Discussion of the Day
Are schools to academically focused?
Rachael S24-Nov-21
Some people believe we should be teaching our kids more worthwhile life lessons like how to cook, sew, mend or even drive. Instead of making it too academically focused. What do you think?
  • Grommie
    Rachael S isn't the "to" she wanted was "too". Got it right the 2nd time... never let your schooling interfere with your education.
    • Julie K 348980
      Schools are for educating - be that “the three ‘r’s” or “life skills”.
      • Leslie D 488751
        When I was a kid we learnt to cook, clean, sew, mend, and everything else by our parents. I guess if both parents are working they have some kind of excuse for not teaching their children, but that is just an excuse. I know society has more academically minded dropouts now than we ever did. Is it because they can't, or don't want to, find work?
        • Linda C
          The best educated dole queues ever.
      • Linda Humby
        • mary c
          oops for a sec i thought it said electrocution!!! that would be harsh but effective for the most unruly kids...joking of course.
      • Mary M 329762
        Yes but the question is how good is the teacher. Teaching the child. I remember at school i had teachers was not into teaching us just i feel like the pay.
        • Jen S (S.A.)
          My daughter is a primary school teacher and puts in long hours to make sure her students are interested in thier studies and mixes her lessons, most of her students have some problems and come from poor back grounds , my daughter makes sure they feel worthwhile . I take my hat off to all teachers .
          • Michelle S 553303
            Your daughter deserves to be recognised as a teacher who actually teaches. Not all of them, unfortunately, do. My SIL is highly educated herself and is a great teacher but there are many who should be fired and are doing our children an injustice.
          • mary c
            Absolutely agree. My utmost respect to teachers after seeing the care and effort all of my daughter's teachers put into their work- particularly in primary and intermediate- as i got to see more of what they did directly. Though i have just as much respect for high school teachers and all they have to deal with on top of the academic side of their work.
        • Graham I
          Needs to be a mix of academic, pratical subjetcs, life skills and social development skills
          • LESLEY S 385154
            I believe the teachers have had more training than I have and they would run the lessons based on what their school requires. I believe children also need some physical activity to give their day a balance. A bit of art and C Raft is; useful as well. Music, is necessary to give th m an all round lessons and they will
            • Larry S 382961
              When I went to school we got algebra. Why I needed it is beyond me. My son had to learn Shakespeare. Why who knows. I don’t think a employer is going to ask a possible employee to rattle off 10 lines of Macbeth
              • mary c
                I think our young people would benefit from coping techniques for the real world and its stresses and anxieties. I did fine when studying for 3 years after school- few responsibilities- then after graduating got my first job. A young new grad therapist responsible for wards of patients-it was awful-i ended up needing stress leave and medication. That was prob just me being neurotic. Maybe people are more prepared when they leave school these days. I also think teens would benefit greatly from assertiveness and dealing with relationships..so you don't walk straight into the first relationship with someone and you have no idea of the red flags.
                • Claude H
                  A lot of stuff taught over the years was never going to be any use to a lot of pupils but then who knows what anyone will do in future years?
                  • Joan M 663912
                    Not so sure now. As Covid is around, some schools are not curriculum based.
                    • Christina C 466456
                      It depends on the level of education. For primary school some non academic subjects like cooking, gardening and budgeting (basic maths) are great for kids and are already being taught. For high school/college, kids should really be prepped for their chosen career pathway, university, as well as a basic level of maths, English and science as these subjects are important in non academic areas as well. These main subjects branch off into many other areas of life. Math is important for money matters and problem solving, English for communication, science - knowing why you shouldn't charge and operate your phone while having a bath or that you shouldn't put metal objects in a microwave are a few examples but these are more common sense. The point being that these subjects are useful to know. I doubt college kids these days want a career in laundry cleaning for example. It doesn't really apply in modern times and a robot is probably going to take over that job soon anyway. It's not something that looks outstanding on a CV either unless of course if you were the business owner. I often hear people say "Hey! I got by fine without school/maths/science and I make a decent living! What good has maths ever done for me?" But today is different and it's about providing more opportunities for your children in this increasingly competitive world.
                      • Maria S 460525
                        Very well said and explained Christina C. I couldn't agree with you more..
                    • Bugalugs
                      For some they are but fortunately that is slowly being addressed in more progressive schools - mostly State ones as the Private schools concentrate far TOO much on Sport and Academia and the Religious ones TOO much on teaching children about a mythical god, heaven and hell and that the bible is the One True Word of God - and other nonsense. Some State schools have learnt to identify children who are more Practical, more Hands-on, more interested in such things a Mechanics, Carpentry and other Really Useful Trades so they are leading them to those things rather than Academic pursuits - pursuits they will abandon the day they leave school for good. Some schools have already arranged for these non-academic children to get Practical Hands-on Work Experience so that they can enter Apprenticeships early. I think that is fantastic as there is a massive shortage of Skilled Workers in Australia.
                      • John b 479999
                        There definitely needs to be a balance of both.
                        • Ruth v
                          I think that's a good idea. Skills we need in life.
                          • rolo
                            good idea
                            • Greg B 520364
                              These are two different educational forms. Depending where you go for your future.
                              • Joe B 288252
                                I don’t think so..some forms of education are the parents responsibility and should not be foisted onto the education system. It seems to be the modern mantra, it’s the school’s responsibility. You had the fun!!! then carry the can…..lol
                                • Lachelle B
                                  You can't ask a question about academics when you can't spell yourself.............
                                  • Disie
                                    Life lessons are key to schooling. Home ec should be life skills, not just cooking. Kids need to know how to balance a budget, operate a washing machine. Many parents just don;t think about hose things
                                    • Robert T 597718
                                      yes we must learn
                                      • Frank N
                                        There is an important place for academic learning, as well as learning that is not academic. Schools these days do tend to do both
                                        • Aisha A 379399
                                          English, Maths and Science still a must. High schoolers need to learn to use the internet and social media responsibly. Teach self-defense instead of something like gymnastics. Less activities that cost too much money which puts financial pressure on parents.
                                          • mary josephine b
                                            what do they teach at schools today? they are not as academic as we were and still the home economics were taught. Obviously grammar is not taught check the question
                                            • Joanne D 188999 NZ
                                              When I was at Intermediate and high school back in the 1970's we did homecrafts, sewing and cooking for the girls and woodwork, metal work for the boys.they should still be doing that, but kids of today should be allowed to pick what they learn.
                                              • Peter O 164296
                                                Considering the number of school leavers these days who can't read, write, spell or add up, I hardly think they're too academically focused.
                                                • Joe B 288252
                                                  No they’re screen focused….lol
                                              • beverly w 540992
                                                when i went to college in the late 50,s i did homecraft which was cooking and sewing, and then went on to do my dressmaking apprenticeship, but we did all the other subjects as well, maths being my favourite
                                                • Lynne M 633106
                                                  YES !!!!!! Although the person writing the question perhaps should have gone to school.
                                                  • Lachelle B
                                                • Kat 493553
                                                  Might be good to spell the too words correctly? going TO I'm going TOO I'm going to TWO parties tomorrow.
                                                  • Biscuit
                                                    Obviously not !!
                                                    • Carolina Z
                                                      I depends on the teacher of in a classroom
                                                      • B Keeper
                                                        • mary c
                                                          haaa love yer name..with banana and MaypilSirrup.
                                                        • B Keepermary c
                                                          thanks Mary. I will change the name soon.
                                                      • Glenyse H
                                                        There needs to be a good balance between the 2 areas but find that the expensive private schools in WA concentrate more on academic subjects and not concentrate on any of the homily subjects.
                                                        • Darren S 116121
                                                          I think if they arnt teaching you to grow your own food,fix things,survive in the outside world they are just teaching you to be a consumer to keep the wealthy rolling in cash,couple hundred years ago you could live without major corporations,government interfering in everything,not any more
                                                          • Sonya F 68771
                                                            I think we need to have more life skills in schools and just try to go back to the basic of learning
                                                            • Jenny L 591463
                                                              I think there has to be a balance. Teaching is hard I know as some friends and my mum taught. My mum would make learning fun and exciting, wore costumes to make the children laugh. She would read in funny voices and make games up. Maths is a hard subject and not a favourite for me and I also think for a lot of people. We have too many gadgets these days so we aren't using our brains and knowledge because gadgets do it for us. Give a child google and they can answer any question you ask, ask them to use their imagination and come up with some thing unique and they are stuck. Spelling is another problem and we have touched on this subject before, how can we teach children when their parents have called them some weird misspelt name no one can even pronounce let alone spell either.
                                                              • Bill B 394870
                                                                great answer. teach the kids the the meaning of words ,grammar, spelling, basic maths ,how to add, multiply,divide and subtract and how to check their answers logically. then apply those lessons to life skills , budgeting, saving etc. cooking basics,driving, sewing and mending etc. i think tis would provide the basis for a more rounded education.
                                                            • Anneliese
                                                              Ha no. I remember doing all those life skills at school, but it still didn't compromise on other subjects. The amount of teens and adults I've worked with in recent years who can't do basic maths in their heads to work out the correct change to give was beyond shocking. I see that as (what should be) primary school level. I think that needs to be addressed. Also all the short hand texting is not helping with spelling and grammar.
                                                              • Phyrephly
                                                                got that right! I know a few teachers, and roughly 90% of them have - some to great - difficulty spelling everyday words! It wouldn't hurt for there to be a mix of both "Life skills" and the Three R's. Exactly like it use to be. Funny, that!
                                                            • Gaza
                                                              Tell me, why do schools try to teach aboriginal languages, after all, they'll never be used.
                                                              • Luke W 72035
                                                                I was taught German, can't remember any of it. Absolute waste of time. What's the difference?
                                                              • AnnelieseLuke W 72035
                                                                I was taught Greek in primary school, I did German at Saturday school and French in high school. It's actually amazing, I travelled a lot and you might think you're not getting far with languages but you can retain and draw up a lot from memories if you have to (especially the earlier you start learning them). When I travelled years later I was amazed how much I did know, even though I thought I couldn't remember a thing. It didn't take long before I was speaking them again. So no, I don't agree with saying they're a waste of time.
                                                            • JANN R
                                                              I think the schools are doing everything they can to cover all grounds of learning and it's becoming more important for kids to get as much as they can out of there schooling
                                                              • Kristina
                                                                I had no problems with my child's school they were taught everything that could have been thrown at them. My child's takes pride in being in the top 10 of the worldwide testing thing. They did a great job with both my kids. Both graduated with very high test scores and high honors.
                                                                • Bhuneshwar S
                                                                  Some are some aren’t
                                                                  • Eleanor B 451110
                                                                    Good to see correction! ??
                                                                    • doris t 277529
                                                                      Whoever wrote this caption did not go to an academically focused school, or not in the grammar department anyway.
                                                                      • Empress
                                                                        The three "R"s are the most important things to learn from the start. Without those you cannot self educate! A love of learning new things is important for children right from the start, so that you continue to learn all through your life.
                                                                        • Phyrephly
                                                                        • Elizabeth J 447888
                                                                          Very well stated Mary.
                                                                      • James B 70778
                                                                        I don’t know anymore.
                                                                        • Stephen F 84899
                                                                          I think so
                                                                          • Bill H 487635
                                                                            Rachael needs to sort her grammar out and go to an academic school
                                                                            • Christina C 466456
                                                                              I think school should be purely academic and kids should learn other skills outside of school from their parents or hobby clubs etc.
                                                                              • Jennifer H 396811
                                                                                Of course schools should be academically focused, that is why they are there. Children need to be educated property in the three R's first and foremost.
                                                                                • Christina D
                                                                                  I think schools need to be more flexible. I lost interest in school because they didn't listen to what I was interested in learning. It was my parents who taught me to cook, sew, budgeting, banking, car maintenance etc but I also wanted to learn horticulture and a language other than French or Japanese (nothing wrong with those but those were the only 2 options) and I definitely didn't want to learn science. Not all kids are book smart so when they don't succeed at that, they feel like failures in everything
                                                                                  • Roslyn A
                                                                                    I think things are better now; when I was at school I would have loved to do metalwork and woodwork but only boys allowed. Mind you, schools tend to be a bit too political these days. Children should hear both sides of any debate.
                                                                                    • Amanda D 653227
                                                                                      We need to teach trainable skill like math, reading, writing,
                                                                                      • Carolyn H 319412
                                                                                        I think both should be included. So often, life lessons are overlooked.
                                                                                        • Ann H 652541
                                                                                          although it is true academic wise children have excel. But you and i know that if you make something fun they will enjoy it more and seeing the finished product is amazing to a child when they make something for themselves and learning to drive is a must in the coming years ahead when they get big, You cannot divide it straight down the middle but you can have fun with them while teaching them other things and in that you can be bonded to them for a life time a memories. academics is important but the other is also important.
                                                                                          • Sheree T
                                                                                            I believe there should be some balance between the both. At high school we also had sewing and cooking and woodwork classes and it was a nice break from the academic side. Having said that the core subjects which are important are the priority such as Math, English, Science and Social studies, the other subjects break it up a little and give you that balance.
                                                                                            • kristian s 513441
                                                                                              I think all schools should be academically focused especially important subjects like math, social studies, English and science should be the most important subjects to be focused on.
                                                                                              • Tina 423889
                                                                                                I think so too. Kids are being stressed to learn subjects and things that they will not use in life in some cases. Stressing them out and making life harder.
                                                                                                • Tupulua S
                                                                                                  The minute the child takes his or her first step, that is the start of their life skill learning, and that is a lifelong education, regardless of what career path they choose, even us oldies,we are still learning things. therefore academic education is a must for our children if they choose not to take it on, it's their individual decision, then we parents still give them the support they need
                                                                                                  • SueM2
                                                                                                    Well Rachael, it appears that for Rewardia, schools are not academically focused enough as they obviously don't understand the difference between to, too and two! In NZ, we used to have "Technical" High schools, which taught the academic basics, but also focused on homecraft, commercial subjects, engineering and wood & metal work. Naturally, these schools were closed, apprenticeships virtually disappeared (as the "Techs" were the feeders for the most part) and now we have dire shortages of plumbers, sparkies, builders etc etc!
                                                                                                    • Lizzie L
                                                                                                      I think it’s a good idea to prepare them for real life.
                                                                                                      • JAMIE D 156261
                                                                                                        Maybe they need to be more academically focused? For example, look at the question. "TOO" not "TO" !!
                                                                                                        • The dog house
                                                                                                          It is worth while for children to learn life skills. To also be good citizens and use their lives productively. It is also their choice what job they would like to work in.
                                                                                                          • Brietta 617888
                                                                                                            Yes they should cause English and PE skills won't help you if you need to cook or change a tire
                                                                                                            • APB
                                                                                                              Yes because our children are coming out of schools currently being far too well educated...everyone says so.... and your government needs more stupid people...that's why they keep cutting funding...
                                                                                                              • Susan D 669698
                                                                                                                Where my kids go ,yes" my kids ok.
                                                                                                                • Laura F 393148
                                                                                                                  Is that a joke? Too? C'mon, you did that on purpose, yes? Too funny!
                                                                                                                  • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                                                    Are schools too academically focused - NO (not academically focused enough)! It is the job of parent(s) to teach their kid(s) how to cook, sew, mend, if they have the patience to teach their kids how to drive, etc (life skills). Interesting how parents have kids - but expect public schools to raise their kids! If you don't want too raise your own kids, then DON"T have kids (this is (NOT a novel concept)) .....................!!
                                                                                                                    • Linda C
                                                                                                                      Obviously who ever wrote this question needs more schooling. It should read "Are schools too academically focused". Academia is fine but will not get you many jobs. Practical subjects will. If you are academically minded you can go along that path especially in University. Primary school should be for the basics with a few extras like sport, art, and such to break up the subjects a bit. However, reading, maths, english, history all should be the main subjects. As for budgeting etc. as Shirley H states, this can be taught in High School when it actually would make some sense as then the young teens could be working, buying a car, etc. Sexual education is really the parents job but we all know many cannot handle that so I think there should be a class they can attend if they want to.
                                                                                                                      • Shirley H 391879
                                                                                                                        I actually think the academic side is not pushed enough. But I also think that some practical subjects could be expanded. Such as law (we all sign contracts. Mortgage, leasing agreements etc) accounting (banking and budgeting) and early childhood studies. Too many of our young are becoming parents at a young age.
                                                                                                                        • Rhonda D 522615
                                                                                                                          They have that. It is called Home Economics. But they need to cross-over into other classes, too. How to set up bank accounts, write checks, etc. can be in government classes. Easy to incorporate life lessons into many classes
                                                                                                                          • Linda C
                                                                                                                            Who writes cheques these days. Everything is done on the mobile phone.
                                                                                                                          • Rhonda D 522615Linda C
                                                                                                                            Some people still do write checks.

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