Discussion of the Day
The government banning TikTok
Rhiya 127152502-Apr-23
How does everyone feel that TikTok might be banned? The app that got most of threw Covid-19 might be gone for ever because the government is too scared of TikTok's impact on people.
Comments - Page 2
  • Sheree T
    Do not have Tik Tok and am not likely ever to.
    • Carmel C 103964
      Never used it. Never seen the need to use it. From what I know about it, it is fun but also an absolute time-gobbler that needs to have more moderators and restrictions about what can be posted. No idea what you mean by the app got MOST people in the world, through COVID. That seems a gross overstatement to me. Perhaps it was just people within your own personal community/age group or social groups? I am guessing your main train of thought it to see if other people think governments should interfere with what people can and can't watch. Whilst I believe in freedom of choice, I also strongly believe that the older generations need to guide the up and coming generations on the value of strong social skills, polite interaction, limiting exposure of toxic resources to the vulnerable and the value of setting standards. A government which stifles their populations knowledge of the rest of the world is an organisation to be concerned about. History shows that ignorance leads to fear which leads to misinterpretations and at times...war. If TikTok vanishes from someone's life will that solve any problems? The answer is very few. Will its disappearances cause any problems? Very few. Do we need TikToK to have a better society? No. To me the disappearance of one app from one country isnt going to change the world. The app is not unique in the information that it gives the world. There are numerous other places where people can discover the same ideas. So how do I feel about it? It doesn't phase me whether people in that country do or don't have access to it. Personally those residents have much bigger issues that they should be focussing on. An app full of videos is the least of their problems.
      • Sweetums
        We need Tik Tok GONE to have a better society.
    • kristian s 513441
      I think they should not ban TikTok is because TikTok is not the issue in which other social media websites have bad impact of people as well.
      • RODNEY S 668931
        I don't have a TikTok account BUT it has a massive voice and the government is scared of it! Another control tactic by the elite to get all the sheep lined up....FFS how blind or brainwashed are people!
        • Martyn L
      • Bugalugs
        If, as is claimed, TikTok is used by the Chinese Communist Dictatorship to collect data on people around the world which it may use against people in the future then it should be banned but then I think All ill-named "social media" should also be banned, including Dating Sites. How often have we had reports of children being groomed by filthy paedophiles for Sex? How often have we heard of people being scammed out of, literally 100s of 1000s - more fool them for as soon as someone you have never met in person asks you for money you should realise you are being scammed. All of these sites are extremely dangerous, people get caught as a direct result of their own stupidity and then complain "Why doesn't the government do something and why should I not be compensated?" Of course when the USA singles out TikTok they are simply displaying their paranoia about China. Throughout History all Empires, read: World Powers, come to an end -Persian, Roman, Egyptian, Russian, German, French, Spanish, English, Austro-Hungarian name any and they all end at some time. The US Empire is facing the same fate and they don't like it - nor did any of the others! Just look at what occurs in the US almost every day! People are allowed to carry Military Assault Rifles and they are using them to kill each other and the Government does nothing because one side of it, the Republican Party lunatics ,won't co-operate in banning the sale of the Military Weapons to the General Public!
        • Jagdishkumar 1264122
          It's good
          • Andrew C 287196
            All "social media" sites should be banned ... DikDok, Farcebook, Twithead, ... They're just worthless wastes of space where morons and scum peddle their misinformation and scams. :-(
            • Martyn L
              That's what the Gov will tell you.
            • Andrew C 287196Martyn L
              That's what experience tells me by being forced by some companies to go to their useless Social Media pages (Rewardia's daily 5 bonus points, for example). Companies that run competitions and when you click on the 'enter' link you're taken to Facebook or Instagrunt. ☹️
          • Michele W 394946
            Threw? And there we have the people in favour of TikTok. Say no more.
            • Igor A
              Too much of good time seems to make us stupid. Just watching TikTok while our life sips away with the time. Looks like it is similar to a brain infection. But to be OK claiming democracy compliance the people should be asked if they want it banned.
              • William P 589978
                I think TikTok should be banned and I think very strict regulations should be introduced on the use of all social media platforms. Many activities got us through the pandemic including vaccines, health care, governments funding / subsidies / support, family assistance. Due to social media, which has made a select few exceptionally wealthy, various social issues have evolved, festered and grown such as personal abuse, identity theft, invasion of privacy, home invasions, stalking, paedophilia, to nominate some.
                • RODNEY S 668931
                  A vaccine got you through the plandemic.....What a laugh!
              • Irena T
                I don't use Tik Tok, but I think that all social media take and use your info. I think the whole banning has everything to do with the political world situation
                • JANN R
                  • Lyn A.
                    To me not an issue-never used it. I can understand why governments don't want it however they still allow Chinese made phones, these can be "hacked" just as easily
                    • Sherry L 1144204
                      Not a great loss We now live among those who should really adhere to the don't do this at home And tiktok only helps those idiots engage in their stupidity levels So no great loss
                      • Karen S 841350
                        I wouldn't worry about TikTok being banned, like other social network platforms it does more harm than good. Another platform like TikTok will pop up somewhere
                        • MoB
                          It won't really matter if they ban Tik Tok or not, now Australia is a socialist we will be moving closer and closer to China anyway. Tasmanians are the only Australians who have the right idea. May have to secede from the mainland. When Australians realise what they have done it will be too late.
                          • Lyn A.
                            Australia going/gone that way too huh. NZ is definitely not the country I grew up in. Corruption/hidden agendas within parliament. No discussion from local government-just sad
                        • Christine M 323842
                          YES!!! Get the CCP out of households, businesses, and positions of power in this country. Xi Jinping and his regime are having a great time harvesting all the info they can via Tik Tok. Seems to be far more addictive than any drug trafficked, far more lucrative, yet is somehow legal…
                          • Mary M 329762
                            Welcome to communist rule they banned what they want. Next they will microchip us for the good of the country. All social media business will spy on us eve Facebook(backup by usa spy). Its up a person to be smart what safe to put on social media. If Australia is piss off china will pick peoples. All have to is question history questions life questions everything around us. In the day is government close peoples will find away to go on tiktok.
                            • EILEEN W 310556
                              Who are "They"? The reason for banning Tik Tok isn't just China. There are far more dangers right at home through exposing yourselves and our children through its use.
                            • Mary M 329762EILEEN W 310556
                              as a parent you should right to wrong in the beginning and a child shouldn't be on social media in began tell older age. As youtube a man said once you put video on video child or yourself you loss the right over its. They own its.
                          • Ek M
                            doesn't bother me
                            • Elizabeth T 396096
                              Care factor zero. They can ban facebook, instagram and everything else while they are at it. Waste of time and an overall negative impact on society.
                              • pam rae
                                ty Irene
                                • John b 479999
                                  Unsure. Never used it.
                                  • JULZ
                                    who cares. Rubbish. more invasion. Don't use..laters. NO TO ANY SOCIAL MEDIA
                                    • lynda e 390007
                                      I don't use it. No loss to me
                                      • Andrew T 123623
                                        Who really cares, don't use it and will never use it. But the Government banning it on the devices they provide their workers fair fair enough. It's a work tool and because the end user didn't pay for the device it's not there right to put on what apps /websites they want.
                                        • Beverly I
                                          to many people putting negative rubbish on TikTok that is why ,because of that yes it should be banned there are very young children that go onto TikTok and they are getting feed the wrong things in life a whole lot of lies
                                          • Susan KTC
                                            My instinct tells me not to use this social media platform! I have friends and family that do, so I’m staying neutral on this one until I research, however I have to wonder if our government has concerns, should we???
                                            • pam rae
                                              ty Paul, have fun
                                              • Sam L 129395
                                                WHO CARES
                                                • SueM2
                                                  Why not go the whole hog and ban ALL (so called) social media sites?
                                                  • Philip D
                                                    What is Tik Tok?. Some sort of miss spelt clock function?
                                                    • yvonne l 1107206
                                                      i dobnt havetik tok o i cannot say
                                                      • pam rae
                                                        hi have fun ty Janet
                                                        • Dragie
                                                          Ban it who rules our country us or china
                                                          • Christine M 323842
                                                            Thank you. If it doesn’t get banned we will know the answer.
                                                        • Shelia C
                                                          If the enemy is using members info dang as long as the app been available they got what they want
                                                          • Lawrence W 1178882
                                                            Ban it also in Canada
                                                            • allin
                                                              who cares
                                                              • pam rae
                                                                BAN TIKTOK,......DON'T NEED,TOO MANY OTHER SITES THAT ARE SURELY SAFER HOW I SEE IT....
                                                                • LA
                                                                  If the Chinese are tracking and accumulating personal data.....even if it was fun....find something else:)
                                                                  • Muzza
                                                                    Problem is they are tracking and getting personal data from ALL social media sites, not just Tik Tok
                                                                • Maria B 89860
                                                                  I thought it was getting banned because it was supposedly able to gather information about users.
                                                                  • Amy B 1078427
                                                                    I enjoy watching the videos
                                                                    • Kathy 1258743
                                                                      The government isn’t scared of TikTok’s influence on users; they are concerned because it is an information harvesting app. Content creators are having their voice patterns copied by AI and all the information, credit cards, email and phone numbers harvested and stored by the Chinese government, along with personal information creators reveal about themselves and their families. They are making themselves vulnerable to cyber attack. They have been warned, and it’s not reduced the use of the platform. So, if the government takes action, it will be a case of acknowledging a vast group of our population is too naïve or stupid to protect themselves and leave what’s basically a spy program. It’s a bit late to take action anyhow, with the AI programs released late last year and being taken up as a build in to most software programs involved in writing, all the content we write on our computer can be increasingly and more easily publicly accessed from anywhere by these AI tools and experts are constantly learning how to use them for good. Some, of course, might have devious plans—which bring up TikTok. Some governments are afraid that instead of them spying on us, it’s China doing the information harvesting. They who get the largest share of the online content win. That’s the new way wars will be fraught, folks, through social media spy programs, managed by humans, getting control of all our bark accounts, then telling us what to do. Give it 5.5-years, and unless the controllers of AI and information harvesting social media platforms such as TikTok are controlled, they will control all our bank accounts, not us, and we will be jumping when they tell us to. AI technology is a fantastic aid to our work. Used wisely, it will benefit us. You are probably in a program that’s using AI data open collection and sharing right now.
                                                                      • Kaye A
                                                                        Thank you for your informative, well stated and articulate explanation.
                                                                    • Glenys R 127976
                                                                      I thought it was being banned because of China gathering people’s data, rather than the government being scared of its impact.
                                                                      • Kathy 1258743
                                                                    • mike B 1066235
                                                                      • Robert F 1161011
                                                                        It won't bother me if TT is banned, but I don't think it'll happen.
                                                                        • PRISCILLA P 89838
                                                                          No, TikTok is belongs to chinese government not COVID-19 affection
                                                                          • Paul B 522937
                                                                            I dont use it so I’m not affected
                                                                            • Linda C
                                                                              It's not the sites that are the problem but the people who post etc. on them. Many are fine but there are always the yobo's that ruin it. I never use any of them so no difference to me in that respect.
                                                                              • Roy R 1009866
                                                                                It's a starting point. More than this should be banned!
                                                                                • APB
                                                                                  who cares...it is all crap... they can "threw" it away as far as I am concerned
                                                                                  • Anton A 1225344
                                                                                    Obviously more impact than the government has on people.
                                                                                    • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                      I had never used Tik Tok. What government on this planet is scared of Tik Tok's impact on people? Maybe I shall check out Tik Tok (LMAO)?
                                                                                      • Lady Flamingo
                                                                                        No opinion, not on it.
                                                                                        • Ghostgirl1971
                                                                                          Please ban it,lol!!!
                                                                                          • Peter C 649111
                                                                                            I don't use Tik Tok.
                                                                                            • Rhonda D 522615

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