claim some of the money on either tax return or your health insurance or get a reduction in your premium.
                                    • diana 1578758
                                      Funny sure but most of them work
                                      • Nicole 1534492
                                        Sure. I think its a great idea. It could create other more positive incentive ideas/-programs/panels- Etc
                                        • Nada 1610508
                                          I believe that this would help in a lot of ways. I have Fibromyalgia, and exercise is hard for me to do. The doctor says that I need to lose weight, therefore I need to exercise, but my body is in so much pain on the daily that I can't force myself to do it. But maybe this would work for me. Money is an awesome incentive.
                                          • Carolyn H 146141
                                            Great idea!
                                            • Jennine 1587631
                                              No some people don't exercise is not always possible for some people due to severe physical impairments and constant pain. I do not think people would do it even for money it depends on the person, their circumstances, location, and personal ability to physically do some exercises. If they do and are disabled or really out of shape they need to start slow and build up. Like 5 sit ups then increase to 7, 10, 12, 15 and that goes for any thing they do. If they start out like someone in good shape who is just maintaining weight and being toned up. They can become even more impaired with pain and decided to quit.
                                              • Darlene L 386670
                                                No, if they wanted to exercise they would.
                                                • pam rae
                                                  NO, IT'S UP TO THEM TO EXERCISE AND WATCH THEIR WEIGHT
                                                  • Cami
                                                    I think it would help people if there was an incentive
                                                    • Tanya 1543473
                                                      Sure y not
                                                      • Chris N 853314
                                                        Gentle exercise is generally considered good for cardiac health.
                                                        • Rod 1479101
                                                          Kind of a cool question. It might lower healthcare costs overall as well as wait times for important surgeries.
                                                          • Cher
                                                            Would not hurt
                                                            • LA
                                                              Sure, paying adults to exercise sounds great—until the government goes broke because everyone suddenly becomes a marathon runner. Who knew fiscal collapse could start with too many squats?
                                                              • Teri 1282723
                                                                Sure; it could be just the right incentive to get some people moving.
                                                                • APB
                                                                  I am very sad to see just how many overweight and VERY fat people I see everyday flying around on electric scooters...something is VERY wrong with our society,,if one of those clowns hits me and I survive...... it is not going to be pretty.... plenty of physical activity though.... any day now..
                                                                  • View all 13 replies
                                                                  • Roy R 1009866
                                                                    APB, Sometimes it is case of what came first. Are some of these people in carts because they are fat or fat because they are in carts? Who can't know the answer to these questions by looking at them. Did they get fat because they have a physical issue and could not be active to stay slim and fit like you for example? Instead of thinking about what you will be doing if one of these, cart bound individuals, pick you off you feet just think how fortunate you are that you are not in that cart ! But I will agree there is something wrong with our society, as you say, when we are more likely to complain about someone interfering with our lives than on helping others.
                                                                  • Jennine 1587631Roy R 1009866
                                                                    Some people have disabilities or combinations of them. I have Hypothyroidism, Bursitis of both hips which is very painful (finally my doctor gave me medication that helps with that some) I also have Fibromyalgia. I was slender until age 38 and my Thyroid quit and doctors did not know what was wrong for 7 years. Finally they realized I had Hypothyroidism and the blood tests were not showing it. I went from 128 lbs to 248 lbs in 7 year and was near heart failure. Now I am on thyroid med and I do eat healthy but 3 falls injuring my left knee did not help and neither did surgery on my right knee. I sometimes ride the carts if my knees or hips are flaring up other times I use a regular cart. Weather is a factor for one along with stress. I do exercise and doctors are working to break through why in spite of eating healthy why I am not losing weight but I am not gaining either. I am determined to get my weight down and will. But it is is going to take me a year or more to do it healthy and right. All these Gyms and YMCA are not affordable to me and are 20-30 miles away one way as well. So I have developed a 20 minute morning exercise routine and one in the evenings and do both at least 3-5 days a week. A lot of our foods are adulterated with corn syrup and other unhealthy things like red die. I hate being overweight and saving money to do some other things to help get it down it takes money and time and encouragement and support, I lack money and support right now. Winter is harder but Spring is coming. I am also measuring and though I have not lost weight I have lost inches a total of 18 inches since I started 6 weeks ago Lots of water daily, rest and pace yourself, know what you can eat and what helps and allow for a cookie or small dish of ice cream etc not daily but a couple times a week.
                                                                  • Roy R 1009866Jennine 1587631
                                                                    It almost seem like you have misunderstood my comments above. I am in agreement with you that some people have issues or problems that aren't always apparent to others. I was trying to make that point in my comments to ABP above. now she needs some convincing.
                                                                  • APBRoy R 1009866
                                                                    I Was talking about 2 wheeled scooters by the way....the ones that fly around silently at 50kpm on the pavements....nobody said anything about "carts"
                                                                  • Roy R 1009866APB
                                                                    How do you know they were riding at 50 kpm ? You don't
                                                                  • APBRoy R 1009866
                                                                    Interestingly enough I recently drove along in my car next to one to find out....I was doing 50 to keep up with him... that is why I chose that figure...
                                                                  • Roy R 1009866APB
                                                                    I am sceptical. That is really fast for a scooter.
                                                                  • APBRoy R 1009866
                                                                    Someone told me they are supposed to have a regulator or something on them so they cannot go faster than 35kpm...maybe that's in some other country...but if you get hit by 120 kg man doing even 30 kph on a metal platform its going to do some serious damage...
                                                                  • Roy R 1009866APB
                                                                    I have taken my time to respond to your last reply but I think I am ready. These people who told you about how fast these scooter can travel, who are they, how do they know? And a little suggestion to stay safe would be to not be looking for a scooter, that might be travelling to fast for you, and stay away from them. Why are you looking for trouble and possible injury?
                                                                  • APBRoy R 1009866
                                                                    OK thanks Roy I've had enough...
                                                                  • Roy R 1009866APB
                                                                    Happy to see you can see the wrong in your position, a Christian Republican I am guessing.
                                                                  • APBRoy R 1009866
                                                                    could not be further wrong my friend....not even the right country...
                                                                  • Roy R 1009866APB
                                                                    Don't take my words so literal. While you do fit the profile of an American Christian Republican you could just as easily be a Canadian Christian Conservative. In a barrel upside down it would be difficult to tell the difference. I hope to "talk" again with you. By the way I also am Canadian.
                                                                • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                  Should FINANCIALLY DISADVANTAGED people (Example: Senior Citizen) be paid to take care of their health...hm... YES.
                                                                  • Nicole 1627104
                                                                    • Holly Cat
                                                                      I used to have a health insurance that I could earn points and redeem gift cards. I would get points for things like getting an annual exam, getting an annual dental exam, etc. I would always choose the grocery store gift card and altogether I got about $200 in gift cards, maybe more, but to answer the question, I think these type of programs are great. I also got discount offers to join a gym, among other things.
                                                                      • Danielle R 478487
                                                                        Great idea. Quite often it's expensive to be proactive about your health. That type of incentive is worthwhile
                                                                    • Jack M 393074
                                                                      Why not? Sweden pays kids to go to school!

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