Discussion of the Day
Has modern society destroyed relationships between men and women irreparably? The growth of radical men's groups encouraging men to give women a wide berth are gaining popularity in this time of political correctness while in Japan, men and women are choosing the single life in growing numbers. What do you think is the solution?
  • Sweetums
    Men are from Mars.... Women are from Venus
    • john v 551148
      men and women should compliment each other, avoid jealousy and remember it takes two to tango.
      • Jenny L 591463
        I am tempted to write a book on my experiences going through what I went through at the time. I would hope it would stop people doing to others what I went through especially if there are children involved. It upsets my second husband greatly the injustice I went through. I don't know how to start the book and in Australia dramatic changes need to be done for the children and victims of domestic and violent abuse. It is slowly happening but not quickly enough. When I was going through all this there was no where for me to turn to for help. In the end I left my children to live with a monster and I do regret that but at the time my hands where tied. I know some have spent up to 80 grand to get their children, it's so wrong. The pure greed of other peoples misery, makes my blood boil.
        • Priscilla R 316016
          It will work itself out as it has done for the last 4000 years. Somewhere along the way people will realise you have to have male and female to continue life. All males or all females can not do this, so it will come back to the normal in time.
          • Paula J 395266
            It's all about selfishness. It's all about me, me, me and not us. I have watched as people care far more about themselves now and their feelings. How else do you explain so many relationship breakdowns? People have no respect for one another, or integrity, honesty, manners or loyalty. I met my husband when I was 16 and at 18 needed my parents permission to marry him. When we tell people we have been married for almost 55 years instead of congratulating us people make jokes such as you don't get that long for murder. Shouldn't a marriage that has lasted that long be valued or even admired instead of denigration?
            • JANET R 328390
              Yes - that is wonderful. Congratulations.
            • Kristina
              I agree with you, congratulations. I know some people that act like marriage is a death sentence, then I ask, "why did you get married then". No comment after that. Or you have the other half of people who are jealous of your relationship with your husband/wife, because they want you have.
          • Leslie D 488751
            Why can't men have their groups? Women have had theirs for years and it's about time men had theirs. Political correctness has destroyed many aspects in society today, so it is nothing new. With the onslaught of people living by themselves, is that so bad in itself? Modern marriages, on the whole, are not working because of different reasons so it stands to reason that people want to live separate lives. When people wake up they will want to live together again so don't worry about it so much. I don't agree with the way society is headed, but my good lady and I live our own life and let others live theirs whichever way they want.
            • Edith v
              I think women have to be feminine & nicely dressed. Not show the "wares" put your boobs away lengthen your skirt a bit.Don't jump into bed with them on your 1st dates. Let them use their imagination & let them pursue you .We can be in control & they never know.Living together without a commitment to marriage only encourages them to feel single.I have had a career ,had children & I have my mans respect &He has mine. We can discuss anything & everything, we have 59yrs behind us ,
              • Mariaj
                I do believe modern society has changed relationships and not for the better either… People used to date each other to see if they had things in common and to bring out the best in each other before going into a long term commitment. Today though people just jump into bed with one another and a week later move in together and a lot of times it fails as they realise they aren’t well matched at all
                • Zara The Dog
                  Go back to the old ways where men opened doors for you,respected you,woman's lib has ruined that for woman
                  • Aisha A 379399
                    In Japan, they spend too much time on work so they don't have time for relationships. And Tokyo is one of the most expensive places to live in the world. Seriously, there are many reasons why people want to be single. Not everyone can find happiness in a relationship. And things can get really messy after a divorce.
                    • lulu
                      sorry kitty i think thats how it needs to be, ive been married for 47 years and have three grown up kids to one man well thats how it was supposed to be but the relationships today do not last kiddo .
                      • APB
                        Then there are bi, gay, trans, pre and post...and a strangely large number of people who have decided that they have no sex at all and are gender neutral....and our wonderful technology...virtual relationships/sex....sex dolls and sex robots, of both sexes...possibly both...whew!...who has time to go out and pick someone up in bar?
                        • John B 89024
                          I really don''t know.
                          • Bugalugs
                            Kitty, it's not just "radical men's groups" which are the problem it is also every bit as much the fault of radical women's groups which are destroying relationships. Do you ever tune into Australia's ABC - allegedly the Australian Broadcasting Commission which is supposed to be supportive of Equal Opportunity, Diverse, Gender Neutral. Today not a male in sight, Have a look at ABC-TV's "The Drum" the most misandrist programme ever. During the current Covid Pandemic there is but One Male Chief Medical Health Officer - the rest are all female, the only epidemiologists consulted are all Female. Males have been excluded from almost all Teaching, Medical and other roles. Men are constantly being put down, denigrated, insulted by women and the ABC's All Female anchors, journalists are the worst offenders of all. Men are increasingly being excluded so it is no wonder they are deciding to choose the single life.
                            • Jenny L 591463
                              Well it is getting to the point where can't even look at a person with out them taking it the wrong way, fearing some sexual harassment. I do believe the political correctness has gone too far the wrong way. I have gay friends, they are lovely people, some people just take that and turn it in to some thing sinister, taboo and horrible. Well it would curb the world population to a degree I guess. In all I think we should just allow people be who they are as long as it isn't hurting any one else. I have been in a horrible abusive marriage where it ended in a very bad way. Destroying relationships that will never be repaired. I am happily remarried and know the difference now. Was very hard to get to this point though.
                              • Smiley
                                I am sorry to hear about your abusive past marriage. I hope you are able to spend the rest of your life with your new partner being treated with love, care and respect. I too have friends from all walks of life, my best friend is gay and has a great husband. I have other friends who i met on line and we have solid, honest friendships full of trust, some of my online friends are trans, bi, gender neutral, queer... they are all wonderful people.
                            • Darren S 116121
                              i havent heard of radical mens groups but what i do see is women demanding that any man too be worthy must look like Adonis,have a 6 figure salary,be ready to worship the girl,meanwhile the girl is allowed to look like the bearded lady at the circus,have nothing to offer except sex,be able to throw tantrums whenever they want. I have been happily married for 20 years,men and women are different,they are not here to be rivals but to complement each other
                              • Sonya F 68771
                                I have been married for 37 years and it has its ups and downs but we are still together
                                • APB
                                  Well it could mean less people walking around in the longer term...which would be good for poor old mother Earth!
                                  • Igor A
                                    Not in all the parts of the Planet.
                                • Mary M 329762
                                  I really don't know
                                  • Jacqueline R 353303
                                    My biggest concern in our world today is the amount of single mothers with children from different partners. Surely brothers, sisters, cousins etc may meet up one day and not know they are related & enter a relationship. Maybe we should all have blood tests to see if we are related. It's a hard one society seems to be on a downward path these days.
                                    • Smiley
                                      Being a single Mum is not a new thing though. My mum became a single mum 40 years ago. My dad is still alive, i never met him in my childhood, still haven't met him up to now. I don't know if the blood test idea would work. In some places it is perfectly OK to marry extended family, does that mean we have to tell them their way of living is wrong?
                                  • Kristina
                                    Been with my husband 25 years, still as happy as ever. I think its just the way of life, let people choose what they think or feel whats best for them.
                                    • Empress
                                      I choose the single life because I previously was married to an idiot.
                                      • AlanH CENTRAL VIC
                                        • EILEEN W 310556
                                          I met my husband while hitchhiking around Europe and married him four months later. We have been married 56 years this December. We have had our struggles, arguments, temporary separations but survived and now in our late 70s we need each other. Too many people now have fleeting relationships often producing children and without the bond of marriage it is far too easy to move on to the next one. I worry about the children who grow up with a succession of 'other' pseudo parents. In so many cases of child abuse and cruelty it is reported that it is 'mother's' de-facto or 'boyfriend' responsible. Yes. there were times when I thought about leaving my marriage but am glad I stuck it out and so are my children and grandchildren.
                                          • Amber 22
                                            I don't know much about this one I just wish they where easyer .I would like my 2 sons to have a better life then mine just to be happy and healthy most of the time would be a good th
                                            • The dog house
                                              Long ago women were abused with no help from authorities. Men had affairs and women once married were not allowed to work. Women had no choice but to put up with husbands who took out their frustrations on women. It still happens now and in some Countries even worse. In these cases it is better to be single than to live unhappily with someone that can ruin your mental health and that of your children.
                                              • Dada WA
                                                Why blame men? From what I can see women (extreme feminists) are equally or more likely to be the cause. Why does there need to be a solution if that's how people want to live. Another example of someone deciding on how other people should live to their ideals. .
                                                • Igor A
                                                  These days the working Men or Women are Taxed so much that it gives the power to the Government to pay for easy independent life without Husband, Wife or Children. Shortly speaking He/She/The Entity who/that gets the money and pays for our easy life has become our Man, Wife and Children and the Guarantor of our easy independent lives. Welcome to the Inevitable New Wonderful World and try to adapt to the New Realities! However there may be bad turbulences during this progression.
                                                  • JANN R
                                                    Its all gone to far its all rubbish live your own life and dont worry about anything else if your happy stay that way you cant blame anyone
                                                    • Roslyn A
                                                      We have lost our family/community where couples who argued were counselled by those around them and the community did its own matchmaking.
                                                      • Colin L 88398
                                                        Some women's groups are just as bad as the more obnoxious men's groups and this is nothing new. There have always been those who prefer themselves to having any others in their lives and again this is nothing new. The current biggest problem facing people is Antisocial Media which is not there to help you but to sell you as they want their Million Dollars per sale just like any other company and despite what you may think they are doing it to help themselves no one else.
                                                        • JANN R
                                                          I agree with you Colin
                                                      • Beverley S 383001
                                                        I can understand men being wary - political correctness has a lot to answer for. Equality has gone overboard - women are favoured more than men in many ways and I think it is sad. I believe in 100% respect for everyone.
                                                        • Judy C 96642
                                                          Too true,equality has gone too far,100%respect for everyone!
                                                      • Nico D
                                                        Its a personal choice that shouldnt be influenced by the status quo
                                                        • MoB
                                                          When the left stop pitting women against men and black against white, when we get back to some normality, after COVID. Let's get back to young lives being fun and having choices. What happened to meeting somebody at work and going out with them, oh yes the left said that was a bad thing. What happened to meeting people at dances, oh yes it's now a mosh pit. What happened to going to the shops and meeting people, oh yes we shop on line. Dating apps are used now and how often do we see how that can go terrible wrong. Meeting people in the flesh, as it were, you get to know them, their friends and their families in a fairly short time so you get to really know them. Dating apps surely pay a part but they should not be the only way to meet people.
                                                          • Linda C
                                                            Unfortunately it is how it happens now a lot but people meet each other the old way. Still, how many people have said the partner changed when they moved in/married and became abusive and demanding. Nothing is perfect.
                                                        • Robyn M 625668
                                                          go back to the days gone by and not dating apps they are too easy, you have to work at it not pick it on an app
                                                          • Yin Girl
                                                            I think dating apps have, once upon a time you went out and met someone, now its like ordering pizza on your phone. no romance & completely transactional. Put the pressures of social media and society on top and lets not forget Covid for the last 2 years, how the hell are you supposed to meet anyone these days. Damned if you do damned if you dont
                                                            • Claude H
                                                              Live & let live. To each their own
                                                              • Frank N
                                                                It's always been an individual's choice, except in societies that have arranged marriages
                                                                • CHERRY BLOSSOM
                                                                  At least if you stay single you don't have to answer to any one or Argue with anyone.
                                                                  • Tupulua S
                                                                    wealth is ONE of the many reasons that men and woman want to stay single. Must remember, man and woman were created by THE CREATOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH, and meant to be together. They must work to enhance their relationship in harmony love each other and share and equal value and bare fruits of the groin. As they say My heart is yours and yours is mine
                                                                    • kristian s 513441
                                                                      I am happy to be single and I don't want to be in any relationships with anybody.
                                                                      • Grommie
                                                                        got a cat or a dog? then you are in a relationship.
                                                                    • Sheree T
                                                                      Have not heard of any radical men's groups. And as for political correctness it is absolutely ridiculous.
                                                                      • Tina 423889
                                                                        depends, I do think there has been an attack on men and women for some reason lump all men into one. Ive been married 26 years so im good but i know lots of young women who choose to be alone, to each there own..im happy.
                                                                        • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                          Don't know and don't care - at my age (and factoring in covid19) - I am not interest in establishing more relationships. Questions: When has political correctness destroy a relationship (lack of money, racism, sexism, etc. - yes)? What are the names of radical groups that are encouraging men to give women a wide berth are gaining popularity - in what countries (the growth of radical groups in the usa (Exampe: Proud Boys) are gaining popularity in the usa) - based on the assumption everyone is not entitled to be treated equally under a document called the constitution (which I will admitt has more holes in it - then - swiss cheese)? My last question were you being SARDONIC? FYI: The cost of living is exorbitant in Japan (Japan is the most expensive country to reside in - on the planet) - a single person has a better chance of making it in Japan, then couples. Furthermore, a woman in Japan (and Japan is not enlightened when it comes to male and female relationships) - still - a female in Japan is expected to work full time, and be a full time mom - while she is marry. In addition, Japan's population is supposedly going to dropped from 125,360,000 (now) to 95,360,000 by the year 2050 (maybe less physical contact between the genders is a good thing - HAHA)! Japan is the only country on the planet (on a severely battered and severely bruised planet) - projected with a declining population!
                                                                          • just me- NZ
                                                                            Love, destiny, connection and attraction does not have boundaries.
                                                                            • Linda C
                                                                              Well for years men treated women like chattels or punching bags (not all of course but this behaviour was the norm and was acceptable). Women could not vote or own property. If they were divorced the children went with the husband no matter what. Women decided that enough was enough and it has taken many many years to get the vote and still we fight for equal pay and equal opportunities. Some men don't like women having independence. Relationships have not been destroyed just altered. It is about equality but there are different roles for men and women and these need to be respected by both partners. Women are expected to carry full time jobs, shop, housekeep, raise the children etc. Many men still think they have the right to go to the footy or whatever and leave the partner home doing all the chores. There are partners though that do help with the chores and children etc. also. As for these radical men's groups I am glad they are giving women a wide berth.
                                                                              • Igor A
                                                                                At the same time the women treated men like " I want to have it. Go get it and I do not care if you are going to come back alive." The man is now happy to be given a wide berth as well.
                                                                            • Rhonda D 522615
                                                                              Just know that there are differences between men and women. Accept that difference. I think the world is becoming too self-centered.
                                                                              • Igor A
                                                                                I like what you say very much. But the real life is changing. Now same easy jobs, same clothes, same toilets, same sex already advancing - the difference is vanishing far too fast and harrows us all.
                                                                            • Phyrephly
                                                                              ditch political correctness for starters!
                                                                              • View all 3 replies
                                                                              • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                Usually you are quite rational. Therefore, explain to me HOW being political correct - has destroy personal relationships?
                                                                              • PhyrephlyBLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                PC makes it very difficult to start a relationship. Men do not want to accused of stalking, sexual harassment or sexism by say, holding a door open for a lady, or telling their date they suit the dress they are wearing. I think PC was developed - a little like covid was - to install confusion and fear into the general populace. It seems to be targeted at males in particular. If they look at a female, seeing her a perhaps a potential mate, they are frightened off doing anything about this attraction, for fear of being accused of rape or sexual harassment. People are afraid to speak truthfully about anything because of a perceived potential threat to everybody's sensibility. That makes it very difficult for progress to be made in relationships starting out.
                                                                              • BLACK LIVES MATTERPhyrephly
                                                                                I always thought of PC as hiding the ugly truth - that democracy and capitalism doesn't work for indigenous people and minorities in any HAVE country (Example: USA) - and the majority in any HAVE country having no issues with living with the ugly truth - since it is to their advantage. Our assessment of what PC is and how PC affects our lives is too diverse! Since I asked for your rationale (opinion) on PC, we will have to agree too disagree! FYI: I know very few males (as in one - me) - who has never stalked a female, sexual harassment a female in public, etc.

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