Discussion of the Day
Satisfaction in job vs. Your paycheck amount
Would you rather have a job that you enjoy going to and get paid less? Or would you rather have a higher paying position and just deal with the problems and issues that make you dread getting up every day to go?
Comments - Page 2
  • Claude H
    I used to enjoy my job but took promotion with less pay & more responsibility so took redundancy when it was offered
    • allin
      smile and take what you get,, life is short, enjoy it 馃榾
      • Cher
        I enjoyed my job very much. It was the people who mattered Mind you the pay paid the bills which I am grateful for. Retired now! Whoopie!
        • Morenita
          I actually enjoy being a hospice nurse. It pays less where I am and could go work anywhere else and Hospital pays more but ive been at a private facility for many years now.
          • View all 3 replies
          • Pamela G
            You are a special person.
          • Sweetums
            Having had hospice help with my dad's final months at home, you have a special place in my heart and if it were up to me, you'd be getting paid triple to care compassionately for fellow men and women at a frightening, sad, and painful part of life.....moving on....
          • Morenita Sweetums
            It is a tough job especially when I get attached to them or the ones who have no family. I鈥檓 all they have sometimes. Thank you 馃檹馃徏
        • Tina 423889
          in the short term get money, save it then get the job you enjoy
            I prefer paycheck amount (my hourly paid was going to determine how much I was going to get in my federal civil service retirement checks. I learned to compartmentalized when I work (I personal dislike my job but I loved getting paid every two weeks (on a Tuesday), and my federal benefits (while I was working) were in the fantastic category. I have been retired for 24 years and it will be 25 years in June (2023). I option for money over people (the guiding principle of capitalism) - works for society and it worked for me on a personal level (very livable federal civil service retirement checks).
            • View all 11 replies
            • Elizabeth T 396096
              When the employer is big enough for you to do this, then I agree with you that take the money over the personal happiness but when it is a small employer or worksite then I advise to get the **** out of there. ROFL.
            • BLACK LIVES MATTERElizabeth T 396096
              Hi Elizabeth. I never worked a job in the 'private sector' in the USA, the pay is lousy in the 'private sector', no guarantees your private sector pension is going to be there - when you retire, etc. I was strictly speaking from a 'public sector' perspective, which I empathized more than once when expressing my viewpoint on paycheck amount versus job satisfaction.
            • Elizabeth T 396096BLACK LIVES MATTER
              Private sector is hilarious in Australia as sometimes these jobs pay more than public service and sometimes the public service is better...it seems to ebb and flow depending on how desperate the private sector is for specific workers.
            • BLACK LIVES MATTERElizabeth T 396096
              The federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour (USA) - the last time the federal minimum wage was increased was in 2009. I have ALWAYS wonder WHY (hourly) workers work in the private sector????
            • Elizabeth T 396096BLACK LIVES MATTER
              Minimum wage for typical retail and hospitality jobs are $23-$30 per hour (unless you are casual or hold a team responsibility, specialised function etc) Office jobs pay more and pay better in certain segments (and obviously pay more in government than private (with few exceptions). Professional jobs (accountants, lawyers, engineers, surveyors etc) is where you see the most fluctuation between private and public sector. This being said, some retail and hospitality (and cleaning jobs in various sectors) have been paying bribe money lately for people just to take the job and some can pay $30-$50 per hour because they desperately need to be filled. Some jobs were offering up to a $10000 signing bonus.
            • BLACK LIVES MATTERElizabeth T 396096
              We are not talking USA, or I would go back to work - LOL
            • Elizabeth T 396096BLACK LIVES MATTER
              USA seriously needs to change the way workers are treated and respected via pay.
            • Sweetums
              Minimum wage in AZ, USA is 13.25 since January of 2023. That's why stores and food outlets are in part to blame for raising prices....bc they have to pay employees more than ever just to hire them. It was 12.?? last year. It was part of our election to raise minimum wage or not and with the overwhelming millions of Hispanic immigrants, it passed easily. People who understood what the negative ramifications would be didn't vote for it. But we were out numbered, obviously. I voted against raising minimum wage and I personally could have benefitted, but the snowball effect on our economy has been detrimental. Now no one can go out to eat and restaurants are closing by the dozens and reducing numbers of open locations. Our neighborhoods aren't thriving. Every week there's another fence around a business going out of business and being demolished. I've gone on way too long about minimum wage and how people who relied on minimum wage didn't see the downfalls. You also can't go into a business with no skills, work history, or experience and expect to get paid well. Get a 9 month certificate and earn your 23.00/hr like so many I know do.
            • BLACK LIVES MATTERSweetums
              I stated the FEDERAL MINIMUM WAGE is $7.25 an hour - which has not been raised since 07/24/2009 (A FACT) or can you read.
            • Elizabeth T 396096Sweetums
              So you are ok with people living in poverty while CEOs and other higher ups get multimillions for essentially having boozy lunches, playing golf, going to corporate boxes etc while pretending to run companies? How many companies have gone down because of CEOs wasting money (and governments have bailed them out) and while the CEO may have been giving their marching orders, they still got their multimillion dollar payout for doing a bad job. Now a normal minimum wage person who is considered to be doing a bad job would just be sacked. You are ridiculous to believe the lies of the corporates that they cannot afford these modest payrises and this is why prices have gone up. Do the math,
            • BLACK LIVES MATTERElizabeth T 396096
              Hi Elizabeth T. I have learned you cannot have a dialogue with individuals - who have bought into corporate propaganda.
          • MacAddict
            Find a job you love and you'll never work another day in your life!
            • Bea 1189473
              Job satisfaction preferred. More pay just means you spend more.
              • Christina C 466456
                Perfect job and team is more ideal
                • Allen M 1199636
                  I would rather have a patron
                  • Asesh S
                    Both actually if I could
                    • PETER M 134659
                      DON'T WORK
                      • Sweetums
                        Cardboard boxes are great on the back.
                    • Rhonda D 522615
                      Ideally, high pay and like. But of your choices, like my job. I love my job, but the pay is bad.

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