Discussion of the Day
Why is life harder for some people?
Natalia J 52132130-Jul-24
Some people are just more sensitive, introspective and thoughtful, and tend to have more angst and ennui about life in general than others. Plus, everything else can be perfect, and you can just get unlucky and have something terrible happen that you could never have imagined or prevented. What are your thoughts? Why is life harder for some people?
  • Clarissa 1543971
    lifes not fair. 😭
    • Robert 1545213
      It seems upbring , learn behaviour does influence how we do life . Genetics and inherited mental health issues are also a huge influence
      • allin
        genetics, some try, some don't, some never get a chance, you have to have the want to get anything, never say "someday i will go there", unless you start planning right away, you will be in the some don't, category where you sitting on your porch at 80, thinking, i wish i had gone there, life is short, find your genetics and go against them and enjoy life☺️
        • Eddyjo 1547404
          I believe Life iis a Gamble. like a deck of cards or even Craps and everything happens for a reason. Its up to you to recognize what game you are playing, who you're up against and who is dealing the cards. Because. Some people get dealt the wrong hand or very Bad hand. Some are lucky and nreak even while some Cheat and wins the game over and over again. Just remember, Life isn't fair and the House always win.
          • just me- NZ
            I think everyone has obstacles in life, its probably about not giving up and trying to overcome them, by thinking about positive alternatives.
            • Connie B 1227041
              In my opinion that’s just life. Everybody has hard times regardless
              • Caryl H
                Standard answer given to a child JUST BECAUSE Sorry but you asked and I could not resist.
                • SassyCat
                  I once was told if everyone in your neighbourhood put a sign on their lawn you would be shocked what they are going through. It’s true we all struggle. The cost of living, lack of jobs our situations all are different but we are in this together. For me is grief.
                  • Carolyn H 319412
                    Personally I think it is the circumstances that you find yourself in. After all, we are all responsible for our actions. Only you can fix it with a little (or more) effort.
                    • Darlene 1454164
                      sometimes it is lack of motivation
                      • Edith v
                        everyone experiences good & bad happenings
                        • Judy T 470524
                          There is good & bad in everyone's lives, it is just a matter of perspective.
                          • Dimitri T 100433
                            yes, & it is due to their perspective of what to expect from life.Also, some people are luckier than others due to their abilities & working harder than others.
                            • Catalina
                              Because...our own cross seems to be the heaviest...
                              • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                Racism, sexism, sexual orientation, physical disabilities, mental health issues since birth, and abusive parents - just to name a few things that happen every day in the 'real world' - which makes LIFE harder for some people on an everyday basis!
                                • Paula J 395266
                                  Horrible things do happen to some people. Look at the people who beat one form of cancer only to get another type, but some people carry a huge chip on their shoulder imagining slight where there is none. Attitude and disposition also play a part in how life treats you. When something bad happens some people blame God. God doesn't cause it but does allow it, so instead of asking "why me" some people ask "why not".
                                  • View all 4 replies
                                  • Rosemary E 383382
                                    Who / what created genetics that cause hardship for some people.
                                  • Paula J 395266Rosemary E 383382
                                    Most people have problems but not everyone deals with them in the same way, and not all problems are genetic, drugs, alcohol and smoking can have nasty effects.
                                  • Paul R 936022Paula J 395266
                                    Life is about choices.!!!.
                                  • Rosemary E 383382Paula J 395266
                                    , I am referring ONLY to genetics
                                • Wendy 1472398
                                  My life has been pretty crap , but I have children and grandchildren, so I can’t kill myself , there is no God and if you believe so I hope it makes your life better , I’m 63 now can’t wait for death
                                  • Jan K (Central Vic)
                                    Wendy, that is so sad. I am sure your family would be horrified to learn how you feel, though i dont know your circumstances I wish you all the best..my mum always said, there is always someone worse off than you.
                                  • Wendy 1472398Jan K (Central Vic)
                                    Thank you , I was feeling pretty bad when I wrote that and regret it . I have since had a major heart attack and got through, yes there is always someone worse off , thank you for caring 😍
                                • Pam G 449028
                                  If I knew the answer to this question I might be wealthy😘
                                  • Robert T 597718
                                    true Natalia
                                    • Crystal 1422630
                                      Life is what you make it! I’ve been told this my whole life!
                                      • Paula J 395266
                                        What do they say, when life gives you lemons make lemonade.
                                    • Sonya F 68771
                                      Sometime life is just hard but thats life good with the bad
                                      • Therese M 73305
                                        The cards I was dealt with wouldn't have been my choice. Trauma and family played a big part . I don't believe there is such things as a perfect family. I can say honestly say I done it all my myself with no help from family and I hold my head up high and know I can sleep at night. But they say everything is meant to try us and grow from our experience in life no matter how hard it is . But to be honest I wouldn't want to be born into wealth and have everything on a silver platter as there would be nothing to strive for and achieve
                                        • Rebecca B 614374
                                          There are many factors at work here. It depends a lot upon individual personalities and how people react to situations. It can be down to pure chance, but often too people can make life easy or difficult through their own actions and attitudes.
                                          • Katzeye
                                            It's a mix of everything you mentioned Natalia,you pretty well answered your own question.
                                            • Jan H 753322
                                              Life can be hard to understand why me sometimes but then we look at others who have nothing and realise that life is so short we need to love and be kind to each other . A hug and a smile can take away all our pain.
                                              • Danielle R 478487
                                                For the poor people who are born into poverty, 3rd world country's and dangerous parts of the world it's a situation beyond their control. Focus is on surviving day to day. These are the people I think of when I struggle to cope. For the rest of us born elsewhere regardless of socio sconomics,race or religion we all have times when life is a struggle,some more than others. You may think some have a better, easier life, but you truly don't know until you walk in their shoes. Ie last few years famous actors/ actresses ,socialites,celebrity's,popular seemingly happy with the world at their feet,but struggling with depression,drug use,alcohol and commit suicide. Tributes always say,"we had no idea",or "they we so happy,had everything to live for". Everyone struggles,.
                                                • Greg B 520364
                                                  You ask the question why me ? And the answer is because I do not like you.
                                                  • Elizabeth A 807208
                                                    Ellen you are so right - I lost my seventeen year old son who was playing football at lunchtime in high school. There was a truck in the grounds and my son ran back to catch the ball and the truck was reversing -neither one saw the other. I thought I would never get over it but a couple who were Christians reached out to my husband and myself and we asked Jesus to come into our lives and we now live on property with our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren and yes there are times when I wonder what my son would have been doing but I praise and thank God for what I have.
                                                    • Alexis 1513958
                                                      • Ellen P 667007
                                                        With God, all things are possible, if you believe in Jesus and accept Him as your Lord & Savior.
                                                        • Ellen P 667007
                                                          It's partly how you were raised, your environment, income from family members to have nice things, no upbringing in church. These things shouldn't stop you from trying to achieve your goals. Don't let the negatives from your life be a crutch.
                                                          • Jenny L 591463
                                                            Yeah I don't get it either. I went to school with a girl and any way we grew apart and I saw her years later. What she went through in her life I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy { just an expression if you know what I mean.} It was really sad and all I had wanted for her was the best and unfortunately she didn't get the life I thought she would have had. Another friend of the families daughter lost her fiancé and her baby all in the same month. Life is cruel and unkind. The unknown out comes can certainly upset whole families. Cancer, dementia, accidents. When our number is up, it's up so make the most of what you have, what you have got because you never know when it will be no longer. I still have my Mum and Dad which amazes me and I am very grateful because I know a lot of people aren't so lucky. Mum's getting confused some but Dad is doing so well for his age. They are celebrating 65 years of marriage and Mum's 87 and Dad is turning 86 soon. They have had a wonderful life together and they are very much still in love, it's just beautiful to see.
                                                            • boy blunder
                                                              I never have expectations so I am rarely disappointed, and I enjoy my life,i don't have much and have never been happier, take joy in making someone smile, and help others when you can just for the joy it creates there is so much power in a smile and helping someone through a bad time, it is so much easier to cope with life when you are happy ,all i can say is be yourself because everyone else is taken
                                                              • Jayne 1399906
                                                                Because they make a lot of bad decisions.
                                                                • merricat
                                                                  Everyone needs to learn how to deal with the cards that they have been dealt. Some of us have been dealt with a great hand. They need to use it for good, and they will prosper. Others have been dealt a bad hand, and if they choose to wallow in their misfortune, they will suffer for it .
                                                                  • Luna
                                                                    I think it depends on a persons personality and temperament. Some people can bounce back quicker than others. Some things are no big deal for one person but is for another. Even when you look at kids raised in the same family they can end up with completely different lives. Then there is disability and mental illness on top of that for some. Every one has a different perspective of the world around them and our bodies all react differently to external factors.
                                                                    • bria 1550004
                                                                      Well for one not everyone one has money or same opportunities then others because of gender, racism or just some people choose not to try anything
                                                                      • Daniel A 2
                                                                        Life is life? what is it? it's not possible to truely understand what life is like from with inside anothers perception. It can be blamed a lot on money these days. But it is just not possible to understand and say your life is better or worse than someone elses, you just are who you are and you accept it.
                                                                        • Simone S 316632
                                                                          Some people are resilient and can overcome hard times, others are not and need help or guidance. Lots of factors can determine whether life is 'harder' for some and not others.
                                                                          • doug p 631197
                                                                            It just is, most of us want equality for all but in reality we aren't equal as some of us were born with the proverbial silver spoon and the majority of the world weren't and have to work much harder to achieve anything and everything in their lives. Add to that disabilities etc and life can be extremely hard for some. It all depends on the drive a person has to better their situation.
                                                                            • Glenyse H
                                                                              Doing your best with what abilities you have and work to get an improved work position to enable you to find a better position
                                                                              • Judy CooplandiaQueen
                                                                                Some people just breeze though life most things come easy practically handed to them others have to fight n stuffer to archive the same or less
                                                                                • Joe B 288252
                                                                                  Life can be fickle but I always try to find the bright side of things. As the Phantom says God helps those that help themselves……lol
                                                                                  • Danielle R 478487
                                                                                    Funny,my grandma used to say the same,but also added" god help those that get caught helping themselves"
                                                                                • Imperia S
                                                                                  Health and Doctors that won't listen, and Finance for me
                                                                                  • Imperia S
                                                                                    Health and Finance for me,
                                                                                    • Shawn B 1061185
                                                                                      It's all a combination of education, experience and genetics.
                                                                                      • Liane H
                                                                                        Some people are just dealt a bad hand . Born into poverty or bad family circumstances, disabilities etc .. it's those that rise out of it that have somehow found the determination to do so who may have your answers Natalia . Many have not been afforded basic coping mechanisms at an early development age or are just very sensitive to outside influences in general as a valid point you make for others who seem to just find life harder for whatever other reasons. They may find it harder to move on from past hurts or lack confidence to do so .. the mind is a very a complex thing and can make or break you some days ,but occasionally we all end up with a good day now and again !
                                                                                        • View all 4 replies
                                                                                        • boy blunder
                                                                                          yes we do 5 Eashway [showmanship] chicken dinners on sat great night
                                                                                        • Liane H boy blunder
                                                                                          Whhoooshka and another monster truck !
                                                                                        • boy blunderLiane H
                                                                                          2 with their happy home meals
                                                                                        • Liane H boy blunder
                                                                                          Well done ,family happiness on your behalf anytime is always well deserved Rob 😉😊
                                                                                      • Colin L 88398
                                                                                        If you think life is perfect for anyone you are living in Fairy Land. It is not how you perceive life for others to be but how they deal with what happens in their lives and get on with living it.
                                                                                        • Angela 1484008
                                                                                          Depends on the country you are born in, having loving and caring parents, having an education ,your physical and mental health, and the brain cells you are born with.Simple hey.
                                                                                          • Grommie
                                                                                            it's the "I can be hurt by any comment" non hardening up attitude that pervades since Covid shuttings down.
                                                                                            • Joe B 288252
                                                                                              Yep, the woke should go back to sleep
                                                                                          • Bill B 394870
                                                                                            life is challenging for everyone at some time, which offers them an oppertunity to develop stratedgy to overcome it,bit like my spelling ability.....
                                                                                            • Izabelle 1457992
                                                                                              Everyone's different
                                                                                              • Carolina Z
                                                                                                no research has done the issue yet...I think
                                                                                                • Paul B 522937
                                                                                                  It it was easy we would never solve any problems
                                                                                                  • RaeRae1449987
                                                                                                    Life can be harder for some and easier for others due to many variable. I could list them but we all have our opinions. We do however make life what we can and try to make the most of it. I believe in keeping on moving forward and having a positive attitude.
                                                                                                    • Eugenia 1541733
                                                                                                      Life can be harder for some people due to various factors that can include low-income backgrounds, discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or disability can create significant challenges for individuals, leading to unequal opportunities and systemic disadvantages, lack of support
                                                                                                      • Gaza
                                                                                                        Life is how you make it, education is a big factor and job selection.
                                                                                                        • Mike 1459707
                                                                                                          I believe life is harder for some people because of some bad life choices they made that sometimes are hard to make up, correct or take back. Usually stands out as bad luck but your life would have been better if you had made better choices. Better choices, better outcome in life.
                                                                                                          • Denise C (Qld)
                                                                                                            Worry, anxiety, depression, expectations, lack of confidence or self worth
                                                                                                            • Amy 1547473
                                                                                                              It is what we make it
                                                                                                              • Ian T 502647
                                                                                                                It seems that some people are born lucky in that no matter what happens they always come out on top.
                                                                                                                • Tiffany 1548904
                                                                                                                  If people would think about consequences good and bad and made better decisions in their lives and stop passing blame then every would be happier and more satisfied with where they are in life
                                                                                                                  • Frances 1547216
                                                                                                                    There are so many circumstances in a person's life that can mean they find life hard. I think there are three main reasons: 1. It may be that they have been given a harder more difficult life - carry a disability, depression, loose a loved one, house and contents burn down, car is stollen, child dies, parents divorce, debilitating illness... For some people life and good things seem to land in their lap - rich, loving family, car given to them, very smart and talented at what ever they try, score a mansion for an amazing price, marry a beautiful person... Some people do just have it better than others. 2. In some situations, it can be a mental health issue that will affects how a person feels about their life. Life will just be harder for them. For them a small issue will seem like the hardest thing ever. 3. Personality traits - it can make a huge difference to how hard people feel their life is. A perfectionist will have a more stressful and busy life than a relaxed person. A pessimist will struggle more because they focus on the negatives instead of counting their blessings.
                                                                                                                    • Tasneem 1372544
                                                                                                                      It’s all about our pass life
                                                                                                                      • LA
                                                                                                                        One day hopefully we will understand that one.
                                                                                                                        • Kelly 1549958
                                                                                                                          Sometimes life is harder for some people because of the issues they experienced in childhood. They are deeply affected by this
                                                                                                                          • Catherine 1495271
                                                                                                                            We all have sadness and grief, joy and bliss. God's word and love will get you through it all. He allows things to happen so that we will rely on Him to see us through....no matter the circumstances
                                                                                                                            • View all 10 replies
                                                                                                                            • Bugalugs
                                                                                                                              ...and that is why he allows innocent children to get Brain Cancer, to be murdered in places like Gaza, the Werst bank, Israel, Ukraine, Syria, in Iraq with those murfered by the US & others being brushed off as "Collaterol Damage", is it? These "gods' call them Yahweh, Allah or, for English speakers God etc. are a myth invented by control-freaks who want to control everybody. There is no Proof of Existence. We are simply expected to believe they do.
                                                                                                                            • Catherine 1495271Bugalugs
                                                                                                                              GOD either causes or allows things to happen. Who are the control freaks? True Christians are NOT, but they follow the teachings in the Holy Bible. If you read it.... Everything prophesied is coming true
                                                                                                                            • BugalugsCatherine 1495271
                                                                                                                              If this god of yours is so great then why does he allow Innocent children to suffer in extreme agony? Or do you believe that he "so loves thes children that he cannot near to be parted from them"? May br, and i would not wish this on anyone, you should ask your god to make one of your children, who have, as yet, done No Harm to anyone, suffer the agonies of the damnred whilst they die from Brain Cancer or, as is the case in so many parts of the world today, die in the agony of Starvation. This mythical being is supposed to be All Powerful, All Seeing, All Hearing yet he stands back and does nothing to stop any of it. How can anyone believe in such a monster?
                                                                                                                            • Catherine 1495271Bugalugs
                                                                                                                              I'm sorry for the suffering that it sounds like you've been through. We don't revel in the suffering. God gives us free will and He is a just God. People make choices and sometimes those choices adversely affect others
                                                                                                                            • Debra D 624780Catherine 1495271
                                                                                                                              This was a great answer, thank you.
                                                                                                                            • Jan K (Central Vic)Catherine 1495271
                                                                                                                              what is so just about people dying over a strip of land...the earth belongs to us all, but we seem hell bent on destroying it and each other.
                                                                                                                            • Catherine 1495271Jan K (Central Vic)
                                                                                                                              again if you read the bible, what you are talking about is the battle between good and evil.
                                                                                                                            • Jan K (Central Vic)Catherine 1495271
                                                                                                                              you dont have to read the bible to understand that, but there is evil on both sides...a case of you did this, so I will do that in retaliation, and so it goes on,
                                                                                                                            • Catherine 1495271Jan K (Central Vic)
                                                                                                                              God has the final say. Not us, not evil. Amen
                                                                                                                            • Catherine 1495271Jan K (Central Vic)
                                                                                                                              but thanks for proving my point
                                                                                                                          • Carol S 657195
                                                                                                                            There are as many reasons as there are people in my opinion. We all experience different things from our first breath forward. Besides that, we are born with certain personality traits that come into play. Then add in your family dynamics, experiences and parental issues, and our minds react accordingly. In my case, I was born with depression and anxiety and had low self-esteem which was fed by the people around me. I never felt like a normal person as a child. I am not sure I felt love even though my parents loved me immensely. I never felt deserving because I was a fat kid which I think happened from PTSD of sexual abuse and the traumatic even at the age of three when my tonsils were removed in the doctor's office! Then two failed marriages and a nervous breakdown that left me unable to work brought a lot of negative feelings about myself and feeling like a failure. My family are all deceased, and I am alone to figure all of this out. I am now happier than ever with the help of God who made me realize that I'm as good as everyone else. It took me 70 years to realize I'm a good person and to treat myself well. Not having children does NOT make me a bad person regardless of what Trump's VP candidate says! I've come to far to let anyone make me feel like a loser for not being able to have children! He knows nothing about me so making a general statement like that is showing his ignorance. In my opinion, it's stamped on his forehead, "I'm an idiot."
                                                                                                                            • Sheila K 632676
                                                                                                                              You’re very strong, well done
                                                                                                                            • Carol S 657195Sheila K 632676
                                                                                                                              Thanks for saying that. Life has been rough at times, but it makes you stronger! I've been sick for a while, and out of money to go to the doctor. I have the money now, but my depression and anxiety won't let me go. It's so hard for me to walk that far to her office, and there's no one to take me. Life is tough with no one to help. I have a friend/caregiver, but she isn't allowed to take me to the doctor! It's so wrong. She can't even do it on her days off. Everyone I know is old and need help too! Thanks for your comment, Sheila. That means a lot to me, right now. I feel so lonely!
                                                                                                                          • Jania S
                                                                                                                            How do you know life if harder for some people, have you ever been able to enter their body/mind. Maybe YOU THINK their life is harder. LIFE IS DIFFERENT. Been their done that. People think I had a hard life, being a single mum and no family. In a time when there was no child care, pensions, gov grants to help, You wanted to keep your child you worked and paid. BUT my life was blessed, it had its ups and downs, but I would not change one minute. You colour what you see and think, not other people. Blessings
                                                                                                                            • Sheree T
                                                                                                                              Unfortunately that is life for most people. Everything can be going along smoothly and then changes happen such as health issues, losing your job etc. Every day you wake up is a start to a new day and try to be optimistic.
                                                                                                                              • Rob G 106430
                                                                                                                                The same reason that life is easier for some people.
                                                                                                                                • Sweetums
                                                                                                                                  You don't know what it's like to walk in another's shoes, so you definitely cannot pass judgment on them....even those closest to u. If u think you know EVERYTHING about someone else, no matter how close you are....think again.
                                                                                                                                  • Sweetums
                                                                                                                                    Different issues everyone's dealing with.
                                                                                                                                    • Teresa R 1078981
                                                                                                                                      It’s life
                                                                                                                                      • JANN R
                                                                                                                                        I agree with you but some time things change and your life becomes harder for some people they can move on but for others it holds them back and makes it hard for them to live the life they want but you should all stay positive and work to be better within your self it works for some people but not others
                                                                                                                                        • Maria B 89860
                                                                                                                                          Very true and it's much simpler to just be true to yourself instead of trying to cloud your thoughts with the unecesary "babble": of people wanting to whisper their nonsense in your ear. Selective hearing is very useful, half the things aren't worth hearing and the other half aren't worth seeing.
                                                                                                                                        • JANN RMaria B 89860
                                                                                                                                          All so true thanks for that have a great day we all stand together
                                                                                                                                      • Jeannette 1549104
                                                                                                                                        maybe they put themselves in that situation or just bad luck runs in their family. think positive and believe.
                                                                                                                                        • Terri 1485855
                                                                                                                                          My husband just can't figure out how to be happy without beer. Then he crashes and burns and I'm left to pick up the pieces. I'm done with this. Truly done. I'm moving my stuff discreetly out of the house on a weekly basis. He has it harder because he makes it that way!
                                                                                                                                          • View all 5 replies
                                                                                                                                          • Catherine 1495271
                                                                                                                                            Pray for him. What us causing him to behave this way?
                                                                                                                                          • Debra D 624780Catherine 1495271
                                                                                                                                          • Helen E 469767Catherine 1495271
                                                                                                                                            Pray and put a hedge around him to prevent the urge for beer
                                                                                                                                          • Terri 1485855
                                                                                                                                            I do pray for him all day long. I was told by his sister, after we were married, that he was born drunk because his mother drank daily the entire pregnancy. As he ages, the situation worsens. He started working from home and it all went downhill. Thanks for responding.
                                                                                                                                          • Catherine 1495271Terri 1485855
                                                                                                                                            Terri I will continue to pray for both of you. You handle this with grace and compassion. Trust in God and He will bless you.
                                                                                                                                        • sunflower
                                                                                                                                          because of selfish people who go out of their way to make it harder for them. that makes for both my stepfather and biological father. to call them selfish is an understatement. people like that should be in jail for what they did to me.
                                                                                                                                          • Rod 1479101
                                                                                                                                            From the age of 10, life progressively got harder. It would take too long to explain here.
                                                                                                                                            • Maria B 89860
                                                                                                                                              Because some people make it their life's work to make it that way for those who want nothing to do with them .. boo hoo tough luck to those who want to waste their life t hat way, Stay hard, true and steadfast and true to yourself. Just ignore the passing parade of painted clowns as they disappear into the shadows of shallow beings.
                                                                                                                                              • pat 1549901
                                                                                                                                                some people make things hard for themselves because they can't believe that anything can simple if they think about it.
                                                                                                                                                • Grant 1393984
                                                                                                                                                  Often life is what you make it. It doesn't always have to be hard.
                                                                                                                                                  • Carolyn K 714554
                                                                                                                                                    Life happens.
                                                                                                                                                    • Tupulua S
                                                                                                                                                      Be happy and cheerful every day, and be nice to all, whether they are nice back to you or not God is always nice to us all
                                                                                                                                                      • John 1411099
                                                                                                                                                        Ive been rejected my whole life never had had a high paid job and can't make friends
                                                                                                                                                        • Teri 1282723
                                                                                                                                                          John, I don't know you or your circumstances but I did hear you and want you to know someone out here DOES care about your loneliness. God cares as well and I encourage you to read a Bible, starting with The New Testament. You'll see you are never alone or forgotten:)
                                                                                                                                                      • Debra D 624780
                                                                                                                                                        It seems to me if anything can happen to me it can and does. However, I am Christian and God and the Angels bring me through it all.
                                                                                                                                                        • Nooroa 1549847
                                                                                                                                                          Your mindset is making it harder for you
                                                                                                                                                          • writerrochelle
                                                                                                                                                            Because they don't know Jehovah God and His only begotten son, Jesus Christ! With them, all things are possible and, even if times get hard, we have the hope of the Kingdom, and can have the "Peace of God"! Read Psalm chapter 37 and Matthew 6:10. ;-D
                                                                                                                                                            • View all 5 replies
                                                                                                                                                            • Anita D
                                                                                                                                                              Sorry, but your forgiving God is not forgiving. He has not forgiven Eve after all these years for eating that apple. If he had, some of us women, wouldn't be scared everyday of men, who severely beat us ,and murder us, and get away with it, especially us indigenous women
                                                                                                                                                            • writerrochelleAnita D
                                                                                                                                                              There is nothing to forgive God for. Jehovah is not in control of the earth, but Satan, the devil, is, and has had control ever since Adam and Eve disobeyed His commandments. When Jesus returns, he will remove all signs of disobedient mankind from this earth and, after 1000 years, he will return rulership back to the one deserving, his Father, Jehovah God. You are blaming the wrong one. Blame SATAN, not Jehovah, for all of mankind's troubles!
                                                                                                                                                            • writerrochelleAnita D
                                                                                                                                                              I, too, am sorry for the way your people have been treated. You are not alone. I, too, have a fear of men, and have been through way too much to ever trust the ones on this earth but, Anita, soon they will be gone, and Jesus will judge people by their heart condition, and anyone against his Father's rule will be removed from this earth, and only the righteous will remain. Hopefully, your people who have been wronged will be rewarded. Please read Psalm chapter 37 in any Bible. ;-D
                                                                                                                                                            • Anita Dwriterrochelle
                                                                                                                                                              I just finished reading a book called" the pearl that broke its shell'. A story of 3 sisters,all under 15 years old in Afghanistan who were forced to marry, All were forcefully beaten. One couldn't take it any longer , poured fat on herself, and set herself on fire. According to the Bible, when Jesus comes, our sins will be forgiven. The only sinner here is the men who did this. Step in God and save these poor girls
                                                                                                                                                            • writerrochelleAnita D
                                                                                                                                                              The wicked men will most likely be destroyed (not for me to say. Jesus will judge), and the girls, if their heart condition is righteous, will be resurrected, if they have died, or if they are found to be righthearted, they will live forever on a paradise earth! Try turning your reading to the positivity of the Bible, and please be at peace with this earth. It will end soon, as we know it. Revelation 21:4 reads, "And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away." Please read Isaiah 65:17-25 in any Bible you choose. ;-D
                                                                                                                                                          • Dsmiles2U
                                                                                                                                                            do not overload upon another
                                                                                                                                                            • Stephen Q
                                                                                                                                                              Some people are just unable to handle the pressures of life in the modern world, technology, laws upon laws rules and more rules being taking advantage of, scammers, thieves I think it's just easier for some people just step out of the society and be homeless.
                                                                                                                                                              • Roeli L
                                                                                                                                                                Some people are their own worst enemy. Never grateful, always wanting, never satisfied. Look at life differently and it will be different.
                                                                                                                                                                • Glenice L 1244113
                                                                                                                                                                  Perspectives about everything. Perhaps our lives were never meant to be too easy nor rosy (that's why only a few of the billions of us may get to this level), but challenges get included to remind us to work hard/smartly and to love a much higher power than ourselves. We all have to go in the end, so help each up and not down.
                                                                                                                                                                  • Debra D 624780
                                                                                                                                                                    I love your answer Glenice L. Thank you for sharing this.
                                                                                                                                                                • Chantal 1549743
                                                                                                                                                                  Vivre est un combat de tous les jours. Même les riches de ce monde on leur lots de difficultés. L'argent est la source première de malheur.
                                                                                                                                                                  • Lachelle B
                                                                                                                                                                    Translation: Living is a daily struggle. Even the rich of this world have their share of difficulties. Money is the primary source of unhappiness.
                                                                                                                                                                  • Maria B 89860
                                                                                                                                                                    Ci, L'argent est route of Evil, and man has not been able to find a way out, so has been Evil for a very long time, au revioir mes enfant.
                                                                                                                                                                • Tina 423889
                                                                                                                                                                  Some people sabotage themselves. They tend to think more negative and blame everything else but themselves. Its not about lucky or unlucky, it has more to do with how you respond to both the bad and good things in your life. You are the only one that can control you.
                                                                                                                                                                  • kristian s 513441
                                                                                                                                                                    Without money, resources and help from other people that makes life harder for some people to life especially without support from the people you are closest to.
                                                                                                                                                                    • Val 1394045
                                                                                                                                                                      Everyone is not equal. It's what type of life they have been born into. Not everyone is rich, not everything is given to you. It's what you put into and work at.
                                                                                                                                                                      • Cher
                                                                                                                                                                        Some people are born into this world not on the same playing field as others, unforeseen terrible events happen to others and, unfortunately, others make bad decisions in life. Life is about learning lessons.
                                                                                                                                                                        • Ellisqt
                                                                                                                                                                          It’s a struggle. For a start, where is the line between compassion and capitalism? I would like to give away lots and help many but I have too much anxiety about my own ability to survive.
                                                                                                                                                                          • Tracie L 1192286
                                                                                                                                                                            We are all born into unique situations. Some people advance out of the most horrible circumstances to achieve greatness. Some are given so much but cannot seem to advance. We all have different mindsets, gifts and deficits to work on. I think living one day at a time and doing your best, being the best you that you can be is what helps you get through life. Even the toughest people we may think we know have challenges that are hard so it is best to appreciate what you have and strive for your best. Easier said than done I know.
                                                                                                                                                                            • Linda 1473555
                                                                                                                                                                              Having a positive outlook and living a Christian life helps me. I know friends that seem to have a very difficult time. Some cope and some don't but challenges are what makes us grow. I have had my difficulties in life - no-one really escapes them. Keep on smiling if you can and keep loving.
                                                                                                                                                                              • Helen E 469767
                                                                                                                                                                                Good thoughts Linda Having Jesus and the holy spirit to guide me has been what helps me get by day by day

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