Discussion of the Day
Are mobile phones and being connected making us rude and ill-mannered
Paula J17-Mar-22
My almost 19 year old grandson came to stay overnight, and while it was lovely to see him, he never let his phone out of his sight. Even eating meals, the phone was right there, and he was watching it and constantly touching it. It goes everywhere with him and he is always looking at it, laughing at it and talking on it. It kept making "tweets" I think they are, and even while watching TV he was still tapping away at it. I can't really blame him because both parents are much the same. I think it's just plain rude. What about the person next to you, or beside you, being ignored? I am starting to detest mobiles and the seeming manner less people who allow them to control their lives. Are we losing our manners to "staying connected"?
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