Discussion of the Day
The real cost of worker shortage crisis
Andrzej J21-Nov-22
Australia is in dire need of workers. From healthcare and teaching, to farms and the factory floor, the country is in the grip of a national labour shortage. Regional towns like Griffith, in central NSW, are crying out for more workers while those still in jobs struggle to shoulder the burden.
Across the country, 470,900 jobs remain unfilled, and job vacancies have jumped 40 per cent in the last year. The federal government has promised to speed up Australia s visa processing system to bring in more foreign workers, but there s a massive backlog to work through: almost 70,000 applications for temporary and permanent skilled visas alone. What's the real cost of Australia s worker shortage crisis?
  • Jennifer H 722364
    Location to move to needed areas need an incentive to move yourself to unknown area people like the gift of money even if it helps to relocate. Relocate people on benefits who cannot get work in their local area with a travel allowance added in . Is our Centrelink benefits too good to give up ?
    • Simone S 316632
      Have you ever been on Centrelink? Trust me, the 'benefits' are not that great that you want to stay on them forever. Matter of fact, it is impossible to live entirely off Centrelink. Be thankful you have a job that pays all your bills. People on Centrelink often have to skip paying bills - it's a choice between mortgage/rent, food and bills. It's not the 70's anymore Jennifer when people could bludge on the dole.
    • Jennifer H 722364Simone S 316632
      Yes have been on Centrelink for a very short time .Work in an area where its a life style for many generations.
  • Anna Rogers
    Try New Zealand. We are also short of workers although guess what. WINZ (our version of Centrelink) still continues to pay welfare to able bodied, unencumbered people who don’t want to work. The do gooders including our PM deny these people exist but they do. A former National MP Bill English stated that some Kiwis don’t want to work and was crucified for his statement but how right he was. If we compelled welfare recipients to take available jobs we wouldn’t need so many foreigners (who also take up housing as they need to live somewhere). It’s time we started doling out some tough love and let people know that they are no longer going to be allowed a free ride, Don’t see it happening under this government because our PM believes you should be kind to everyone……or rather every no hoper.
    • Simone S 316632
      YES, maybe NZ should take back the Kiwi's that are in Australia taking all OUR jobs! You see, nobody wants to pay workers a fair wage, so they will hire immigrants on working/student visas to do the work for peanuts. Am sure that is happening in your country too. Employers need to get real and pay a decent living wage to those who are actually citizens of the country instead of trying to get the job done handing out peanuts..
  • Beryl M 1009442
    All exaggerated the same as everything else, just another lie. Australians are finding it hard to get jobs without bringing in heaps of foreigners. Never ever believe everything from the media , Government or local Councils, they don't know how to tell the truth. Just an excuse to pour more foreigners into the country regardless of what Australians would like.. Australian People are becoming the second class citizen in their own country with the yes sir, no sir being taught.. Follow common sense only, you will then realise how brain washed we really are. Get lazy people off their backside, take away the dole to people who do not deserve it and you have well over the amount of workers in Australia, no foreigners needed for work..
    • Katzeye
      It's a global problem
      • Grommie
        NZ has numbers of people on the dole...oops "work ready benefit" for over 10 years. We are being flannelled by a government that has cut the jail population where ankle bracelets are the go. The hardened crims just cut them off or smother them in foil. We have made it difficult for immigrant visas. On a population basis, NZ's unfilled jobs position is way worse than Aussie.
        • jeff e
          • Empress
            I am concerned that those being brought in from overseas are not skilled. Can you imagine a nurse or doctor with no English skills? I just don't trust the unemployment figures from these corrupt Governments - we have been fed so much crap. The multiple lockdowns here in Victoria triggered a huge rise in mental breakdowns and suicide. Daniel Andrews has blood on his hands and I hope he will be removed from his position and thoroughly investigated. And for those who like to sanctimoniously declare all people on welfare are "dole bludgers"..shame on you. You cannot - MUST NOT - judge that people who have fallen on hard times are less than human beings. Many may be caring for sick family, or are physically and mentally unable to do paid work. The biggest bludgers you should be focusing on are these parasitic public servants/politicians with their huge salaries, golden handshakes and benefits who are totally inept at managing our nation. Time to drain the swamp.
            • Denise C (Qld)
              My concern is where are these overseas workers going to reside? We also have a housing shortage. And as stated beforehand make some of those unemployed dole collectors be made to fill positions if possible even if it is only seasonal or short term.
              • Paula J 395266
                Immigration is not a favourite topic of mine. I'm becoming a minority in my own country. I walk the aisles of my local supermarket and the only language I don't hear being spoken is English.
                • PETER M 134659
                  • Asesh S
                    Our company is facing the same problem and it will take a long time before we can hire more people. Till then we have to cope somehow.
                    • Saara F
                      We don’t have a shortage of workers. We just have a growing number of bludgers who would rather get paid by the government to do nothing.
                      • Michael L 1005928
                        Not good, hopefully they will sort it out.
                        • Dimitri T 100433
                          labour shortage is a world wide problem
                          • Bill C
                            What about New Zealand. We are in the same boat with a severe shortage of drivers and staff in the hospitality trades. Our Government wouldn't know there was a shortage if it kicked them in the rear end.
                            • Anna F 1028160
                              Why did they kick out all the international workers when covid struck. They worked hard, paid taxes, spent money and yet received no help and were forced to return home. That's why you have a shortage of workers.
                              • Maureen M 941354
                                Hi I am 70 years of age - was in an IGA store a few weeks ago - noticed signage mentioning CHECKOUT OPERATORS NEEDED - went home made a phone call - have done 2 four hour training shifts and today I am now on the pay roll. HIP HIP HOORAY FOR IGA??
                                • Missy Wyld
                                  that's awsum hun good on you if that's what you want..
                                • Denise C (Qld)
                                  How wonderful. Hope you enjoy your new found employment. Well done.
                              • Shawn B 1061185
                                Why isn't anybody asking "why" there is a supposed worker shortage? Are too many people just sick and tired of minimum wages? How about health care? Prescription drugs? The cost of housing? Finally, maybe they have just given up. You shouldn't judge others until you've waked a mile in their shoes.
                                • Priscilla R 316016
                                  An increase in our national debt.
                                  • Laura W 363255
                                    So many workers required in Western Australia too in all industries. Its awful to see fruit & veg going to waste as no employees to pick them
                                    • Hilary P 701184
                                      If the Governments were not so controlled by other countries Australia would not have any staff shortages. Being forced to have vaccinations to be able to work instead of freedom of choice to select the jobs they wanted to apply for most people have elected to not work or have found jobs working from home . Nurses and teachers have now found employment where they dont work their lives away where they work 9 to 5 and have weekends off and dont have to correct papers or teach unruly children. Other workers have either decided to not work at all and go on the Dole or become couriers where the businesses are not governed by higher management. Australians want their freedom back so they can work. There is no shortage of workers only shortage of integrity and truth from the Governments.
                                      • William L 407894
                                        In the last two days I have had seven surveys I have completed, yet at the end ( after I press the submit button ) I get a measly few points of compensation and I am told I have been screened out. That tells me the surveys are getting information without recompensing the survey customers. If you complain to the admin it appears there is little they can do ( they say they have reviewed the survey and you were screened out, even after pressing the submit button ) and they too offer a small compensation. Do they think we waste on average 20 minutes per survey to be satisfied with such poor excuses. Secondly; Is it just me or does anyone else notice the high number of surveys with errors in them at weekends, that prevent you completing a survey. It can get as high as 15% of all surveys. Not happy at how we are being treated at the moment.
                                        • Bill C
                                          I often get the same thing with surveys. You answer all their questions then when you are just about to submit you get a message saying you have been screened out or you do not fit the profile for this survey or the other one I get is that the survey is closed because they have enough submissions in my age group. In one group of surveys I have over $200 collected in points value but cannot cash it in and can only collect it in $20 lots at a time in 3 ways; gift voucher, charity donation or one company. The survey provider says they cannot do anything about it.
                                        • Katzeye
                                          It seems to be happening a lot on all platforms not just Rewardia unfortunately and my guess is CINT is behind it
                                      • GrumpyBsd
                                        there is no job shortage it is a con. there are plenty of teachers and nurses but they have no jobs because there are no schools or hospitals. or there have no security due to short term contract positions only. it is pure greed on behalf of the employer and shareholders pay proper wages including proper holidays you would have less unemployment. Stop listening to the media and the government figures and you would see that unemployment exists because Australia has become economically third World we import more goods than we make and export more raw material. Blame privatisation and NLP.
                                        • Robert T 597718
                                          aliens everywhere
                                          • Katzeye
                                            Not yet
                                          • Robert T 597718Katzeye
                                            Every best wish Annette
                                        • Kathy C 90112
                                          There is no worker shortage crisis, if those businesses would lift the v requirement and allow all those workers that lost their jobs because of the mandate to return then things would be back to normal, a vast majority of those on unemployment are there due to the mandate not because theyre lazy or dont want to work
                                          • Darren S 116121
                                            personally i find it hilarious,a lot of these industries that are screaming for workers are well known for treating workers like crap in the past and ripping them off,big business got rid of apprentices years ago in cost cutting exercises,now bugger all local tradesmen/women,now they are racing to get apprentices again,you also have a lot of people that refused to get the jab so lost their jobs,why would you go back to an employer who wouldnt stand by you,Qantas got rid of a heap of workers while claiming jobkeeper,who would wanna work for them,
                                            • Judy CH
                                              To many people prefer not to work and live off those who do. It is about time Governments crack down and do something about it. If people don't want to work but want to have kids it is not up to the taxpayer to house, feed, clothe them etc.
                                              • Maureen G-Melb.Vic.
                                                Once you went for an interview and if the prospective liked the look of you the job was yours. Nowadays you must have resumes for the most menial of jobs. I agree with you Jenny B give people of all ages a fair go.
                                                • Igor A
                                                  Too many lazy bums in Ozzy.
                                                  • Sonya F 68771
                                                    there is a job shortages every where in the world we need workers
                                                    • Greg B 520364
                                                      The major cost is welfare. Those that want to work do. there is those that won't. So we have to import workers to fill the shortages
                                                      • catwomanau680
                                                        why dont the australians here apply for that?
                                                        • Chosen
                                                          It's great because you can name your price.
                                                          • Tiffany L 690503
                                                            It is issues
                                                            • Brian D 948690
                                                              There are a lot of barriers to getting entry level jobs like having a certificate to floss your teeth. I know a little silly but then to require a person to complete a course which includes hope to work in a group before starting almost any job and having people pay for the privilege of doing these courses is ridiculous. If these things are so important why can't we have traineeships for very short periods of time to get qualifications and to get skilled up where required? I know a lot of people don't like the idea of increasing migration, but we need people now and there are countries around the world where jobs are scare and we could have all refugees skilled up while awaiting processing. I also live in a rural/seaside town with a labour shortage so prioritising immigrants that are willing to work anywhere would be another way to deal with this issue.
                                                              • Bernadette S 103492
                                                                If so many self proclaimed experts hadn't forced people out of their jobs in the last couple of years, we would not have this situation to start with. From CEOs i.e. Mr. Joyce - Qantas down it is shocking what has happened to our workers. Wake up Australia.
                                                                • Paul R 936022
                                                                  Same here in God's own. Praying ??
                                                              • Sweetums
                                                                Help is on the way. I'm in America and can't get a job. Problem is I'm a woman who can't do hard labor. I'll reread the problem and comment again.
                                                                • Jan H 753322
                                                                  I agree with Christine, we need to fix our housing crisis before we can contemplate bringing more people in to find housing for them to live in. Possibly employ more people to process the visa's once the housing is being fixed
                                                                  • Greg B 520364
                                                                    We need workers to build the houses
                                                                • Jeanette K 1110361
                                                                  We, here in New Zealand, need the import of workers for all the seasonal jobs like fruit picking. If there are no pickers then the food rots or wastes. The circumstances for these travellers or seasonal workers needs to be more stream line and easier for them to enter the country, instead of the government/system making it so difficult. They need the money, and we need them.
                                                                  • Jenny L 591463
                                                                    Okay firstly where are we supposed to put all these foreign workers. We have a housing crisis now we don't need to add to the problem which bringing more people in would create. Secondly we need to encourage many people to go and work. The pensioners are worried if they earn a certain amount their pensions will be taken off them. Haven't they paid enough taxes to be entitled to that money. Should they not be allowed to earn a little extra these days. Well just maybe there would not be a shortage of workers but the young ones don't want to get their hands dirty. They all want to sit in cushy officers typing away on a computer and well who can blame them, oh wait whose young ones are these? Not mine that is for sure. Come on, wake up and get real Australia, give the Aussie battler ago and give some one else a fighting chance.
                                                                    • lynda e 390007
                                                                      Ditto in NZ
                                                                      • Beverley S 383001
                                                                        During Covid the Government allowances allowed many people to not work. Now they are just too lazy to work at anything - payments should be stopped if they refuse jobs or don't work well and get sacked.
                                                                        • Colin L 88398
                                                                          Pathetic Government Policy where they have encouraged companies to import workers rather than train them to do the jobs we need doing in AU. Farms have the worst business case I have ever seen witht he need for Backpackers to come in and pick their crops and no permeant workforce there so when something happens and the backpackers are not there there is no one to pick their crops. The trades are just as bad look at how many Apprentices have been trained in the past 40 years practically none and those who have been working have been brought into the country and mostly have permanent residence but the companies have yet to increase their apprentice training because it is too expensive and cheaper for them to bring in overseas workers who evaporate when something happens so there are not the required people to do the work. I can see AU now being the first in line claiming Climate Change Damage from the newly created fund because of the fires and now floods that have been happening for several years here so the Feral Government can get it's hand out of it's own pocket paying for the policy failures of the past governments.
                                                                          • Bugalugs
                                                                            470,900 Vacant Jobs. 470,900 Australian Residents Registered as Unemployed, A large number of those unfortunate to be on what is possibly the most cruel, illogical system ever developed by Politicians: Temporary Protection Visas are Highly Qualified Skilled Professional tradesmen/women but they aren't allowed to work in the very areas where their Skills are required. Australia is not the only country which needs workers today, the competition is strong. Why would a Skilled, highly trained person in any country want to p[ack up and come here only to find there is a massive Housing Shortage when they already have a good job, their own house? Start Training our own Residents and allow all Visa Holders currently in Australia who have the Trades, the Qualifications to Work. Encourage those 470,900 Unemployed People to get trained and get a job. Where an Apprenticeship is involved pass Legislation which makes it a Legal requirement for Employers to employ their Apprentices for a minimum of 5 years once they have got their papers for far too often we hear of newly qualified Apprentices being laid off as soon as they become qualified.
                                                                            • Sharon T 891767
                                                                              Thought after Covid 19 they stopped Unemployment benefits, so people could get jobs that aren't disabled. Lots of jobs out there it is sad they worked before go back to job need you.
                                                                              • Jania S
                                                                                Really, on stop trusting the lying GOV.....stop talking for AUSTRALIA, every state, electorate is different, we dont have any jobs, and we dont need migrants to fill any jobs. We need to employ Australians, and we need to talk about fist hand info not government propoganda, which is what got Australia in a mess in the first place
                                                                                • Gaza
                                                                                  What gets me, is before Covid everything was going along nicely, now, restaurants and farmers cannot get anyone to work for them. WHY? I think It's because of the government is paying to them to stay home.
                                                                                  • View all 5 replies
                                                                                  • Christine M 323842
                                                                                    It’s because the jobs were filled by overseas students and workers.
                                                                                  • Melinda B 311794
                                                                                    I don't think so. I think the whole economy is in disarray because of circumstances beyond anyone's control. We are all still struggling to recover economically from the effects of COVID. With rising interest rates and inflation, including grocery prices, people are struggling. For security as much as anything else. It is an extremely anxiety provoking time for everyone, and Xmas looming isn't making it any better.
                                                                                  • GazaChristine M 323842
                                                                                    Where are they? travel restrictions are over.
                                                                                  • Christine M 323842Gaza
                                                                                    Many don’t want to come to Australia anymore, as they have had to make alternative plans due to lockdowns etc. People don’t receive government funding to stay at home due to covid. Those incentives ended quite some time ago.
                                                                                  • GazaChristine M 323842
                                                                                    I think the dole is too high and takes the incentive to work for your keep.
                                                                                • Christine M 323842
                                                                                  The government needs to speed up its solution to the housing crisis in this country. Don’t allow more people in to compete for housing that doesn’t exist. Whether it be in the cities or rural. If foreign workers are bought in and provided housing over existing Australians, that is hardly going to create a harmonious society.
                                                                                  • kristian s 513441
                                                                                    Very interesting information.
                                                                                    • nancy b 1002224
                                                                                      we have worker shortages in Canada as well, but for those who keep coming back to "on the dole" you haven't the foggiest how hard it is to live that way. I am on Provincial disability, and have been told too many times that I should be out working, disability is a holiday, etc. not so...many people want to work but cannot for a plethora of reasons-mental health issues being a major problem. Please broaden your horizons before judging.
                                                                                      • Dada WA
                                                                                        Too many people in "talk" jobs where they produce nothing. Example, how many news reporters do we need? At one time there were only a few but now there are dozens on every channel. They could be in employment in industries that need workers. Many other examples to be found.
                                                                                        • Pam G 449028
                                                                                          I’m not sure what our unemployment rate is, does anything know? I know that an awful lot of nurses etc are burnt out, been asked and expected to do more with less. Those that have left were not being replaced over the last 5 years, thanks to government budget cuts.
                                                                                          • Mopos
                                                                                            Current rate is 3.4% for Australia.
                                                                                        • Ann H 652541
                                                                                          whether or not they can speed up production is little odd you can only work as good as can and fast as you can anything else would or might cause accidents no matter what you are doing.
                                                                                          • Sheree T
                                                                                            Perhaps some that are on the dole should take these positions if in a reasonable distance from the area they are living. If they decline then they don't get the dole.
                                                                                            • Terry S 676925
                                                                                              Just visited Melbourne where there are dozens of 'Help Wanted' on shop and cafe restaurants - I even saw some wanting dish washers. .. you don't even have to speakmuch English to do that job. How many on the dole should be doing these jobs?
                                                                                            • Sheree TTerry S 676925
                                                                                              That's exactly right Terry, why aren't they doing it in interim until the ideal job for them becomes available.
                                                                                          • Lyn A.
                                                                                            Seems most of the world have the same problem-where have all the workers gone? Maybe if we lower the human population [not sure how to do this] of the world and went back to more basic living with less 'red tape' and more actual work and courtesy thing. Or maybe we need more technology/robots?
                                                                                            • Julie K 348980
                                                                                              I do not understand the amount of those on the dole versus what is available. There seem to be plenty of jobs but not many willing to take them.
                                                                                              • The dog house
                                                                                                There are many on the dole. They need to sift through them and maybe they can give them a job.
                                                                                                • Carolina Z
                                                                                                  I AGREE WITH YOU, SUZY.
                                                                                              • Tom S Qld
                                                                                                In Australia, the main problem is the housing shortages. Regional towns are crying out for more workers but are not able to house them. Even if workers wanted to come, they couldn't. Poor government policies.
                                                                                                • View all 7 replies
                                                                                                • Linda C
                                                                                                  I don't think government policy has much to do with this. Floods, fires have destroyed many homes and it is still happening.
                                                                                                • Tom S QldLinda C
                                                                                                  Agree. There isn't one cause of low housing supply, but many causes. There isn't one solution, but many. There isn't one area, but many. Housing shortage crisis is across all of Australia. Thanks for helping with the clarity.
                                                                                                • Cheryl P 755552
                                                                                                  But it wasn't previously like this.they had plenty of workers and housing then. What has happened now..just saying
                                                                                                • Linda CCheryl P 755552
                                                                                                  1000's of homes have been destroyed or damaged. We have the same amount of tradies just too many jobs.
                                                                                                • Tom S QldLinda C
                                                                                                  Yes, all true. Doesn't explain why there's a housing shortage in the cities, though. Still agreeing with you Linda. If they open the floodgates for foreign workers, where will they live? Perhaps the FW can see for themselves and are not coming due to the shortage.
                                                                                                • Linda CTom S Qld
                                                                                                  Yep, will acerbate the housing crisis if more are looking for rentals. As to the cities shortages, I know there has been problems brewing there for many years. More people and no more housing built in the inner city as no space left other than up. Many new homeowners are buying older properties, tearing down the old homes and rebuilding.
                                                                                                • Cheryl P 755552Linda C
                                                                                                  there are hundreds of estates opening up everywhere.all over the state. I realise there is a trade shortage but what the hell is going on. This problem was happening before floods and in Melbourne during covid there were empty apartments everywhere all of a sudden no houes flats available anywhere except for overpriced places by greedy labdloeds.
                                                                                              • Mary M 329762
                                                                                                Why, are Australia not educated more teacher or others jobs that borns in the Australia. Why, is it not easy go from front door for the visa they cancel for nothings but back door they get the visa and most don't work. Look at "a current affairs" how many work but the government cancel they visa for nothings that work this jobs. Its should be say how much government make from visa for this jobs them cancel visa. Face its a business for government making millions dollars put a visa for this jobs them cancel send them back broke. What the point needed worker if you don't want to keeps them began. I see a lots don't want to work as easy get centlink payments.
                                                                                                • Grommie
                                                                                                  Read your notes out loud.
                                                                                              • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                                low pay (and limited benefits) - which leads to a labor shortage in capitalistic countries - this leads to higher prices (FOR CONSUMERS) - welcome to CAPITALISM
                                                                                                • View all 4 replies
                                                                                                • Linda C
                                                                                                  Australia has a minimum pay rate and holiday and sick pay is added to this. Shortages have occurred here due to the high demand for tradesmen of all areas due to the destruction of so many homes through the fires and floods that have and still are ravaging our country. Many homes have become unliveable or have been completely destroyed.
                                                                                                • BLACK LIVES MATTERLinda C
                                                                                                  What about teachers and healthcare workers shortage - is that due to fire and floods (natural disasters)?
                                                                                                • Linda CBLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                                  No that is due to poor university numbers. Too many doing an Arts degree for instance. University should be offering places to fill the needed requirements of our country instead of profiting from overseas students who do not stay and work here. A lot of health workers quit due to the Covid pandemic although yes it was bad but nowhere near as bad as US or UK etc. Teachers now have to deal with abusive and dangerous students. Would not be an area of work I would apply for to be honest.
                                                                                                • BLACK LIVES MATTERLinda C
                                                                                                  labor shortages in capitalism are based on low pay, low job prestige, and lousy benefits
                                                                                              • Chosen
                                                                                                Everyone has a price.
                                                                                                • Claude H
                                                                                                  The low wages just above the benefit do not encourage people to work
                                                                                                  • gloria N 666866
                                                                                                    what would we do without paper work? The government needs to give the people some options. Here in U.S.A. the people got checks and extra money so there was no need to work. Now many are dependent upon the extra money and extra food stamps and all the handouts they get for not working. I think it would be a good idea to tell people to work or no food stamps. Many people are just lazy and think that welfare is the way to live. With all the immigrants collecting welfare and food stamps, would it be better to put them to work. Amazon will reportedly lay off 10,000 workers. maybe you could get some of the people to come to Australia and work instead of going on welfare and food stamps and unemployment. To many good companies going out of business because there is no one that wants to work.
                                                                                                    • Dottie 1043512
                                                                                                      Visa processing to bring in the workers.However it seem to me that they have a shortage in the Visa department .So that needed to be their first concern is getting more workers in that department to get those Visa processing on board so to speak.
                                                                                                      • SueM2
                                                                                                        Maybe people with nothing else to do could be "man-powered" (or woman-powered of course) as was done during the war? Or would that bring out all the bleeding-heart liberals in protest?
                                                                                                        • Catalina
                                                                                                          Inflation. Climate change. Chaos.
                                                                                                          • ROBERT K 1065766
                                                                                                            The issue is we need the Depart of Education and Commerce to be combined to create a Department of Econimic and Educational Development so that our education system is in tune with the job creators
                                                                                                            • Megan K 659578
                                                                                                              wow this is crazy to hear!
                                                                                                              • Paul B 522937
                                                                                                                It’s the same in New Zealand
                                                                                                                • just me- NZ
                                                                                                                  Totally agree with this! New Zealand is the same ,makes me so angry. A farmer here had to throw away 10 000 lettuces, because he could not get workers, very, very sad !!!

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