Discussion of the Day
Push for vegetarian lifestyle
Linda C06-Aug-21
It seems of late that all we hear is how we should eat plant foods and not meat or dairy products etc. Almond milk is not as nutritious as cows milk and should not be given the children? It is also produced with pesticides and heaps of water to grow them.
I was watching a cooking show last week and the vegan chef said h
I also feel that a acre of plant food will give the grower more money they a cow or sheep would over a year. However, if the environmentalists think this will be better for the planet then please explain to me how when plants will have to be watered all the time yet they say we do not have enough water now. Pesticides will be used also.
I am not a conspiracy theorist but I do feel businesses realize this is a good way to make more money with a faster turnover.
Do you feel we are in a big con by business etc. or do you feel this is the way of the future to save the plant as they say.
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