Discussion of the Day
Never judge a man (or woman) until you realize the (or lack of) choices that man (or woman) had available at that life-changing moment. Or are you the type that goes with the current and that ship (moment) has sailed (and you are always RIGHT)?
Comments - Page 2
  • Bill G 107774
    The choices we make shape us. We MUST learn from the bad ones which we all make.
    • Charlene 1271555
      I try to see all sides before I make a decision
      • Christina C 466456
        I don't know a single person who HASN'T stuffed up at some point in time. Life is tough and we all do something stupid or regrettable every now and then. Hopefully we learn from our mistakes and become better people from the experience. What you do with your failures is what really counts. I try not to judge people superficially but when it comes to my safety or safety of my children I will be on guard around people who look or act suspiciously. You gotta look after yourself and pay attention to red flags when you see them. I may be incorrect with judgements sometimes but I'd rather be safe than sorry. Being able to read people well is a skill and a pretty darn important one at that.
        • Jeanine R
          I do not understand the question,, In my opinion nobody is always right,, We all make bad choices at times lets learn from our mistakes and keep going.. Take care everybody
          • POPPA
            • Teri 1282723
              Although I try so hard to not judge people, I know I sometimes do. I grew up with church and the Bible so I know Jesus says to judge not, lest ye be judged and Ye who is without sin, cast the first stone, etc. But I admit, when I see a skinny, unkempt guy walking down the sidewalk with a tough-looking dog I automatically go to "can you say drug dealer?" I'm probably sometimes right given where I live and what I know around certain parts of town, but what if it was an angel? The Bible says we'll meet up with angels and not even be aware of it. I've wondered before if that was an angel to test me and not a drug dealer at all. I sometimes am ashamed of myself for the assumptions I make.
              • Mary M 329762
                I agree never judge noone in life. I being time and time judge but noone know the real story tell i tell them.
                • Anji R
                  • Irena T
                    AmyB is right, we should never judge anyone!!
                    • Amy B 1078427
                      We should never judge anyone
                      • Amber 22
                        Not good
                        • Woofers
                          I try my darndest not to jump to conclusions, when it comes to available choices for myself and everyone. However, it is very difficult at times and I find that in Hindsight (oh, what a wonderous thing Indeed!), that a lot of times I have been wrong.
                          • 'smee,SWQ!
                            hmmm...no comment!
                            • Anji R
                            • Anji R
                          • APB
                            Not really following what is going on here...but I strongly suspect that whatever we are talking about...you like the first option...and people who might choose the second option would be wrong..so I'll go with the first one..... that is the choice I've made....
                            • Catharina 1274733
                              What are the choices?
                              • APB
                                there seems to be two...one is empathy and the other is fate...but fate doesn't seem to be the best answer
                            • lin r
                              yeap right when i c a trump hat or shirt that they r very stupid people that believed 30,000+ proven lies while the ahole was in office and still blieve them

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