Discussion of the Day
Friends who criticise you
Criticism is envy, right? I get criticised so often by my "friends".
I just really don't understand why people do this. It really brings me down. No matter what I say to them. It's outta envy, right?
Comments - Page 2
  • Tina 423889
    Depends, maybe look into yourself, If you think you never do wrong it may be you.
    • PEN15
      Not necessarily out of envy, but it’s most likely about her, not you. Especially if she’s doing it in front of others, it’s a way to try and bring someone lower, so she can feel higher in comparison. Don’t bite back and don’t let it bring you down. If you still want to maintain the friendship, ask her privately if she’s feeling okay, but if she’s going to continue to act like that it’s probably not worth continuing the friendship. No need to be outright nasty to her, or push her out of your friend group if it’s going to cause problems with others, but just limit your interactions and don’t respond to her criticism.
        Friends who criticize you (and I have quite a few of them at rewardia - Haha)! One, don't give her/him a taste of their own medication. Two, think before you react in the moment. Three, have a constructive conversation. Four, try to understand WHY he/she is criticizing you in the 'first' place (try to be the 'bigger person')'. Five, move on from this 'friendship' (as quickly as possible). Six, none of these 'platitudes' have ACTUALLY worked for me. Last, unfortunately for me (criticization) - has led to an exchange of physical blows and vulgarity - I blame my fragile EGO - LOL!
        • Nola B 392757
          Get rid of people that bring you down BUT be mindful of friends that don't criticise you..they may be enabling you to do the wrong thing. For example ..you can eat it, it won't hurt, you look great, when you know damn well you are overweight and need to watch your health. They love it If you look worse than they do... they are happy to keep you down. So not all criticism is bad.
          • Janice M 1118237
            Stop being friends and ignore them
            • Cher
              It is rude and disrespectful. Its someone else’s internal dialogue going back to you. The person criticizing was criticized by their parents or caretakers when they were young. They are parroting it to others as adults. Just ask them why they feel the need to do it? Be kind no matter what. Good luck and best wishes.
              • APB
                No it probably has nothing to do with envy unless you are really beautiful, wonderful and everything they wished they were...they are just probably critical and sour full stop...get some friends....these aren't...
                • Marietta M
                  When I was in high school, I had a friend who used to criticize everyone, always claiming she was just being honest. Later, she admitted she had low self-esteem.
                  • John Smith
                    Love your avatar)
                • Linda C
                  Get new friends as these ones are not, they are bullies. Friends do not bring you down. They can sometimes tell you if something is not right but in a nice way. I do not classify it as envy but a power trip they are taking thinking they are better than you. Ignore them, move on to nicer people.

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