Discussion of the Day
Countries that are better than the Media tells you.
Daniel T 62610305-Nov-23
I've done a fair bit of travel and found that despite negative media about some Countries, they are actually fantastic!!, what are your experiences?
  • Peter M 273033
    I have grown older, the world has grown more belligerent...and now arthritis is restricting my movement. So glad of the travel I did manage when I was younger and freer. Loved my time in Germany. So much to see. Wonderful people. Everything is so efficient.
    • Mariaj
      I've travelled and lived in 36 countries and they are all beautiful for lots of different reasons, for mostly the people, culture and scenery
      • Empress
        Haven't been overseas for more than 10 years
        • Genevieve B 352031
          Neither have I. But I’ve lived in Australia for two years and London for eight years. Went to Scotland, Wales and Isle of Wight. I’ve been to many countries in Europe. Greece was great. Visited USA, Canada, The Bahamas, The Seychelles, Fiji and Norfolk Island. Every place was a great experience and I learned from every one of those experiences. I think everyone should do a little travelling, if they can. Also, never believe the media, ha ha.
      • Pam G 449028
        I don’t rely on the media when travelling, ravel agencies have a better idea.
        • Catalina
          The media...not to believe anything what they say about anything, that’s the only way - to travel, to shop, to eat, to listen, to read...to live.
          • Bernadette S 103492
            Great! Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, UK, USA. Not real comfortable in Malaysia. Usually locals are more than happy you are Australian.
            • Greg B 520364
              What I have found is that which ever country you visit the people are lovely and so is their country. I have been to more than 2-3 countries.
              • Pat C 618241
                We were scheduled for a trip to England but then there was Covid. Have not had the inclination since then and being told you are one of the most expensive countries in the world doesn't fill me with joy to travel even here! We have friends visiting in places like Hungary and they are telling how wonderfully inexpensive everything is, still doesn't tempt me now.
                • Paula J 395266
                  I believe nothing I get from the Australian media and much prefer to decide for myself. I prefer to travel overseas because in Australia the word "hospitality" really means rip-off. I like to go somewhere warm during Winter but the cost to head north is double the cost overseas. My holiday to Hawaii in 2020 was cancelled due to Covid lockdowns but the Aussie $ is now so low I can't afford to go so I'll just have to be patient and hope things improve before I'm too old to drag my suitcase.
                  • GRAEME W 313058
                    I Never use a suit case, just a back pack, if something doesn't fit it is cheaper overseas than Australia
                  • Paula J 395266GRAEME W 313058
                    Yes, but you're a man Graeme and don't need hair wand as well as night cream etc. That type of thing isn't always cheaper overseas.
                • LA
                  War/Unrest = Stay Away
                  • JANET R 328390
                    I have also done a fair bit of travelling. Firstly I believe VERY LITTLE of what I hear on the Media - sad to say. I live in Australia - and to me there is no place like home. As far as I am concerned there is good and bad in every country.
                    • Edith v
                      We make our own judgment. All countries are interesting
                      • boy blunder
                        I am a Google traveller and I haven't seen tv for years
                        • Laurel 1400238
                          I can't afford to travel
                          • Rose S 88496
                            Media hype is just that … make up your own mind
                            • Colin L 88398
                              If you have an active interest in any country no matter where it is it will be great for you while it may turn others off it is just a matter of personal preference.
                              • Colin L 88398
                                And the media coverage of countries isn't fact it is Personal Opinion of those writing the story so you are basing your opinion on someone else Personal Opinion who you do not know from a bar of soap and expecting that to be accurate. So the Travel Writer goes to India gets Food Poisoning and you expect a great story of how good the place is where as another Travel Writer goes tot he same area of the same country and has a great time . Two different Opinions of not only the same country but the same area of the same country so how would you explain the different stories? It is simple they are not based in truth but the Opinion of the writer.
                            • Wendy Q
                              Similar, most people you see close up are mostly like you and I.
                              • Missy Wyld
                                yes exactly what others hav sed.....u gotta live there to know....& sumtimes it depends WHERE in that country u go...tourisity spots aways showcase the best of their country,......but go where the non tourists go/live & then tell us how gr8 it was...
                                • Debra C 622321
                                  The last time I travelled overseas was many years ago when you could travel all over Europe and feel safe - now I think New Zealand is the only place that I'd feel completely safe.
                                  • Jenny L 591463
                                    One place I really love and the people are extremely friendly is America but Americans get such a bad wrap in the media and yes they can carry guns but not all of them use them in stupid ways. I could be cheeky and say only the police do that and they do even here. Maybe going to Canada in 2025 but have to finish house extension first that is our number 1 priority. Plus my parents are going to help with the air fares, they have just helped us a lot to getting our new kitchen too. I do have extremely lovely parents and I am so happy they are still around. They are very well travelled and I am a little as I haven't been to as many places than them. Plus they will be looking after our fury babies too for us.
                                    • Tom H 71639
                                      Try Malta and Italy
                                      • Paul B 522937
                                        I loved every country I visited but it might be different living there
                                        • Katzeye
                                          I never listen to the media just do my own research before I decide where to travel to and go from there.One day I would love to visit Scotland and Ireland because these two places are where my ancestry roots are but so far I have only visited parts of Australia and The Cook Islands..Oh to win Lotto!
                                          • Sonya F 68771
                                            Yes there are some nice places I have been too
                                            • Michelle 1281734
                                              Can't afford to travel
                                              • Robert T 597718
                                                Ecuador a wonderful country
                                                • Pennye R
                                                  I agree. You can find good people in every country. I like to go where locals go. You find real people who have the same hopes and dreams as you.
                                                  • Jania S
                                                    All places are different, if you dont want to experience differences good and bad, stay home. We never had a problem, but we finished out overseas travel in 1999 before the west world went to trash
                                                    • Gunter L
                                                      Did the West World go to trash? I must have missed that.
                                                  • SueM2
                                                    A lot of the positive/negative reports are simply down to perception - I remember being told that the canals were floating trash cisterns in Amsterdam, but I found them very clean. Not so the roads up to the mountains in Greece - piles of rubbish lined each side without a break! And the sewage system in Athens couldn't handle paper so all toilet paper (including used!) had to go in a bin....
                                                    • JANN R
                                                      I think its where you go and how you like the place its got nothing to do with how the media see it its how you see it and the great time you have there
                                                      • pam rae
                                                        hi ty Dazzlejazz, same to you..!!!
                                                        • pam rae
                                                          hi Dazzlejazz
                                                          • Bugalugs
                                                            There is nothing wrong with the vast majority of countries, there is nothing wrong with the vast majority of the People any country. Both want Peace and Friendship with every other country and their peoples. Then we come up against the Politicians! Be they Elected, be they Dictators, Kings, Queens Elected Presidents or be they regarded by other politicians as Terrorists, they are the Problem. They Create Division. They Create War, They Promote Racism and when they have done all of that they then blame other politicians for it all and in particular those politicians they label as "Terrorists". We have travelled extensively over the years and like most of the others who have commented here the Coutries themselves and the Ordinary People are quite simply Fantastic, Welcoming and Peace Loving.
                                                            • Kerry P 1257988
                                                              I love visiting other countries
                                                              • Maria B 89860
                                                                When on holidays just go with the flow and be nice to people and mostly that's how they recipcate.
                                                                • Larry S 382961
                                                                  I have traveled Europe by bus,Great Britain the same. Done a 6 week trip around USA by bus,self driven and bus around NZ. At no time did I find any negatives. Only problem with overseas people they have no perception of size of Australia. If you compare a map of USA we are about same size. Each country has their good/ bad points and just a bit of research will hep.
                                                                  • Morenita
                                                                    I love traveling but always stay within the states
                                                                    • Susan KTC
                                                                      I’ve travelled extensively in my country New Zealand and lived and traveled in and around Australia. I’m really looking forward to visiting the UK, England Ireland Scotland and Wales, the home of my ancestors. I have to say I’ve met many folk who have travelled the world, including my family and friends, they have No negative feedback, because they’re not interested in Media, they do their own research and book through reputable Travel agencies. Journalists have their place in society, it doesn’t mean we have to believe every word…
                                                                      • Andrew T 123623
                                                                        That why I never believe in reviews/stories, I do my own research on a countries, as everyone has their own person views.
                                                                        • Daniel T 626103
                                                                          Liberia, Philipines, and Fiji are definately better than I expected.
                                                                          • Alison G 981912
                                                                            The media always has an agenda or angle. To form you own opinion it's great to travel far & wide - I don't mean just beaches & bars - that's not travel in my opinion. Get out into the countryside, see the sights, explore the cities, talk to the local people, visit their museums, eat the local food. I've yet to find a country or nationality that isn't interesting, vibrant & engaging. I've lived in 5 very different countries to where I was brought up, I've travelled to & spent months at a time in over 65 countries. Every place has negative aspects but the positive outweigh them massively.
                                                                            • Carolyn K 714554
                                                                              I haven't had the opportunity to travel overseas so I can't comment on this.
                                                                              • Greg T 1041472
                                                                                To travel is to educate yourself. I think if we understand other cultures and mix with each other the world would be a better place. I am sure every country has its charms.
                                                                                • MoB
                                                                                  Most countries are really good. It's the politicians who give the country a negative vibe.
                                                                                  • Maria B 89860
                                                                                    So true!
                                                                                • Tupulua S
                                                                                  Sometimes you can't judge a book on its cover
                                                                                  • Andrew C 287196
                                                                                    I have absolutely zero interest in travel no matter how "good" or "bad" any place supposedly is.
                                                                                    • Paul W 383502
                                                                                      Haven't left my country, and don't want to.
                                                                                      • Val 1394045
                                                                                        No experiences yet. Will be taking a winter vacation for first time
                                                                                        • pam rae
                                                                                          HI TY Rose
                                                                                          • pam rae
                                                                                            MEDIA TODAY IN USA DOESN'T TELL THE TRUTH HOW I SEE IT,USE TO BE GOOD YEAR'S AGO
                                                                                            • JAMIE D 156261
                                                                                              Do your research, know what the culture is like so you don't get a shock later. I spent 20 years living/working overseas. The best places were the UAE, Germany, Thailand and the UK. The worst for me was PNG. Media is a guide, and tells you what to watch out for.
                                                                                              • kristian s 513441
                                                                                                I think California, New York, Nevada, Italy, Canada, Norway, Brazil and United Kingdom are better than media is because they have fun carnivals.
                                                                                                • Bruce 1274521
                                                                                                  I love the little fiction in my life and watch the news on a regular basis.
                                                                                                  • Lance P 1114997
                                                                                                    No place like home……the beaches of California, wish they could all be California girls.
                                                                                                    • Grant 1393984
                                                                                                      I have spent some time in remote Philippines and found that while conditions were not what I expected, the people were fantastic and life was fun.
                                                                                                      • ROBERT K 1065766
                                                                                                        The media has been spot on about avoiding certain countries but I rely on the state department and their warnings.
                                                                                                        • Sheree T
                                                                                                          I have been overseas to quite a few different countries and have found them to be awesome places to visit. There are some I would never go to though but not because of the media.
                                                                                                          • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                                            Why would you trust the 'MEDIA' on any subject - PERIOD! (Example: Fox News settle a civil lawsuit for 787.5 million dollars based on the fact - Fox News was blatantly distorting the TRUTH (aka outright lying that former President Trump was cheated out of his re-election bid in 2020)). The MEDIA is in business to make money - by any means necessarily - the end (profits) justify the means - (aka capitalism) - which has nothing to do with giving you unbiased facts so that you can make informed decisions!
                                                                                                            • APB
                                                                                                              Yes..I like to hang out in Southern Gaza where its totally safe....and North Korea... the southern and eastern parts of Ukraine too...
                                                                                                              • david j t
                                                                                                                its only what you make of it but must be good government
                                                                                                                • Holly Cat
                                                                                                                  I also think the opposite lol. Some places look like paradise, then you get there and they are overcrowded and dirty.
                                                                                                                  • Carol S 657195
                                                                                                                    The only countries that I've visited were Canada and Australia. I haven't heard anything negative about either one. In fact, I've heard very good things about both countries. I lived in Australia for six months, and I would have moved there if it had been feasible. The crime there was very low because guns are not in the wrong hands for the most part. There are always exceptions. The country was very clean and people seemed to respect the law which we are lacking in this country for good reason in some cases. The US used to have a good reputation, but I'm not so sure now. I can understand why we would have lost some respect from other countries. We have lost respect for human life, and the news is geared toward negativity. No one would watch the news if we only saw all the wonderful things going on. However, we need tor realize that there are millions of great people in our country during wonderful things! It's sad, but true. We have lost respect for people in authority and government officials. I hope and pray that not all people in power are corrupt. However, we are lead to believe that everyone is too powerful and corrupt. What is the truth? We should know; it's our rights. We are worried about losing rights over things that I personally don't care about. I'd give up a gun (if I had one) to save someone's life even at the cost of my own. By the time I'd get my gun, it would be too late. They are useless against high-powered, automatic rifles! So why even own one? I think we need to get rid of all automatic guns no matter what the cost. They are killing us, and we haven't a second to respond! It's just luck if you survive a mass shooting. I don't believe in luck. I believe in God's plan for my life. We do have free will which gets everyone in trouble. The NRA is too powerful. Do we need their support? I contacted them, and they just said, "Have a nice day" and hung up! Let them shove their millions of dollars. We can find other ways to finance politicians!
                                                                                                                    • Linda C
                                                                                                                      Not just through media but friends also have their opinions. For instance, some say the French are horrible - I found them fabulous. The Italians are great - I found them rude and obnoxious. You have to experience each place yourself and see how the people are with you but usually the countries I have been to (over 25) were all interesting, beautiful, and different and the people welcoming and friendly and Italy was the only place in Europe I was disappointed in. I did not like America either and I travelled through 30 of their states. Certain areas I liked but I would never return. If you travel you must do so with an open mind, be courteous and never trash the place with cigarette butts or paper etc. People are 98% happy to meet you and answer any questions.
                                                                                                                      • Marisa 1367299
                                                                                                                        It's all relative and subject to individual perception.

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