Discussion of the Day
How do you feel about the Space Program?
When my daughter turned 1 year old, July 20, 1969, men landed on the moon. I have been against the space program from the beginning, and I'd love to know how others feel. My thinking is, if the Billions of dollars spent on the space program over the past 55 years would have been spent on this earth, not one person would be without anything! We would all have everything we need including a place to live, plenty to eat, clothes on our backs and medical care. Also, the environment wouldn't be so unlivable. What do you think?
Are you for the space program?
Are you against the space program?
Do you not care either way about the space program?
Comments - Page 2
  • Stephanie 1298233
    Love it! Should be fully funded.
    • allin
      well, i reckon progress for the human race is off the table here, maybe everyone would be happier with the old days, when diphtheria, measles, childbirth, a simple cut could mean someone is out back digging a grave, for the body the horse drawn hearse is carrying ,, and old age was 45,,, i agree a lot of things seem wasteful, but some of those things are very important to some great studies,, as far as homelessness is concerned, how bout all the wasted space in this world set aside for rich people to chase a little ball around on and do business at the same time, and they get to write it all off as business expense,, send those rich cigar smoking buttholes back to their hi rise office buildings,, and turn all the golf courses in the world into habitat for homeless/poor people,,, 😊
      • Jania S
        No one is suggesting going back to the Black Plague. BUT THE 1% RICH ELITES waste more money on rubbish than the other 99%, its there money,
    • Sandra C 12043
      No sort out the problems on Earth first.
      • Martyn L
        You mean, the "Hollywood Program"?
        • View all 3 replies
        • Daniel A 2
          think all the satelites are part of space program technology. with out them we'd be with out of broadcasting and what ever else comes from them.
        • Martyn LDaniel A 2
          Good point. I was thinking more of the "moon landing". Cheers
        • Jania SDaniel A 2
          REALLY, we had plenty before the supposed space tech. We had plenty of technology. just not the distraction to keep people mindless. CHEERS
      • Sheree T
        I don't really care about the space program, I can't see the point in it actually.
        • Ek M
          I often wonder if things fly past, look at us and wonder about a visit and then decide NO, not today. We are just looking to ruin more worlds, It's what we do
          • Judith E 126797
            I think we as a species should grow up before we venture further into space. There are too many foolish people who want wealth & power, who put their beliefs before everyone else. Imagine who the ETs would think if they came here. What a waste of space.
            • Lawrence 1262145
              If for some reason there is a colony on the moon and you were born in space supposedly I don't know but I heard you wouldn't make it to re entry to the earth? do we have any scientists out there?
              • Raeesa 1444556
                I think we should leave moon, sun, stars and galaxies on God and focus this world worry about this world
                • Rob G 106430
                  I don't think should humans should be allowed off-world until they can be trusted to fix the one they have ruined.
                  • Tupulua S
                    For me, nothing is wrong with trying to find out what is there beyond our solar system. Maybe another life form????//
                    • jeffrey t 1083827
                      We have got a lot of GOOD things out of it.
                      • Tracey 1419192
                        I don't really care about the space program other than "What is the point?"
                        • pam rae
                          TY AGAIN Pamela...
                          • Lawrence 1262145
                            You have a very interesting point. I love rockets but hmmm I guess we are just explorers. I myself could not live on the moon or Mars. it would be to desolate. Also you cannot stay in space forever it does something to your bones. You have to recycle everything I mean everything not poop. There is no water. I say if we want to be explorers let's devlop warp drive but somebody told me we would have to fly at half the speed of light because we would turn to dust at 186,000 miles a second. If that isn't incomprehensible what is?
                            • Frank K 593543
                              A bit up in the air !!!
                              • P.P.R
                                • pam rae
                                  HI TWEETY TY..
                                  • writerrochelle
                                    Thank you for all of your comments, opinions and posts! ;-D It's obvious that we are all either very for, or very against, the space program, with only a few who just don't care. It won't matter anyway, when Jesus the Christ returns to earth during Armageddon with the 144,000 and millions of heavenly creatures, and removes Satan, the devil, all of his demons, and all of the wicked people from the earth. Only the righteous will remain to return it to the paradise it was meant to be, and all of the billions of dead ones will be resurrected to either learn about God's purpose for the earth, and obey, or be destroyed. ;-D
                                    • Natalie 1434774
                                      The Space Program is obsolete. It is time to turn our attention into spending our money on more wholesome programs which help empower other people.
                                      • Elaine H 239851
                                        I also think too much money is wasted on this program & just maybe all this in the atmosphere is what is causing the weather & seasonal problems here on earth
                                        • Sonia 1455929
                                          I think that we need to look at alternatives as earth is already overpopulated and in some places clean drinking water is a challenge. Also I think that even if the governments had put less money into space research I very much doubt they would have put much more money into the environment, homeless and healthcare.
                                          • pam rae
                                            • Pamela G
                                              Good luck to your grandson.
                                            • pam raePamela G
                                              OH TY Pamela.! he is a smart one that's for sure,studies at the university 2 weeks ever so often, now if i was just that smart,lol, have a nice day!!!
                                          • Shadow 1172638
                                            Sure am.. how else are we going to find some distant planet to send all the atheists, progressives and radical leftists to????
                                            • Frances 1451220
                                              It Is a waste of resources
                                              • lin r
                                                just don't care either way
                                                • gloria N 666866
                                                  Some things are better when left alone. The space program is a waste of money. How do we know that the progam could lead us in to trouble. With all the fighting on earth what is to prevent the of who owns the moon. Some things are there for us to enjoy but not play with. Do You really want to live on the moon, not knowing the if living on the moon would destroy it? The space program is destroying space all for what?
                                                  • Asesh S
                                                    I totally agree with you and I always say this to my family and friends that we should sort out problems here on earth first rather than fantasize about living on another planet and wasting so much money on it.
                                                    • kathy b 656074
                                                      Those who run these programs will justify ignoring the suffering of man with their quest to improve upon the existence of the suffering man so, sacrifices must be made today, for the future prosperity of all men…blah, blah, blah, I agree with you.
                                                      • The dog house
                                                        A waste of money while people are homeless and struggling. Sometimes the highly intelligent people are the ones ruining Countries and the economy
                                                        • Kathy 1270954
                                                          I'm Canadian. I don't really care.
                                                          • kathryn 1472130
                                                            waste of money
                                                            • Micheal M (WPASSR-US)
                                                              The technological advancements are particularly important. They are at least partly responsible for you to be answering this poll, having a cell phone, water purification systems, and literally thousands of small to large improvements in our daily lives. I personally am glad to finally see the privatization of the industry. Say what you will about corporations, but they will always move a hundred times faster than any government in advancing technologies, especially where a possible $ return awaits.
                                                              • View all 5 replies
                                                              • kathy b 656074
                                                                And man is now rapidly expanding on these advanced systems to where robotics will replace man. For a glimpse of someone’s idea of a great future, you can watch the Bruce Willis film entitled, “Surrogates”
                                                              • writerrochelle
                                                                Wouldn't we have advanced technology without the space program? ;-?
                                                              • Micheal M (WPASSR-US)kathy b 656074
                                                                I'm sure it's a good movie but, I don't get news or take information from hollyweird.
                                                              • Micheal M (WPASSR-US)writerrochelle
                                                                yes but, sadly the major leaps forward are usually in war times.
                                                              • kathy b 656074Micheal M (WPASSR-US)
                                                                It’s about man using robots to live their lives through virtual reality.
                                                            • LA
                                                              We have enough "Space" on Earth to take care of first
                                                              • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                Am I for the space program - NO! Have the scientific discoveries made from the space flight program made life better for the majority of the population still STUCK on this planet - NO! Should the money spend on space flight - INSTEAD - been spent on fixing issues created by humans on this planet - YES - but that is not HOW capitalism WORKS! Is the moon landing a hoax - only in the minds of conspiracy-theorist! Is NASA a complete fraud - NO - it is just another government agency that unwisely spends taxpayers' money that is not adequately monitored by Congress - HA-HA!
                                                                • Rebecca B 614374
                                                                  Yes and no. On one hand it has led to so many advances in science and has increased our knowledge regarding the solar system and our world. However, like anything, it can be overdone. A far bigger waste of money I think is the push to clone extinct animals, especially those that have been extinct for a long time. Any results are not going to be anything near like the real thing anyway, and in the case of something like a mammoth, where do the scientists propose to keep any cloned animals? They're habitat is gone and can no longer support them.
                                                                  • david j t
                                                                    like the new world 1600,s
                                                                    • Marietta M
                                                                      I'm so glad you said that! I feel the same way and was afraid maybe I was the only one. I never had any interest in the space program. What did going to the moon accomplish? I had some interest in the pictures taken (ones from the moon, Mars, etc.) but that's about it. Like you said, it's money that would have been much better spent elsewhere.
                                                                      • Paetra 1497656
                                                                        I think if we had not spent the money on the space program no doubt our government would have spent that money on other countries, or something less useless like a wall that so far has done no good at all. I am not against the space program because it could 1 day lead to us living on another planet when this 1 fails us.
                                                                        • Julie K 348980
                                                                          At first glance it seems like a lot of money has been spent on the space program. However, when you look at it in total, many amazing scientific discoveries have been made. Camera phones. Scratch resistant lenses. CAT scans. LEDs. Athletic shoes. Water purification systems. Dust busters. Home insulation. Jaws of Life. Wireless headsets. Memory foam. Baby formula. Artificial limbs. Computer mouse. Portable computers.
                                                                          • Pamela G
                                                                            Good points.
                                                                        • Lance P 1114997
                                                                          I think we should fix the problems here first and focus the money on getting things here back to normal.
                                                                          • Enloe M
                                                                            The so call moon landing is nothing but a hoax.Its a crying same that they have wasted all this money. Yes I agree with Diana G
                                                                            • Linda C
                                                                              You still say it is a hoax. I was around at that time working and every telescope in the world was on the moon. The cold war was in full force so if USA did not land i am sure the Russians would have been crying hoax loud and clear and all the other countries and people who were looking up would have also said the same. There is still debris left on the moon you can see. Got to a telescope (big one) and ask to see it and then you will believe. Leave the conspiracy theories behind and look at facts.
                                                                            • lin r
                                                                              u must b kidding what a bunch of poop
                                                                          • John From OZ
                                                                            I firmly believe that the money spent on the Space Race could have been more wisely spent eliminating world poverty . It is staggering just how much money is spent , especially in the USA.
                                                                            • Diana G 1225328
                                                                              Nasa is a complete fraud.They filmed the moon landing in a studio, and the picture of the Earth is the same fake one they use. It's all part of the heliocentric lie to cover up the truth..the millions a day spent are all a money laundering hoax.
                                                                              • View all 3 replies
                                                                              • Linda C
                                                                                Nope it was not. I get so sick of hearing this rubbish. Sorry if you feel offended. Every telescope worldwide belonging to countries, enthusiasts etc. was trained on the moon. Russia would have been screaming loud and clear as the cold war was in full force. So much good came from this program and still is in medical implements and cures, things we use every day, computers, cell phones and so much more. Yes, we landed on the moon, not because it was easy, but because tricking everyone into thinking we did would be freaking impossible.
                                                                              • lin r
                                                                                bet u have no proof
                                                                              • Linda Clin r
                                                                                There is plenty of it around. Only conspiracy theorists come up with the idea that it was a hoax as they say Elvis is still alive or other silly things. As I said, go to a telescope building and ask to use their equipment and take a look. Eyes do not lie. Much third-party evidence for the landings exists, and detailed rebuttals to the hoax claims have been made. Since the late 2000s, high-definition photos taken by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) of the Apollo landing sites have captured the Lunar Module descent stages and the tracks left by the astronauts There are 8400 photos plus film available. They left behind a reflector which is still being used today where lasers are used today to measure the distance from the moon to a centimetre. There is evidence aplenty.

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