Discussion of the Day
Childcare Centre and their lack of care
SUZY Q07-Aug-22
The latest issue was about a two year old walking on his own. Why is this happening when we trust these people with our children? Someone I know was training as a teacher and was placed at a childcare Centre as part of her training. She informed me that they left her with the children while they were on their mobile phone. Could this be the issue in the work place?
  • Sweetums
    You couldn't pay me to have left my children in the care of someone else. That's why when as a mom I had to work to help out when my husband and I wanted to purchase a home, we were very frugal, AND I took a job only on a different shift, do dad took care of the child/children, when I left for my shift. For me it couldn't have been any other way. My mom didn't go to work til after each of us 4 children were out of 8th grade and driving on our own to high school.
    • Pat C 618241
      I'm dazed I just tried to reply to a note I had from another player and suddenly we're both off the air - wiped out. The ghost from behind the screen did it!!!
      • Christina C 466456
        Depends what they were doing on the phone e.g. if they were answering parents enquiries or things like organising another person to pick up kids etc then totally fine to respond via phone. If they're just on social media or playing games etc. then that's unacceptable.
        • Christine M 323842
          You can always tell the children who have been in long term childcare from the ones who have had a main carer or two. They are the biters, pinchers, kickers and snatchers. They are also the bullies and are shifty enough to do things when they think that no adult is watching. They lie and blame others because they’ve been able to do it for years due to insufficient supervision and care.
          • Rose S 88496
            I worked in child care for NSW Health and The Benevolent Society for over 23 years and was entrusted with the care of new born babies to 12 year olds and some with disabilities, children from domestic violence families, my mobile was never with me during the periods I was with any child, as far as I’m concerned I never found the need to be connected to my phone whilst I was working, I could check it at break times if I felt it necessary but my life doesn’t revolve around technology
            • Paula J 395266
              There is no way I would want a job looking after someone else's children all day. When our first child was born I went back to work part-time but I hated leaving my baby wondering why I had one if I wasn't going to be with her. I didn't want her taking her first steps for someone else or using her first word for someone else. I was her mother after all, she wouldn't always be a baby so I wanted to enjoy her before she grew up. I also wanted to instill our values and morals with her so my husband and I agreed the best person to raise our children was me. I gave up my job and my husband took on 3 part-time jobs. He would finish his full time job then go to another for 2 hours, have his dinner then go to another job until 10 then pump gas over the weekend. We didn't see much of him but I did get to spend all day every day with all 3 of our children. Then in the blink of an eye they were adults but I did get a second go when our youngest son asked me if I would mind his first baby. She took her first steps for me, but her mother just happened to be here and then I got to look after the second baby. I also got to mind my daughters sons for short spurts while she studied and every now and then I get a sick child for a day or 2. They all grow up so quickly I'm so glad I had the time with them. After being a stay at home mum for 17 years I went back to work and even managed a career. So for people looking after other people's children it's just a job.
              • Priscilla R 316016
                These days it seems that everyone cares only about the money they get at the end of the week rather than have any care or love for what they are doing.
                • Mary M 329762
                  I think all work place do this.
                  • Heather N 69229
                    I am almost sure there are some very good Childcare teachers…but, yes there is a but…a lot of these teachers do not take their jobs seriously or are diligent about what can happen if you are not constantly watching for the unexpected…as children are very inquisitive and can be gone in a matter of moments…therefore all staff should be trained to realise this can happen…therefore NO mobile phones on there (staff) persons…keep watch…phones should be in the office during work time…
                    • mary c
                      My daughter is studying and training at an Early Learning Centre. She is amazed by the number of little ones who are brought in with runny noses and colds. She has been sick on and off all year from it and they spend their day looking after these little ones.
                      • Imperia S
                        Too many kids for the number of caregivers, and I think it will get worst, Mums need work to help support the family, and the centers are not willing to pay for more support
                        • Nanda K
                          Job is a job. Must do it properly. If not stay at home. Child care is not only job but it provides mentor role too. infants are pond of every thing and pay attention at all the time. Therefore care mean capable attention of risky environment in kids world
                          • Robert T 597718
                            yes a sad indictment of our society
                            • Debbie W 69651
                              I have 2 grandchildren that go to childcare in different suburbs and they seem to be all the same. the one that is nearly 4 has been doing northing but playing. No story time, crafts or any type of learning. Luckily he has just moved to a new one. Also the children are always coming home with different colds, runny noses, coughs and even foot and mouth which they then pass onto other family members.
                              • Sheree T
                                I was out walking on a number of occasions and I was walking on the footpath on the other side of the road from a daycare centre and could hear children crying and the adult carer was absolutely yelling at the children. Those daycare/childcare facilities need to be monitored.
                                • View all 5 replies
                                • mary c
                                  To be honest i couldn't do what they do at those centre's. It was hard not to yell when i was just raising one little child. And school teachers must be a very special breed- i truy don't know how they cope.
                                • Sheree Tmary c
                                  There is no way I would work in a child care centre it wouldn't be easy and there is definitely some who perhaps should rethink there career.
                                • mary cSheree T
                                  So true!
                                • Paula J 395266Sheree T
                                  I have 9 grandchildren and some I'm not as fond of as others. I can imagine having to put up with a small brat all day for 5 days a week. I'd go insane. What about all the nappy changing?
                                • Christina C 466456mary c
                                  Totally agree. It's hard enough keeping your cool with one kid that likes to test the boundaries let alone 10 of them :-s Those good carers that do a great job and have that level of kindness and patience are really special, amazing people.
                              • Greg B 520364
                                It's many years since I had much to do with childcare. I did find then that there was good and bad, like in most areas in life. We get more emotive about children. If you don't like them move to another centre
                                • Neha G 765799
                                  I also heard lot of stories about child care and sometimes if the child is crying they leave the child like that for half an hour that's not good . As a parents it's our responsibility to raise our children ourselves.
                                  • Bugalugs
                                    Maybe I am just old fashioned but why do self-styled parents dump their trophy kids with strangers to rear them? Yes, I know all about that phony claim that couples need two highly paid jobs just to live - at the same time we hear endless complaints by one or other of them that "Child Care costs absorb all of one of our incomes"! Since when was it unacceptable for one of the parents to stay at home and do the rearing themselves? Why do so many of these highly paid people think that "The Government" - read "Other Taxpayers" should pay for the rearing of their children? Don't want to bring up your own children? Then don't have any. Make up your minds. Is it Career or Family you want? What makes these people think they are "Entitled to both? You have a $1 million mortgage? Do you really need that 6 bedroom, 7 bathroom, 4 Car Garage, the Pool, the 3, 4 or 5 Entertainment areas? What is wrong with starting out with a modest house, car and Planned Children whom you are prepared to look after yourselves?
                                    • mary c
                                      Yes- it seems sad to have a baby and then have to drop the wee one off to daycare when they are very young to return to work.
                                    • Paula J 395266mary c
                                      I tried it for about 6 weeks and decided it wasn't for me and that we would manage somehow.
                                  • PETER M 134659
                                    NOT ACCEPTABLE
                                    • Henrietta
                                      Before I retired I worked in education, placing secondary students into high schools for their 6-week teaching block. I shared the office with a young lady (who I showed what the job was all about). She was engaged to do the same job that I was doing but with the junior primary & primary students. It was up to the discretion of the teachers that the student teachers were placed with, as to whether they were left alone with the actuals students in the school placement. Training for the kindergarten students were held in another part of the faculty so I really can't comment on that stage of the students' training.
                                      • boy blunder
                                        our 3-year-old grandson was left lonely after his older siblings went off to school so we thought he might handle childcare playing with kids his age n stuff, he did the induction and loved it. we left him there for 2 hours the next day on his own 9 till 11, when I got there they said he hadn't stopped crying, apparently, it the mandatory sleep time was 9 till 11, and he hadn't had an afternoon sleep for 2 years and the neglected to tell me so he waged war and never went back
                                        • Jan H 753322
                                          my daughter is a kinder teacher and they are not allowed to have their mobile on them while with the children! tThe same rule should apply in chidcare centre as well! I'm sure it wouldn't kill them to be without them while they are looking after children
                                          • Carolyn H 319412
                                            I am unaware of what goes on within the child care centres.
                                            • Colin L 88398
                                              Could it more likely be an issue where parents are forced to return to work the day they have a baby and work for the next 3 of 4 weeks to pay the child care costs? Not very modern but things where better when one parent stayed home and looked after the children till they where old enough to go to school and then returned to work. May not have been as good for one of their carriers and promotions but at least you knew the kids where being looked after the way you wanted them to be. Why would a complete stranger care one iota what happens to a group of kids in a Child Care Centre? Just like why would a stranger care at all what happens to old people in a Care Home? These people do not run these places the people who do are not doing it for the welfare of the children but to make heaps of money so they pay as little as possible give as little care as possible and take as much as they can. If they can return the child at the end of the day alive they have done their job well in their eyes at least. Look how many have been locked in school busses over the last couple of years with supposed professionals transporting these kids to serious injury or even death.
                                              • Jill S 901744
                                                There are good and bad childcare Centres. If you are looking for a good one, do your research. Go to centre without an appointment that way you can see how they truly run.
                                                • Helen E 469767
                                                  Check out the places well before allowing your children to be there. Have one parent with them at home. The other parent could go to work at another time.
                                                  • Empress
                                                    People who choose to work in child or aged care need to be very special people, to care for our most vulnerable. If you've had babies or have care for an elderly parent or grandparent, you know you need to be on the ball and constantly vigilant.
                                                    • Liane H
                                                      Many moons ago I handed my baby boy into the arms of a beautiful woman named Elizabeth at my local daycare centre.he was only 3mths old. I was exhausted and struggling as a new mum and sole parent ..apprehensive but it was only a half day per week.i looked her in the eye and l just knew,he was safe. She ran that room with a velvet glove.do your research,trust your gut and yes spend some time visiting centres and when u know ,u know!
                                                      • Sonya F 68771
                                                        They are well trained no excuses
                                                        • roger l 315504
                                                          OK, so it is well known taht mobile phones are are a significant and dangerous distraction when driving, walking and in the workplace, Unfortuneately, wearable technology is enabling rather than eliminating the distractions, I've heard it said that if the popuation had known the human cost that motor vehicles would impose on us those vehicles would never have been introduced, perhaps the same is true of mobile phones
                                                          • SueM2
                                                            Here's a novel idea - make sure at least one parent is going to be able to be at home with them for the first 5 years......
                                                            • Ann H 652541
                                                              having cameras in the class room to monitor each child and what their doing is a plus you can watch the camera from every part of the day care center and all of that type thing this would be good for only one sitter when running a day care have a sensor put on the camera and if the child got out of the range then then it would go off and then you could go into action.
                                                              • Jenny L 591463
                                                                Absolutely the younger generation are glued to their phones. I once went to pick up my daughter from day care and she had bite marks on her. So I rang and I made a complaint and the women was sacked. My daughter also had a nappy on that had needed to be changed some 3 hours before hand. They say it takes a village to raise a child and grandparents are free baby sitters if you have them and I did but ours don't sadly. Times have certainly changed and maybe not for the better either.
                                                                • Sabine V
                                                                  lf you have children you should be bringing them up not some strangers. lf you want to work that's fine but don't whing about the care of strangers.
                                                                  • mary c
                                                                    They get poorly paid which is a disgrace.
                                                                • lulu
                                                                  Forty years ago I went to collect my 2 years old from a nursery but couldn't find him with the others, when I did he was on top of a wardrobe.
                                                                  • Tiffany L 690503
                                                                    I really don’t like dealing with children
                                                                    • Lyn A.
                                                                      Sad that this can happen. However as parents the choice is your's as to where you send your child. You could do with out many of the "mod cons" and stay home longer with your babies. No offence meant Also check out the childcare centre before leaving your child/ren
                                                                      • Elvira D 70287
                                                                        first-hand experience, in a childcare center with a lack of care, while I was there for work experience really planted a seed that if I ever had child/children I would never place them in a place like that no matter if they were the best ones on the planet. A child has his hand stepped on. A child who is not at the eating solids stage feeds food and chokes on it. Also if a child ran out of nappies they would get others that were washed and reused. Eventually talking to other parents about this place about the condition how they functioning day to day they were on the same as me and soon enough the owner of the childcare centre was given a big fine plus closing the centre and barred from working anywhere that relates to children. This has always tormented me, and seen as cruel, neglectful and most of all very unprofessional.
                                                                        • mary c
                                                                          i truly can't understand why they would do it- its not like there is any money to be made. Very sad.
                                                                      • Michele W 394946
                                                                        Don't send your children to day care centres. Find kindergartens that offer dedicated 3 and 4 year old programs. Don't send your children to day care centres.
                                                                        • Claude H
                                                                          This is not usual. Most Care Centre staff are dedicated
                                                                          • Lyn B 70486
                                                                            there is good and bad in all settings you have to weight up what is best for you and your circumstances.
                                                                            • Elizabeth T 396096
                                                                              I remember a survey that I did decades ago on this issue. It was based on a true event where the child actually escaped and nobody noticed (luckily nothing happened) but what was really irritating was at the end of the survey, because I refused to sign a petition that was demanding the sacking of the staff member in charge, I was screened out (and I had spent 20 minutes on the survey giving my honest opionions not only in check answers but written answers). These problems with childcare have existed since the beginning and it is not just training that is required, but more staff (and more attentive staff) as well as making sure that they know who is there (if anyone has left or been collected) at all times (much like teachers marking a roll multiple times a day).
                                                                              • Beverly I
                                                                                If you have children you look after them ,if there are two parents in a home only one should work ,the other stay at home care for the kids.If only one parent stay at home look after the kids they come first ,in mist countries the Government helps to care for that solo family .Yes it's not alot of money on the solo benefit but you can survive on it ,if you are Struggling the Government will help a little more. people are just greedy these days the more they get the more they want .
                                                                                • Elizabeth T 396096
                                                                                  In an ideal world, this would be great but only people with certain income levels can afford to stay at home unpaid and the choice to go back to work vs paid childcare should only be made, in my opinion if you are actually making more money by going to work and not just working to cover childcare expenses,
                                                                              • The dog house
                                                                                Another incident not long ago was two workers picking up one child. They forgot her in the back. Unfortunately the child passed away. A tragic unnecessary incident.
                                                                                • mary c
                                                                                  My heart breaks for a precious little fellow who was being physically abused and eventually killed by his caregiver. People incl. daycare saw the bruises and injuries but i'm not sure what their role is in reporting suspected abuse. It would haunt me if i had seen something and not followed it through. It was a story in the news several months ago. Total tragedy.
                                                                                • Christine M 323842mary c
                                                                                  Childcare workers are mandated reporters.
                                                                              • Maria B 89860
                                                                                Seems to happen a lot in workplaces and people don't seem to care that everyone can hear their "private" conversations. Did it happen a lot during her training? Hope not and hope that it was part of the training to she how she would react, hope she included it in her report regarding how disappointed she was in the people she is supposed to be looking up to as "Role Models" behaving in such a reckless manner!!
                                                                                • 77ccusmc
                                                                                  Unfortunately we all have different ideas on how to raise and teach our children. You have to research the centers or find a babysitter you trust.
                                                                                  • kristian s 513441
                                                                                    I don't use childcare centers is because my child is a teenager.
                                                                                    • davinder k 963825
                                                                                      I think one person take one or two kid 's responsibility.
                                                                                      • Debra D 624780
                                                                                        Every child needs to have proper care and sounds to me like this one did not. Makes me wonder what the grown ups were doing when one got away.
                                                                                        • Linda C
                                                                                          I think many child care centres are great and look after the children very well. Of course we have those that are run haphazardly ignoring safety rules etc. There has to be more snap inspections to ensure the children are kept safe both in these centres and at their schools. As for being on their phones this is a big no no. If someone has to answer phones it should be the head person or office person not the ones careing for the children. Phones should not be allowed full stop. Full attention must be on the children.
                                                                                          • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                            don't have any children - not my issue
                                                                                            • Rhonda D 522615
                                                                                              Protecting children is everyone's issue. Too many pervs out there.
                                                                                            • BLACK LIVES MATTERRhonda D 522615
                                                                                              In theory I agree with your statement - in reality - it is the SOLE responsibility of parents - not society
                                                                                          • Rhonda D 522615
                                                                                            You have to be VERY careful where you leave your children!

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