Discussion of the Day
The pleasure of music
Lynda 149558303-May-24
Does good music put you in a better mood? Do you turn on music to lift you up on a bad day?
  • Melinda 1507637
    Studies have shown that music can stimulate the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, known as the "feel-good" chemical, in the brain, leading to positive emotions and a sense of pleasure. This neurochemical response explains why listening to good music can evoke feelings of joy, inspiration, and motivation, helping to improve mood and overall emotional state. Conclusion: In conclusion, good music has a profound influence on mood regulation, offering a means of emotional expression, comfort, and upliftment. Whether it's through the power of lyrics that resonate with our experiences, the emotional depth of melodies that touch our hearts, or the rhythmic beats that move our bodies, music has the ability to transform our mood and emotional well-being. So, the next time you find yourself
    • Ally 2024
      Yes definitely put music on to cheer up or also in a good mood. When driving it’s fun to listen to music as well and helps when driving in traffic to stay calm
      • Natalie 1434774
        Yes, I do turn on good music with a repetive tone to cheer me up. I especially love Gregorian Plainchant Church music and blues music from the 1960's.
        • Diana 1505361
          Most classical music uplifts my mood but not Wagner or Richard Strauss. I turn up music I love.
          • allin
            • pam rae
              hi ty Zebra
              • Angela 1977
                Music 🎶 is my life! I literally need it to live!
                • Empress
                  It depends. If it reminds me of a sad time in my life, then no. If it's a happy memory, then it is good.
                  • Cecile F
                    • Cecile F
                      • Cecile F
                        • Cecile F
                          • Cecile F
                            • Cecile F
                              • Cecile F
                                Not at all
                                • Cecile F
                                  • Simba 1006243
                                    I play my music loud while cleaning as it lifts my spirits up.
                                    • Catherine G 309964
                                      I have lost alll interest in music these days as the modern stuff is so horrible
                                      • Matthew S 954247
                                        Yes, always!
                                        • Judy T 470524
                                          I love the songs of my youth, they help me remember .
                                          • lin r
                                            • emily 1507372
                                              yeah sometimes
                                              • Sheree T
                                                Absolutely love listening to music, it always makes me feel good and listen to it every day.
                                                • JANET R 328390
                                                  Yes I quite often do. I like Country and Western.
                                                  • Paula J 395266
                                                    Definitely. My 60's, 70's and 80's music always my heart glad while my 40's and 50's music makes me laugh. They don't write songs like that anymore. I was at the nail salon recently and they were playing music and I thought it was one artist because all the songs sounded the same but I suddenly recognized Sam Smith singing. They were all different singers but all droned on and on like dirges. Perhaps that explains why young people behave the way they do.
                                                    • Helen H 533852
                                                      All the time especially at work if you have boring job! Also singing out loud in the kitchen! I worked with Sarah & every time it came on l would loudly sing 🎤 😜😜😜😜 I don’t know how many times she told me to shut up 🤫
                                                      • Nicole 1318329
                                                        • Dimitri T 100433
                                                          Good music is great for lifting our moods, so have the radio on most of the time
                                                          • Missy Wyld
                                                            no and no
                                                            • Angi
                                                              Music Heals.
                                                              • Paula J 395266
                                                                Music soothes the savage beast.
                                                            • Sweetums
                                                              Music to me is THE UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE.🎼
                                                              • Sweetums
                                                                Yes yes, good, moving, quality music does. Love all different styles EXCEPT hard rock and rap and Beyoncé singing country? That's not right, but I'm not a fan of her music, style, or immodest outfits anyway. It turns me off when a singer dresses like I need to know what a partially dressed body looks like. I enjoy listening to the music.....not watching half naked people flinging themselves around in a video or on stage. I see my own body everyday and, well, nevermind.......👌
                                                                • Kirsten 1386173
                                                                  • Aussie Power 1
                                                                    for sure
                                                                    • Catalina
                                                                      Sure I do. Good or bad day - music is always on. Mostly classical, but love every type of music.
                                                                      • TriFaye420
                                                                        • Seana 1491398
                                                                          Music is life!
                                                                          • Greg B 520364
                                                                            Music sooths the savage breast.
                                                                            • Nicole 1318329
                                                                              Is great for our souls
                                                                              • Jeanette 1405756
                                                                                Music is a therapy and listening to music can lift your mood from a negative to a positive. I love to listening to various types of music to make my day feel a bit better by singing along to the songs.
                                                                                • Robert T 597718
                                                                                  oh yes Bacharach Austrian and German military marches Bach
                                                                                  • Carrie C 565223
                                                                                    Dear music thank you for always lifting me higher
                                                                                    • Jan H 753322
                                                                                      Music brightens my day and I am guilty of dancing around the house all the time( it makes housework much more fun)
                                                                                      • Larry S 382961
                                                                                        I get a good vibe from listening to great old 60’s music. Both country and pop. NO crash bash rubbish for me. No heavy metal,.rap, I rather like Buddy Holly,Cash, Horton and female country ( old ones).
                                                                                        • Maria B 89860
                                                                                          Yes sometimes it really lifts my spirit. just immerse myself and forget the troubles of the world, which I can't fix anyway. Good medicine without any side effects and lets you get "high" without the drugs.
                                                                                          • Lynn-a-Boo @ Brisvegas
                                                                                            Always I have music playing I'm my house all day long
                                                                                            • Heni 1504936
                                                                                              Yes, music is the universal language for all of mankind.
                                                                                              • julie m 269493
                                                                                                for sure
                                                                                                • Melissa 1411101
                                                                                                  Definately. I was very well known to my family and friends to blow up one or more speakers.
                                                                                                  • Audra 1390884
                                                                                                    Most definitely yes!
                                                                                                    • Tania NSW
                                                                                                      Absolutely relaxes me
                                                                                                      • Susan 1358065
                                                                                                        I play music for memories, not to just play at times, because many songs are the ones that I remember and come into my head.
                                                                                                        • Lance P 1114997
                                                                                                          Yes, I lay by the pool turn the music up loud and think about all the fun I could have n the pool.
                                                                                                          • Somebody Kinda Loopy
                                                                                                            Absolooply !!!!
                                                                                                            • Shawn B 1061185
                                                                                                              • merricat
                                                                                                                Yes, definitely! I love to dance around the house when I am alone with my little dog.
                                                                                                                • View all 5 replies
                                                                                                                • Phyrephly
                                                                                                                  same ... when I had a little dog
                                                                                                                • Lance P 1114997Phyrephly
                                                                                                                  Love women that love to dance
                                                                                                                • ChevyJulie 1473189
                                                                                                                  Me too i have2 border collies when i dance my dogs get really excited and start wrestling with each other. They say party time lol.
                                                                                                                • Lance P 1114997Phyrephly
                                                                                                                  We should talk….I think we could have fun.
                                                                                                                • Lance P 1114997ChevyJulie 1473189
                                                                                                                  I have a mini Aussie and we both love music, I can almost picture you dancing with your dogs.
                                                                                                              • Wendy Q
                                                                                                                Always, love to singalong with the tunes
                                                                                                                • Katzeye
                                                                                                                  Hell yeah! Music is a great way to lift the mood.
                                                                                                                  • Raelz
                                                                                                                    • Jinnsinn22
                                                                                                                      Depending on what music to my mood. If I'm mad then heavy rock/metal. Cleaning the. Just regular music like radio station. Etc
                                                                                                                      • Rose S 88496
                                                                                                                        Of course it’s the easiest most convenient way to lose yourself
                                                                                                                        • Sonya F 68771
                                                                                                                          it is relaxing when nice music is playing
                                                                                                                          • Anuv 1507244
                                                                                                                            Yes, it helps always
                                                                                                                            • Elizabeth 1354187
                                                                                                                              Definitely helps
                                                                                                                              • Mark 1474703
                                                                                                                                • Drea 1420968
                                                                                                                                  Always!!! Now I love Christian music to uplift me.
                                                                                                                                  • Joe B 288252
                                                                                                                                    My ears are broken so not exactly pleasure……..lol
                                                                                                                                    • Debbie W 69651
                                                                                                                                      It helps to improve my mood and to relax.
                                                                                                                                      • Tony 1404353
                                                                                                                                        better mood
                                                                                                                                        • Sarah 1325723
                                                                                                                                          • Pamela P 877367
                                                                                                                                            Good music definitely puts me in a different space & yes sometimes I turn on some ‘80’s soft rock to feel good. ☺️
                                                                                                                                            • Paul J 94868
                                                                                                                                              • Greg 1018018
                                                                                                                                                music keeps the world together through all nationalities on a good feel way
                                                                                                                                                • Jenny L 591463
                                                                                                                                                  Absolutely I love music and it certainly can change your day into a happier and more positive one. Enjoy your day and remember you are special and unique.
                                                                                                                                                  • Stephen W 870099
                                                                                                                                                    Music is great for your mind . It floats you in to a different world
                                                                                                                                                    • TERRIE K
                                                                                                                                                      I find that I can relax when I'm listening to my favourite singer or band. The type of music I listens to depends on whether I'm sad or angry. It always helps me
                                                                                                                                                      • Sheza
                                                                                                                                                        Absolutely, I walk the dog with my music and do house work playing the tv on radio, I love my music is reaches the soul.
                                                                                                                                                        • Carolina Z
                                                                                                                                                          VERY CLASSIC EXPERIENCE FOR ME
                                                                                                                                                          • Erfina 1507239
                                                                                                                                                            Yes 100% good music helps your mood and gives you a good feeling
                                                                                                                                                            • Scott 1477658
                                                                                                                                                              Definitely. One of lives pleasures
                                                                                                                                                              • stephen m 596524
                                                                                                                                                                • Amy B 1078427
                                                                                                                                                                  • Ashley R 1507237
                                                                                                                                                                    Music makes me happy. I listen to everyday doing whatever I’m doing!!
                                                                                                                                                                    • Annette G 805380
                                                                                                                                                                      Makes doing dishes less tedious
                                                                                                                                                                      • Tasneem 1372544
                                                                                                                                                                        Music is the way to the heart
                                                                                                                                                                        • Jackie 1505349
                                                                                                                                                                          Yes music can set any mood
                                                                                                                                                                          • Jules 544763
                                                                                                                                                                            I love good music that I can sing along to, as soon as I get up in the morning, we put the radio on, it keeps you in touch with what's happening around us too.
                                                                                                                                                                            • Jacquelene 1507221
                                                                                                                                                                              I love listening to music as it changes my day if my day has begun to turn upside down. Music is a way for the heart and soul to feel alive and happy again
                                                                                                                                                                              • Pennye R
                                                                                                                                                                                • Doneva 1304059
                                                                                                                                                                                  yes it does!😀
                                                                                                                                                                                  • Jeanine R
                                                                                                                                                                                    Yes it does and sometimes I just cook a meal so I can listen to my cds and do the dishes
                                                                                                                                                                                    • Catherine 1495271
                                                                                                                                                                                      Always lifts my mood
                                                                                                                                                                                      • Pam G 449028
                                                                                                                                                                                        Most definitely
                                                                                                                                                                                        • Claude H
                                                                                                                                                                                          • Elizabeth A 807208
                                                                                                                                                                                            Like Kristian I play music all day on YouTube its so helps me through the day
                                                                                                                                                                                            • Dsmiles2U
                                                                                                                                                                                              love tunes daily !
                                                                                                                                                                                              • kristian s 513441
                                                                                                                                                                                                I like listening to my music all the time on YouTube.
                                                                                                                                                                                                • Josephine WA
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Music definitely lifts your mood especially music that brings back special memories
                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Ryan 1284839
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Music can help shape moods. That's why there are things such as music therapy. Use music to uplift, sadden, energize, reflect....lots of opportunities to leverage music.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    • Patricia D 315878
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Yes it does, I used to work in a hospice, and music therapy was something that reached a lot of people.

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