Discussion of the Day
Air stinks in my area
SUZY Q18-Jul-21
Last night I let the dog out and the air was so sickening. During my sleep I was woken up by a blocked nose and the smell from outside had seeped into my room. I could not sleep so I got up for a cup of tea instead. I felt better and was able to breath easier. This happens nearly every month. Why I have no idea. Why not every night? Does this happen in your area?
  • Roslyn A
    It usually means the wind is blowing it in your direction from the tip. You would be surprised how far a smell can travel.
    • Richo
      breathing out and walking forward can cause this, Ha
      • Pato Lo Duck
        Smells like goat poo at the moment..
        • graeme m 189162
          maybe get the dog checked???
          • lulu
            Move if its that bad.. whats in your local area that causes this
            • Priscilla R 316016
              Fortunately I don't have to live with this problem
              • clifford s
                is your area septic or sewage
                • Lorraine C 90175
                  No smells in the Gold Coast region of Queensland, unless I’ve eaten too much cabbage.
                  • Catalina
                    I’m sorry Suzy. Mysterious and sure very annoying, good that not every night! Go and find out as the others suggested the source. Very rarely there is a bad smell blown by the wind where I live, it goes away as it came.
                    • Jacqueline R 353303
                      No air fine where I am in Qld
                      • Ruth v
                        There are certain areas that smell bad.
                        • Sandra C 12043
                          Here in Adelaide we have the EPA (Environment Protection Agency). Yolu just contact them and they sort it out. Not sure where you live but you may have a Government Dept or Council to contact.
                          • Edith v
                            Have you spoken to your neighbours ??If they have the same experience ,write to your local council add the neighbours signatures (like a petition)& COMPLAIN maybe you live near a tip?Go on line & get A list of plants that purify the air put Rosemary in a pouch under or near your pillow Hang a bunch (dried or fresh) near your open window it may help
                            • AMUSICALTONY
                              • Edith v
                                above tips may help you too
                            • AMUSICALTONY
                              REFUSE TIP NEARBY?
                              • Sonya F 68771
                                Not where i live
                                • Stephen F 84899
                                  Not where I live.
                                  • Wendy Q
                                    Do you happen to live anywhere near an abattoire or cattle yards? The wind can blow in the smell from miles away.
                                    • Wendy Q
                                      I live in the country, only have the smell of gum trees.
                                      • MARGARET p 388156
                                        Never had this proplem
                                        • Paul J 94868
                                          Perhaps the dog has a bad case of wind sometimes...
                                          • Tane T
                                            Ever considered it could be you?
                                            • The dog house
                                              Never thought it could be me. But I suppose there is always a possibility. My underarms can smell if the deoderant wears off. Have a good day Tane
                                          • roger l 315504
                                            Sometimes you can get lucky, I've got sleep apneoa so I sleep on constant pressure ventioator that filters and humidifys the air that I breathe so no odours at all
                                            • Joanne A 429739
                                              Never had this problem!
                                              • Steve
                                                It depends on where you live and what way the wind is blowing
                                                • Glenys H 310155
                                                  I would keep note of it (dates, if it is after heavy rain etc) and see if there is a cycle or reason for it. If so contact the council, if not consider moving. I lived in an area once, when we viewed the house it was in a lovely area, you could see the river easily as it was only 100 metres away at most... At low tide the smell was horrendous on warm sunny days. Knowing what was causing the smell made things a little easier...checked the tides and the weather, it became bearable.
                                                  • Joe B 288252
                                                    Canvass the folk in your area. It might be natural like an evening scented primrose or night scented jasmine. These can be quite pongy to some noses or it could be some horrid industrial plant….can’t sort it? …best move
                                                    • Linda C
                                                      I live on the East Coast of Queensland on the Gold Coast, Our air quality smells great but you never know what is floating on the air. We used to get the smell of the burning cane which was very sweet. Not allowed now.
                                                      • Jill N 111098
                                                        I'm at Hope Island and it smells here at the moment due to the mangroves..we used to get the cane smell and ashes too blowing across.
                                                      • Linda CJill N 111098
                                                        I am a bit away from Mangroves here and there is only a small area of them anyway near the high school and river/estuary. To be honest, I have never smelt them.
                                                    • HOT PANTS HARRY
                                                      MAYBE ONE OF THELOCAL POLLIES LET OFF SOME HOT AIR?
                                                      • beverly w 540992
                                                        no i live in the upper hutt valley so dont have any smell, put used to live in putaruru so have smelt the rotorua smell many a time
                                                        • mary c
                                                          am in hutt valley too :) Near old tyre factory-used to smell it at night. Nowdays it is a brewery so i smell malt some nights! much better :)
                                                      • Helen Stiglec
                                                        No problems in my area
                                                        • Helena P 470894
                                                          In my area it's people burning everything and anything except the right stuff in their open fires. Could be that. It's toxic at times.
                                                          • CHERRY BLOSSOM
                                                            In our area you can smell the Sewage sometimes in the air.
                                                            • JANN R
                                                              I live in a rural area too so the air is very fresh and clean we dont have any problems its really the best place to live Edenhope in country victoria great place
                                                              • doug m 408074
                                                                not here
                                                                • Wendy B 361582
                                                                  Full of diesel fumes in rural area
                                                                  • beverly w 540992
                                                                    where i live in the land of the long white cloud nz the air is really fresh and clean so dont have your problem
                                                                    • Robin L 79437
                                                                      I live in a rural area and the air is vey good
                                                                      • Kim N 285099
                                                                        Air, where I live, is clean and clear, better than my old town.
                                                                        • Frank N
                                                                          No it doesn't happen where we live in Otaki
                                                                          • Maria B 89860
                                                                            Bad smell alone may not give you a blocked nose, just wondering if there is some kind of industry nearby that may be disposing of things into the atmosphere illegally, on a monthly basis? Not happening in my area but then again a lot of industry is no longer here, either went broke and closed down of gone offshore where labour is cheaper.
                                                                            • The dog house
                                                                              There is a industrial area not far from me. One time I walked my dog and there was a spill as it hurt my lungs.
                                                                            • Maria B 89860The dog house
                                                                              Are able talk to neighbours if they can smell something too ... not sure what can be done as the question of what was there first, industrial or housing ... but in the end health has to come first.
                                                                          • Sheree T
                                                                            Air is fine where I live in Queensland
                                                                            • Claude H
                                                                              No I live in the fresh open spaces
                                                                              • Chosen
                                                                                Never have had a problem and now I know why New Zealand is called and referred to as "God's Own"
                                                                                • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                  I live in Southern Sunny California - the air doesn't STINK. However, due to overpopulation (I moved to Southern Sunny California for the weather - and I am not the only person to move here for that reason) and mass transportation issues (rush hour) - Southern Sunny California has the WORST air quality (ozone issues) in the USA. Anyway, if the air stinks where you live, you are putting your life (health) at risk - it is TIME to MOVE - IMMEDIATELY!
                                                                                  • kristian s 513441
                                                                                    I think depends on the areas I am in at the time, which sometime the air stink outside.
                                                                                    • Alex H 487498
                                                                                      It depends where though doesn't industrial areas are well known for their pollution
                                                                                      • misfortune8
                                                                                        As you've said you live near an industrial area, I'd suspect that's the source. Have you discussed this with your neighbours? If it's nearly every month. I'd suggest diarising the frequency it occurs. If you're walking your dog in that area again & it recurs, take note of the address that the smell seems the worst. I don't know if you could report to your local council that there's a bad smell coming from the industrial area. It's hard without knowing which premises the smell is coming from.
                                                                                        • Tina 423889
                                                                                          Not near me, I live out in the country so we have fresh air all the time
                                                                                          • APB
                                                                                            That sound horrible Suzy...no it doesn't happen to me now n Australia or anywhere else on the planet that I have lived...ever...yuk...move out and live elsewhere...it is your health at risk here...
                                                                                            • The dog house
                                                                                              I wish I could but as I am a carer of an elderly mother who does not want to move it is hard for me as I cannot abandon her. Not far from me there are a lot of businesses and this might be the reason why. One day I walked my dog through the area and something awful may have leaked out I had to block my nose and my lungs did not feel good afterwards. May be one day I have a chance to move before it kills me.
                                                                                          • Mary M 329762
                                                                                            Maybe somethings in the air that dog take in the house at night. Can the air be toxic pollution that go on the dog them when you go to sleep this happens
                                                                                            • The dog house
                                                                                              My dog is mainly indoors he hardly wants to stay outdoors. Come the warmer weather he stays out a bit longer. I would like to think he is not the one killing me.
                                                                                          • Phyrephly
                                                                                            Don't know about 'scents', but I know I drink boxed water only, and avoid drinking tap water like the plague, as it tastes awful most of the time. Are they doing chemical 'clean-ups' in your vicinity? A while back, there was a spate of people with chemical allergies attend doctors surgeries - I was one such person - they were cleaning out the near-by petrol tanks, getting the plant ready for decommission. There is actually have an ongoing problem with water supply in a near-by area, which has peaked the interest of Erin Brockovich in US. People are reporting terrible tasting water, and actually having nausea and headache issues re drinking water.
                                                                                            • The dog house
                                                                                              This is interesting. I know I cannot drink direct tap water at home as it makes me feel nauseated. We boil it first and that helps.
                                                                                          • Rhonda D 522615
                                                                                            Yes. My city is known as "The City of 5 Scents".

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