Discussion of the Day
Beauty pageant for toddlers and children, bad or good idea?
Christina 154652316-Aug-24
Kids are way too young to understand the pressure and expectations that come with being judged on their looks. You think toddlers should be strutting around in sequins and fake smiles? You re teaching them that their worth is tied to appearance self-esteem issues.
Not ignoring the toxic environment of the absurdity, can a toddler understand the concept of beauty and competition? They can t even tie their shoes yet! You re setting them up for failure by putting them in a situation they can t possibly comprehend.
The alternative? Let kids be kids. Encourage creativity, exploration, and real-life skills instead of pitting them against each other in a superficial contest. You want a happy, well-adjusted adult? Start by letting them enjoy their childhood. Are you going to let your kid thrive in a supportive, loving environment, or are you going to drag them into a world where they re judged before they even know who they are?
Comments - Page 2
  • Dsmiles2U
    it is inside that counts
    • Andrew C 287196
      From what I've seen in the adverts for silly "reality" TV shows about these pageants, it's the obnoxious, pushy parents who shouldn't be allowed to be involved ... some of them shouldn't even have been allowed to have kids since they treat them more like dress up dolls. 馃檨
      • Grommie
        kids love dressing up, but don't make it a contest.. dress up the dog too, eh Grommie? Growl, snarl.......oh maybe not...
        • john 1451561
          yes its not good ,
          • Alice 1549334
            I like it
            • Razz
              Pedophile Paradise!
              • Tupulua S
                Really ???? Do we need to show off our children.? Health and safety of our children, and also their education is paramount rather than showing off what they have and not have, or are they good looking or not
                • Maria B 89860
                  It can be a fun thing or an overbearing stage mother thing. Make it like going to a playgroup dress up thing, which they tend to do anyway. Mine used to like to comb my hair and "make mum look beautiful!!" even did my makeup and I wasn't allowed to look in the mirror, they took my photo at the bus stop and they'd done a g.od job as the proof was in the photo. Just a phase they went through/ So am just guessing it just depends how much pressure they experience via the vibes they pick up from parents.
                  • Norman PSBHRJ
                    Beauty Pageant is plain wrong for any people. What's even worse is when kids are being put in Beauty Pageant. People needs to stop judging people on looks.
                    • Jim F 1204987
                      Too many mothers living vicariously through their children. Sending wrong message to young, impressionable minds. Them2
                      • Angela 1552152
                        it doesn't matter if there in pageants or just being kids people are going to judge by people. that's a fact of life like you judging the parents for putting their kids in pageants.life is all about choices and what you learn and teach your children.there is nothing wrong with pageants.as long as your child knows that people will have opinions' but teach your children to love who they are as they are not what society thinks they should and to have fun and yes toddlers can understand better than some adults i know but like everything else is just my oppinion to each their on
                        • writerrochelle
                          I couldn't have said it better: "Let kids be kids. Encourage creativity, exploration, and real-life skills instead of pitting them against each other in a superficial contest. You want a happy, well-adjusted adult? Start by letting them enjoy their childhood. Are you going to let your kid thrive in a supportive, loving environment, or are you going to drag them into a world where they're judged before they even know who they are?" Amen! ;-D
                          • Morenita
                            My daughter was in Miss Teen USA and it was wonderful
                            • Danielle R 478487
                              That must have been an amazing experience her. She is old enough to know that's what she wanted.Glad it was a positive experience for her.
                            • Morenita Danielle R 478487
                              It was beautiful and she was sponsored plus I was able to take my family
                          • Debra D 624780
                            I think it is good for a childs self esteem to do it once, but not to continue doing it. We did it once with our daughter, and i think it really built up her self esteem. We did not continue it or make her try to win or anything like that, but it was a great one time experience. She was a finalist. Today, she is over 40 years young, and we all look back at it as a wonderful experience.
                            • sherrydp
                              I think it's disgusting.
                              • Tori 1558055
                                People are weird doing this poop鈥ids are not play dolls
                                • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                  JonBenet Ramsey
                                  • View all 4 replies
                                  • Glenice L 1244113
                                    That crossed my mind too; so sad and weird!
                                  • Barbara H 1073102
                                    Wel, that was going to be my response as well!
                                  • Elizabeth J 447888
                                    Was the murderer ever found. I remember hearing that they had their man, but in the end it came to nothing.
                                  • BLACK LIVES MATTERElizabeth J 447888
                                    The murderer has not been found - so far.
                                • Aisha A 379399
                                  The motives of the parents are in question. Is it because of the attractive prizes like money? Is it because they want to boost the kids' confidence? Personally, I think it is ridiculous because not all kids like being in the spotlight.
                                  • pam rae
                                    • Kimberly 1557143
                                      Honey BooBoo
                                      • emilio 1472725
                                        why not
                                        • Phyrephly
                                          yeah, I tend to agree with you, Christina; it's like parents are pushing their kids into the world of adult competition before they are old enough to know and appreciate their own strengths and weaknesses, or those of others. Fortunately, I think most parents see this as some sort of "right of passage", But I wouldn't put my kids through any of that, until I was sure they were old enough to understand what exactly was being 'judged' at these 'competitions', and that ultimately, they didn't mean you were a loser, if you didn't win.
                                          • Gregory L 105683
                                            Let them have ago it's another way to be educated think about it for awhile they gota speak proper English dress up and look there best...
                                            • Christy 1540929
                                              I think it's to young let them be kids for a while and do that when they are oldenough to understand what they are doing. Let kids be kids
                                              • Derek 1402012
                                                Too young for all that
                                                • kristian s 513441
                                                  They are too young to join beauty pageant.
                                                  • Val 1394045
                                                    Let kids be kids
                                                    • Jacqueline 1552991
                                                      Definitely not keen.
                                                      • Teri 1282723
                                                        I think it's all about the mothers trying to fulfil something in their daughters that they never got. It's terribly mean and narcissistic of the usually/always mothers to do this to their kids. I believe any one of those little girls would much rather be playing in the sand, the dirt, the water, climbing a tree, swimming, riding a tricycle!! Drop mike
                                                        • Kevin 1551510
                                                          I think this world is too hung up on looks and what people are wearing their two-judgment people should mind their own business Minding one's own business means not interfering in the affairs of another person and only doing things that involve yourself. It is important to respect other people's boundaries and accept them for who they are, instead of trying to change their beliefs or opinions2. Unless someone directly asks you for advice, it is best to keep your opinions to yourself and offer support by validating their feelings instead2. It is also important to know your own boundaries as well as that of others4
                                                          • mike B 1066235
                                                            THERE IS NO WAY FOR MY KIDS TO ENJOY LIFE NOT ON A STAGE.IT IS NOT FOR THE CHILD IT IS FOR YOU
                                                            • Linda 1473555
                                                              Not the values I would want for my children or grandchildren. Teach them about caring and love. Not about how they look and about judgement of others and of themselves. No wonder there is so much bulimia and anorexia.
                                                              • Greg T 1126372
                                                                Beauty pageants for any ages should be scrapped IMO. Both for the reasons you already gave and the fact they have become too politically correct
                                                                • Izabelle 1457992
                                                                  If it's in good fun, my daughter won a baby pageant at a festival 15 years ago. She won a basket with all kinds of stuff! But the professional ones creep me out!
                                                                  • berkys 1557967
                                                                    METROuy bueno para que sean hermosos
                                                                    • berkys 1557967
                                                                      Excelente para prepararlo para futuro sean muy hermosos
                                                                      • Linda C
                                                                        Beauty pageants have been around for many years especially in the USA and mothers are really competitive to the detriment of their children. I have to agree with Christina, competition with kids, their birthday parties, etc. is all to do with the parent/s whereas children generally just want to have fun with their friends. We used to call it keeping up with the Jonses, now it is way out of control. Putting little children in full makeup, hair, expensive outfits is just sickening.
                                                                        • View all 3 replies
                                                                        • Phyrephly
                                                                          agreed totally, makes me think of all the little Jon Bonet Ramsey's out there, poor little blighters.
                                                                        • Linda CPhyrephly
                                                                          I must admit this photo of the little ones dressed as fairies is very cute. They do not seem to have makeup or anything just cute dresses or a knights outfit for the boy and flowers and wings. More appropriate than full makeup, hair, and all the rest of the overdone paraphernalia that the pageants require.
                                                                        • PhyrephlyLinda C
                                                                          When it's like this cute picture above, agreed. But when it's all about the competition, and overly competitive, (via some care-giver's natures), it gets over the top and out of control, I think. Some level of competitiveness is ok for kids as long as it's at their level, where there are no winners or losers, and everyone's efforts are appreciated; not the adult level, where winners are lauded and losers, along with all the effort they put in, get lost to history and forgotten.
                                                                      • APB
                                                                        I don't think Christina likes them somehow...I've never even heard of them....is this something popular in the USA?...they didn't have these in Europe when I grew up as far as I know
                                                                        • View all 5 replies
                                                                        • Izabelle 1457992
                                                                          Yes it's creepy! The mother's give their children fake tans and fake teeth/lashes and way too much makeup like an adult.. they basically make them into little adults and some go overboard it's crazy
                                                                        • Liane H
                                                                          You must have heard of the murder of JonBenet Ramsey ..surely ? Colorado 1996. She was a 6yr old beauty pageant queen. A ransom note was involved .Case is still unsolved. Then there's Honey Boo boo as well ( She's now all grown up) mother mad as hatter.
                                                                        • APBIzabelle 1457992
                                                                        • APBLiane H
                                                                          Sadly no....or on reflection luckily no....glad to have missed all that too! ...those were their names?...jonbenet....and honey boo boo?....you have to be joking?....what shall we call our new daughter?...oh I know Honey Boo Boo.....
                                                                        • Holly CatAPB
                                                                          There's actually a show called Toddlers in Tiaras.

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