Discussion of the Day
Live to 100 years old
Joan M19-Dec-21
As of 2020 the global life expectancy is 72.63 years.
If you are given a chance to live to 100 years old, how do you wish to spent it? What will you do from today?
  • mary c
    God i would only want to live that long if i had my sight, wits, and some mobility. And Earth is still in a decent shape so we aren't living underground.
    • Judi D
      Living as I am now, only at a slightly slower pace.
      • APB
        Born in 1956...I have spent most of my life living either on the curve or ahead of the curve of technology...its like a wave...I was a "techno-surfer"...the last 20 years I have increasingly lost interest...and also become highly suspect of "advances"...the real problem is...am I becoming exactly like every other generations of people?..who just liked it better the way it was?.....I don't entirely think so.....there are things now that I don't like or trust...that didn't exist before...that are growing without any sensible control or regulation...we generate massive garbage levels while we try and stop it...we create massive pollution without apology...and try and control it..the list goes on...smart phones etc....part of me wants to see the good bits...part of me says..what is really the point... I have recently got oddly complacent about dying...what a mess we are creating...what is the point of being here... ...it breaks my heart sometimes... What a waste...we are a disgusting species...it makes me so sad
        • Leslie D 488751
          My dad lived until 6 weeks off 100. He would have lived longer if it wasn't for other people's doing. Me, If I live that long I'll be happy to open my eyes each day as long as I'm not in a nursing home, period.
          • APB
            All our cowardly world leaders, who still do nothing worthwhile about climate change should be all made to live till they are at LEAST 200 years old... to see the world that they have created....and live through it...they will all be allowed to slink off somewhere and die in a corner....like rats... leaving the problem to someone else ...worthless scum
            • Melinda B 311794
              Depends. Do I have unlimited finance as well? Lol
              • Priscilla R 316016
                It's quite possible I will live to this age and provided I am still happy and mentally and physically capable to enjoy life then that's exactly what I will do.
                • Jillian S
                  I know so won’t make it to 100, I have a lot of medical issues as it is. I think I will be lucky to make it to 60 to be honest. I think I got a few more years to go yet, I at least want to see my 3 sons reach adulthood
                  • Imperia S
                    I have health problems at 71, goodness knows what it will be like at a hundred so no thanks
                    • Jayne C 315662
                      Do I get the option to turn down the chance? I really do not want, or need, to live to 100, thank you.
                      • Ruth v
                        Wow, 100 years old. I'd live it quietly.
                        • Beverly I
                          Stay healthy live a healthy life style,be as happy as I can , spend time with my family and friends
                          • Dimitri T 100433
                            staying physically active, being healthy & being happy with my one & only wife of 40 years
                            • Sinalei W
                              Living my best life on an island
                              • Rose S 88496
                                As long as mind, body are intact and healthy I guess some people would like to live that long I have no wish to .. I have an aunt who will 103 early next year and still lives in her own home, mind as bright as ever body not so much with age
                                • Christina C 466456
                                  Provided my health is good, I want to learn as much as I can and will probably be at university getting a couple of different degrees.
                                  • Steve
                                    My great grandfather lived until he was 99 So there’s a good chance l will that long also. I’m just wonder if we will get to carbon zero And if Covid will be over by then?
                                    • Joe B 288252
                                      Too damn right, I’d do more of the same, as much as I can get. I’m gonna live till I’m dead then I’m coming back for a bit of haunting …..lol
                                      • Sandra C 12043
                                        72.63 that's good I'm 5.37 years past that. LOL
                                        • Therese M 73305
                                          No thank you I already buried 2kids... in 38 more yrs if I reach 100 would make my next oldest kid in their 70s not going to do it again and besides with harry and Meagan ruining the royal family I wouldn't get a telegram from the king as there will be no royal family
                                          • Jacqueline R 353303
                                            Providing I'm healthy and of sound mind would love to live to 100 to see what the future brings for my grandchildren as it is a worry now. I hopefully could continue to travel providing safely.
                                            • Joe B 288252
                                              Although unsound mind might be fun….lol
                                            • Jacqueline R 353303Joe B 288252
                                              No, might end up in the funny farm then. :)
                                          • adrienne H 312549
                                            as long as everything is functional i would choose to love beyond 100 there's a difference between living and existing
                                            • Greg B 520364
                                              If I could have health and mobility great, but my financial advisor say I will run out of money around 93 years of age
                                              • Glenyse H
                                                To ensure that I have physical capacity to walk and enjoy the fresh air and also retain my mental faculties
                                                • Gaza
                                                  Depends a lot on the quality of life & mobility.
                                                  • Helen C 677722
                                                    Look after my health and finances so I can live my best life.
                                                    • meredith j - NZ
                                                      I want to live forever
                                                      • LEANNE B 221779
                                                        Me too because dying sucks even though living also sucks at least you’re aware of it
                                                    • Jenny L 591463
                                                      No because I don't want to see the world in a mess and it is and getting worse. With China and Russia puffing up their chests and try to dominate the world No thanks. If WW3 happens I want out of here even if I have to take my own life at some stage, no hanging around to see what happens next for me. I will not be a prisoner for any thing. They can have what ever I leave and it won't be pleasant for them either. Get ready because it could happen sooner than we may think. I have my plans already, and I know which way I am going.
                                                      • Kim N 285099
                                                        Learn, earn, take care family, teach next generation, son, grandson……
                                                        • Daniel T 626103
                                                          Travel the world, and make the world a better place!
                                                          • Peter T 100083
                                                            My nana is still alive and is 103.
                                                            • Maria B 89860
                                                              The picture you have posted!!! At first glance it looks like the "old girl" in the forefront is doing a backwards HIGH KICK!!!! whilst donkeying her friend!!!
                                                              • Sandra C 12043
                                                                I think the "Old Girl" in the front has a Beard.
                                                              • Maria B 89860Sandra C 12043
                                                                On closer inspection also has three fingers growing out the top of his/her head .. and here I've been thinking all these years that things start to droop or drop off!
                                                            • JANET R 328390
                                                              As long as I am fit and well - yes I would love to.... Happy Christmas everyone!!
                                                              • Helen Stiglec
                                                                As long as I have all my marbles I would love to live to 100
                                                                • Bugalugs
                                                                  Get to the Gym, get an Exercise programme and stick to it it will become a habit - one clinical trial showed that Men get the best benefit from an exercise regime if they go on an empty stomach and Women on a full one! Get an appointment with a QUALIFIED Dietician - many Gyms will have a list of good ones or maybe even one on staff - and lose those extra kilos/pounds which you don't really need! We all know that so-called Junk Food from dear old Macca's, Hungry Jacks, KFC etc, is full of Salt, Sugar, Fats and that includes "Trans Fats" which are a by-product of Petroleum (all it does is make the food taste better ergo more addictive!) No matter how tempting steer clear!
                                                                  • Paul B 522937
                                                                    As long as I’m fit and well. I don’t mind living until 2045
                                                                    • Paul J 94868
                                                                      Try and be healthy...
                                                                      • Pieter K
                                                                        whatever will be will be.
                                                                        • Julie K 348980
                                                                          Having fun each day and getting up to mischief seems to be the way to go.
                                                                          • nina m 212027
                                                                            if i had the chance to be that old i won,t to see the new tecnolagy that will happen all the evention i,m going to miss out on if my grey matter is still working if not good by crewell world but i think that the robots will inherate the world
                                                                            • Tiffany L 690503
                                                                              I really don't think any humans will be around to see the Earth become 100 years old
                                                                              • Grommie
                                                                            • Anne C 653977
                                                                              I totally agree with Sonya F
                                                                              • Igor A
                                                                                Wii I be aware that I am still alive when I am 100 years old? If yes then it is OK.
                                                                                • Sonya F 68771
                                                                                  Only if i have a healthy mind and body
                                                                                  • Empress
                                                                                    Governments and new world order doesn't want old people of any age. They will kill us all off.
                                                                                    • Valerie S 478525
                                                                                      I agree - a body transplant would make the living easier!
                                                                                      • Lachelle B
                                                                                        Keep my brain but get a body transplant :)
                                                                                        • Colin L 88398
                                                                                          Depends living to 100 isn't an issue if you have no medical issues but could be hell if you do.
                                                                                          • Ann H 652541
                                                                                            living each day to the fullest and finding things in the day to be thankful for and blessing God along the way for every day I live
                                                                                            • JANN R
                                                                                              I don't know maybe I will my mother is 97 and she will live to 100 she is not on any medication and she still lives at home if I take after her I will most likely live to 100 I will keep doing the things I do now
                                                                                              • Robin L 79437
                                                                                                No thank you
                                                                                                • Tupulua S
                                                                                                  Open agenda with all love ones and the Blessing Love of The All Mighty is Great ..God bless them all
                                                                                                  • Chosen
                                                                                                    As the say ........ " Another day older, another day wiser " I am not entirely sure however that in my case the above is valid.
                                                                                                    • Mary M 329762
                                                                                                      I think that is real peoples living to that age most peoples in my mum greyyard aare under 60s. Its up dna in the began. If i do live to old i love to give more money to charities. Travel the world. But fax is i don't think i will live that long.
                                                                                                      • Sheree T
                                                                                                        It would depend on the quality of life you have as to what you are capable of being able to do. I won't make it to a 100 and I am not sure I would want to anyway considering the way the world is at the moment.
                                                                                                        • MoB
                                                                                                          My other half is 89 and I am a little younger. We both hope to reach at least 100. It's not until you get close you realise you haven't done everything you want to do in life. We are both healthy in body and mind so we are still able to do lots of things. Well we will start again once we start learning to live with this blessed COVID as we learnt to live with polio, smallpox and diphtheria. Once we had all been vaccinated against these awful things life went on. Not sure what all the fuss is about this vaccine but we've had ours as we want to live a life a bit more.
                                                                                                          • Joanne R 561977
                                                                                                            I dont want to live til 100, if i was healthy around 85 would do me, dont want to be a burden and rely on others to do things for me. Wouldnt want to be in a nursing home either.
                                                                                                            • Matt M 461986
                                                                                                              Sounds like a nightmare, I'm 34 and to live as long as I have again (68) would be more than enough for me.
                                                                                                              • Joe B 288252
                                                                                                                Wait till you get there then say it again…..lol
                                                                                                            • Frank N
                                                                                                              I'm really hoping to see 100, even though I have diabetes. So roll on a healthy lifestyle!
                                                                                                              • kristian s 513441
                                                                                                                I hope I would live to see 100 years old.
                                                                                                                • SueM2
                                                                                                                  I'd prefer quality over quantity, although if I go doolally I guess I won't be bothered!
                                                                                                                  • Melanie G 87848
                                                                                                                    If the planet keeps heating up the way it is currently, I do not want to live until 100!!!
                                                                                                                    • Carl S 703103
                                                                                                                      Would be a blessing to have a long life. But what would the quality of life realistically be?
                                                                                                                      • Linda C
                                                                                                                        I guess it would depend on the quality of life. I have seen many of my immediate family become terminally ill and struggle to stay alive as long as possible. I am in my 70's, not 100% healthy but I want to hang in here as long as possible.
                                                                                                                        • Rhonda D 522615
                                                                                                                          Living to be 100 would be okay if you are healthy and happy. I would spend my life traveling.
                                                                                                                          • misfortune8
                                                                                                                            I read a FASCINATING book, "Lifespan: Why We Age—and Why We Don't Have To" by David A. Sinclair, published in 2019. He writes about how to increase our HEALTHY lifespan - because nobody wants to live past 100 if they're going to be in a nursing home from age 80. He has a clinic at Harvard & one at UNSW & offers great advice, all scientifically backed. I highly recommend it!
                                                                                                                            • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                                                              I would be gambling that homo sapiens will invent interstellar space flight during my lifetime (100 years) - which is NOT going to happen during my lifetime (ALREADY TOO OLD)! I would get degrees in aerospace engineering,electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and software engineering it would help put me on the list for the first instellar first space flight - for volunteers (JUST a nice DREAM on my part - UNFORTUNATELY it will not happen in my lifetime - I don't think homo sapiens will EVER invent instellar space flight - we are already doom too an ugly death on this planet (at this moment - we are already killing each other based on skin pigmentation) . Hopeful, the final days of homo sapiens reign on this planet will not happen during my lifetime :-).
                                                                                                                              • Sandra H 325339
                                                                                                                                Wow - I am currently more than the global life expectancy age. I would like to live to 100 if I can do it and be healthy and able to get around. I would be happy to spend my life doing what I currently do as much as possible.
                                                                                                                                • Shirley H 391879
                                                                                                                                  I am 80. Unwell. I don’t think I want to live to 100.
                                                                                                                                  • misfortune8
                                                                                                                                    I understand you, Shirley. It's sad to hear. My late Nan was the same.

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