Discussion of the Day
Car parks for 4WDs
Peter C 64911128-Apr-24
They are so big and car parks are designed for cars not 4WDs that are virtually as big as a truck. Look at the Ram or the LandCruiser
    Ta peter
    • Yin Girl
      yep and then they open their doors on you to get the kids in and out and you end up with dings in your car ......great
      • David 1391347
        Shopping centres have a duty of care to provide safe amenities for customers This is not happening It's about yr for a test car before the courts
        • Robert F 1161011
          Bad parking.
          • Imperia S
            I am with you Peter, I have a Subaru Outback, and it's a lot lower than these cars, and I always have trouble reversing if one parks along side of me, especially when I'm parked on a two way street, and cars coming at me from both sides
            • The dog house
              The main issue is when trying to back out they almost completely block your view. Unfortunately many people buy these vehicles yet they waste more fuel
              • Tina 423889
                I feel like it could pull forward
                • Paraone 1259726
                  Make parking spaces for them.
                  • Tania NSW
                    I don’t drive so can’t comment
                    • LESLEY S 385154
                      I'm glad I do not have a four wheel drive especially when it comes to parking. Sometimes when I am at a supermarket park I check that I am with9n my zoned space. I have a sedan. A larger vehicle pulls up and then I become sort of jammed to put my groceries in the car and then get in myself. I will never go 4wd size vehicle because of this problem.
                      • Lee b 979050
                        That's right cause there shouldn't be.
                        • Michele 1503936
                          Would be a great idea, those larger cars dont fit in current spaces.
                          • SUSIE W
                            Definitely needed with a capital D
                            • Sangeeta 1504483
                              This is big so special parking have
                              • Edith v
                                There should be special parking areas for 4 wheel drive & similar size vehicles
                                • Daniel A 2
                                  Why do people buy super expensive sports cars, it's for the colour or the brand name. Same for 4 wheeled drives. So to avoid parking near them catch the train more often, or the owners of these bigger vehicles should be on the trains or buses.
                                  • Lee b 979050
                                    Tru dat bro
                                • Paula J 395266
                                  We have an SUV which is higher than my coupe and perhaps a little wider but otherwise in length it's about the same.
                                  • View all 3 replies
                                  • Lee b 979050
                                    What do you use it fir going to woollies in the weekend?
                                  • Paula J 395266Lee b 979050
                                    Well aren't you a little smartie. My car is a coupe, you know, 2 seats, not suitable for carting my grandchildren around, going to the nursery or visiting family 500 klms away. It's our car, we paid for it, we pay for the insurance and rego so I can't see that it is any of your business. I do the Woollies in my coupe and the other run-around trips during the week.
                                  • Lee b 979050Paula J 395266
                                    sorry Paula no offence I know you pay for all those things.so I can see you use it to travel long distances. Not any of my business at all my dear. Safety first so if you're carting you grand kids safety is paramount and that big ol 4wd certainly fits the bill. All the best
                                • Pamela P 877367
                                  They should have designated parking but at the end/back of lots.
                                  • Lee b 979050
                                    No they shouldnt
                                • Robert T 597718
                                  Ban them and tax them they are a menace
                                  • Lee b 979050
                                    Tru bro
                                • Jody 1490607
                                  Why not roads for suvs
                                  • Lee b 979050
                                    You're so right somewhere out at the nullabor
                                • Dimitri T 100433
                                  should pay more like charge for 2
                                  • Lee b 979050
                                • Danielle R 478487
                                  They are registered road vehicles. Councils or government have to allocate parking provisions for them ,just like they would cars,motorbikes,disabled parking. The stupid thing is if larger spaces were available people with cars,bikes would still park in them. When it comes to parking it's the quick and the dead. What's convieniant always comes first.
                                  • Lee b 979050
                                    Yes let's rip up the parks and add more parking for morons with suvs to do there shopping
                                  • Danielle R 478487Lee b 979050
                                    Not parks. Use of already existing carparks. Remarked to allow for different size vehicles. City's it's harder there if no parking anyway,which is why people lease their spaces or pay a premium for parking Personally I don't drive . I prefer to walk or use public transport when necessary. Realistically if these vehicles can't be accommodated why on earth are they on our roads.
                                • Manel 1271300
                                  True! 4WDs are meant to go to high country, snow, streams, and jungles, (I mean difficult-to-reach areas by a normal vehicle). Today, most vehicle owners use 4WDs in normal traffic because there are no traffic/vehicle restrictions for them. As a result, parking is getting congested and blocked too.
                                  • Manel 1271300
                                    Thanks folks, appreciate 😀
                                • Colin L 88398
                                  They also weigh nearly as much as a Tank so the very structure of Car Parks needs to be changed or better still prevent 4 Wheel Drives from using them.
                                  • Lee b 979050
                                    Only those requiring them for work or towing heavy loads should be allowed to have one
                                • Merci
                                  Maybe it's time to remember that country people need bigger vehicles to successfully run their farms, be they meat, fruit, vegetable or other. Without our rural industries the NZ economy would be in a total mess. And of course you are right, big vehicles don't fit in little car-parks and rural people do not go out of their way to annoy town-people so let's just be a little more tolerant please
                                  • Lee b 979050
                                    I am don't come in to the city with it
                                • Sandy G 969046
                                  These vehicles make my blood boil, or rather the drivers of them. They are too big for our narrow windy roads in New Zealand. Our car parks aren't big enough for them, they follow you too closely, you can't see past them, they are gas guzzlers and generally unnecessary in most contexts.
                                  • Michael B 384408
                                    Half of the car parks are too small for small cars! And I don't care for car drivers who stop past a parking space and expect me not to drive into it while they put on their reverse stuff! I can reverse out of a park to leave.
                                    • Patricia P 1104241
                                      If the cars don't fit in a car spot don't park their or park in large vehicles spot. I live in the country and even we don't need a 4x4 why do city people do I find it strange as the 4x4 are to be used as off road with scratches and dinges to show a good time out in the bush
                                      • Karen H 596224
                                        Car parks are getting smaller while cars are getting bigger. Blame the developers. Where I live everyone drives 4wds, yet developers are trying to fit as many parking spaces as possible into carparks.
                                        • Danielle R 478487
                                          We have our car spaces taken up by cars with caravans,cars towing trailers and motor homes. Year round it is infuriating to try to park at our local supermarket. Especially when opposite there is a large parking area designated for these vehicles
                                      • John T 587501
                                        i agree with the above comments but the parking would be solved if the 4WDS were aIlowed to park in areas set out in blocks in parking areas made for them as long as it was clearly marked no cars allowed
                                        • Christine M 323842
                                          Bloody hazards. Selfish inconsiderate people driving them in the city.
                                          • Michael 1324355
                                            Yes 4 wd vehicles are ridicilous in suburban streets > Michael
                                            • Jennifer H 722364
                                              yes allocated spots so that smaller vehicles can see to get out
                                              • Meryl E
                                                They are dame well never wide enough
                                                • Lee b 979050
                                                  Buy a small car meryl
                                              • Pat C 618241
                                                Never had the desire to climb into a big car. We did have a Toyota land cruiser when we lived in the country but get real - there wasn't enough parking room in our original garage. Is that why everyone now has to have a big house so they can park their BIG car? I hope this trend fades soon.
                                                • Judy CH
                                                  Most of the ones I see parking at supermarkets can not even drive them properly, they can't judge the width but they think that they look good, most of the utes are not even any good for tradies as the decks don't hold much.
                                                  • Empress
                                                    I hate these huge trucks, in a small cr you can't see around them. But very handy if your ex is stalking you and you park in between these behemoths! He can't see me!
                                                    • Danielle 1497391
                                                      Bad parking
                                                      • Conny 1314879
                                                        no problem. I have a small car. . .it fits!
                                                        • Katie 1489012
                                                          I don't see many where I'm from
                                                          • Glenyse H
                                                            Yes. Care is needed when you see these big vehicles in the shop hi rise carparks because of their size
                                                            • Simone 1504978
                                                              Yes they need larger spaces, they just cant fit in the smaller ones
                                                              • stephen m 596524
                                                                yes you have to be careful when parking in a car park as no space on either side
                                                                • Alison B 579466
                                                                  FWDs are designed for off road driving, not for being used at the local shops. Cars cannot see passed them properly which makes accidents far more likely.
                                                                  • Catherine G 309964
                                                                    4WD are a menace on suburban roads
                                                                    • Priscilla R 316016
                                                                      I love my local car park which has provision for small cars only. Just what I need.
                                                                      • Ruth v
                                                                        Sounds like a good idea.
                                                                        • Wendy Q
                                                                          I drive a small sedan, so it's impossible to see when reversing out a car park next to a 4x4, maybe they should have special areas for smaller cars to park, so it's safer for us all. I don't need or want a big 4x4, I don't go off roading, at my age especially, all I need is my little shopping basket car, which is economical and cheaper to own and drive.
                                                                          • Jan H 753322
                                                                            I think car parks need to have a section for bigger cars ,4WDs. I'm always getting caught between them and it is hard to see when trying to get out. I notice there are a lot of dual cab utes now, maybe these are popular because the other cars don't have very big boots- which is silly considering the size of the SUV/4WDs
                                                                            • Sonya F 68771
                                                                              I think they are making the car spots smaller
                                                                              • Jania S
                                                                                REALLY, where do you live and what 4WD, we don't have a problem parking in our area of Victoria. So where did you get this photo? It looks like the photo you posted is fake, the proportions are correct for a normal car - Maybe the car was reversing?
                                                                                • View all 3 replies
                                                                                • APB
                                                                                  They are all stock photos supplied by Rewardia...what you think?.. that Peter supplied his own photo too?
                                                                                • Andrew C 287196APB
                                                                                  The photo is by Australian media photographer Anthony Reginato, according to the Courier Mail website. https://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/gladstone/opinion-park-your-big-dirty-4wds-elsewhere/news-story/8efce9a1a0bc235103f19c29ea7ee141 It is a bad photo in terms of this question. The 4WD is too far back, so is either in the process of backing out or going in, or is simply badly parked (perhaps a shopping trolley left at the front of the parking spot or one of those short parking spots due to the lamp post).
                                                                                • APBAndrew C 287196
                                                                                  There you go...
                                                                              • Micheal M (WPASSR-US)
                                                                                You all need some cheese to go with all this whine!
                                                                                • Richard M 407933
                                                                                  It will forever be a mystery to me why SUVs (Stupid Useless Vehicles) are so popular. They apparently account for over half of all new vehicle registrations which seems ridiculous. To my mind SUVs suggest that their owners know very little about cars nor are they interested in them. We call them 4WDs but the reality is that something like 60% of them are 2 wheel drives only - usually driven by the front wheels. Most people who purchase them do so in the mistaken belief that they are safer in an accident which in itself says something about the owner - I'm okay, sad about you! It has recently been reported that governments are looking at the situation and questioning whether or not they should be taxed sufficiently to compensate for the increased wear on the roads, increased pollution and the like.
                                                                                  • Jayne C 315662
                                                                                    While it is true that SUVs are sometimes driven by people who do not know much about their cars, making a generalisation such as this is perhaps presumptuous. When my husband and I invested in a second-hand medium SUV, we sold my wagon and his Ute so we could buy it - because my husband was unwell. Buying the SUV was the best thing for him. He was a very tall man, who had (unbeknownst to us) a crack in one vertebra, into which his cancer had metastasised, and other medical conditions that weakened him, so getting in and out of sedans had become very painful for him. He was able to get in and out of our SUV pain-free, and it fitted easily into any car park at the hospital during his decline. I kept the vehicle for several years after he died - it served us so faithfully during those long months - and only now, as it has more than 225000 on the odometer, have I ordered a small hybrid SUV which will be the perfect size for me as a single person. Please don’t judge. There are valid reasons for buying a larger car: reasons which are not always apparent to other road users.
                                                                                • Jenny L 591463
                                                                                  They need to make the parking bays way bigger for the larger cars. We own a larger car because we towed a caravan around Australia and no we aren't now but there is no way we can afford a new car now. We always park well away and we walk only because we don't fit into a standard car park and that is just the way it is until we get a new car. I also don't feel safe in the smaller cars because our roads are so bad. We keep calling the New England Highway the national goat track. Besides who know what we would be driving now back then and we won't be driving soon as we will soon have autonomous cars. It's coming.
                                                                                  • boy blunder
                                                                                    bring back horses and carts i say
                                                                                    • Robert F 1161011
                                                                                      Unfortunately, horses are only 1 horsepower 😏
                                                                                  • Bugalugs
                                                                                    Double or even triple all the Registrations, Fees etc. for all of these monster vehicles. Vehicles originally design for Off-Road work on Farms. They were never intended to be used for simply taking the kids to school or doing the shopping. They guzzle fuel like no others, their tyres cost a small fortune, the drivers seem to think they are the only people on the roads and that anyone with the temerity to get in their way should move aside. We all know those White or Yellow lines painted on the roads, freeways etc. don't we? Drivers in Australia are supposed to keep to the left of them, when they turnninto another street they are still supposed to keep to the left of the line in the middle of the road they are turning into. With the exception of those Monster Truck-like vehicles most drivers do, if only because they can actually see those lines. Most of the drivers of Monster-Truck-like tanks such as Ram, Land Cruiser either simply do not care that they are cutting off someone else or they can't see those lines.
                                                                                    • Shawn B 1061185
                                                                                      Yes, without a doubt. They should have to pay double for parking because they take up two spaces. If you can afford those monsters you can afford to pay for them.
                                                                                      • Maureen W 406466
                                                                                        Yes I agree, they need their own carpark. I have been hemmed in between two HUGE 4 wheel drives where it is basically impossible to be able to reverse out because you can't see anything
                                                                                        • teresa b 607654
                                                                                          Even disability parks do not provide enough space for getting out either side of the vehicle.
                                                                                          • CHERRY BLOSSOM
                                                                                            i THINK THE 4WD'S SHOULD HAVE THEIR OWN CAR PARKS ALL TOGETHER AT THE SHOPPING CENTRES. THEY ARE TO BIG WHEN A NORMAL CAR IS TRYING TO GET OUT AND YOU CAN'T SEE ANYTHING.
                                                                                            • Paul B 522937
                                                                                              Everyone should ride an electric bike and save the planet
                                                                                              • View all 3 replies
                                                                                              • Julz_of_oz
                                                                                                a bit hard to move your family around on one
                                                                                              • Paul B 522937Julz_of_oz
                                                                                                They make 3 wheelers that can pull a trailer
                                                                                              • Julz_of_ozPaul B 522937
                                                                                                oh dear sorry but that ain't gonna save the planet
                                                                                            • GRAEME W 313058
                                                                                              They are designed for Mini's and are shrinking rapidly. People just have to be more careful as all have a right to park!
                                                                                              • Rob G 106430
                                                                                                Introduce driving days based on car types.
                                                                                                • Karen S 841350
                                                                                                  Totally agree, car parks aren't suitable for 4WD but so many of them park there because there is no where else. The amount of them around is absolutely crazy and they are a hazard to other vehicles that can't see pass them. I have issues with them at my local supermarket as alot of these 4WD race through the car parking area at speed, some one will get killed one day
                                                                                                  • Kathy 1270954
                                                                                                    Even if you give them their own spaces, they will still use the regular ones, once their spaces are all full. You can't win.
                                                                                                    • Sheree T
                                                                                                      It would be a good idea for the car parks to accommodate larger vehicles as well. Especially in the sky scraping car parks.
                                                                                                      • John From OZ
                                                                                                        Think back to the 40’s & 50’s , back to the time of the big “Yank Tanks” , carpark sizes adapted to the extra length, then adapted again to the “ compact Japanese cars of the 80’s and 90’s. It’s called evolution of infrustructure…
                                                                                                        • pam rae
                                                                                                          hi ty again Zebra...
                                                                                                          • Maria B 89860
                                                                                                            On top of all this the current sky scraping carparks are not strong enough to hold these heavy vehicles and some have even collapsed.
                                                                                                            • pam rae
                                                                                                              ty Zebra...!!!
                                                                                                              • Carol S 657195
                                                                                                                What can I say> You didn't ask anything. I know they are bigger, but we can't ban them, can we? I'm just jealous that I can't afford one, and I would take it everywhere because I can't afford two vehicles, and I'm alone with all the bills. I can't even afford one of those teenie senior cracker boxes that are going to get you killed in an accident! Some cars are like driving shoe boxes!
                                                                                                                • gordy
                                                                                                                  Ban them from suburbia, they belong in the bush. Not only are they awkward to park, they block your view and are driven by people who cannot handle them. Good for pulling a caravan!!!!
                                                                                                                  • doris t 277529
                                                                                                                    totally agree. these behemoths are not designed for suburban carparks
                                                                                                                • Maureen 1504016
                                                                                                                  The big cars are not designed for school pickup and going to the supermarket and hairdresser. The amount of these monstrosities on our roads is crazy. Council carparks need to repaint the carparks to make wider spaces and restrict them parking to the rows further away from the shop. They are very dangerous when you want to turn left and they pull up next to you to turn right and there is no way to see past them. God help you if you are in an accident in your sedan against one of these monsters
                                                                                                                  • Andrew C 287196
                                                                                                                    The big 4WDs, SUVs, etc. shouldn't even be allowed on the roads. It's a ridiculous fad that needs to go.
                                                                                                                    • PETER M 134659
                                                                                                                      GOVERNMENT/COUNCIL HAS TO START WORKING ON THIS
                                                                                                                      • Martyn L
                                                                                                                        Bigger parking spots should be an option.
                                                                                                                        • Debbie W 69651
                                                                                                                          It is becoming a major issue in the city and suburbs as the shopping centres car parks aren't made for the large 4WDs. By the time they are in their parking spot they are either just in or on the line and when they open their door hit the car next to them. My car and many of my friend have had this happen and if you don't see it happen bad luck.
                                                                                                                          • kristian s 513441
                                                                                                                            I agree.
                                                                                                                            • Michelle S 553303
                                                                                                                              I drive a 2002 Mazda 323 and on most occasions I'm privileged to get a disabled parking space, which I am entitled to, but when I can't I have to try and find an "end" spot which will leave me enough room to open my car door and get out without me scratching their car or me scratching theirs. But I am literally the meat in the sandwich if 2 4WD's Park on either side of me and it becomes impossible to reverse and exit safely. I have to search for a kind hearted person who will stand behind my vehicle so that approaching traffic can be alerted, as they cannot see me, that I'm trying to leave! It's frustrating, my car often gets scratches from these interactions from the 4WD's as their doors are much larger and heavier than my little car! At least in country towns, like Mudgee on Friday, there is plenty of street parking but you must park rear to kerb. With all the 4WD's there that day I thought I must have come across a large car club, but it was just near the end of the school holidays. However, for the very first time ever, I was unable to part near the supermarket, and the 2 disabled spots as well as everything else, was taken. I had to park across a wide country road and I got the only disabled spot available but dragging my full trolley all that way back was hard. I DO think that there SHOULD be a separate 4WD space within a suburban shopping centre or else enlarge the spaces available. You'll lose a few places but at least I'll be able to see how to reverse safely! Thanks for reading.
                                                                                                                              • MoB
                                                                                                                                4WDs are meant for the country not big towns or cities. Car parks in the cities are designed for small cars.
                                                                                                                                • JANN R
                                                                                                                                  I live in a small country town and the street parking is fine for 4wds and I have never had any problems when parking at a bigger shopping centre thats what most people drive where I live because its in the country and they need these to get around there farms
                                                                                                                                  • Christine M 323842
                                                                                                                                    And that is correct. People who live in the city don’t need them, they just want them.
                                                                                                                                  • JANN RChristine M 323842
                                                                                                                                    Yes thats what I think to
                                                                                                                                • Elizabeth T 396096
                                                                                                                                  Some park spaces are so small that even normal sized cars are problematic to park. Ever since the 1980's, spaces have been becoming smaller while cars have been getting bigger as shopping centres have had the brilliant idea of making spaces smaller and narrower to "fit" more cars in by having small spots.
                                                                                                                                  • writerrochelle
                                                                                                                                    I live on an island. We had an RV Park, but the city eliminated it to put in a so called Water Park, but it never materialized like the poster board showed. What a waste of time, and money! Many people lived in the RV Park, and had no where to go. Started parking on our side streets! ;-(
                                                                                                                                    • michael g 433073
                                                                                                                                      ban 4wd's from the cities
                                                                                                                                      • EILEEN W 310556
                                                                                                                                        Absolutely!! I have a little Mazda 2 and have so many narrow escapes because I cannot see to back out of car parks when next to one of these monsters in a shopping centre car park.
                                                                                                                                        • Janice S 76330
                                                                                                                                          I also have a Mazda 2, and when I come out of the shops to find 1 or even 2 of these monsters have parked next to me I feel like screaming. Then I have to reverse blindly and hope I don't hit anything, because I cannot see a thing until I'm half way out of the parking spot.
                                                                                                                                      • Brian M 325759
                                                                                                                                        Stockland at East Maitland designed the new car park for 4WD's, as that is what most people in the area drove.
                                                                                                                                        • Susan 1358065
                                                                                                                                          I've never heard of a car park
                                                                                                                                          • Lachelle B
                                                                                                                                            We live in a rural province and least 60% of the vehicles in our nearest town are 4WD's and I bet they aren't all farmers (they're too clean, the 4WD's not the farmers lol). Just bought for ego and not utility purposes.
                                                                                                                                            • JULZ
                                                                                                                                              They need to install bigger parks in the middle of nowhere. Half of them, well three quarters can't even handle the bigness. Ridiculous. Just had an incident last week with a man taking 2 1/2 parks for his big a discovery. FIND A PARK NOT IN TOWN WITH SMALL PARKS. Irks me. Supermarket carparks depict this picture well. They cannot even fit into parks, they are wider and way longer, therefore spilling over into the next park. one because they too big, 2, because they have little D syndrome, and 3, just clearly cannot handle the size.....size only matters in certain situs....FYI. I got a $65 ticket because I was "out of my parking lane", because big numb nuts was encroaching into mine..How is that fair?
                                                                                                                                              • Susan KTC
                                                                                                                                                Vehicle size is very diverse here in Auckland, mainly due to be surrounded by water, a lot of folk have a boat, or are self employed so require a larger vehicle! Yes there big, guess we’ve just got use to them…
                                                                                                                                                • John 1411099
                                                                                                                                                  There is no need for them in the city is ridiculous I was brought up in the country
                                                                                                                                                  • alison f 111873
                                                                                                                                                    Totally agree
                                                                                                                                                • Victoria 1437259
                                                                                                                                                  Sometimes i see them stock out but most of the time they fit or just hang out a little in my areas
                                                                                                                                                  • pam rae
                                                                                                                                                    oh boy need to ask son and brother regarding their ram's on parking, i so far haven't paid attention on parking spaces where I go,oh my!!!!
                                                                                                                                                    • Sandra C 12043
                                                                                                                                                      There should be separate parking areas for them. Most of them are never used for the purpose they were built for. Most have never been out of the city. Just a status symbol.
                                                                                                                                                      • Morenita
                                                                                                                                                        The parking spaces are just shrinking
                                                                                                                                                        • Carla 1500431
                                                                                                                                                          Large SUVs and large Utes/Trucks should use bigger parking bays as they block oncoming vehicles and cause obstruction for pedestrians.
                                                                                                                                                          • SassyCat
                                                                                                                                                            I think they need parking just for them have you tried backing out and can’t see past them. Scary
                                                                                                                                                            • ChevyJulie 1473189
                                                                                                                                                              I'M not concerned because I ride a scooter and I can fit anywhere lol 😆
                                                                                                                                                              • ROBERT K 1065766
                                                                                                                                                                Time to put a BIG tax on these gas guzzling climate change evil vehicles
                                                                                                                                                                • Sofena 1504812
                                                                                                                                                                  No not necessarily

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