Discussion of the Day
Bingo players
I am unhappy about some people in there that think that everyone has to say congrats, well done, etc. Some people just want to sit and play without chatting. You think it's rude that if someone does not acknowledge your win, you take offence. YOU!! DO NOT know what is going on in someone's life. Maybe they can't type, maybe they are shy, maybe they have a mental illness you know nothing of. To turn sour on someone just because they do not comment is just plain wrong!. You do not know what is going on behind closed doors. The other thing that ashamed me is the sexual innuendos from some people. This is not tolerated in the workplace, school place, or any other place. Keep your dirty sexual remarks to yourself, or you will be reported and hopefully removed. Have a bloody heart, Be caring to people. Don't hate!
Comments - Page 2
  • Elizabeth T 396096
    I see the chat in Bingo the same as comments sections all over this site: you can either respond or not and this does not reflect on anybody as a person. I don't understand why people are so nit-picky over ridiculous irrelevant things. I agree with you in respect to the inappropriate conversations and I usually ignore those but have on the rare occasion asked people to cut it out as this is not what the board is for.
    • kristian s 513441
      I haven't play Bingo for long time.
      • Therese M 73305
        I personally haven't seen any sexual remarks on here . I've seen alot of religion being posted but that was a while back . As for wd congrats etc there is no harm in that but I do recall you yourself have congrats people so why the complaining. Yes I remember the incident you were not acknowledged by someone that wasn't talking to you and you put up comments you and some one else did the same.. If you don't wish to speak on bingo Don't if you Don't want to congratulate some one Don't no one is making you . I personally think saying hi to people in different states or countries is curtisey just because I live in Adelaide doesn't mean I can only talk to them .
        • Sandra H 325339
          I have played a few times - never get anywhere and I have never commented (not quite sure how there is time to do so when you are watching for numbers?) Not been there enough to know about any issues with commenters/commentees. I find it boring and way too little points for the time taken.
          • Sweetums
            Everything you said is true. Let everyone do what they want.
          • SweetumsSweetums
            no one should be saying inappropriate comments, flirtations....not the place, but also don't make a judgement against someone who is quiet and not sending thank you's for the congrats and well dones they receive. They are not trying to ignore your congratulations. Many players don't have time to chat back and play. I'm generally that way. If I chat, I sacrifice seeing all the numbers drawn and I lose anyway. So maybe it's okay to say "well done" and "thank you", but don't judge others for not chatting back. And no flirting or saying things you know better than to. It's not the time or place for that.
        • Biscuit
          Yep. Plenty of reasons why you may not be typing. Lots of people also just like to play without chatting. No one likes to feel obligated to comment. Joining a game and then doing surveys before it starts often means you don’t have time to read all the comments anyway.
            I never played bingo in real life. I have never played online at rewardia.com. Did not know playing bingo could get UGLY! But my experiences at rewardia.com says that sounds like HOW quite a few members of rewardia.com will respond. DO NOT expect rewardia.com to clean-up the issue! Still, I am SORRY to hear it HAPPENED to you (too)!
            • Rhonda D 522615
              What is going on?
              • Maria B 89860
                Has me baffled as well, now am beginning to realise is not the Bingo I am acquainted with!! My goodness, may that be the worse thing that happens in this world today!
            • Morenita
              Huh is that how you play bingo??
              • Maria B 89860
                Seems to be "Huh" and not "ha, ha" ... does not seem to be a very happy pass time / hobby,

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