Discussion of the Day
Financial education
It's sometimes mentioned by the media, that WOMEN tend to have much poorer financial skills than men, and that does seem to be the case!
Many women say they like to be --independent, but some of them prove otherwise.
Some leave it to their partners to sort out the family finance.
Many of those then...who break up with their spouses... are left High and Dry!.
Some end up with little money when they part company with their Ex --partners.
Why do you think women, in general, tend to be so reluctant to take charge of their financial affairs?
Is it upbringing?
They also are less likely to have less super than men, less likely to have as much investment.
Isn't it about time they took control and started to control one of the most important things in life, MONEY?
Your Views?
  • Edith v
    Sorry to disillusion you .I agree what you say is applicable to "some women "& "some men"It so happens that I look after all our financial affairs & without modesty I have been very efficient .
    • Wendy Q
      I must admit, I don't really get into it. I just pay bills and look after my bank accounts as I can.
      • Priscilla R 316016
        While ever women take time off from work in childbirth nothing much will alter with the final super balances, Would you have it another way? If so, how? I have always had control over the family finances and day-to-day running thereof. But I had no control over my super total, because I left work every time I had a child [had 4] and nurtured my children so didn't go back to work till they were no longer breastfeeding. Would you do it differently? But I was very aware of our household finances, our business finances and made sure both of us were on the same page as far as what we earned, what we owed and how we would pay back debt.
        • lulu
          women were always in charge of the pennies when i grew up so no issues
          • Amber 22
            any one can do it if they put all they have there best shot
            • Richard M 407933
              Gender has nothing to do with it. There are varying degrees of financial competence for both men and women.
              • Lisa K 342136
              • Tavi
                I agree too...
            • Melinda B 311794
              Hmm. This is an interesting one. Telling someone how to manage their money is not okay. Basic practical financial education in schools would probably be beneficial.
              • Paula J 395266
                I learnt to balance a cheque book in school and believe managing money should be taught at an early age. I worked in a bank and found males and females are very different when it comes to money matters. I lent more money to young women for investment properties than men and women were more likely to ask about interest on car loans than men. For the most part men wanted to pay the least amount over the longest time while women wanted to pay it off quickly no matter how much it hurt. Of course some women were silly with money and so were some men but both men and women glazed over when you mention superannuation. They always said "tomorrow" but with super today is always better than tomorrow. Perhaps young women tend to remain at home longer so have the ability to save more, I don't really know but I did find some young women far more mature about money matters than men of their own age.
                • Carolyn H 319412
                  I think financial education should happen in high school. I am about to write a book about financial goals starting with having a budget to guide you. I do this every week or fortnight depending how often I receive money.
                  • Edith v
                    I am certainly not reluctant to manage our finances .Firstly my husband trusts me .I make sure we live within our means .With surplus I organise our Cruise holidays .He knows all bills will be paid on time .It is an ideal partnership
                    • LESLEY S 385154
                      We had our own business and worked it well. My husband was totally better at maths than I was and worked the accounts and quotes because it was how it happened. I was good at the taxation side and when GST first came in I had got that sorted quite quickly into a system that worked really well. I guess our style complimented each of our special interest and that allowed me to be ab le to do other necessary jobs that needed doing. I didn't mind who did what as long as everything got done.
                      • diane c QLD
                        everyone needs to know about finance
                        • Catalina
                          What if there is no money? Just enough to live from one week to the other? That’s not gender specific.
                          • Pet
                            I look after all our finances and my Husband and I earn a similar wage. My Husband won't spend money without asking me.
                            • Jacqueline R 353303
                              I think schools should teach children about managing money, domestic chores & how to sew on a button. Basic things that they will need in later life instead of some of the rubbish they are taught. Thank goodness I had domestic science at school that was handy later in life. Just wish I had learnt more of how to manage my money, did ok, but could have done alot better if I had known more.
                              • Luke W 72035
                                Women shouldn't feel bad about this and I hope this doesn't sound like man-splaining. I just want to raise a point. After I started trying to learn a little more about the financial realm it occurred to me that almost everyone I know had no real financial knowledge at all bar maybe one or two people who had wealthy parents. It seemed like everyone was just told to work, save and hey presto life works out perfectly. The reality is the game is rigged and it's overly complicated by design. Half the people who claim to be financial experts have less of an idea what's going on than it appears and their predictions are just that. It's hardly surprising that anyone at all might find it intimidating or find it frustrating enough to avoid where possible because a unknowing wrong move or misunderstanding might have them being threatened by the tax man or whatever the case may be. Nice to see this inflation talk is pumping up lately (even if overstated or even at times understated I guess) and people are realizing the money in their savings accounts actually becoming almost worthless isn't that far fetched. It seems obvious we weren't really taught anything but "save" for a reason. I was put onto the Dollarmites thing by Commonwealth Bank in primary school. They should have told me or my parents to put that money into an ETF or something.
                                • Dimitri T 100433
                                  from a males point of view, women generally not interested in financial matters & it is the case in our family-my wife has very little interest in financials-just the basics
                                  • Bev
                                    These days women I think are more likely to get a career first before having children. There are others who don't and they are the vulnerable ones who end up high and dry.
                                    • Tara F 630838
                                      I think this is a load of rubbish, women are more sensible with there money, men spend on big fancy items where women like to make a home more for themselves.
                                      • Judy CH
                                        I never had a good upbringing and there was never much money, Mum wasted what little there was, she always smoked and when the benefit came in she would buy things like frozen meat patties etc instead of fresh meat and blow the money really quickly. When I was 13 my older sister tried to get me to smoke, I thought about it and decided with what she spent on cigarettes a week I could buy a new dress or pair of shoes. I was married at 18, I have always managed the finances, taught myself how to cook and worked hard.
                                        • Lones
                                          We are never to young or old to learn, and I think we should be involved as women have children, stay home more, and if they end up alone, some have no clue to the financial situations. Kristina L your husband is one of the good guys. In Australia it’s becoming more and more women over 50’s are ending up in dire situations and sometimes homeless. My father taught us all how to save, invest and survive, I use to think it was boring now I am so great full.
                                          • Louisa W
                                            No comment on that subject
                                            • Claude H
                                              This is not true. It depends on the person
                                              • Kristina L 134251
                                                My husband insists on dragging me into all financial decision making. Sometimes it’s exhausting and there are just some things in finances I know he is better at than I am. Still I do the online courses to please him and try to be involved even though I just really don’t want to. Damn husband
                                                • Debbie W 69651
                                                  I think this is something that should be taught in schools. Lots of people not just women have no idea about finance and are to afraid to ask. If more information was given at school maybe women would have the confidence to look after their own money instead of letting their partners do so.
                                                  • Jenny L 591463
                                                    My grandmother had 2 small children during WW2 and they fled Malaya and ended up in Western Australia, she lost a baby on the journey. My grandpa ended up a prisoner for years. Any way my grandma was one of the first in Australia to put strawberries into vanilla ice cream. She made quite a bit of money for her self and her 2 children. They waited until grandpa could come back and then went back to the UK. My parents settled back here once they were married. I am proud to say I am in charge of our finances, I pay all the bills and I know where every cent has gone or where it needs to be. I do believe some women aren't allowed to have their own money in some marriages. Me kind of included the first time around. Not the case this time. It certainly makes a change. I still have my own bank account and I transfer what I want when I want.
                                                    • View all 4 replies
                                                    • Phyrephly
                                                      well, now I know who to tell my dad he can thank for the strawberries and (ice) cream thing he LOVES to eat after dinner ;}
                                                    • Melinda B 311794
                                                      I don't think I am the best financial manager. There are certainly areas I could improve on. That being said, I am extremely reluctant to share my financial affairs with other people because they are very, very, VERY few people you can trust!!! Your grandma sounds like a dynamo.
                                                    • Jenny L 591463Melinda B 311794
                                                      Yeah she was and people complained to the ice cream company asking them to stop selling to her and their response was why would we stop she sells a lot more ice cream then the ones who were complaining.
                                                    • Melinda B 311794Jenny L 591463
                                                      The market dictated their strategy, based on what people wanted. I guess that's how commerce just works.
                                                  • Michele W 394946
                                                    Reading through the comments your assumptions are incorrect.
                                                    • Ellen C 69679
                                                      In my family - myself, my mother, grandmother... We have all been in charge of our families finances. My grandmother was recently placed into a nursing home and it was quite a shock to the system for my grandfather who didn't even know how to use the atm because his wife had always been in charge of the finances. I am much more financially literate then my husband, if it where left to him nothing would be paid on time and we would have little in the bank account. As for super, women I think generally have less super as have previously spent a good chunk of their working lives as the main caregiver to children - when you aren't working you aren't accumulating super. Many women in the western world are very independent, educated and financially literate and will only become more so in the future.
                                                      • mary josephine b
                                                        Apart from serving in our family store from an early age also from the age of 7 we were taught about money at school by joining the Yorshire Penny Bank on a Monday morning all of which has helped me in life but still I have lost money in what was thought a safe investment
                                                        • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                          I am guessing most females in enlightening countries are handling financials issues with superb skill - especially if they are single or a single parent?! My ex-wife is still a CPA (Cerified Public Accountant)!
                                                          • Melinda B 311794
                                                            Ha ha I love that so many of these answers turn the assumptions of the question on its head.
                                                        • Viola
                                                          I guess I'm lucky that my husband wanted me to look after the money. He wasn't interested and didn't want the responsibility of paying bills. Being a homemaker I had plenty of time to search out good deals on savings accounts and home loans etc. My husband often tells me how lucky he is to have me in charge of our finances. Our home is paid off, we have no debts and we live comfortably on our income and have money in the bank for emergencies if something needs to be repaired or replaced. And of course I do surveys in my spare time to earn extra money which helps.
                                                          • Asesh S
                                                            My wife has more of a say in all of our financial decisions and is very confident in herself to do so but my mum isn't and I do think sometimes it is the upbringing or just reluctance in doing so. I have female friends and family who are very confident about themselves and their financial independence but also have some who really aren't that interested. In my opinion a woman should be independent in everything and should be supported. It's upto the individual like I said my mum is ok with the fact that my dad makes most of the financial decisions but my wife is not.
                                                            • Julie K 348980
                                                              For a long time it was social conditioning where the “little woman” stayed at home and looked after the needs of the “man of the house”.
                                                              • Sonya F 68771
                                                                Money makes the world go around
                                                                • Bung,
                                                                  I generally feel most females these days either share the financial arrangements in the home or a least have considerable input into the decisions made. Decisions should be made by both male and female together when in a family relationship, both are as responsible as the other for the family its, finances and they they live.
                                                                  • B Keeper
                                                                    It is up to everyone to understand their own finances. Sadly financial education is ignored in education. I came from a basic family that had no money but a lot of love. I retired when I was 45 and have lived a happy life on a tropical island for the last 23 years.
                                                                    • Robert T 597718
                                                                      A very important part of life
                                                                      • Gaza
                                                                        My daughter is working her butt off just to pay her sons school fees.
                                                                        • Anneliese
                                                                          I don't like owing money. If I don't have enough to pay for something I don't buy it. I like to have savings set aside if I need, and only spend on what I have to. I do indulge sometimes but more like a treat, or an achievement, a goal. That makes it worth it, saving towards something. Although now I have a little family and I'm not earning because I'm the full time parent. It's a bit different. I still see it as my partner pays for rent and some household things, but I still manage my spending, health care, food, things for our daughter, education, books, clothes etc. I don't think you should rely totally on someone else or if you split or expect them to pay for everything. Who ever earns the most should be able to keep most if you part ways. Its not really fair if they have to work hard and then give half away.
                                                                          • Carroll W 395043
                                                                            A lot of men believe they should controll the money purse,I've been told some even ask the wife to bring the change back. That doesn't happen in my marriage and isn't about to any time soon.
                                                                            • Luna
                                                                              Suppose it depends on the finances that you are speaking of. Men are risk takers. My situation is that I have been wanting to invest to the past 10 or so years, I've just opened a trading account recently and have just been watching it. I'm nervous to take the plunge but I will do it as I understand more about it now. Before in my earlier years every time I tried to understand it all I was just overwhelmed. If we are just talking about general finances and saving money etc then I'm good at that. Also it doesn't help that schools never really taught anything about work, super, investing etc. to help.
                                                                              • Robin P 447811
                                                                                Historical roles are problematical.
                                                                                • Margarret F
                                                                                  Social conditioning still wreaks havoc and we have evidence of the patriarchal attitudes in life and in law. I have lived long enough to see some of this change but we have recent evidence of these pressures being re-imposed on a whole country. Personally I asserted myself from at least the age of four and always found a way to take charge of my own life by making my own decisions - including about any money or other assets. Fortunately I kept my own bank accounts but I NEVER learned any of that from parents or school. The short answer is society's attitudes that take many generations to change. I do acknowledge that taking control and responsibility for your own life can be scary for some people. I never believed the fairytales but there is still a lot of seductive stuff fed to both sexes in ALL media
                                                                                  • Larry S 382961
                                                                                    it depends on where they come from. middle eastern countries women/females are under the thumb of males so have no say in anything. once they get out of area and live as a westerner they wake up to what they can do. drive cars, clothes they wear and friends etc
                                                                                    • Morton B
                                                                                      I think in general that is much less now than say in 50-70's. My wife & I have been married nigh on 40 years and all our finances & assets are in joint name, she has as much say in & knowledge about them as I do. It should be a joint thing, it doesnt matter if one does most of dealing the other should be fully involved
                                                                                      • Beverley S 383001
                                                                                        I had an uncle who was so much in charge of the finances in his home that when he died his wife didn't know enough to even write a cheque! Their kids fleeced her of her money so she ended up dying almost penniless. I handle most of the financial transactions in our home, but I discuss things with my husband before any decisions are made.
                                                                                        • Phyrephly
                                                                                          Beverley, Shame on those kids!
                                                                                      • Empress
                                                                                        Very important to know from a young age.
                                                                                        • Joe B 288252
                                                                                          This is an individual preference, if they are interested enough then there’s nothing to stop them and just stop and think for a moment of the skills required to be a Domestic Manager. It’s not something that just happens like taking a dump…lol…..and it’s quite undervalued
                                                                                          • Pieter K
                                                                                            I don't think that one sex has more skills than the other in this regard. I am a male and I happen to very good at my finances and paperwork in general, however, I am terrible at anything mechanical or digital and I admire anyone that can perform those tasks. Basically it is about one's aptitude to certain skills.
                                                                                            • Macca
                                                                                              It is responsibility of the owner whether one person or couple. It needs to be taught in schools especially with all the scammers around now.
                                                                                              • Pat B 169666
                                                                                                how to manage money and set up a budget should be taught at school at an early age
                                                                                                • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                                  how to manage money and set up a buget should be TAUGHT at home by your PARENTS!
                                                                                              • Peter B 231413
                                                                                                Both man and woman are responsible for their finances whether they like it or not. Best to learn about it and do something what that knowledge.
                                                                                                • beverly w 540992
                                                                                                  when i started school in nz we also had a bank account andd we used to take our money along every tuesday to bank it. my dad also bought his pay packet home unopened and gave it to mum and she did all the finances and paid the bills, mainly because my dad worked 2 jobs and did not have time, but he also taught me that if i wanted to buy something, i had to save for it as there was no such thing in our house called hire purchase.
                                                                                                  • Macca
                                                                                                    Well said and true
                                                                                                • Tupulua S
                                                                                                  When it comes to money, every woman and man are expert in counting their own money . In the olden days that might had been the case. Now a days, there a lots more women are expert in financial dealings. Most of them are aware of financial situations in marriage
                                                                                                  • beverly w 540992
                                                                                                    when i got married in 1973, my husband took me to the bank to get us a joint account, needless to say the manager was horrified and tried to talk him out of it but he did not budge. all through our married life i looked after the finances,paid the bills while my husband worked night shifts.so when my husband passed away and i was on my own, i dont have any problems looking after my finances.
                                                                                                    • Stephen F 84899
                                                                                                      Whats stopping anyone to know & use financial anythings ?
                                                                                                      • Rhonda D 522615
                                                                                                        Are you serious?
                                                                                                        • Igor A
                                                                                                          "Isn't it about time they took control and started to control one of the most important things in life, MONEY?" Yes, of course, and do it at your own risk, expense and time.
                                                                                                          • Maree B 85308
                                                                                                            I don't think you know what your talking about.
                                                                                                            • SueM2
                                                                                                              Schools USED to teach financial concepts! When I was young, there was a Post Office Savings scheme run by all schools throughout NZ and we all took our 2/- along each week to lodge in our a/cs. We were taught: "Look after the pennies, and the pounds will take care of themselves" which is as true today as then! Then, when I started work, my father ruled that 1/3 of my wages would be board, 1/3 to be banked and the remaining 1/3 I could spend. Simple & effective; managing money does not have to be a degree course!
                                                                                                              • JANN R
                                                                                                                I was shown by my parents how to manage money and it has helped me over the years and I pasted this on to my kids it does not mater what gender you are its up to you to look out for yourself
                                                                                                                • Kim N 285099
                                                                                                                  The school didn’t teach! Didn't you notice it? The school teaches everything, but it just didn't teach children the correct concept of financial management from an early age. Men and women are equal, and there are men who are extremely incapable of managing money. There are many such people around me. I suggest that the education department should add financial education to the primary school curriculum earlier. A good concept of saving money should be taught from an early age.
                                                                                                                  • The dog house
                                                                                                                    I have observed in retail how the man pays for items his wife/partner needs or wants. Some men control women from what I observed. I remember another woman quickly giving me money for something she wanted to buy but was too scared to show her partner. This was horrible to observe. There are still many men who control and bully their partners. These women need to leave them and try to become independent. It is not easy for them especially when they might not work. Some men because they work they feel they have the right to control the money. It is unfortunate that any woman in this day and age have to live like this.
                                                                                                                    • Frank N
                                                                                                                      In my experience there is a range of abilities and performance in both genders. I have not seen anything that leads me to Zing's conclusion that women tend to have much poorer financial skills than men.
                                                                                                                      • Chosen
                                                                                                                        The solution - Joint accounts, Joint ownership, Joint responsibility. Not hard.
                                                                                                                        • David C 471262
                                                                                                                          Could not be more wrong. I have two daughters, so constantly get told off!!
                                                                                                                          • Helen E 469767
                                                                                                                            I have worked for many years and have saved and bought the cars, caravan solar panels etc. I am about to buy my first new car for me. All others have been for us. I still have a little invested but not much. My husband is an only child and has always spent what he has earned. He has always had what he wants when he wants it.
                                                                                                                            • MoB
                                                                                                                              Most, not all, women are better with finances than men. Nearly all of my female friends look after the family finances. But of course, I am from the older generation and remember my father and grandfather coming home with the pay packet and handing it over to my mother and grandmother who also controlled the finances. It is in the upbringing whether females are brought up to be independent or not.
                                                                                                                              • Sheree T
                                                                                                                                I actually deal with all the finances. Perhaps they were not bought up to be so independent.

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