Discussion of the Day
Boomers vs Millenials
Indi S24-Jul-21
Why are the elders of millennials constantly talking about how "messed up" we are, when they were the ones who raised us ...?
  • Denise C (Qld)
    I just believe respect and manners have gone out the window and I blame the government because you cannot discipline your children anymore and they know it. I actually feel sorry for young adults and young parents these days and how hard it must be.
    • Carolyn7 P
      I do not think my children are messed up. I think the thing with the young and old is that the elders worry that if anything happened to all this great technology, how would the younger generation survive? My kids learned to ride horses and help on their Grandparents farm. They know how to hunt and start a fire They know how to dress their kill and how to cook it. Do they choose to do this as adults? No, not any more but they have the skills to survive and I don't think a lot of younger people do. Could the new generation survive is the worry I think.
      • Michelle S 553303
        Amen Caroline and I couldn't agree more! I say "Well done" to you both!
    • Naf
      Just saw someone else post this: Brought to you by “the boomers”Yes, it pervades through to the younger generations, but the entitlement and over-indulgence of the boomers was the catalyst. They won’t admit to any wrongdoing though… they’ll just treat their offspring as adversaries instead of owning up to their own BS.
      • Victoria 315341
        We all learn by our mistakes, my hope is my children and grandkids don't have to learn the hard way. Each generation has something to learn from the other. Be respectful, kind & loving one to another.
        • Julie K 348980
          Youngsters are always the best ones to blame.
          • mary c
            haha yes!
        • peter w 94893
          Every generation seems to blame the one b4 otherwise we have to accept the blame. lol
          • Priscilla R 316016
            I think every generation goes out of their way to give their children what they consider to be a better upbringing than they had. I have watched two generations after myself do this and I really don't like the final outcome. It seems it's always someone's fault if something goes wrong and somebody else has to give them the means to live, be it government or mum & dad's bank. Somewhere along the line responsibility has gone out of the window.
            • lulu
              perhaps people do not listen
              • graeme m 189162
                ho boy do i hope that you grow old with your complaining children, you bet
                • Joe B 288252
                  Live and let live….lol
                  • Aisha A 379399
                    Maybe different upbringing yields different results.
                    • Beverley S 383001
                      Probably because you went your own way and at times forgot the lessons learnt when you were young. As you mature you will find out just how wise your parents were! :)
                      • Luke W 72035
                        Dunno...What's Allen Jones think about it?
                        • Christine M 323842
                          Bah ha ha
                      • Sabine V
                        Boomers tried to give the Millennials everything they never got and also not be as strict as their parents were on them and what a mess they made of the millennials
                        • Wendy B 361582
                          we tried to give you all a better life than we had - spoiled you inb tghe process
                          • Alex H 487498
                            I like to keep an open mind on this
                            • Phyrephly
                              best way to be, open ;}
                          • Ellen C 69679
                            Seems like every generation whinges about another generation. It all depends on how you where raised and who was raising you. I try not to buy into the whole gen vs gen narrative. I respect my grand parents, my parents, my siblings, and my nephew - all generations. Each has its own challenges to contend with and i'm sure does the best it can with the resources its given. I'm a millennial and have been supporting myself since I was 16 and don't feel I'm entitled to anything which I haven't worked for - but hey that's just the way I was raised and is actually more something that I've learnt from my grandparents (the silent generation) rather then my parents (baby boomers).
                            • Edith v
                              Not all Elders messed up their kids .My two are well adjusted & cope with problems we elders never knew existed
                              • Stephen F 84899
                                There will always be the spoilt folk around.
                                • Irene S 534601
                                  Yes you are right, I know spiolt brats in every generation.
                              • mary c
                                i don't even know what the hey i am...born in 1963..a late baby boomer bloomer consumer? these days i see myself as a mad middle aged crazy dog lady.
                                • Christine M 323842
                                  There’s spoiled brats in every generation. GO GEN X, WERE THE BEST!!!!
                                  • Luke W 72035
                                    Gen X in general are pretty bloody cool to be honest.
                                  • Irene S 534601
                                • Grommie
                                  pointless discussion. Even in early Greek and Roman times there were these sorts of discussions. It's just generation gap-io-sis. ...and see Andrew 1 below...
                                  • Sandra C 12043
                                    I have said that on here before. That the ones that are complaining are the ones who raised that generation up, so they only have themselves to blame. I remember the old adage Spare the rod, spoil the child. I think there are too many spoilt brats, who think the world owes them. Hopefully I raised my children to be decent human beings, to think of others and that working hard was the way to get on, that nobody owes them anything and that putting back into the community what they received.
                                    • beverly w 540992
                                      i missed out being a baby boomer by 1 year, was bought up in a family of 8 children. we were raised to respect our elders,not to sit if an elderly person got on public transport, and got our mouths washed out if we were heard to swear.we were also taught that if you could not afford to pay for something you wanted, you saved until you had the cash, there was no such thing in our house as hire purchase.
                                      • Ruth v
                                        no idea.
                                        • APB
                                          The earliest written records of an older generation putting down the next comes from Ancient Greece.....so nothing really changes....
                                          • Sonya F 68771
                                            Why do we have names now just respect our elders thats what i got taught
                                            • Irene S 534601
                                              I agree with that to a point. Regardless of age treat me with respect and you get mine in return.
                                          • Luna
                                            I'm shoved in the millenials category but feel like I don't fit into it. I think the internet and technology had a lot to do with the behaviours as well though. Sometimes I wish the internet and all of this stuff didn't exist. But for all of you saying what you think of a certain generation I'm fairly sure it should be aimed at individuals from all generations. I'm sure there were lazy, self entitled, spoiled baby boomers out there back in the day and maybe even now, same with us, gen x, gen z etc. Maybe take a step back and think about your flaws as well because we all have them.
                                            • Barbara T
                                              Trouble is, some (Millennials) expect to have things given to them and want stuff straight away, obviously don't have the concept of earning that money first to get that (desired) item. Want, want, want - now, now, now - me, me, me - is generally what it amounts to with these Millennials.........
                                              • Katzeye
                                                I am neither boomer nor millennial but merely a gen x and we were never like you millennials that seem to be lazy,too opinionated and self entitled but in saying this not all millenials should be branded this way because there are a select few that actually give a damn and respect their elders.
                                                • APB
                                                  Yes... some of your best friends are millennials
                                              • Kishore B
                                                No idea, no idea at all
                                                • TERRIE K
                                                  I was always told to be respectful to others and if we did something wrong we'd receive a punishment whether that was a smack or sent to our rooms. These days we're not allowed to punish our children so they get away with everything.
                                                  • Anneliese
                                                    If you look back to the lectures by Yuri Bezmenov. It's something they embedded in the culture for years to cripple a society (especially the USA). People think more about individuals, everyone fighting to have a voice, and now speak up against pretty much everything. It's scary how true and how much meaning it has today and to what effect it has on young people today. They don't realised this has been years in the making! Years of infiltrating and slowly changing people's perspectives and now it's kind of spun out of control. This was the plan all along to bring down the biggest nation's, not a war, they were well aware they would never win a war. Yes millenials may seem messed up, but in a way, they had no choice just look at how fast everything changes and materialistic the world has become, they don't value things because we as a society don't. Things become cheaper and more accessible and loose value. Take a camera and photo for example, years ago even when I was little, you wouldn't take photos and happy snaps or selfies of everything, film and developing was expensive and you only had 24 or 36 shots in total so had to savour and choose what you wanted to take a photo of. Today it's a luxury to have a phone or camera that can take and store thousands of shots and you can view them without having to wait days to get developed and hope they turned out right. That luxury and privilege is often forgotten in today's youth. They just expect things to be a certain way which to older generations can come across as being spoilt.
                                                    • Colin L 88398
                                                      But are they the ones who raised you or are the the ones who had the control taken away from them by Governments who thought they knew better?
                                                      • diane c QLD
                                                        no comment
                                                        • John b 479999
                                                          • Rifat H
                                                            I guess the concept of child care is in fact age old! Here's an anonymous poem titled 'The Daycare Provider who Lived in a Shoe (For At Home Daycare Providers)'. There was a provider who lived in a shoe But being professional, she knew what to do. She made best use of the space she could spare And set up her home for family child care. She took CPR and First Aid classes, too And brushed up on all the things kids like to do. She advertised, interviewed, contracted, and then She opened her world and her homely den. She wrote parents notes home 'bout the kids in her care, Anecdotes and concerns that they'd want her to share. She read to the children while they sat in her lap And she sang to them softly when they started to nap. She started the laundry, checked the mail, made a list Of the groceries she needed and the chores that she'd missed. She collapsed in a chair and put up her feet, Then in came her family wanting something to eat. If you live in a big house or even a shoe, Great is the work a provider can do. Be proud, stand up tall, wear a smile on your face, You are helping "tomorrow" be a much better place!
                                                            • Maria B 89860
                                                              The answer lies within your question or maybe it's the cycle just repeating who messed them up from the psychodelic what's still running in their veins era
                                                              • The dog house
                                                                Just the times. Plus being spoiled
                                                                • Frank N
                                                                  Good question. I don't think Millenials are "messed up" at all. One interesting thing is that you can find example after example of writing where people are bemoaning the behaviour of the younger generation. I have found it going back as far as the ancient Greeks. Aristotle, for example said: “They think they know everything, and are always quite sure about it.” And here's another quote from The Conduct of Young People in the Hull Daily Mail in 1925: “We defy anyone who goes about with his eyes open to deny that there is, as never before, an attitude on the part of young folk which is best described as grossly thoughtless, rude, and utterly selfish.” So, either humans are getting worse with each succeeding generation, or it is merely a perception many people have. I consider it's just a perception. And I do wish people would not get involved in such put downs.
                                                                  • Chosen
                                                                    Who cares. Just get on with it.
                                                                    • Cindy D 386244
                                                                      They might of raised you but when your 21 your on your own to do what you want! Or so that's what you say any how!!
                                                                      • Sheree T
                                                                        The millennials need to find a mirror and take a damn good long look at themselves. In other words grow up and go and work for what you want out of life instead of expecting it all just to fall nicely into place with little effort applied.
                                                                        • Lachelle B
                                                                          Because Boomers KNOW a lot, Millenials THINK they know a lot.
                                                                          • Claude H
                                                                            Because we have been there, done that and learnt from our mistakes but a lot of the new generation know it all and will only learn from there mistakes when it is too late
                                                                            • Naf
                                                                              No offense to anyone here, but I think many boomers have superiority complex, they're stubborn in their ways. A lot of the ones I've seen also have narcissistic like tendencies more than an average person. Millenials are like f* from every corner, from their boomer parents and from their gen Z children.
                                                                              • View all 4 replies
                                                                              • Cindy D 386244
                                                                                Need to learn to spell!
                                                                              • NafCindy D 386244
                                                                              • Cindy D 386244Naf
                                                                              • NafCindy D 386244
                                                                                ok, thanks.
                                                                            • SueM2
                                                                              Because you didn't listen to us, and refused to understand that we had already been through many of the situations you were/are in so we just may be able to help!
                                                                              • JANN R
                                                                                I agree with you Sue thats my thoughs too
                                                                            • Sapphire Princess
                                                                              They feel they know everything and forget we learned a lot from them. They forget they were young once too
                                                                              • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                One, the "greatest generation" would be the elders of millennials and "baby boomers generation - "baby boomers" generation (my generation) would not be your elders. Two, it would be "Generation X" that raised you - not the "baby boomers" generation. Three, starting with the "silent generation" (the "silent generation" came after the "greatest generation") - which came before the "baby boomers" became entitled and pass difficult decisions (example: global warning, etc.) on to each following generation. Four, millenials do not have the luxury of passing on difficult decisons to the next generation (or life will cease to exist on the planet). Five, my generation "baby boomers"(age 74 - 56) is the worst generation of all time - because every decision my generation made - was based on PURE GREED - the sad part - my generation knew we were making decisions based on PURE GREED! My generation was the first generation that could afford to go to college - without having to have rich parents, go into the armed forces (GI college benefits), or having to be a world class athlete - college became affordable because of former president LBJ. My generation (baby boomers) is responsible for the mess the world is IN (NOW) - and blames millennials for our ineptitude!!!
                                                                                • Linda C
                                                                                  Each generation complains about the ones before or after. However, I do think the latter generations are selfish, rude, take too many drugs, lack responsibility for their actions, want everything now and not have to work for it if possible, expect the baby boomers for instance to just hand over everything they worked hard for and go away and disappear. I also think they blame the previous generation for the state of the earth yet they are the throw away generation. How many phones, computers, ipad, etc. have they trashed in their short life times. I agree the elders raised them but most were taught the right things but PC advocates got into their ears and they became belligerent and demanding. I guess all the above is something many have heard over and over and some believe it and others would argue against it. Generation Gap ..... Blaming parents for the way a person is can only go so far. I think eventually one has to take responsibility for ones own actions and behaviour - this is called growing up and maturing.
                                                                                  • leolassy
                                                                                    hmmm generation gap at work
                                                                                    • LESLEY S 385154
                                                                                      I have never said that millennials have messed up. I have not heard anything spoken of in this way.
                                                                                      • Julie 330321
                                                                                        Being a “Baby Bummer” myself, I feel we over compensated for all of those things we did not have so wanted our children to have that we did not and would loved to had. Material things do not make a happy individual we had fresh air and left after breakfast returning when the street lights came on. With children today it is technology they hanker for iPads, laptops, game boys, and yes we are guilty of having given in to these must have tantrums. We made many of our playthings from scratch and enjoyed doing this. Big toy corporations have much to answer to with the enticing, brightly manufactured dolls and other toys we all liked war has taken both my father and his brother in trn
                                                                                        • kristian s 513441
                                                                                          Boomers judges Millennials is because they attitudes towards others that makes Boomers more dislike Millennials.
                                                                                          • Jacqueline R 353303
                                                                                            That's fine we raised you but we didn't have all these new regulations & gender problems we have now because of this political correct rubbish also.
                                                                                            • Rhonda D 522615
                                                                                              Good question.
                                                                                              • Disie
                                                                                                You can only teach a child, not tell them how to think. Have Millennials thought about that? It's called taking responsibility!
                                                                                                • Priscilla R 316016
                                                                                                  These days it appears that nobody of any age group takes responsibility for their actions. Just look at the politicians who all knew nothing in Victoria!
                                                                                                • DisiePriscilla R 316016
                                                                                                  JUST Victoria? Gladys is a real hero. lol
                                                                                              • Irene S 534601
                                                                                                I think they like to complain.

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