Discussion of the Day
Panic attacks and anxiety
Ima Me07-Jan-23
Have you ever have the symptoms of a panic attack or severe anxiety to the point where you thought maybe it was more a heart attack than a physiological reaction to extreme stress? For many of the millions of sufferers of panic and anxiety attacks worldwide, it can really be a frightening experience to think you might actually be having a heart attack, which we all know can be fatal, if indeed it is your heart. Has this ever happened to you, and you care to share?
  • Melinda B 11569
    I have PTSD, anxiety and depression. Panic attacks are just part of my 'normal' life. They are very scary. I dont like leaving the house for very long or I panic. A lot of things can set mine off and I either start shaking uncontrollably and cant breath or I freeze and hold my breath. Either way I have to get out of that place quickly and get home to my safe place. My psychologist taught me a good exercise to distract myself. Stop and think of 5 things you can see, 5 things you can hear and 5 things you can feel (might even just be the breeze on your face). I learnt trying to think of these 5 things it distracted me and it helped me calm down.
    • Sweetums
      Thanks for the helpful hint because they are hard to shake off.
  • Vicki S 484904
    My grandmother was diagnosed with hysteria when she was young, and underwent electric shock treatment. None of us in the family understood her quirky nature; she couldn't go anywhere on her own, hated too many visitors unless it was family and would experience sudden fear for no apparent reason. When I grew up I met a woman who became my friend. She confided in me that she suffered from panic attacks and was afraid to attend a specialist appointment. I helped her as much as I was able and would accompany her to appointments. It was only then that I realised what my grandmother had gone through.
    • Colleen M 510798
      That's very sad. I just read an article about medical f***-ups that were done before doctors realized they shouldn't be doing them and hysteria was one of them. It was saying that back in the day they would pretty much term women as having hysteria for things they couldn't figure out or had no real clue about. Depression=hysteria, hormonal imbalance=hysteria, etc. It made me wonder what they were really taught when they went to medical school? They had a bunch of terrible things they used to do and that also makes m wonder how much times have really changed and how many ones they are doing now. Sad and scary! I feel for your grandmother.
  • Kirsty H 1016139
    Constantly. I have techniques to cope now..to distract myself. But everytime I leave the house..I have to stop in nearest park to calm down. It's bloody awful.
    • Tracey H 92684
      I have now learnt not to get in situation that trigger my attacks. Does mean I do not go out very much and keep to myself most times. My worse one is being in social places and not knowing anyone.
      • Gaza
        Never and I hope it stays that way.
        • Pamela G
          Same here.
      • Carolyn C 364157
        • Paula J 395266
          I used to suffer the worst panic attacks and would perspire and shake badly. I couldn't eat out and sometimes people rushing past me in shopping centres would set me off. Having to go somewhere new or having to be somewhere at a set time would also trigger an attack. I saw doctor after doctor who all told me I was suffering depression despite my not feeling depressed. My friends all laughed when I told them I was being treated for depression. I aways felt it was my thyroid but every test said the function was normal. I even admitted myself to hospital for relaxation therapy treatment and the rubber band trick but none of it worked. As I got older I did realize that when my heart beat increased I would feel panic so would tell myself it was merely excursion and force my heart beat to slow, that did work to some extent. In the late '80's I was treated for a goiter although they weren't able to find out the cause but in order to stop my thyroid growing I was put on drugs to stop it working. When I first started the drugs my panic symptoms increased so I was sure it had something to do with my thyroid. Anyway, I was on the drugs for more than 20 years still telling my heart to slow down, then a new doctor surgery opened in my street so I decided to try him instead of the one I had been seeing for many years. I went to ask for a scrip for my thyroid drugs but he asked when I'd had my last ultrasound, I said "never" so he sent me for one. The person performing the ultrasound said "I'll be seeing you again soon" so I knew something was wrong. To cut a long story short the thyroid came out and when I woke from the anesthetic I felt different, calm and lay back and haven't had anything close to panic since, but I do gain weight very easily. So despite my thyroid function always being normal it wasn't, so anyone experiencing such attacks I always tell them to get their thyroid tested. I could have been spared years of anguish.
          • View all 4 replies
          • Christine M 323842
            Paula, just wondering….it wouldn’t have been a toxic multi nodular goitre you were diagnosed with by any chance? Also wondering if you had blood tests done over a number of years where the T3/T4 levels came back normal or borderline…if you don’t mind me asking. Thanks for sharing the above information.
          • Paula J 395266Christine M 323842
            I'm sorry Christine I really don't know. They would only say "normal function". As my grandmother had toxic goitre they thought that might be the case and I was sent to the dept of nuclear medicine for the injection but they found I did have multi nodular goitre but weren't able to find out what the fluid inside was. To be honest they didn't really seem concerned and simply said they would stop the thyroid working and off you go never offering to check it ever again. Meanwhile I found I couldn't eat any form of potato, chicken or sponge cake as it seemed to get caught in my throat, and when I hung the washing out or raised my arms I always coughed, so they put me on anti-biotics for a chest infection. Of course nothing changed because my goitre was chocking me. The final biopsy showed multiple hemorrhages which could well have killed me. When the surgeon told me 1% of Australians die from it every year I felt very let down by the medical profession. Since then I have become very much more hands on with my health and will argue with doctors about tests etc. It doesn't win friends though.
          • Christine M 323842Paula J 395266
            I’m with you there Paula, spend a great deal of time telling doctors how to read pathology results etc etc. I think I’ve been diagnosed with everything they can come up with until the recent goitre discovery. Despite the fact that I have kept mentioning thyroid for at least 10 years. Thanks for responding. I’m in Australia too so have been enjoying the very same health care professionals frustrations as you. I wish you well. Christine
          • Paula J 395266Christine M 323842
            I'm not sure how you or others feel but I always had the feeling that I had forgotten something, or I had to do something then when pressured I would have a melt down. I realize now that the feeling I was experiencing was anxiety, so I was constantly anxious. As soon as the thyroid was gone so was the feeling. Clearly my thyroid was pumping adrenalin that I didn't need. Stopping my thyroid working was supposed to stop it growing, but no-one checked thinking a normal test meant everything was fine. A normal thyroid weighs up to 20 grams, mine was 81 grams. It had almost closed my throat and had gone up under my collar bone. Honestly, you have to look after yourself because no-one else will. All the best. My next appointment with an Endocrinologist is May 30. Glad it isn't urgent.
        • JANET R 328390
          When I feel a panic attack - I try and be rational. Firstly - I try relaxing and deep breathing. Then I try and think "How likely is it that something will happen? Sometimes things can get out of proportion. EG. The police came to my door at 1am recently - and instantly I panicked with my son driving road trains up North - I instantly thought there had been an accident!! Nearly passed out until they said they were looking for someone whose phone had "beeped" near my house. Thank goodness it had a happy ending. .
          • Mary M 329762
            Yes when someone say something bad its not nice
            • Catalina
              No, I never had one but I’m so very sorry for those who suffer from this very real illness. Wish there was more help available for them.
              • Judy T 470524
                I have had panic attacks and anxiety for the past 2 years, I think there has been a high increase of sufferers since the covid 19 pandemic started.
                • Sweetums
                  Thats a great point and really makes sense. Covid is unnerving. If someone was on the edge of anxiety, that might well of pushed them over the cliff. Great contribution, Judy T. ;+)
              • Christopher F 213467
                I was diagnosed with atrial flutter in 2006 after a viral infection. Can give symptoms of a panic attack which I have learned to control without the use of medication.
                • Sweetums
                  Wow, that's hard to control on your own. Atrial fibrillation is scary.
                • Pamela G
                  Good news.
              • HD
                Thank you for sharing. I ve never had one, but my daughter has it sometimes. Wish you all find ways to overcome the panic attack. Wonder if deep breath helps??
                • Sweetums
                  Yes, it helps me to breathe big breaths in and out til back to normal, but takes about 5-10 min. Which can seem long if you're witnessing it. Its different for everyone. Some don't need to breathe, but scream and be alone. It's a strange chemical reaction that is different for a lot of people.
              • Heather N 69229
                My anxiety can get so severe that I black out & my heart feels like I am dead…it can be the most frightening for my family…so it made me realise that I have to change my ways…I am now of the option that I will help change the things that I can…but not worry about the things that I can’t change…
                • Dimitri T 100433
                  Thank God have not suffered from these
                  • CourtneyM1993
                    I suffer from both anxiety and panic attacks, they are the worst, it really sucks because mental health isn't treated seriously Oh I also have ptsd
                    • mihaku
                      Constant sufferer of Anxiety, they say they do, but employers don't support you all. Even in 2023 Mental Health is not accepted :(
                      • Michele B 208102
                        I have panic attacks and anxiety alot more it has increased I have sleep apnea and I have panics occasionally when I put the mask on
                        • Jacqueline R 353303
                          No hasn't happened to me fortunately, but one of my daughters suffers from them. Dreadful thing.s
                          • Priscilla R 316016
                            No - this is something I have never suffered from.
                            • Pamela G
                              Me either.
                          • Georgina R 1065944
                            Yes,I have. And honestly, very traumatic remembering
                            • Pat C 618241
                              • Lisa K 342136
                                No, but know lots of people who experience this.
                                • Gregory W 785930
                                  yes and it can be frightning very frightning
                                  • Sylvie D 1128537
                                    Never had one. Hope to never have one either.
                                    • Pamela G
                                      Same here.
                                  • Shawn B 1061185
                                    I've had one panic attack. Shortly after I was released from hospital, after an auto assault, I was crossing a road and a car started towards me. He was quite far away, but all of a sudden my heart stopped, I could't breath or move. It was terrifying. I made it to the sidewalk (I don't know how) and gained my composure back after about 5 minutes.
                                    • Kanwal S
                                      I delivered my first baby after 3 weeks suddenly i was feeling i can't breathe and i was crying and i was all alone at that time i called my land lady she had no idea what was going with me as i was only saing my chest is aching alot she called ambulance and next thing i was at hospital had gone through so many test and they said i had gallstones and i couldn't understand what was going on with me thats why i hadpanic attack it was good to call them
                                      • Luke W 72035
                                        Recently I was driving and noticed my heart suddenly racing. I pulled over and sat there for about 10 minutes trying to just breath deep and slow and chill out. It's a scary feeling and hard to explain to anyone who hasn't experienced it. I've always been a little anxious in some situations but am usually very relaxed when driving so it caught me off guard.
                                        • Dorothy D 93467
                                          I have found mindfulness or meditation to be beneficial for panic attacks, not just at the time of the attack, but to try to prevent them.
                                          • Colin L 88398
                                            No but I do remember once when sliding towards a Armco Barrier at high speed thinking this is going to hurt a lot.
                                            • Sabine V
                                              I suffer from anxiety attacks and yes they can scarry. I just try to breathe thru them, sometime it works and other time I will feel and hear my heart racing. Not good. I also catch my breathe quite often.
                                              • Elizabeth A 807208
                                                No thankfully I have never experienced a panic attack and feel really sad and sorry for those who do.
                                                • Pamela G
                                                  Same here.
                                              • Ross B 1110235
                                                Barbara W Thanks for the Idea of food. I used to smoke and when I went to bed coughing was so bad that I could not bring the flem up. I quit with help from Dr. She upped my pwrscription for welbutrin and have not smoked since and no panic attacks at night anymorer
                                                • Ann P 154571
                                                  A toxic workplace saw me having attacks in the shower prior to work. Just aweful
                                                  • Missy Wyld
                                                    Yes used to have panic attacks quite regularly (usually about death/dying). but on other hand depression/anxiety lead me to about 2 years of suicidal thoughts +++ and wanting to be not on this earth anymore. I was in the dark deeps of despair as my health continued to decline. (I was not on any meds, or seeing anyone). never thought I was having a heart attack or anything though, I knew what it was..
                                                    • Wayne Wilson
                                                      Suffer from them occasionally, freaks me out.
                                                      • Joanne D 188999 NZ
                                                        panic attacks/anxiety, yes when driving down the motorway, hate them. have to talk myself out of them.
                                                        • Barbara W 1117696
                                                          I used to wake up with panic attacks and a doctor told me to go and get something to eat. It breaks the cycle somehow. The dr said, your mind says “wait, if I’m eating, there must be nothing to panic about”. I don’t know why, but it works for me
                                                          • Lyno
                                                            No thankfully.
                                                            • roger l 315504
                                                              fortunately, no
                                                              • Amy B 1078427
                                                                • Val B 69099
                                                                  yes I have had several panic attacks. They are very frightening and I have been sent to hospital with a suspected heart attack. Very scary
                                                                  • Jeanette K 1110361
                                                                    Yes I have had panic attacks in my life, but never had the feeling of having a heart attack. I just felt so trapped, especially if it was dark outside too. The room's walls close in and I can't go to bed, I have to sit up and have some noise around me like the tv or radio going. Suddenly scary happenings from life are all there taunting me. I know that when they have happened I have been fearful, or depressed or sick. I haven't had one since 2019, when I was very sick, and hope that is the last one I will ever experience.
                                                                    • Rebecca B 614374
                                                                      Yes, I have and it's horrible. I would not wish it upon anyone.
                                                                      • Anne 500471
                                                                        Yes I have and it's not very nice I was told to get a papper bag and breathe into it and when you see the paper bag going in and out it calms you down
                                                                        • Maria G 1081856
                                                                          I havnt experienced these but no a few people that have had these and they can be very scary
                                                                          • Christina C 466456
                                                                            I've had chest pains from being deeply upset a few times but luckily I don't have that from anxiety yet. My anxiety has been bad a few times and has brought me the point of mild distress and ultimately tears but that's as far as it goes. My anxiety has gradually diminished over the years as I've gotten older but mostly when I started noticing it had a lot of benefits e.g. my driving is much better when I am anxious, I'm able to accomplish a lot more in a shorter amount of time due to the adrenalin, my kids are safer because I'm more alert and many more benefits Since I started realising the many benefits of it I've been able harness it and turn it into a positive. Also I found since I stopped drinking caffeinated beverages regularly my anxiety naturally lowered a bit.
                                                                            • Patricia G 1079038
                                                                              I have had a few panic attacks in my time and thought that I was dying which made me panic even more, they were some of the scariest times of my life, I take magnesium every day and haven't had another one in a couple of years now.
                                                                              • dale k 247571
                                                                                you don't have to be suffering from depression to have a panic attack, anyone can have them at any time and yes they are horrible
                                                                                • Gloria S 949194
                                                                                  I had a panic attack the night my son took his own life... a horrible feeling dealing with both at the same time.
                                                                                  • Katzeye
                                                                                    Yes suffer with anxiety especially in unfamiliar surroundings and the one thing that has helped me is magnesium.
                                                                                    • Jenny L 591463
                                                                                      Yes I have had a panic attack, it was just after I had left the Ex and thank goodness I was with my brother and my sister at the time and my sister realised and she got me to breathe into a paper bag which helped calm me down. I knew it wasn't a heart attack. My brother has had a heart attack a year or so ago and he said it was the worst pain he had ever felt in his life. He's doing well now and he's on medication.
                                                                                      • Viviane H
                                                                                        Yes because when you are very transparent people with bad intentions can really hurt you. I have had that experience before. But handing it to some thing far greater really does work.I do belive that.It even realises your anxiety. Viviane
                                                                                        • Beverly W 1083564
                                                                                          Yes I have and its very scary!
                                                                                          • Kathy A 494332
                                                                                            Yes, once, its very frightening
                                                                                            • lynda e 390007
                                                                                              Yes has happened and sadly anxiety makes it worse
                                                                                              • nina m 212027
                                                                                                • Nadine G 1012733
                                                                                                  While trying to get out of a very messy relationship, I started having huge anxiety/panic attacks (PTSD). 8 years later I still have them occasionally. I'm not ashamed to say I sought help. My GP put me on medication & I have been going to counselling to deal with a number of different things over the years. Over all, my anxiety is fairly well managed now. But i still have severe anxiety attacks in certain situations which really trigger me badly. Breathing & grounding techniques do help, if you can remind yourself to do them before the anxiety starts to rake over. Breathe in slowly, counting to 6. Hold your breath, counting to 6. Breathe out, counting to 6. Keep doing that until you start feeling calmer. I find self talking helps me too - when I feel an attack coming on, I talk to myself, telling myself I'm ok, I'm safe, I can do *whatever it is*.
                                                                                                  • Angie
                                                                                                    Yes, anxiety is a horrible disorder to suffer. Mine is caused by stress, so I have to lead a stress-free lifestyle (which is sometimes difficult when certain people throughout my life, reappear and trigger it) so I've tried to cut all negativity and controlling people from my life! I suffer extreme nausea and racing thoughts when I feel anxious. It really sux!! But surrounding myself with genuine people, nature and animals, and living a whole new life, I'm grateful that the anxiety experiences I suffered in the past are few and far now :)
                                                                                                    • Bugalugs
                                                                                                      So far I have been very lucky and have not experienced either but I have family members who have. The problem is that people simply don't understand what it is to suffer these Mental Health issues. and some have even said Stop your nonsense and pull yourself together. these conditions are not nonsense they are very serious and need to be addressed and treated. You probably never get cured but you learn to deal with the condition and a fully trained, expert Counsellor can help. Like most things Medical, do Not Rely on advice you glean from the Internet - most of it is garbage.
                                                                                                      • Annette G 805380
                                                                                                        Yes, I have had a panic attack so big the nurses actually started to panic too because my arm and hand was all tingly, my fingers contorted, every time they tried to do my blood pressure I'd cry out in pain because the tingling made it painful, short of breath, high heart rate etc. That was my worst one, I have ptsd and generalised anxiety disorder.
                                                                                                        • gary b
                                                                                                          I have never had one but my wife has been living with them for over 10 years. It is so hard to watch someone you care about go through that. She is on medication but it does not stop them it just makes them easier to deal with once she has them. I feel for anyone else that goes through them.
                                                                                                          • Lyn 78550
                                                                                                            No I haven't and after reading members responses am very grateful.
                                                                                                            • Jania S
                                                                                                              Why dont people say which country they are from, IN USA instead of finding reasons they like to pump drugs. .I had something once 50 years ago, out of the blue for no reason, at first thought it was panic but after testing it was tail end of childhood epilepsy, had meds and observaion for short time and over, The episode wasnt pleasant and apparently it would have continued for a while if not diagnosed and treatment correctly. Too many people given too many drugs, most of what we go through is due to primarily not be aware of who we are and how magnificnetly our bodies and minds are put together, look after it with real food etc, which is getting harder and harder as the powers that be fill the food with chemicals, vax,drugs and then we eat and get sick. NOT FUN, NOW USA is going to vax bees, on of the purest foods around. USA is a demonic terrorist, Before you try to shoot me down go check what the world was like 50 years ago before USA decided to destroy everything by trying to play god.
                                                                                                              • Sheree T
                                                                                                                No I haven't suffered from either. And I feel for the people who do suffer with it as it would be extremely frightening.
                                                                                                                • Sandra C 1138223
                                                                                                                  I have mild anxiety and I suffer from time too time some panic attacks, I try too resolve them myself with positive energy and learning how too cope with it without medication. I take enough medication, so therefore I choose not too take any more
                                                                                                                  • mary c
                                                                                                                    My first major PA at only 11- didn't tell anyone - didn't know what it was. Just thought i was going to quietly but terrifyingly die just sitting on the lounge floor- with mum and dad nearby but totally unaware. Didn't get diagnosed 'til i was 24. Back in the 70's it wasn't a thing. Suffered in silence. Still suffering. The evil thing about Panic states and full blown attacks is the "tricking" of the event. Heart attack just one..also stroke, poisoning, seizures etc. It seems like its always one step ahead in how it manifests itself, if that makes sense. Only another fellow suffered can truly understand the terror.
                                                                                                                    • View all 3 replies
                                                                                                                    • Sweetums
                                                                                                                      You make complete sense and I'm sorry at the tender, innocent age of 11 you had to go through that all alone. I can't even imagine the terror as a preteen, as i was much older when my experience came on. Bless your little girl heart that suffered alone til you were able to have someone make sense of it in your early 20's. Again, all I can say is sorry.... the worlds not fair and doesn't go easy on us because we're young. To me, it's the wee ones like you that I hurt the most for as you are too young to understand what is happening to you. I hope you cope better today as an older adult and my wish is it would stop hurting you in any way.xx
                                                                                                                    • mary cSweetums
                                                                                                                      Oh thankyou..i think there were and are many out there like us all..its hard to get support or understanding when it's an invisible demon. And wonder if our own mum's or dad's suffered too. My sister has issues too so is a good support. I hope you are doing ok too- its a day to day thing really x :))
                                                                                                                    • Sweetumsmary c
                                                                                                                      you've got good wisdom to share. Please share it when you know someone needs it. You'll bless their life. You've helped me look at it differently. Like the day to day coping. No one eats an elephant in one bite....only can be done, small bites at a time. So thank you. My best to you and sis AND mum and dad if they suffered silently. I hope they didn't. Thanks for time taken sharing.
                                                                                                                  • Vicki C 891784
                                                                                                                    I hate this subject because I have suffered much in my life with panic disorder.
                                                                                                                    • Sweetums
                                                                                                                      I'm sorry it caused you bad memories and brought up horrible experiences for you. My intention was not to hurt anyone, but rather cause a dialogue that might in some way help one another. Again, I'm sorry you've suffered through this horribly misunderstood illness. I pray better days are ahead of you and again want to apologize for bringing up very real and painful times for you. Please forgive me
                                                                                                                    • Vicki C 891784Sweetums
                                                                                                                      It’s a disorder I try to keep control of. It’s better than it was years ago, but it never really goes away. Thank you ??
                                                                                                                  • Gina P 1140476
                                                                                                                    Yes I suffer from panic attacks and anxiety for time to time. I on medication to help lower my anxiety. I suffer from OCD since I was 14 years of age. I know learn to live with it.
                                                                                                                    • Chris N 853314
                                                                                                                      Mine is caused by generalised anxiety disorder. Which I often see a counsellor for.
                                                                                                                      • Sweetums
                                                                                                                        Im glad you at least have taken the step to see a counselor. So many suffer alone. Im sure you feel alone too, but a counselor has the ability to help, depending on the severity and length one has suffered.
                                                                                                                    • Rebecca N 880178
                                                                                                                      yes due to trauma & abuse related. Triggers start them & the first time was the worst i actually had the panic attract passed out in grief shock then came too still with server panic attack symptoms. have had in past few years around 15 of them 6 being extremely server rest i managed through .. they do take few days for me 7 then im exhausted
                                                                                                                      • Cherie
                                                                                                                        Never had one, thankfully!
                                                                                                                        • kristian s 513441
                                                                                                                          I sometimes get panic attacks and anxiety especially I am either in dangerous or awkward situation in which I need to get out of right away.
                                                                                                                          • Susan E 716045
                                                                                                                            yes used to have panic attacks.
                                                                                                                            • Greg 1018018
                                                                                                                              greg w meeting people,going out,most of the time I get very anxious I have been like that since young,its very nervy if you get this,you would not understand how everyday things can be overwhelming.
                                                                                                                              • Linda B 907610
                                                                                                                                I thought I was having anxiety attacks but it ended up being atrial arrhythmia. Never assume!
                                                                                                                                • Karmic Eye
                                                                                                                                  Yes we have had these attacks on and off for over twenty years due to PTSD from childhood trauma and absolutely they can be a frightening experience. These days we are well aware of what's happening and use 'birthing breathing' to regain control, isolate ourselves and just lay down until it passes or write out what flashbacks are occurring. Thankyou for asking the question.
                                                                                                                                  • LA
                                                                                                                                    If you see someone with a broken arm you understand. No one can see how damaging and limitless your life becomes #MentalHealthMatters
                                                                                                                                    • mary c
                                                                                                                                      Yes- very true Leslie xx
                                                                                                                                    • Sweetums
                                                                                                                                      It is especially difficult because of that very inability for others to not visualize what's scrambling around in your head sometimes, or a lot of times. Frustrating feeling. You hit that nail on the head.
                                                                                                                                  • Tom M 1059141
                                                                                                                                    I have found that dealing with anxiety, I just thank God for my Blessings and then pray for my friends and family and the anxiety goes away
                                                                                                                                    • Sweetums
                                                                                                                                      Thank you for being strong enough to say the word pray. PRAYER is so powerful, yet, such a hard word for people to use. It's most helpful in these times nothing seems to help. Thank you for your comments.
                                                                                                                                  • William P 589978
                                                                                                                                    I have not had panic attacks. I have been anxious all my life. I was an exponent of Murphy's Law even before I had heard of Murphy or his Law.
                                                                                                                                    • JANN R
                                                                                                                                      No I have never had any panic attacks or anxiety
                                                                                                                                      • Carolina Z
                                                                                                                                        Thank God, NO
                                                                                                                                        • Lyn A.
                                                                                                                                          I have been lucky and never had this frightening experience
                                                                                                                                          • Tiffany L 690503
                                                                                                                                            It is terrible experience
                                                                                                                                            • Paul W 383502
                                                                                                                                              Yes, I have, a fair while ago and I don't want to again.
                                                                                                                                              • Darla T
                                                                                                                                                no and i hope it never happens.
                                                                                                                                                • Claude H
                                                                                                                                                  No. I have full control of my emotions
                                                                                                                                                  • Pauline S/NZ
                                                                                                                                                    Yes. Awful crippling thing to live with. A thing of the past thank goodness.
                                                                                                                                                    • Michelle S 553303
                                                                                                                                                      I can recall acute anxiety and an almost constant sense of "panic" which I experienced during the course of my 1st pregnancy. I was very young, 16 when I fell pregnant and 17 when I gave birth to my son. Although my mother was supportive my father was not and after being told that I was pregnant and that my son's father didn't want to get married as he wasn't quite 19 then and not interested in settling down, I had to live in a home which felt like living in Hell for a whole year! During that time frame, every single time I walked into a room he walked out and every time that I said goodnight to my parents only my mother would say goodnight to me. I lived in a state of fear, loneliness and high anxiety for the 22 weeks of the pregnancy which my parents were aware of, having known that my father would take the news badly, and as a consequence I barely ate, vomited daily up to term and my son lived in a womb full of cortisol which is why I believe that he was between 13 ounces and 1 and a half pounds smaller than all his other 4 siblings, by the same father who later decided that he would get married to me.. Living a life like that is NOT living, it is EXISTING and I feel great sympathy for people who suffer their entire life with these afflictions. When my son was 4 months old my father started to soften and began to remain in a room when I entered it but it was a most HORRIBLE experience which I try very hard NOT to remember! Thanks for reading!
                                                                                                                                                      • View all 4 replies
                                                                                                                                                      • Daniel T 626103
                                                                                                                                                        Thank you for sharing your story.
                                                                                                                                                      • Michelle S 553303Daniel T 626103
                                                                                                                                                        Thank you for reading it. It's obviously only part of a much larger story, but it has given me compassion for those who live with anxiety and panic attacks for a lifetime! Have a nice day!
                                                                                                                                                      • mary c
                                                                                                                                                        Oh such an heart-wrenching experience...so sorry x:)
                                                                                                                                                      • Michelle S 553303mary c
                                                                                                                                                        It WAS a most horrendous time and I feel bad for my oldest son who will be 41 this May because he knows what my pregnancy was like and his birth, during which I almost died. But he didn't ask to be conceived and I owed it to him to bring him into the world even if I wasn't going to raise him as my own, but I did. Thanks for your reply and have a nice day Mary!
                                                                                                                                                    • Micheal M (WPASSR-US)
                                                                                                                                                      I never have but have friend that does. I truly don't understand much about them. My friend can have one even when she is very happy or relaxed. It seems a bit neurological to me. I'll listen to what you all have to say.
                                                                                                                                                      • Gayle (Minnesota USA)
                                                                                                                                                        No, it has not happened to me, but has to our autistic son. He was put on a low dosage of Paxil, and that has helped tremendously to prevent the anxiety and meltdowns.
                                                                                                                                                        • Susan KTC
                                                                                                                                                          Yes! We under estimate the effects stress can have on our whole body and mind. I experienced ‘work place burnout’ 18 months ago, at the age of 64, working for a health provider as a co ordinator, my work history had been preschool teacher and elderly and rest home nurse, both careers through adult education, while raising two boy’s as a solo parent. I feel an incredible sense of accomplishment, however the stress levels do build up, and can result in anxiety and panic attacks! 18 months later, I’m still experiencing moments of anxiety, and always aware of my levels of capability to prevent panic attacks. I was blessed to have family and friends support as well as a good councillor. I did take meds recommended by my doctor for a short while, choosing to view my recovery holistically, I now take ‘Redicalm’ 4 x 4 breathtaking, meditation, exercise, good food choices, rest and relax, learning to enjoy the simple things of life. Life will always give us hurdles to overcome, remember on your life journey, look after self!
                                                                                                                                                          • Linda R 394234
                                                                                                                                                            I don't think people understand how debilitating stress can be. Taking control yourself is certainly the best way with assistance and support.
                                                                                                                                                        • Beverly I
                                                                                                                                                          yes i get some anxiety i'm able to control it on my own , but i have'nt had anxiety for a while now which is great
                                                                                                                                                          • Busyasabee NZ
                                                                                                                                                            No it was mus be very frightening to those who do suffer these. Take care
                                                                                                                                                            • SueM2
                                                                                                                                                              • Asesh S
                                                                                                                                                                No I haven't but wife does.
                                                                                                                                                                • lin r
                                                                                                                                                                  • John b 479999
                                                                                                                                                                    Hasn't happened to me,..touch wood.
                                                                                                                                                                    • Esperanza B
                                                                                                                                                                      yes everyday when i go to work and some costumers are so rude and races
                                                                                                                                                                      • Tupulua S
                                                                                                                                                                        At our age, any attack is possible, panic attack, heart attack ,frighten attack and etc

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