Discussion of the Day
The Grammer and Spelling Police!!
Daniel T12-Sep-22
Is it just me, or has there been a rise in people who in insist on correcting other people's Spelling and Grammar?? (even now, I'm sure I've probably put a full stop in the wrong place or misspelled a few words)
Is this a battle worth fighting or just plain Jerky, what do you think??
By the way, it annoys the crap out of me
  • Sagittarius 1515791
    I think the occurrence of that happens at schooling. I don't think it's necessary or relevant unless they're working in such type of business. People aren't born in this world to please edits not unless you were born with a pencil in your hand. You talk before you write Just saying
    • Campbell C 184664
      Bad grammar I can live with ..if its understandable. But what I cannot accept is misspelling of names. An example is the Australian Labor Party ... that right Labor! There is no "U" in it.
      • Andrew C 287196
        The question title has spelt "grammar" wrong and the paragraphs explaining it are missing a couple of full stops and a capital letter. 😛
        • ChevyJulie 1473189
          I like it when I read different spellings of the same words especially between Americans and Canadians.
          • Gunter L
            Daniel, if it annoys the crap out of you, then it has fulfilled its task beautifully.
            • Gunter L
              Daniel, wake up! That is EXACTLY what it is meant to do.
              • allin
                eye meyecelff donut hav eneproblums with grammar,, she makes me apple pie and cakes and things,,,,,
                • Grommie
                  oh and then you go and do grammer and grammar... sigh.. too easy to do, isn't it?
                  • Tamara 1373397
                    As a Dyslexic its absolutely funny when it happens to me....Like Derrr I know, I suck I always have. It's more amusing that they have to comment. Its extra amusing if they are trying to use it in an argument or to try feel smarter or one up the other person because that actually displays a lack of intelligence 😄. Good Grammar and Spelling has nothing to do with intelligence! We have known that since the 1700s Actually a major % of the smartest minds, a large chunck of the most wealthy, 40% of self made millionaire entrepreneurs have Dyslexia.. Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Richard Brandson, Robin Williams, Picasso, Steven Spielberg, Nicola Tesla, etc the lists are huge, especially when you get into the scientific community. So yeah its a learning difficulty. But not a disability, Actually it makes the brain constantly be training and thus dyslexics are often very fast thinkers, fast at learning, and great problem solvers as this is what the dyslexic brain is constantly doing. So Grammar Nazi come at me brah! Cause not only are you looking like a school yard bully fk tard, looking for a I'm smarter than you ego boost. But my favourite part, is the fact you are actually showing a lack of knowledge by trying to do just that. But its also not your falt. Because dyslexia is not a mental illness or disability. But Grammar Police is an OFFICIAL MENTAL Illness a type of OCD called Grammar Pendanry Syndrome. (GPS) You probably should looked at. Could cause a little bit of cognitive conflict and confusion and generally make you feel like shit. I wouldn't swap you for it. That sounds like it sucks. Besides Dyslexia is Sexia
                    • ChevyJulie 1473189
                      That was well said 😀
                  • Joe B 288252
                    Metamucil….good for moderating crap………lol
                    • Brian 511603
                      If a Grammar nazi has a go at you, and they're getting all Het up. Just say There Their They're They'll luv's ya forever
                      • pamela 1273170
                        Try having Dyslexia its horrible the amount of people out their that have to correct you. Yeah i have dyslexia i can't read books like most, i can't spell like most and some times what i say even don't make sense to most. But thats just me and who i am but i don't like it when people try and correct things because if you sit here and tell me what i have done wrong by the following day i will have forgotten and its gone out the window
                        • Lee b 979050
                          I hayt maken mizcakes.
                          • ChevyJulie 1473189
                            Knot mea!
                        • Robert F 1161011
                          I don't mind being corrected. I'll edit mistakes and fix them. So far it hasn't happened.
                          • Simone S 316632
                            Not a battle worth fighting. No war can be won on the internet.
                            • Judy CooplandiaQueen
                              Are their rules about such things when it skates on bulling ... and I’m not one to be fond of that term but some find themselves stocking comments just to insult grammar spelling punctuation or sentence structures saying they can’t understand because of those things . Should someone be reported and if so how?
                                • Glenys R 127976
                                  Is it just me, or did people know how to spell better in years gone by? If it's a typo, or a mistake, I can handle that. We've all been there. It's the lazy spelling, or not being bothered to learn how to spell a simple word correctly that gets me.
                                  • Carolyn7 P
                                    I taught school for a few years, so I always corrected my children. I now correct my Grandchildren. I look at it as a learning experience, but correcting others is not my place.
                                    • ChevyJulie 1473189
                                      Dont ereybodie had speil cheek? LoL 😂 JK
                                  • Judy CooplandiaQueen
                                    I’m always being red penciled over spelling typos Grammer , comas , periods... to may question marks , a run on sentence or two. half a thought picked up a line or two later using my version of short hand . My thought of a person feels the need to insult. To question someone’s intelligence from spelling correct their there or their being used but they don’t have the mental capacity to figure where the sentences lead in thought they are the ones with questionable intelligence if they can’t attempt to follow the writers thoughts . Being stalked bullied or dogpiled because of one or two comments with errors I’d def not cool just to appear smart. They have no idea if the writer feels comfortable trying to be helpful , had a medical issue that caused the errors is new to English or just don’t want to spend more time correcting then pecking what’s running though their thoughts .
                                    • jeff e
                                      • Roy R 1009866
                                        There's more of every complaint with the increased use if social media. But is it a complaint when you point out someone's poor grammar or making spelling mistakes when in many cases they should know better. Should know better because in some cases the criticism is directed at a professional announcer, speaker, radio or television personality. Is it too much to expect these people to speak or write properly? Many people who are not professionals do manage to speak and write properly. Here is one, I can think of many more, that really irks me. Often on :"professional" golf broadcasts the announcers, those in the towers and others on the the ground refer to the second hole or the second shot, by any player on any hole, as the secont shot or the secont hole. This is not a typo they say second with a "t" not a d.
                                        • mary c
                                          I'm just glad there really aren't grammar or spelling Police so we can type woteva we wanna!
                                          • Denise C (Qld)
                                            Speaking of which Grammar is spelt wrong IN YOUR HEADING
                                            • Pat C 618241
                                              This discussion could go back as far as Shakespeare. Every few years or now even earlier, words and phrases slip into English. When I was still in high school I remember hearing that there was a learned group in France who deliberated on "new" words which had slipped into French and whether they could be accepted. Haven't heard of them lately, probably had a stroke over some cheeky insert. Words are constantly changing - if enough of us like it that way they stay.
                                              • Sweetums
                                                Accidents are one thing, misspelling on purpose just shows immature rebellion. I don't run in circles with rebels, so that world is truly a bizarre one to me. Some people are on a different level I'll never want a part of. But great discussion, Daniel T.
                                                • Missy Wyld
                                                  lol ignore it, I type shorthand & Aussie shorthand (with a few nurse shorthand's thrown in), I'm a lazy type.....after chatting in forums for YRS! (since 1995) U learn to chat shorthand or u miss half of what people were saying as their texts flew past ur screen... At work, I have to type full on professional...all day, in reports, policies etc, so when I'm in my own time, I can cut loose a bit... If anyone has any problems with it (YES - you know who ya are) then scroll past. Don't waste ur energy on them Daniel.
                                                  • Genevieve B 352031
                                                    Yes, I think it’s fine to text casually with u for ‘you’ and ur for ‘you are’ or ‘your’ but plurals don’t usually have apostrophes unless they’re possessive, e.g., the dog’s collar. One dog, one collar, so maybe you just didn’t notice that your predictive text put one in with ‘shorthands’. No offence meant at all.
                                                • Janet H 854956
                                                  Misspelled? Why not miss-spelled? I am of the older generation and I think a lot of the mistakes like using ‘than’ instead of ‘then’ and vice versa, all boils down to laziness! Not opening our mouths properly when speaking also adds to this. It really rankles me. ??
                                                  • View all 4 replies
                                                  • Missy Wyld
                                                    maybe you should not be in the Forums if this little issue upsets u so much?
                                                  • Janet H 854956Missy Wyld
                                                    Isn’t that what forums are about?
                                                  • SweetumsJanet H 854956
                                                    yes, forums are for everyone and every opinion. Don't let her bully you. Keep commenting in the forums, no matter what your important input is. :-)
                                                  • Genevieve B 352031
                                                    If if was hyphenated, it would be mis-spelled.
                                                • Sandy G 969046
                                                  I am an English teacher and I get really annoyed by some spelling and grammar errors. The reason being that some words are being substituted for other words quite commonly these days, but have quite different meanings. For example, then and than. One indicates a sequence of events the other indicates a comparison, but are often used interchangeably these days. Much and many, another of my hot buttons. I can accept approximations in spelling of difficult words, but these types of word were among the first 500 words most students learn at school, so they should be getting them right.
                                                  • View all 4 replies
                                                  • Pato Lo Duck
                                                    It’s about attention to detail, if English is your first language. ( For others, then I understand.) If you can’t be bothered writing correctly then one would have to assume that there is much in your life that you can’t be bothered getting right either…
                                                  • Missy WyldPato Lo Duck
                                                    wow jugemental much?
                                                  • Pat C 618241Missy Wyld
                                                    u mist tha 'd'
                                                  • Missy WyldPat C 618241
                                                    lol wtfc's
                                                • Sweetums
                                                  I get bullied all the time for my comments and it just washes off me like water on a duck. So while my strengths are spelling, grammar, capitalization, sentence formation..... I don't always keep my corrections of others to myself. Especially when they continue to write things that are misspelled purposely. They are above any correction. I also know that sometimes I write a word and autocorrect on my cell changes it and I don't notice it before I hit send, but if someone corrects me, I just roll with it. No time in your life or mine for being followed and harassed everywhere on here by some people. They are insecure with themselves. If people leave me alone, I don't bother them. But when they think everything is about them, they are asking for people to reply to them. You'll never make it go away for good! Let fools be fools. They obviously have nothing better to do. Lol
                                                  • View all 4 replies
                                                  • Missy Wyld
                                                    no u dont
                                                  • SweetumsMissy Wyld
                                                    "Rewardia is only for Aussies and kiwis"..........?????????
                                                  • SweetumsMissy Wyld
                                                  • Judy CooplandiaQueen
                                                    I’m always being red penciled over spelling typos Grammer , comas , periods... to may question marks , a run on sentence or two. half a thought picked up a line or two later using my version of short hand . My thought of a person feels the need to insult. To question someone’s intelligence from spelling correct their there or their being used but they don’t have the mental capacity to figure where the sentences lead in thought they are the ones with questionable intelligence if they can’t attempt to follow the writers thoughts . Being stalked bullied or dogpiled because of one or two comments with errors I’d def not cool just to appear smart. They have no idea if the writer feels comfortable trying to be helpful , had a medical issue that caused the errors is new to English or just don’t want to spend more time correcting then pecking what’s running though their thoughts .
                                                • Tina 423889
                                                  Its a weird social media thing. People just have become meaner and give less grace towards others for their mistakes. They feel superior when calling someone else out because they are not comfortable with their own flaws
                                                  • Genevieve B 352031
                                                    Yes, the language and words written by young people nowadays is not good. I am a subeditor so I won’t bore you with the long list of mistakes I see, but there is one that really gets me. I would have and I would’ve are correct, I would OF is not. Of is no part of a verb and it will never be accepted. Get it through your heads! Ha ha Young people just read too much social media and not enough books and, therefore, they learn incorrect things. It’s quite sad, really.
                                                    • View all 4 replies
                                                    • Tom S Qld
                                                      Yes. Years ago I was reading a Peter Corris book, one of the Cliff Hardy series. I was astounded to read - 'could of' and 'would of'. I could only assume that the author was trying for the Australian vernacular, otherwise how would it have passed proofreading ? Would they let it go ?
                                                    • SweetumsTom S Qld
                                                      The proofreader was probably just as incompetent. That's my opinion. I do pride myself on my grammar and language in general because it is a strength of mine. But math and algebra and calculus......... Couldn't catch on to save my life. But still, no one appointed me the judge of anything anyone writes here, no matter what it's related to, be it grammar issues, their personal opinion(even if I disagree), or their experiences. It's not our place to judge. Or comment in an unsupportive way.
                                                    • Campbell C 184664
                                                      "they learn incorrect things" or do they learn things incorrectly?
                                                    • Genevieve B 352031Campbell C 184664
                                                      Both, ha ha
                                                  • B Keeper
                                                    I am pedantic about selling, sum timrs. I never spelling wurds incorr.ectly. butt. Others tymes I make miss steaks. I hope this clears all of that up.?!(
                                                    • View all 4 replies
                                                    • allin
                                                      luks gud to me ;-))
                                                    • Melinda B 311794allin
                                                      und mi 2
                                                    • B Keeperallin
                                                      than kew four you massage of sooport.
                                                    • B Keeperallin
                                                      yaw resspondings meens a hole lotz two me. Sandshoe vary mutch.
                                                  • Carolyn H 319412
                                                    It always annoys me when people can't spell. By using the wrong spelling, it changes the meaning of what they mean to say.
                                                    • Missy Wyld
                                                      not always
                                                  • boy blunder
                                                    punctuation can save lives, let's eat grandma, vs, let's eat, grandma. i wonder how the Egyptians went, eye before flea except after sea
                                                    • View all 3 replies
                                                    • mary c
                                                      haha :)
                                                    • Paul G 348946
                                                      Kirk: "Beam me up Scotty!" Scotty: "Och, that hurt."
                                                    • mary cPaul G 348946
                                                      haaaa :)
                                                  • Denise C (Qld)
                                                    I like to think my spelling is up to scratch and if not shall use a dictionary if available. It could be a generational thing but too often I see unforgivable spelling errors which irritate me no end. However I dont become a keyboard warrior correcting such errors no matter how much I would like to.
                                                    • roger l 315504
                                                      depends on whether you want people to completely, and correc tly,understand exactly what you intend
                                                      • Paula J 395266
                                                        I'm not aware of any grammar police, but there certainly should be.
                                                        • Jan K (Central Vic)
                                                          How can the kids of today enjoy a really good book, if they do not know how to spell correctly - perhaps they will end up writing a book that today's generation can understand - no wot i meen
                                                          • Paula J 395266
                                                            I don't think they read. I have 9 grandchildren and only one reads and was in a selective class.
                                                        • Justine L 998369
                                                          Personally, I think checking one's grammar is a way we can pay due respect to the conversation in question. I'm hopeless at grammar, (always what i think) but instead of hoping it's correct, why don't I learn all about it. Not sure? I find it difficult to portray feeling. Capital letters I always think come across as aggressive , or 'pouncy' (hehe). But how to portray excitement? I always wish there was an 'excitement' text or universal font. Italics or underlined, just doesn't have the same effect
                                                          • Genevieve B 352031
                                                            You can portray excitement by just adding an exclamation mark, e.g., amazing!
                                                        • Aisha A 379399
                                                          I think you correct it only when there's a need to understand what people mean when they say certain things. Some people are just not good with languages including English.
                                                          • Paula J 395266
                                                            I correct some of my grandchildren because they use incorrect words and I don't want other people thinking they are ignoramuses. They don't know the difference between your and you're, they mean different things and 's and s' is another. I must say they are getting better though and will message me with the corrections without my telling them..
                                                        • Morton B
                                                          Overall its pretty petty, there are many people who boost their own self esteem by putting others down. Personally I don't care about someone misspelling a word, it doesnt affect my life so just scroll past. Of course you must know what the word was meant to be to know it was misspelt which show you understand the word/message so what's the problem
                                                          • mary josephine b
                                                            If you were corrected as a young person it becomes automatic in adult life, but today there does not appear to be time
                                                            • SueS
                                                              Am shocked at the number of people who can't spell or use bad grammar
                                                              • View all 3 replies
                                                              • Paula J 395266
                                                                I dislike being sent messages minus words such as using 4 instead of four or for. Lazy.
                                                              • SueSPaula J 395266
                                                                Totally agree Paula.
                                                              • Missy WyldPaula J 395266
                                                                lol *guilty*
                                                            • Suzanne B 819834
                                                              My ex husband was one of those people.
                                                              • Don T 805693
                                                                The people who are most annoyed by being corrected are the ones who get corrected the most. Probably the kind of people who were never told by their parents that they were wrong. In most cases correcting others is not worth the effort.
                                                                • Katzeye
                                                                  It's just some people being picky and also annoys the crap out of me!
                                                                  • Poppy
                                                                    It helps to keep the educated on top
                                                                    • Annette G 805380
                                                                      I only poke fun when the typo is amusing. Like recently someone said "I thought nits were banned from School" instead of nuts, had a chuckle at that one coz if only nits were banned lol
                                                                      • Laura W 363255
                                                                        it does annoy me, especially when you see on advertisements and public notices! Sometimes I will correct!
                                                                        • William P 589978
                                                                          A battle that does not matter.
                                                                          • Jacqueline R 353303
                                                                            Trouble is the education system is rubbish now go back to the old days where we learnt to spell & do tables parrot fashion. I can add up faster than my grand kids can do it on their phones. :)
                                                                            • Helen L 750218
                                                                              A 1st world problem lol
                                                                              • Robert S 158324
                                                                                It annoys me when people do this. It makes me think we are back in school and the teachers are giving grammar lessons again. If we spell word wrong what does it matter. Some people have very little do do in their lives if they do this type of thing.
                                                                                • Give R
                                                                                  I mean correcting someone's grammar isn't a big deal, since people don't really tend to use good grammar nowadays especially with all the abbreviations used.
                                                                                  • Pat C 618241
                                                                                    I'll read it any way you like just keep on replying or I'll have nothing to make me laugh.
                                                                                    • Mr White
                                                                                      Grammar and Spelling - doesn't take that much effort to do it write, right, wright,....
                                                                                      • Pat C 618241
                                                                                        All right George, are you a wordwright, do you write or are you a playright right!
                                                                                      • Grommie
                                                                                    • Paul W 383502
                                                                                      I'm not too worried about the grammar anymore, but my pet hate is misspelled words especially on TV, from so called Elite media personalities and others. I don't read magazines or newspapers now, but I wager there are tons of mistakes there too. After all words must spelled correctly to enable one to operate the computer properly.
                                                                                      • Sarah G 76834
                                                                                        I don't know but with autocorrect the message is sometimes garbled, I think. However, children are not taught it at school because they get it corrected online anyway.
                                                                                        • Richard M 407933
                                                                                          I must admit that I like to see correct use of grammar and spelling but I'm not in the habit of correcting others who get it wrong. One thing I have noticed is that people who make nasty or degrading comments on forums are normally the very worst users of the English language.
                                                                                          • APB
                                                                                            Where do I get one of those badges???
                                                                                          • Christina C 466456
                                                                                            Ya it annoys me too when people correct other peoples spelling or grammer online particularly - to me it comes across as arrogant and narcissistic. Personally I wouldn't correct people but I would make a comment on something that looks so outrageous or funny, but only because it's funny. There's a time and place for spelling or grammar perfection and online chat/forums/informal situations is not it. If it's a business on the other hand (including blogs) then I will scrutinise every error because it tells me how much care the company/business puts into their work, but I won't tell them off rather I'll just go to the next business who knows how to spell or use grammar.
                                                                                            • View all 3 replies
                                                                                            • Paul W 383502
                                                                                              No it is just intelligence.
                                                                                            • Christina C 466456Paul W 383502
                                                                                              I can see how you perceive intelligence from the ability to correct, but I see a lack of emotional intelligence or uncaring attitude from lack of sympathy or understanding of the social environment. The irony is that a lot (not all but a lot) of 'intelligent' people lack emotional intelligence to 'get it' and if they do get it but still must correct others then they're possibly grumpy/narcissistic/arrogant/compulsive/finicky/holier than thou/insecure, which is why I find grammar/spelling police to be unattractive (in a social/casual setting specifically - as mentioned above there is a time and place for punctual or formality). I realise this is a generalisation though and one size does not fit all so I do make an exception for the following people: individuals who make a living from grammar/spelling corrections such as English teachers for example (if they are polite, which they usually are) or Individuals over 60 years of age as they know how to craft an elegant letter with perfect etiquette because writing was a big deal for them - they're a very classy group of generations who I think deserve a lot of respect but that's going off topic. Anyway spelling and grammar means more to these individuals rather than an ego trip.
                                                                                            • Judy CooplandiaQueenChristina C 466456
                                                                                              Ok then I’m the square org im over 60’s and I can spell it I put my mind to it mot of the time but to me my art and creative side overshadowed my need to impress my writing skillls then n now . I’m always being red penciled over spelling typos Grammer , comas , periods... to may question marks , a run on sentence or two. half a thought picked up a line or two later using my version of short hand . My thought of a person feels the need to insult. To question someone’s intelligence from spelling correct their there or their being used but they don’t have the mental capacity to figure where the sentences lead in thought they are the ones with questionable intelligence if they can’t attempt to follow the writers thoughts . Being stalked bullied or dogpiled because of one or two comments with errors I’d def not cool just to appear smart. They have no idea if the writer feels comfortable trying to be helpful , had a medical issue that caused the errors is new to English or just don’t want to spend more time correcting then pecking what’s running though their thoughts .
                                                                                          • Busyasabee NZ
                                                                                            If people don't correct your spelling mistakes how are you ever going to learn? With the exception of some people with disabilities, there is no reason people can't learn to spell correctly. Even our journalists are so blase these days (where are the proofreaders). To me spelling mistakes just show a person's ignorance and lack of education. Aim high people!
                                                                                            • Greg B 520364
                                                                                              Spelling and grammar police are not my friends
                                                                                              • Christina C 466456
                                                                                            • Priscilla R 316016
                                                                                              I doubt that it can ever be correct again in our lifetime. It's a combination of bad education, phones, auto-correct and simply 'I don't care' these days. The time for remedying it has long gone. By the way it annoys me that I have to re-read things to understand them due to the bad grammar and spelling.
                                                                                              • Timtam
                                                                                                I don't go around correcting people's grammar or spelling, unless they are being hateful, racist or misogynist. Then everything about the way they display their ignorance and hatred is fair game! As long as I can understand what people are meaning, I am generally not too concerned. I would be lying though if I said it did not irritate me to see really common words spelled incorrectly, or where poor grammar changes the whole meaning of the sentence.
                                                                                                • merricat
                                                                                                  The thing that annoys me the most is when I am reading a book that has not been properly proofread, if at all. Many authors who have books "self published", especially on Kindle, or the like, have horrendous errors, such as switching the names of previously named characters, or using the incorrect spelling of common homophones like there, their, they're, two, too, to, and it's, its. It drives me crazy! But my husband tells me that most people (himself included) hate to be corrected, so I have tried to stop myself from correcting people that I know personally. The only other situation where I couldn't stop myself is when I was employed as a Teacher's Aide at a publlic school, working in Special Education classrooms. Many of the teachers that I worked with (for 20 years) were younger than I am, and were not as strictly educated by Catholic nuns as as I was. They often made common spelling and grammar errors when writing on the instructional devices in front of the class. I felt that it was part of my job to make corrections ( subtly as possible) because young children are most likely to remember whatever they have seen most recently, (last in, first out). This sometimes didn't go over well with certain teachers, but I simply couldn't ignore it. I am retired now, so I can let it be. My daughters are adults now, and hopefully they remember the things that II taught them. I did proofread this comment before I sent it. Feel free to comment if you agree or disagree.
                                                                                                  • Genevieve B 352031
                                                                                                    I agree.
                                                                                                • Tiffany L 690503
                                                                                                  • mark g 995886
                                                                                                    I don't even worry about it
                                                                                                    • Michele W 394946
                                                                                                      The title of your topic has a misspelt word.
                                                                                                      • View all 3 replies
                                                                                                      • Daniel T 626103
                                                                                                      • Genevieve B 352031
                                                                                                        I think that was on porpoise. Lol
                                                                                                      • mary cGenevieve B 352031
                                                                                                        Took me 3 days to notice it!
                                                                                                    • michael b 383297
                                                                                                      tell em too root their boot....................
                                                                                                      • View all 4 replies
                                                                                                      • Michele W 394946
                                                                                                        What does that even mean?
                                                                                                      • michael b 383297Michele W 394946
                                                                                                        must be a ozzie thing
                                                                                                      • Michele W 394946michael b 383297
                                                                                                        I'm an Aussie and I have no clue. Must be an ignorant thing.
                                                                                                      • michael b 383297Michele W 394946
                                                                                                        it must be
                                                                                                    • Kat 493553
                                                                                                      Poor grammar is no excuse really, but there are still a lot of people poor on spelling!! Both these traits are related to literacy, & not everyone had those benefits! I am dyslexic, but could still out-spell most teachers in my primary years. Misuse of apostrophes are my bones of contentions.
                                                                                                      • Genevieve B 352031
                                                                                                        Yes, the old apostrophe problem. The thing is, the teachers can’t teach it because they don’t know either.
                                                                                                      • Kat 493553Genevieve B 352031
                                                                                                        Ain't that the truth!! See so many signs with multiples, and an apostrophe b4 the s!!
                                                                                                    • Reverend Rick
                                                                                                      No it is not. Some people lake skill with correct grammar, spell check doesn't always work.
                                                                                                      • Karen Hinds
                                                                                                        I know longer worry about the small things in life. Bad grammar included. It's a matter of choice and above all self preservation.
                                                                                                        • Sonya F 68771
                                                                                                          Me too
                                                                                                          • Colin L 88398
                                                                                                            Be like me and ignore them all. I just say that the spool choker os broke and windows tells lies.
                                                                                                            • Gaza
                                                                                                              Grammer should be taught at schools, also there's a program called Grammarly that will show the correct spelling and punctuation. Easy.
                                                                                                              • Genevieve B 352031
                                                                                                                No, they get things incorrect a lot. They’re not right for British English at all.
                                                                                                              • GazaGenevieve B 352031
                                                                                                                They are American but it helps sometimes.
                                                                                                            • Patman Newcastle
                                                                                                              It annoys me that people do not know how to spell or the correct grammar to use. Schools used to teach this somebody in their wisdom decided that it did not matter whether you could write and spell correctly and use the correct grammar
                                                                                                              • Sandi c
                                                                                                                This annoys me!
                                                                                                                • Rusty .. (vic)
                                                                                                                  Sllepnig is hglihy orvretead...you can pobrblay raed tihs aynawy...
                                                                                                                  • Daniel T 626103
                                                                                                                    Yiss Ay cahn, LOL
                                                                                                                  • mary c
                                                                                                                    me likey
                                                                                                                • Joe B 288252
                                                                                                                  Nothing worse than seeing poor grammar from so called educated people
                                                                                                                  • Sandra C 12043
                                                                                                                    It annoys me too.We now have many people in our countries who have not been able to have the benefits of our education systems. For those, who have to learn a different language and are really trying, have some respect for what they are trying to achieve. Just remember, if you were in their country, just how you would feel if someone there was showing their superiority about your writing and spelling. Do what I do, when you are replying just use the word that offends you correctly in your sentence and maybe, just maybe, they will see and learn.
                                                                                                                    • Samiuella L
                                                                                                                      Not me
                                                                                                                      • Bugalugs
                                                                                                                        The teaching of spelling and grammar has been abolished. We have a friend who is a Primary School Teacher. Her main subject is English yet, by her own admission, she has great difficulty spelling even the simplest words and that would include most of the words I have written which have more than four letters! People have become so accustomed to using as few letters and almost no punctuation thanks to the arrival of Mobile Phones etc. that spelling, grammar and punctuation have become obsolete. So far as I am concerned I think that is a great pity - BUT we have to move with the times.
                                                                                                                        • Elizabeth J 447888
                                                                                                                          Certainly such a great pity. I will not be moving with the times.
                                                                                                                      • ken w 873653
                                                                                                                        it not me
                                                                                                                        • James R 393760
                                                                                                                          You annoy the crap out of me! Aim higher Daniel.
                                                                                                                          • Veronica V 503134
                                                                                                                            Spelling sometimes
                                                                                                                            • Robert L NZ
                                                                                                                              MY WIFE IS MY SPELLING AND GRAMMAR POLICE PERSON. I ALWAYS RUN THINGS PAST HER , HAPPY WIFE HAPPY LIFE. ALSO I KNOW EVERYTHING IS CORRECT.
                                                                                                                              • Stu J
                                                                                                                                Whu cares if your gramma is knot up too scratch as long as u can get yaw meshage a X
                                                                                                                                • Jan H 753322
                                                                                                                                  Not everyone is good with their grammar, the world we live in has changed our focus
                                                                                                                                  • The dog house
                                                                                                                                    None of us are perfect. My grammar is not perfect.
                                                                                                                                    • Genevieve B 352031
                                                                                                                                      None of us is perfect, actually. No offence meant. None means not one.
                                                                                                                                  • nancy b 1002224
                                                                                                                                    I don't mind grammatical errors or spelling, but no punctuation or every other word a profane one is where i draw the line.
                                                                                                                                    • Elizabeth A 807208
                                                                                                                                      As long as people understand what you mean don't let it annoy you none of us are perfect
                                                                                                                                      • mary c
                                                                                                                                        You may have just created a new Rewardian saying Daniel "just plain Jerky"! i'm a liking it.
                                                                                                                                        • mary c
                                                                                                                                          haha same Daniel..me got bigger problemo's than spellin. If we were being paid now that would be a diff story. And some people don't have english as their first language etc.
                                                                                                                                          • Tupulua S
                                                                                                                                            By the way people, English is not always the first language for other people, so stop blowing your stiff nose at us
                                                                                                                                            • Mary M 329762
                                                                                                                                              I know once i left school my spelling and reading go down under. As i don't used and forget how to spell things.
                                                                                                                                              • Pat B 169666
                                                                                                                                                teachers today can't spell so how can we expect our children to learn correct spelling.
                                                                                                                                                • Lyn A.
                                                                                                                                                  would be good for us all to be perfect but.....
                                                                                                                                                  • Tupulua S
                                                                                                                                                    not everyone is good at spelling, that is why you proof read what you have written before you send it away. A misspelling word could change the meaning of what you are saying altogether. For me Daniel T, as long as you relay what you want to say. leave the jerky to be jerked

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