Discussion of the Day
When Looting Ensues
Drusilla D29-Aug-21
Why on earth do people think it is okay to loot from businesses, stores and homes when chaos ensues? This from storms to other disasters. I ve seen people steal shoes and apparently they didn t lack any of their own.
  • john v 551148
    shoot em. its legal
      Hi Drusilla D. I owe you an apology - not for what I said - but for how I said it. I COMPLETELY forget you reside in North Carolina - not one of the more enlightened states in the usa - started as a slave state (PERIOD)!
      • Leslie D 488751
        Pure and simple, Greed.
        • Priscilla R 316016
          Human beings at their worst. Unfortunately, there are no punishments being administered that will stop this from happening any time soon. From what I can see this will keep on getting worse as no one seems to want to tackle this problem especially if it is minors involved.
          • Paula J 395266
            You can't get any lower. They are scum and don't think it's stealing.
            • Jayne C 315662
              I believe looting is one of the strongest indicators of a person’s depravity. How incredibly low a human being must be to stoop to looting amidst tragedy. I just don’t get it.
              • GARRY P 362353
                Jayne what’s the bird please
              • Jayne C 315662GARRY P 362353
                I think it’s a lilac breasted roller from Africa. I came across it when researching fauna of Africa.
            • clifford s
              shooting them may slow down the robbers and thieves
              • Helen R 325713
                Opportunity without thinking of the consequences
                • Pato Lo Duck
                  When the farmer across the valley sees kangaroos “stealing” his grass he shoots them.. now there are not so many kangaroos over there and the ones that are left are too scared to go into his paddocks and his grass is safe..
                  • Melinda B 311794
                    I wouldn't want to confront them. You could end up hurt or killed, I guess that is why people don't stop them. There was a story here on the news about a 14 year old boy who was held at knifepoint in his bed by home invaders who stole any money which was in the house. They got away with $300 and as they ran away they apologized for what they were doing. I'm not saying everyone who loots is doing it for the right reason, but people out there are really hurting presently. We are in lockdown at the moment because of the Delta Variant. The situation with the economy and job loss is very, very serious. Do I blame the looters for doing the wrong thing? No. Do I condone it? No, also. It is just the product of a desperate situation forcing people to take desperate measures to feed, clothe, house themselves and their kids.
                    • peter w 94893
                      Some people have a real low life side. Look at the holocaust and Pusey, the arrogant pig. Unfortunately, society lets them get away with it with a slap on the wrist.
                      • judy W 15921
                        those sorts of people have no conscience they would likely steal from family and friends too..they are just scum bags who deserve to be jailed for their crime
                        • Bev
                          Only low lives loot!
                          • Nico D
                            not good
                            • jan k 596063
                              There should be Jailed ,people think they have the right to do what they want .If they are not from that country cancel there passports and deport them as they don't appreciate where they live.
                              • KEITH D 111949
                                Looters should be shot on site , their is no excuse for this crime !
                                • Igor A
                                  People are still primates.Monkey imbedded instincts sometimes start a stink now and then.
                                  • Melinda B 311794
                                    Agreed! That hindbrain takes over and all bets are off.
                                • Rose S 88496
                                  Greed usually … I think people sometimes start a riot or protest just so they can loot … don’t think half of them even care about a cause
                                  • Paul C 392065
                                    simple bring back the death penalty
                                    • Glenys C
                                      It's sad when people take advantage of other people's misfortune or disastrous events.
                                      • Mary M 329762
                                        Same in they dna, some find out no ways out as have Noone help them or where to go, they many things. Nothing is right. A old saying If a poor man in village all the village help the man. Best is if business can put on internet so even one know how they are. Maybe its stop doing its
                                        • Brietta 617888
                                          America's justice system needs to take a page out of the Middle East's book. You steal; you get your hand chopped off. This bullshit would stop cold if there were ACTUAL consequences. A free bed plus free food are cushy punishment and it needs to stop
                                          • JANET R 328390
                                            Unfortunately again - they do it because our VERY SLACK PUNISHMENT SYSTEM allows them to. There should be no "warnings" see if mandatory 6 months jail stops a lot of it. I bet it would.
                                            • Greg B 520364
                                              Take them back to the stores when things settle down and put them to work cleaning up
                                              • Mary M 329762
                                                That a good idea
                                            • Carolina Z
                                              it is because we live in a sad & imperfect world.
                                              • Keith L 485431
                                                Oh, Ivan K.....we must not get carried away with our sexist thoughts. The topic relates to looters and what to do with them....how about a cat-o-nine tails for starters?
                                                • Jacqueline R 353303
                                                  Looters should be shot, sorry no sympathy. Business work hard to make their money so why should these lowlifes steal & get away with it. The worst ones are when we have floods & they come & steal from the people who have had to leave their homes. Just disgusting carry on.!!
                                                  • Sonya F 68771
                                                    not fair to the hard working people trying to make a dollar
                                                    • MARK K 386202
                                                      human nature for you
                                                      • Paul J 94868
                                                        Get out the chainsaw...
                                                        • Maria B 89860
                                                          Greed, low life. It's not the needy who do at all, it's the ones who don't even care about or respect their fellow human beings.
                                                          • Maree C 80174
                                                            it is disgusting behaviour
                                                            • HOT PANTS HARRY
                                                              • Mary M 329762
                                                                That not nice. Why don't vaccination peoples take to non vaccination peoples in a nice way to see they point of views. Maybe they changed they mind
                                                            • Wendy Q
                                                              I call it "opportunistic greed"! Arseholes.
                                                              • Joanne R 561977
                                                                Disgusting, low life behaviour
                                                                • HOT PANTS HARRY
                                                                  LOWDOWN SCUMBAGS THATS THE WAY TO DESCRIBE THEM
                                                                  • John B 89024
                                                                    They are just tags.
                                                                    • Evan M 79442
                                                                      take away their welfare payments
                                                                      • Mary M 329762
                                                                        Good one
                                                                    • Cathie G
                                                                      They are not supporting any issues, it is just plain stealing
                                                                      • jenny j 394789
                                                                        not good
                                                                        • Larry S 382961
                                                                          When the looters get looted themselves who they going to run to. I once worked with a chap who bought a “ hot” TV at the pub. He went home for lunch and someone had broken in and stole it. Te boss said you believe in karma if not you will now,
                                                                          • Mary M 329762
                                                                            That is so truths. And the boss said in a nice ways not pushing the point of views
                                                                        • Gaza
                                                                          Looters should be shot on the spot, no questions asked as they are the lowest form of humans.
                                                                          • Mary M 329762
                                                                            What happens if its right person get killed
                                                                        • James B 70778
                                                                          My opion, is shoot on site that may stop the looting.
                                                                          • doug m 408074
                                                                            looting is theft!
                                                                            • Mary M 329762
                                                                              Never hear that words as well
                                                                          • Carroll W 395043
                                                                            Some do it for a challenge and to see if they can get away with it, it's like a game and money is put down as a dare
                                                                            • Mary M 329762
                                                                              Its be funny if they can dare after that put back
                                                                          • June C 463374
                                                                            Looting shows no respect or consideration for the people who are in business and if they really thought about it in the long run we all including the looters have to pay for this. Not a fair go to anyone trying to make a way in life. Just shows the type of upbringing these people have had. What’s your is mine and mine is my own attitude.
                                                                            • Jenny L 591463
                                                                              Disgraceful and should never be allowed ever. Looting is stealing and it doesn't matter from whom wether it is a big department store or the local shop. Where are the police? They need a big water jet to spray them to the ground and then they could arrest them or knock on their doors later if they can be identified and still arrested. No excuses for that kind of behaviour.
                                                                              • Mary M 329762
                                                                                That why peoples pay undercover peoples to catch this peoples. I guess
                                                                              • Jenny L 591463Mary M 329762
                                                                                And they do. We were shopping at a mall around Christmas and some people got bustered for shop lifting. The police came and they got banned for ever entering the mall again.
                                                                            • AlbertA K 456302
                                                                              It's the mob mentality-if they can do it then !!!
                                                                              • Morton B
                                                                                Entitled people who think life owes them something for nothing
                                                                                • marilyn r 276770
                                                                                  yes and lack of respect for everyone else's belongings
                                                                              • Beverly I
                                                                                This society is very sick and greedy ,They think they are owed some thing
                                                                                • Colin L 88398
                                                                                  Greed it is as simple as that.
                                                                                  • Tupulua S
                                                                                    payback to society who forgot them. rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer
                                                                                    • Mary M 329762
                                                                                      I agree
                                                                                  • Stephen F 84899
                                                                                    The word that comes to min is scum. Peoples businesses have been damaged will never be back in business again. Why ? an opportunity for this type of person to get something for nothing & enjoy damaging the place as well
                                                                                    • Lyn 78550
                                                                                      This has always happened when there are natural disasters, Yes, even here in Australia. We have seen many photos of people just taking stuff regardless or how much others are suffering from such disasters. As to why...I personally feel they are scum and would do this regardless of what is going on. They should be given jail sentences and age should not come into the equation. Do the crime serve the time!
                                                                                      • Mary M 329762
                                                                                        I got better ways business should put on internet
                                                                                      • Priscilla R 316016
                                                                                        Agree they are scum - but they should face really tough penalties for what they did, not get off almost scot free.
                                                                                    • Michelle S 553303
                                                                                      I know that in San Francisco at least that many Walgreens Pharmacies have had to permanently close their doors due to property theft. This has inconvenienced the elderly mostly and those with chronic illnesses who require medication just to keep breathing but now find themselves having to travel greater distances to get there life sustaining drugs. This is as a direct assault of a change in the law in order to be more equitable whereby the state will no longer prosecute anyone for theft of property under $950. These people who think that it's perfectly reasonable for them to take a black garbage bag into the store and fill it up with all sorts of goodies, often those things such as shampoo and conditioner, body washes and lotions, lip balms etc that they themselves can then sell for pennies in the dollar. I have actually watched a short video on Bitchute where a man rode his bicycle into the store, went straight past the security guard that was filming but doing nothing else and stood by and watched, as did other customers, as he proceeded to fill his black garbage bag with products and when he was done he rode past all these people and left the shop with his haul. I was stunned but evidently no one else was! I watched something else recently too and this was in a small predominantly black community in SA where a town square with stores selling all kinds of goods and services on 3 sides had recently been completed. The store owners were predominantly Indian and Pakistani. Talking about biting the hand that feeds you, the community members decided one day that as the goods, such as TV'S were there and so were they, that they as a large gang stormed the stores removing anything that took their fancy such as aforementioned TV'S and other useful small appliances and torch the stores after. The owners who had made enormous sacrifices both physically and financially in order to move to this settlement and try to make a life there could only stand by and watch as the Police were delayed for some hours as this was occurring.. I know about hard work and even though I have never owned a small business, I do understand the commitment these store owners AND their families made. I don't think much was done from a legal standpoint to punish the offenders either. Yes, looting us a big problem now but it will only increase in exponential rates as inflation rises and goods and services become more scarce and more expensive. The Great Reset has begun and part of this is moving away from the old way of shopping into a world where everything is delivered to you instead. But for the businesses who DO manage to reopen when our prison sentence is over, being at Her Majesty's pleasure at this point in time, will find themselves increasingly targeted by groups who absolutely intend to take what is yours and make it there's, a novel type of wealth distribution that doesn't involve any currency exchange. To conclude, remember that guy with the plastic bag in Walgreens, well he might not have had a calculator on him but the Security Guards and other shop owners have told of people adding up the cost of their loot prior to leaving the store, calculating the contents to ensure they stay under the $950 and then they just walk on by out of there challenged by no one. Can you IMAGINE what a society would look like if that was the norm? Unfortunately today there are more towns than ever that meet the criteria: if you don't have the money to buy it take it anyway! Thanks for reading this extremely long comment and have a nice day.
                                                                                      • Rees 111388
                                                                                        Poverty, Unemployment, and Inequality
                                                                                        • JANN R
                                                                                          They the scum of the earth
                                                                                          • Sheree T
                                                                                            They are the scum of the earth. Have no conscience and no consideration for anyone else and seem to think it is acceptable to take advantage of other peoples misfortune. Find them and lock them up, preferably throw away the key after locking the cell.
                                                                                            • JANN R
                                                                                              I agree with you Sheree
                                                                                          • The dog house
                                                                                            They have no thought that these businesses are struggling themselves. These people are lazy useless individuals who care for no one but themselves. They rarely amount to much if they continue on this path. They would even probably steal from their own families because they have no morals or concern of what harm they are doing to others. Working hard is too much for these types of people and will only ever struggle in life.
                                                                                            • JANN R
                                                                                              I agree Suzy
                                                                                          • Frank N
                                                                                            I wonder if there's any research done on looting behaviours during disasters.
                                                                                            • Edward S 497347
                                                                                              In times of disasters, the minds of people alter due to changes in the chemicals of the brain. This makes many people react differently and without thinking. The brain is a very complex organ. IF the brain chemicals are already unbalanced, then at the time of disasters this causes those people to react differently to "normal" people. Some people who "Loot" just do it because they see others doing it. You will find that most "Looters" are people who attend protest marches to cause trouble.
                                                                                              • The dog house
                                                                                                I agree Mark. These people do this for their own advantage in stealing from others to sell it on the market. These types of people have stolen before and will continue.
                                                                                            • Grommie
                                                                                              In days gone by the authorities would read the riot Act. Looters could be shot on sight
                                                                                              • Valerie J 424116
                                                                                                I don't understand this.
                                                                                                • kristian s 513441
                                                                                                  I think those people who looting from businesses that they need to be in jail for this type of crime.
                                                                                                  • Sapphire Princess
                                                                                                    because they have no conscience or morals anymore. think its fine to do so
                                                                                                    • pauline n 140600
                                                                                                      Wrong in so many levels
                                                                                                      • Shirley H 391879
                                                                                                        Looting is never acceptable. I understand that some may get riled up at “looting” by companies and corporations. That custodial sentences are not consistent and even fair. But the subject is looting. Here in Australia this has never happened. Thank the Lord. It seems this looting also comes with violence. Which is never acceptable.
                                                                                                        • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                                          It was OKAY for banks to loot every country on the planet during the Banking Scandal of 2008 (and be bailout by every country on the planet - involving trillions of bailout dollars). Apparently it was NOT because banks need the money. It is OKAY for pharmaceutical companies to engage in looting behavior (high cost of medication) during the pandemic (with no effective cure in sight for covid19 - you will need a bolster shot for the rest of your like - and each bolster shot will get more expensive). Apparently it was NOT because pharmaceutical companies need the money. It is not okay for blue-collar (minorities) to engage in criminal behavior, but it is okay to be a white-collar criminals (caucasians) to engage in criminal behavior?! Blue-collar criminals GET harsh penalties in criminal court, and white-collar criminals DO NOT get harsh penalties in criminal court. A very disturbing concept pushed by CAUCASIANS aka CAPITALISM (since capitalism DOES NOT work for any minority in any country on this planet)!
                                                                                                          • Mary M 329762
                                                                                                            I agree first free covid vaccination for all. Next i bet they make us pay for the boost vaccination each years and its will get more money each time like health insurance das
                                                                                                        • APB
                                                                                                          We don't get any of that in Australia...we just have nutters stockpiling toilet paper...I think we had some arseholes stealing stuff during the bush fires...from abandoned homes...but yes...we seem to be better than that...which is a massive relief
                                                                                                          • View all 3 replies
                                                                                                          • Edward S 497347
                                                                                                            Remember the storm several weeks ago which caused thousands of trees to fall in the Dandenongs and thousands of homes had no power for several weeks. People were looting homes then. Plus the SES hooked numerous homes up to portable generators and someone stole about 10 of those generators
                                                                                                          • Lyn 78550
                                                                                                            We do have nutters hoarding toilet paper however, I beg to disagree with you on this. It is known that there are looters in our wonderful country. This comes out when there are fires and floods. I have seen this happen when natural disasters hit! Take care!
                                                                                                          • Mary M 329762
                                                                                                            I see in shop having under cover peoples catching many peoples in a day
                                                                                                        • Rhonda D 522615
                                                                                                          They are opportunists. SAD!
                                                                                                          • Hamzah S
                                                                                                            Yeah, you can understand if they do it out of desperation but some do it because they see an opportunity to take what they want.
                                                                                                            • Disie
                                                                                                              Go ahead and protest (But not during a lockdown please) That's it. March in protest. Hurl your voices, not objects. Help the business's, they're not part of your protest. Don't steal from them. I'm with Julie K Disgusting
                                                                                                              • Mary M 329762
                                                                                                                I agree what has protest did to now. Close small business and make police state. Its was easy not shop big business, vold news and talk to others. Each protest make us less rights
                                                                                                              • Priscilla R 316016
                                                                                                                Agree Disie. I'm with you and Julie K. It is disgusting behaviour and they should be punished. Protests won't help this sort of conduct. Businesses and homeowners are the ones who suffer from these looters.
                                                                                                            • Linda C
                                                                                                              It also happens when they protest aka Black Lives Matter and similar they seem to break into businesses en masse stealing everything they can and destroying the livelihoods of many who live in their community. To say it is because they are angry does not wash with me. They are opportunistic thief's and same as when people become violent. They could care less about the reasons people are protesting which has the knock on affect of people not listening to the protestors voices and therefore are not heard properly.
                                                                                                              • Sandy (Texas)
                                                                                                                Linda C, I agree with EVERYTHING you stated and it was right on! Go girl. Personally, I think the police should shot them on the spot!!!
                                                                                                              • Mary M 329762
                                                                                                                Protest never work i feel like they want to see how many peoples came and make new laws so we loss our rights
                                                                                                            • Anneliese
                                                                                                              Well it isn't right to hit businesses when they are already down. But I guess some people might think their insurance will cover whatever is stolen. Shoes and luxury items make no sense but essential goods, especially in disater situations where people might die of food or drink or even clothing for extreme cold weather. Then that might be justifiable. I mean if you had a young family and were stuck then you're going to do all you can to help them survive and if that meant looting then I'm sure people would do it, even if it doesn't agree with your principles. You can always pay back later for damages and stolen goods, but you can't bring back someone who has passed. I know when bushfires were here some towns were completely cut off. All roads compromised, people had no choice but to turn to looting. Some had no access to anything and were completely stuck until they got air lifted out of the area.
                                                                                                              • Mary M 329762
                                                                                                                I think we needed each person talk each others about shop lifting how cost money maybe it change someone mind before do its
                                                                                                            • Julie K 348980
                                                                                                              I find looting disgusting. Looters are thugs and should be treated accordingly.

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