Discussion of the Day
Climate Change
Connie S06-Jul-21
Do you believe climate change is caused by humans? What if anything do you do to counteract the affect of climate change?
  • Deborah 1622029
    Get rid of unnecessary poisons, stop pollution and control wastage. Go back in time,live of the land, horse and cart, grow ya own crops,and barter with ya neighbours and friends
    • Grant 1587460
      It's a complete myth
      • Fiza 1587845
        Yes of course
        • Grommie
          Le changement climatique est une invention de gens qui gagnent des sommes folles et qui en ont peur.
          • Rene F
            There is no such thing as climate change.
            • Grommie
              yes there is, but we call it the seasons, 4 times a year, Spring, Summer, Autumn/Fall, Winter.
            • AuntyMandaBoo
              You have got to be joking ..??
          • Sylvie 1558593
            Oui bien sûr, le moins de déchets possible , je pense que le mal est déjà fait
            • Grommie
              Le changement climatique est une invention de gens qui gagnent des sommes folles et qui en ont peur.
          • Grommie
            humans can take some blame, only because there are too many of us, but while China and India continue to commission new coal fired power stations, what can we do? Every volcano that erupts counteracts any good Toyota Prius cars can achieve. And as for us Aussies driving electric cars recharged/powered by coal burning power stations.. what a laugh.
            • Brian L 387567
              Yes, the Earth had higher Co2 levels in the past. Where are the dinosaurs now? Where are the animals prior to the dinosaurs? How many of the plants from the Age of the Dinosaurs are still alive. As the proportion of Co2 in the atmosphere increases, the ability of the atmosphere to emit heat, away from Earth decreases. As a result, the Earth warms up. An extra problem is that the amount of Co2 absorbed by environmental water is also increasing. The oceans as a result are becoming more acidic so marine life is affected.
              • Joe B 288252
                Yep…damn climate is changing the way my bones ache……lol
                • kathy b 656074
                  This topic has been on here several other times now. The Earth experiences dramatic changes every 25,000 years…don’t panic.
                  • Grommie
                    Yep humans cause some but take a look at what a volcano produces
                    • Chris A 117384
                      Sorry so called man made Climate Change "Whackos" there is an Asteroid going to hit us in 2036 if you believe Nasa
                      • Terry 1443234
                        Please, look at the Statue of Liberty and the sea level around it, hasn’t changed in over 50 years. Al Gore said the polar bears would be extinct in 2012, nope. Ice caps in some areas have actually increased. 500 wildfires in British Columbia in the summer of 2023, 450 were set by climate activists trying to claim the fires were caused by climate change. The arsonists have been charged, some have been convicted, others still awaiting trail. Mainstream media refusing to cover this. There hasn’t been one climate change claim that has been proven as fact in the past 100 years, remember the ozone layer and the attempted fear with that story?
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                        • allin
                        • Sharon T 712217
                          What a wacko
                        • Terry 1443234Sharon T 712217
                          You seem nice.
                      • Gunter L
                        Of course, it is caused by humans and also by animals. The effect can be seen everywhere. Ice caps are melting, glaciers are shrinking at a fast rate, whole islands in the Pacific have already been swallowed up by rising sea level. All the actions taking by the various governments are like a drop on a hot rock. In 50 years or so the Earth's climate will have changed so much that large areas in the world will be uninhabitable.
                        • allin
                          the good thing Gunter is you and i will not be here for that,, and we will not know what each other were gonna say, as i did with what you just said, but that is exactly my beliefs also,, man has messed this rock all up,, the cockroaches will be laughing as they did after Hiroshima,,, happy new year gunter,, 😁
                      • Gunter L
                        Of course it is caused by human activity. The case for this was made some time ago. My small contribution is that I take the train or the tram whenever possible instead of the car. But, I think it is already too late. All the governments in the world are doing far too little. The result will be a different world than any of us have ever experienced. And it won't be pretty.
                        • peg h
                          Peg Doesn't help that they are ripping the heart out of the Amazon forest ,which is something they will regret sooner then later.So much to be learned and GREED isn't part of the deal
                          • Carrie K 391388
                            Yes. I do believe our driving cars using gas engines is a Big Cause of Climate Change. Also, using energy from coal furnaces.
                            • allin
                              i think climate change is a normal phenomena that has been sped up buy the industrial revolution and the burning of fossil fuels,, i don't care if cows fart, i love burger, get rid of fossil fuels and we can eat burger,, just give the cows tums or gasx for their gas,,
                              • Grommie
                                we contribute, but take a look at what the Tonga volcano did for climate recently. No amount of driving a Toyota Prius will compensate for that.
                                • PEN15
                                  • View all 6 replies
                                  • Pato Lo Duck
                                    Let me explain something to you in simple non scientific terms. When you park a car in the sun with all the windows shut it gets very hot inside because the heat can’t escape. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere also stop heat escaping. (Venus has huge amounts of greenhouse gases in it’s atmosphere and that is why it is the hottest planet in the solar system, despite not being the closest planet to the sun.) The more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere the less heat can escape from earth into space. Once more heat is trapped than can escape the world will heat up, just like a car in the sun with all the windows closed, or like Venus, which is totally uninhabitable.
                                  • PEN15Pato Lo Duck
                                    I don’t care if it makes sense, because I know deep in my ignorant, arthritic bones, that all the climate scientists in the world must be lying so they can sell solar panels and windmills. Whereas rich oil barrens, who have no stake whatsoever in this, would know better than these untrustworthy, sciencey types. My minds made up and even if you presented me with irrefutable evidence, I would never change my mind and I would just google an unscientific, big oil funded study to shoot down any irrefutable evidence you present to me. Good day to you Mr Duck, sir.
                                  • Pato Lo DuckPEN15
                                    I’m glad I convinced you to believe in human induced climate change… It’s amazing how it just takes a simple analogy to convince people they are mistaken sometimes… quack quack..
                                  • Tom S QldPato Lo Duck
                                    and congratulations on your Knighthood Sir Duck!
                                  • Pato Lo DuckTom S Qld
                                    Sir Duck does have a nice ring to it…
                                  • Campbell C 184664PEN15
                                    Haven't you noticed how your cave is getting warmer?
                                • Marie F 1208557
                                  There is no such thing as climate change it’s just a circle in the earth it’s a hoax
                                  • allin
                                    oh, don't worry, all the heat etc from climate change will just fall off the edge of the earth when it gets there 🤣
                                • natalie o 1132382
                                  the climate change is crazy .i do not trust it at all.
                                  • Chris A 117384
                                    Logic, I was talking to a friend the other day, he didn't believe in covid, I told him that u can see it under a microscope, I then asked him do u believe in so called climate change, he quickly replied yes, so he didn't believe something you can see, but believed something you cant
                                    • View all 3 replies
                                    • Pato Lo Duck
                                      To see a virus you need an instrument called a microscope, to see climate change you also need certain instruments, both are visible with the right instruments, your argument is invalid.
                                    • Chris A 117384Pato Lo Duck
                                      what instruments are they
                                    • Pato Lo DuckChris A 117384
                                      A thermometer. And a satellite.
                                  • kathy b 656074
                                    Al Gore, someone who is definitely unhinged, claimed the Earth would end with floods, in 2000…he’s still yelling at the world about our imminent self-destruction. Gore has made a fortune doing this. John Kerry is the same way, a Doomsday profiteer. Earth undergoes major changes every 25,000 years, accept that man can not control nature.
                                    • Peter r 971514
                                      To me people need to study history and see that most places having record high temperature readings have not reached the hottest recorded for that area. Floods occurring now are repeating patterns from several years prior to day fires have burnt areas out that have not been burnt for years look at records people please the weather hanged constantly 20 years ago we were worried about the ozone layer hold getting bigger this has always existed it grows in summer and shrinks in winter but no longer talked about .I may not be a scientist but I take notice of my surrounds and history
                                      • mike B 1066235
                                        • Chris A 117384
                                          So Planet Earth is around 4 billion years old, the Industrial Revolution began in the 1700's give or take, so we have destroyed the planet in 322 years. I think it is safe to say that Planet Earth will be around at lot longer than those Social Media "fruit cakes" as well as the Dr Wackadoodles
                                          • Chris A 117384
                                            The gullible believe everything these rich climate lefties believe, that's right put a picture of a smokestack & you have got them, little do they know it is only steam coming out.
                                            • roger b 167654
                                              I think those on the right are far richer and more interested in keeping their snouts in the trough
                                            • Pato Lo Duck
                                              And, oh pray tell, what is heating the water to make that steam…?
                                          • Leslie D 488751
                                            In my opinion Al Gore is a parasite who feeds off people's worry. Climate change has been going on since day one and will continue long after the human species has disappeared. The trouble is that humans are creating conditions that will bring that about faster than ever. One day, and I hope soon, that Mother Nature will say "No More" and will deal with the situation before all the Al Gores will do anything about it.
                                            • Beverly I
                                              yes i do believe humans have caused the climate change.To much toxic fumes going up into the air from smoke ,fumes from cars ,Trucks , sprays.We are chocking the earth.
                                              • Grommie
                                                and volcanoes have nothing to do with it., do they?
                                              • kathy b 656074
                                                Henry Ford convinced people that horse manure was the most dangerous pollutant back in his day and offered a solution, the automobile. Rich man, gullible public and a merry-go-round that never never stops.
                                            • Joe B 288252
                                              Every now and then I’ll take a gas-X……….lol
                                              • Margarita S
                                                Changes good or bad are for evolution. Nothing evolves without it even earth and it is does not matter who is to blame. Gov brainwashing people into this climate change stuff and at the same time experimenting with bombs in the ocean. That’s normal. No trust to those who in power, they are not for people’s or nature’s needs.
                                                • Beverly I
                                                  Yes humans are to blame for climate change.theres far to much pollution .from factories, all types of traffic ,How I'm trying to help the planet ,I do not own a car ,I walk to most places,or i ride on a bus ,or taxi ,I also recycle plastics,paper and cardboard.
                                                  • Jill N 111098
                                                    I agree with climate change, still raining in Qld and more flooding happening today.
                                                  • kathy b 656074
                                                    The same people claiming concern are the ones destroying our coastlines with wind turbines, enjoy this new and deliberate devastation to sea life which impacts us all.
                                                • Christina C 466456
                                                  Climate change has existed since the beginning of earth though recently humans are definitely influencing our atmospheric composition. There's no denying that. Change in chemicals results in different thermodynamics. Put it this way: what happens if you change the refrigerant in your fridge to something that has different thermal properties? Earth is somewhat more dynamic/complex but is similar in the way that pressure and gravity keep gasses sealed in. If you change the composition of our atmosphere to a different ratio of chemicals then there are going to be noticeable changes. Some things in nature we can't control like volcanic eruption, changes under earth's crust, solar radiation, the moon, the weather, thermohaline circulation and ocean salinity, Milankovich cycles etc. but we may as well do something about the things we can control like greenhouse gas emissions and the number of trees being cut - trees being one of the best available resources for carbon capture.
                                                  • Wendy Q
                                                    Not just humans alone, it's a lot to do with cycles of the earth, planets, etc. I saw a show yesterday about Egyptians, 4,500 years ago, where they reckon it was a lush grassland, not the sandy desert we think of now. But, they had a 20 year drought, due to climate change and the water and grasslands all dried up. Also, the moon is moving away from us every year, this will alter the tilt of the earth and will also affect weather patterns.
                                                    • Carolyn7 P
                                                      I believe climate change is partially caused by humans but if you look at the history of the earth, it has gone through many changes over the eons.
                                                      • Chris A 117384
                                                        In all the comments I have read some way down the page, NOT one discussion on World Population, Not one word on Nuclear Power, NOT one comment against China (NO There too big), Not one word against India (no they are too big & a Nuclear stronghold & becoming bigger, China's biggest fear) So let's pick on little Australia not even a finger nail of damage compared to our biggest polluters, so i say to all grow sum & mgo and protest outside these Countries Embassy's. & also by the way memo to US What are we giving up to repair our little damage on the Planet.
                                                        • John R 347206
                                                          climate change.......A load of bullshit
                                                          • APB
                                                            I don't believe in John R
                                                        • Barbara T
                                                          Climate change?? ..... a lot of baloney!
                                                          • View all 3 replies
                                                          • APB
                                                            I don't believe in Barbara T either
                                                          • Barbara TAPB
                                                            thank you on both points ..........
                                                          • GrommieAPB
                                                            all points bulletin?
                                                        • Edwina P
                                                          • Keith L 485431
                                                            Stop both cows and humans from farting!
                                                            • View all 10 replies
                                                            • Katzeye
                                                              Hahahaha funny
                                                            • Keith L 485431Katzeye
                                                            • APB
                                                              It is a big problem with sheep too
                                                            • Keith L 485431APB
                                                              now that really gets my goat!
                                                            • APBKeith L 485431
                                                              I think Goats are safe..we should eat goats, pigs, roos turkey rabbits and chicken....none of them fart...strangely when humans eat more vegetable they fart badly too...so cut back on the vegetables....
                                                            • Keith L 485431APB
                                                              especially the baked beans! LOL
                                                            • GrommieAPB
                                                              never stood behind a goat when it farts?
                                                            • Keith L 485431Grommie
                                                              Does that make you the 'butt' of its jokes? :)
                                                            • GrommieKeith L 485431
                                                              a funny goat is not a recognised animal., esp when it eats your undies off the clothes line
                                                            • GrommieGrommie
                                                              save the animals . Stop vegans from eating the food the animals eat
                                                          • Mary M 329762
                                                            Climate change each 1,000 years if you think of its in Europe once lion walk around now nothings at all. Just question its question history questions everything around you. Also they may want to tax more money for the climate change
                                                            • Peter M 273033
                                                              Destruction of the ozone layer cannot be a good thing nor can the emissions from petrol-powered engines. Those are 2 things caused by humans which humans can control. Other factors in climate change are not caused by humans and humans have little or no control over them.
                                                              • Michelle S 553303
                                                                There is one thing to understand about "climate change" and that's this, climate changes! Climate is merely long term weather and for information about the future temperature we must look into the past. Take a pin head and observe it, tiny isn't it? Then grab your child's, or your own basketball and put them close to one another. This is a fair representation of the difference between the sun, the basketball and the pinhead, earth! Now PLEASE explain to me WHY it is during ANY discussion regarding "global warming" and "climate change" that there is ZERO discussions about the role of the huge round glowing ball which we orbit around and changing climate systems? Because the powers that be, from henceforth TPTB DON'T want you getting distracted by something called FACT when there's all these lovely BILLIONS nay TRILLIONS available to convince us, the "useless eaters" or "the Sheeple" that we and our air conditioned homes, our polluting motor vehicles and farting cows are the cause of the dessication around us. It IS true that we humans have been poor stewards of the planet we inhabit and that since the industrial revolution of the 19th century we have been using fossil fuels and putting extremely hazardous waste materials into our rivers and our oceans, but anthropogenic climate change is a catch cry developed by Maurice Strong and other names unknown to most of the almost 8 billion people who are on their hit list because they have cast the blame of destroying THEIR land and THEIR waterways etc, because we are as ants to them and our needs nor concerns don't even warrant a response EXCEPT to blindly believe in their lies! The sun goes through cycles which begin at 11 years and go up to and including 3200 year cycles. There have been periods of time in our history where the temperature AND the CO2 has been much higher than now and alternatively there have been ice ages, interglacial periods and other cooling cycles. These are called "Solar minimums" and are given a name either of an important solar scientist such as Eddy, which is why solar cycle 24 going into 25 is known as the Eddy Minimum. This cycle appears to be like another one from 400 years ago called the Maunder Minimum. You can look it up and you might find it on YT, but don't use Google as your search engine because they bury it, but try Duck Duck Go and you might have more success. Anyway, during the Maunder Minimum it was horribly cold, but worse than the cold was the famine and over 10 million people died in Europe because of the freezing weather which prevented crops from growing and people get sick much easier when they are poorly nourished. People ate the food they'd put aside, then they ate the seeds that were for next springs planting and then they ate the animals they hadn't eaten earlier like the dogs, cats, rats etc Lastly they ate their children. When the sun goes into hibernation like it is now there are few to no sun spots, coronal mass elections and more cosmic rays hitting the earth. The effects of these changes cause drops in global temperatures at the poles decreasing to fewer temperature changes at the equator but shorter growing seasons and less food grown overall. Yes, summers can be hotter but it isn't only temperature that alters but seismic increases and volcanic explosions. During the Dalton Minimum, mid 1880's if I'm not mistaken, there were the largest volcanic eruptions of the previous centuries including Krakatoa and more VEI, or Volcanic Explosive Index, of 8.0 and over and some large eruptions of fault zones. The New Madrid Fault Zone, NMFZ, caused 1000's of people over several states to die due to the quakes and others died of starvation, illness and diseases of unsanitary conditions such as Cholera and Typhus. Can you IMAGINE how a population would handle the news that large seismic events and volcanoes were going to cause death and carnage and take the world back to a pre industrial revolution lifestyle? Let's NOT TELL THEM! Do you STILL wonder why we must be sold a story about how the destruction of Gaia is our fault and that coming "climate lockdowns " are necessary to save humanity. Only those who have foreknowledge and the ability to prepare and move away from the cities and areas where gangs of hungry people roam about seeking who they can steal from and kill have even a CHANCE to survive. On October 23rd, 2024, there will be a conjugation of the 4 gas giants. This will cause massive damage to large parts of the planet and when this last occurred in AD79 the world population was far less and infrastructure wasc obviously non existent in comparison with today. We will be squeezed by these planets one way and the sun's magnetism I n another. If you KNEW that this was inevitable you would train your population to accept restrictions in movement and to COMPLY with government regulations and mandates regardless of how unconstitutional they are OR how necessary. Dr John Casey, a previous scientist working for NASA wrote a very interesting book called "Upheaval" and although it specifically talks about the US and areas which will be hardest hit, it is useful for anyone anywhere to read. So to summarise, there is no such thing as anthropogenic global warming or climate change. We can ride tricycles down the street and stop having children and, apart from there being no one to keep humanity alive or care for the elderly, there would be ZERO change in global temperatures. TPTB want us restricted in everything we do and monitored with zero privacy and to rent anything we need, owning nothing and being happy as Klaus Schwab tells us and the earth will STILL cool as its been doing for the last few years. MICHAEL Creighton who wrote Jurassic Park etc also wrote a book shortly before he died called State of Fear about the use of propaganda and fear to manipulate the masses. I've read it several times and he uses a pretend story to illustrate the data sets, which ARE real, and explain the trickery used. Enough for now but this is a HUGE story and I'm sure that there are many who can continue the dialogue!
                                                                • View all 6 replies
                                                                • Katzeye
                                                                  Wow that was intense reading but interesting all the same
                                                                • Michelle S 553303Katzeye
                                                                  Thaank you. It's an intense subject that people in both camps have strong feelings about. Take care now.
                                                                • KatzeyeMichelle S 553303
                                                                  You too :)
                                                                • mary c
                                                                  But the temperature has risen yes?
                                                                • APB
                                                                  This is without question the longest answer to any question on Rewardia...I'd like Michelle to come up to the podium and receive this gold medal for dedication to answering questions well beyond any normal or sane effort..thank you... there will be some support staff here shortly...
                                                                • mary cAPB
                                                              • doug m 408074
                                                                we can all do our little bit to delay the change - especially big business
                                                                • Mary M 329762
                                                                  Big business will make the money not small business out of this
                                                                • KatzeyeMary M 329762
                                                                  You are correct
                                                              • Lones
                                                                Steam from coal chimneys, turns into clouds. Solar panels and wind farms, eventually have a use by date and were are they going to put this in dumping grounds have they thought how to recycle them? No they only think I a brilliant idea for now not the future. Coal is a mineral from the ground, and is better than other things in this world
                                                                • Judy CH
                                                                  Over population, the more people the more resources needed. Some small Countries have populations of Hundreds of Millions, and how many times do you see that these places need us to give them money for clean water and food etc, this has just been getting worse for well over 50 years. Even in NZ people are having Children that they can not afford so the taxpayer has to House, clothe and feed them, how much longer can this go on?
                                                                  • Mary M 329762
                                                                    If a person how have the kids get free money and cheap stuffs them the work class why wouldn't they have the kids. I meet person her daughter is pop out kids. I bet she get more money them i work a week
                                                                  • Judy CHMary M 329762
                                                                    That is why the Government should be more responsible with taxpayers money
                                                                • Dimitri T 100433
                                                                  Mother Earth is an active/changing planet.So, in my humble opinion, most of cliamte change be attributed to our blue planet with active volacanoes etc. There is some contribution by humans
                                                                  • Margaret R 107942
                                                                    Climate change is caused by human, definitely not by animals. The manufacturing companies don’t seem to interested in climate change but about money in their pockets. It’s a world full of greed !
                                                                    • vera z
                                                                      Of course I believe! We humans are very much responsible for destroying our planet and our government better hurry and act responsible for making difference!
                                                                      • Debbie C 147795
                                                                        Yes Victoria i agree but some humans are not doing their job
                                                                        • Victoria 315341
                                                                          No, the earth has always heated up and cooled down due to the seasons. We are not in charge of the weather, but we could do a lot more to clean up our beautiful world.
                                                                          • Jean J 175530
                                                                            Yes.Vote against the government
                                                                            • Mary M 329762
                                                                              Me too
                                                                          • rob m 395307
                                                                            never heard so much bull shit in my 72 years on this earth, nature is a never ending cycle which is constantly changing, cut all this climate changing crap and just enjoy the life we have
                                                                            • Michelle S 553303
                                                                              Short as it may be!
                                                                            • Katzeye
                                                                              Perfectly said
                                                                          • clifford s
                                                                            i would not let it cost jobs
                                                                            • roger b 167654
                                                                              even at the expense of lives?
                                                                          • Lynn A 461499
                                                                            I definitely believe that climate change is caused by humans. There are far too many of us, and many people live without considering the effects they have each day on the environment. We recycle as much as we possibly can, all our vegetable peelings go into a composting bin, we use as little electricity as we can and keep all appliances not in use switched off and unplugged. Also, we keep plastic use to a minimum and reuse shopping pags continually.
                                                                            • View all 4 replies
                                                                            • Michelle S 553303
                                                                              My dear lady Mother Nature thanks you for your efforts, but if we are referring to significant changes in the climate which has been going on since Adam was in nappies! There is a difference between what occurs naturally over time and by time I am referring to millenia where freezing temperatures alternate between hot searing summers. But WE WERE NOT HERE then! The SUV's in the 1800's didn't cause radical changes in volcanic and seismic activity. The SUN did. We humans are lousy stewards of this planet from which we have taken so much for greed more than necessity. But anthropogenic climate change is a myth that has no merit in fact and if we forgo fossil fuels in the next decade or so we will end up freezing when the wind turbines stop because they're frozen and the electricity available to run cars will need to be diverted to allow a family not to freeze to death. Renewable energy is a buzz word for a whole lot of silly nonsense and wasteful spending for the virtue signalling crack pots in charge of this failing society! The "Green New Deal" is nothing more than smoke and mirrors for something far more nefarious. Take care now.
                                                                            • Lynn A 461499Michelle S 553303
                                                                              So do you suggest we do nothing? I prefer to do what little I can in my feeble attempt help this beautiful Earth that we humans are steadily ruining.
                                                                            • Michelle S 553303Lynn A 461499
                                                                              Mam I do the very same things that you do because it helps me to get through the day, but you and I are tiny feeble drops in a planet of oceans. I know that the ocean is nothing but a series of drops, however the industrial revolution has caused such MASSIVE catastrophes fueled by uncaring individuals who say like Gorden Gecko "greed is good" and they plunder and rapine any land or water source they can find. I've been trying to remember this investigative journalist from Scotland who does in-depth reporting on subjects of note, and she did one about 4 years ago about the clothing industry and how it was only the 2nd biggest global polluter and I think that the fossil fuel industry was number 1. Her name is something like Stephanie Doogan. I'll go into my history when I finish this and get her details up but it truly shocked me. Listen to Dane Wiggington if you want to hear from someone who has been seeking to reframe the narrative when it comes to climate issues. He's on YT under "Geoengineering Watch" and he's fascinating. He believes that humanity is on its way out, that we've had our existential threat years back when we kept on polluting and geoengineering. He's a smart xookie! Take care now and I will write back!
                                                                            • Lynn A 461499Michelle S 553303
                                                                              thank you. I will look at YT for Geoengineering Watch.
                                                                          • Rod R 101788
                                                                            Seems to be a part natural part human problem. We know we've had a number of ice ages, what do you call the warm bit in the middle of 2 ice ages? The distance to the Sun cannot be measured exactly, since it's the hottest thing around we should probably start there.
                                                                            • View all 3 replies
                                                                            • Michelle S 553303
                                                                              The periods between 2 ice ages are referred to as the "interglacial period". We are in one now but definitely heading into a downward spiral of colder climate. The years 2026 to 2028 and 2030 to 2032 are going to be particularly cold and it is highly likely that a great deal of us will be dead by then. As for the sun, well it is 93 million miles away from earth in summer and 96 million miles in winter. Take care now.
                                                                            • Rod R 101788Michelle S 553303
                                                                              well done on your research, that's a start, just a start, all distances are approximate. There is no way to accurately measure those huge spacial numbers, humans have been to the Moon & left reflective plates that we can bounce lasers off to get a more accurate measurement which is still only an approximate distance. While humans & cow farts will play a part in climate change, the Sun is the hottest thing around.
                                                                            • Michelle S 553303Rod R 101788
                                                                              I think if the sun had a sense of humour it would roll over with laughter and send planet earth well outside the goldilocks zone! Cow farts, now really! Heaven forbid methane of any kind!
                                                                          • Maria B 89860
                                                                            We often decide what we are going to do "depending on the weather" whether it suits the weather or not. We always hope for fine weather during the day and that it rains at night ... no we can't cause such a simple request to come true, only if it's a fluke of course, so doubt very much that we can create something of a greater magnitude. There weren't that many humans around the iceage era driving around and polluting the air with car fumes or industries with smoke billowing out ot their chimneys!!! What does lil' ol me do? Take from the earth what I need and give back what I don't and let Mother Nature and Father Time take care of the rest.
                                                                            • APB
                                                                              Whether man made or not...we are rapidly accelerating the process...we can slow it down a lot....we all know how...but we probably won't try enough...become extinct...and the planet will evolve and prosper....
                                                                              • Bugalugs
                                                                                Climate Change is a Natural Phenomenon BUT since the Industrial revolution (Thanks for that England) Huimans have been pumping muck into the AIR, SEA, RIVERS, LAND at every opportunity and doing so without a thought and not caring. It took the English over 100 years before they became aware the the river Thames was nothing more than an Open Sewer, Once you could catch fish and eat it from the Thames, then Humans destroyed to river and killed off all the fish etc.. This Human Disease swept the world, seas, rivers, lakes and land became so polluted they had to be closed to the public. Hopefully we are ALL now learning to clean up the mess we and those before us made and that we will leave the only world we have a cleaner, healthier place. Uf Governments, including the Militaristic Australian Federal Government would stop wasting hundreds of billions on Armaments etc, and spent it on addressing Climate Change the world would be healed that much quicker.
                                                                                • John B 89024
                                                                                  • Alison M 86959
                                                                                    Yes, I am a believer, we are seeing it already, firestorms, massive floods, increases in wild storms and fluctuations in weather patterns, increases in heat, if we don't act within this decade, the temperatures won't be at 1.5 degrees increase, they will start to rise towards + 2 degrees and beyond, then we are in real trouble. The permafrost and glaciers are already melting, just think of your grandchildren, and their children, do everything you can, in any way to help turn it around, everybody can contribute.
                                                                                    • mary c
                                                                                      Like many things- we all don't act seriously enough until things are really really dire.
                                                                                    • Michelle S 553303
                                                                                      My dear lady the very glaciers and permafrost you are referring too are GROWING exponentially I can promise you. Atlantic sea ice levels are up and, contrary to the idiot mouthpieces on MSM masquerading as journalists, the world has been COOLING for the past 20+ years. Truly but YOU are supposed to remain ignorant and continue to drink the cool aid. It never ceases to amaze me just how much drivel is accepted as fact without evidence! BTW it's ALREADY too late regardless of what interventions we put forward now I'm sorry to say.
                                                                                  • peter w 94893
                                                                                    Don't know about climate change but the amount of rubbish floating in our oceans needs cleaning up!
                                                                                    • View all 3 replies
                                                                                    • Katzeye
                                                                                      I was on a cruise from Australia to Vanuatu and surrounding areas in 2019 and not once did I see any trash floating in the ocean,not one thing...Admittingly the ocean is massive but that ship covered quite a decent patch so you would think maybe you might see a floating bottle or some other trash that can float but nope zero trash was seen and I had a window view from my cabin.
                                                                                    • peter w 94893Katzeye
                                                                                      That's good to hear. I'm going by what I've seen on tv and I also watch a lot of sailing programs and the sailors are always commenting on the amount of trash they see. I've heard there is a Great Pacific Garbage Patch stretching from the West coast of North America to Japan. Its caused by the effect of currents. I've heard stories you can just about walk on it. I've never seen it so I'm only going on what I've heard. You can probably google it. I would think cruises would avoid those areas.
                                                                                    • Katzeyepeter w 94893
                                                                                      Maybe and cruise ships most likely have contributed to the state of our oceans that we are told about.I'm just saying that I didn't see anything while I was on one.
                                                                                  • Beverley S 383001
                                                                                    I believe it is a combination of natural climate change combined with human causes. I recycle as much as I can and I use minimal water and plastics.
                                                                                    • John b 479999
                                                                                      Yes I do.i do my bit as far as recycling everything I can.
                                                                                      • 'smee,SWQ!
                                                                                        The climate changes every day! - and even more so over time!
                                                                                        • Sonya F 68771
                                                                                          climate is always changing its a cycle we have not been around enough to understand it
                                                                                          • Paul B 88412
                                                                                            Yes I do. I recycle as much as possible
                                                                                            • roger l 315504
                                                                                              it must be humans who have had the most influence on changing our climate,,, I can not do much to rectify things,,but in a small way I can change how I personally do things, I've invested in solar panels and solar battery to effectively rely solely on solar poere in my home, have opted out of the 'must have the latest electronic things and the fashion treadmill, and am sourcing the vast majority of my needs locally
                                                                                              • Gaza
                                                                                                It's mostly natural with the help of humans but we can spend a lot of money & recourses, and we won't stop it.
                                                                                                • Joe B 288252
                                                                                                  Humans have been changing climate for the worse for many years now but since they have recognised this we will change it for the better…lol
                                                                                                  • Grommie
                                                                                                    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViY2J3LPgN4 your famous TV commentator catches out a climate change scientist
                                                                                                  • roger b 167654Grommie
                                                                                                    disreputable Aussie hypocrite pushes his own agenda. There - I've fixed it for you.
                                                                                                • MoB
                                                                                                  Since the climate has been changing since the world began it seems unlikely that we can stop it. I just don't understand how the only scientists that are heard are those who say it's what humans have done. What about the other scientists, and there are equal numbers, who say that is not true. The media are only interested in getting their own view across, very left wing I feel. However, we should live more cleanly by recycling etc.
                                                                                                  • View all 3 replies
                                                                                                  • Grommie
                                                                                                    climate change is the "frightener".. the world needs a frightener, it was the atom bomb, then the cold war and then a new ice age, a hole in the ozone layer that closed by itself, now because global warming didn't resonate, it's climate change. Oh and North Korea. In early times it was religion and heaven and hell that gave everyone the frighteners. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViY2J3LPgN4 your famous TV commentator catches out a climate change scientist
                                                                                                  • roger b 167654Grommie
                                                                                                    is that the only clip you have to base your argument on?
                                                                                                  • APBGrommie
                                                                                                    Err...the ozone hole contracted due to legislation banning gasses in aerosols...and in refrigeration ......it fixed itself with a bit of help....
                                                                                                • Louisa W
                                                                                                  No idea at all.
                                                                                                  • matthew f 520557
                                                                                                    When my feet get cold I put on a warm hat.
                                                                                                    • Stephen F 84899
                                                                                                      We human beings have contributed to climate change
                                                                                                      • David C 471262
                                                                                                        Although climate has natural cycles (eg ice ages) there is no doubt the industrial age of the last 300 years has had a massive effect on the environment.
                                                                                                        • Grommie
                                                                                                          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViY2J3LPgN4 your famous TV commentator catches out a climate change scientist climate change is the "frightener".. the world needs a frightener, it was the atom bomb, then the cold war and then a new ice age, a hole in the ozone layer that closed by itself, now because global warming didn't resonate, it's climate change. Oh and North Korea.
                                                                                                        • Michelle S 553303Grommie
                                                                                                          I'm glad that you bought that up. Through the 20th century there was ALWAYS something that would enact a "state of fear" in the population. It wascthe "Reds" or the Commies" and then Vietnam came and then it was Communism again, but something interesting happened once the Berlin wall came down in 1989. I will stand corrected if I'm wrong but I remember that myc4tb child and youngest son was born around the same time. The media first began to use words which conveyed a sense of urgency and then slowly, the words global warming stated to become more frequent. Communism has been put to bed and placed out of the way until it is needed again, wait for this BTW,and the new issue to join humanity together to fight is the evil of global warming. Plus there's TRILLIONS of dollars in grants and foundations being created by every man and his dog to get in on the ground floor and make some serious money! But it's all to save the planet! Yeah right!
                                                                                                      • roger b 167654
                                                                                                        As I'm not stupid, I'll go along with the 97% of sceintists who concur that it is casued by humans. Nothing against stupid people, they can believe what they want.
                                                                                                        • View all 6 replies
                                                                                                        • Grommie
                                                                                                          climate change is the "frightener".. the world needs a frightener, it was the atom bomb, then the cold war and then a new ice age, a hole in the ozone layer that closed by itself, now because global warming didn't resonate, it's climate change. Oh and North Korea. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViY2J3LPgN4 famous Aussie TV commentator catches out a climate change scientist
                                                                                                        • roger b 167654Grommie
                                                                                                          I saw Alan Jones and turned off - you'll have to try better than that! As I said above, nothing against you.
                                                                                                        • Grommieroger b 167654
                                                                                                          love your spelling in your initial comment. I don't live in Australia and I am fast coming to the conclusion that Jones is a polarising twit.. however, the scientist he interviewed on radio years ago gave some stats, and when on TV he was asked the same questions again he debunked his own science.
                                                                                                        • roger b 167654Grommie
                                                                                                          well out of 100, there will be 3 who will disagree. He is one of the 3. Yes, Alan Jones if a blue rinse talk back right wing favourite.
                                                                                                        • Grommieroger b 167654
                                                                                                          still missing the point. the bloke said one thing years back, and now when faced with his own answers from then, he argued with them.
                                                                                                        • roger b 167654Grommie
                                                                                                          I do remember that at the time, it turns out Alan Jones got the figures all wrong and tried to backtrack the next day. Sorry, David Karolli was not one of the 3% - I should've tried to watch a bit more, but Jones is such a hypocrite, it's hard to view.
                                                                                                      • Dada WA
                                                                                                        Many things cause climate change. Some natural (volcanoes) and some human. Of course there are some things we can do but that is limited. And co2 is required for the earth to function. Getting the balance right should be the aim.
                                                                                                        • Aisha A 379399
                                                                                                          Humans cause pollution and the destruction of animal habitats. We do contribute to climate change from the burning of fossil fuels but the earth is also aging.
                                                                                                          • Colin L 88398
                                                                                                            Of course it is real and caused by Human Actions. Well the Big Business race for profit. Those places will do whatever they consider useful to make money as if no one remembers the Tabaco Lies that the Big Tabacco Companies came out with while all the time knowing what great big lies they where telling to continue making profits at the expense of everyone else. Only an idiot would now believe Big Business when they are saying Not Us we did nothing and so on. Back in the early 70's we saw the changes happening then on the farm where rainfall changed from little over long times to roughly the same amount in one or 2 hits and long periods of dry were the water ran out. Things have been getting progressively worse since then.
                                                                                                            • View all 3 replies
                                                                                                            • Grommie
                                                                                                              https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViY2J3LPgN4 your famous TV commentator catches out a climate change scientist
                                                                                                            • Colin L 88398Grommie
                                                                                                              So of course Jones who has never had a issue with constipation in his life is always correct isn't he? He is self opinated hardly ever correct in the full sense of the truth and can never be questioned. Never given comment for cash never done anything even slightly wrong and is always correct in what he claims. Like the time in Cantberra where he castigated a guy who had the audacity to correct him when he claimed the Police where preventing people driving into Cantberra and stopping people attending the protest he was at. Just another way that Jones along with every Politician cherry picks what they want to push as Truth which in it's limited sort of way is correct but when viewed in the overall scheme of things is complete Bullocks. Just because Shock Jocks and Pollies chose to push the truth to their preferred way of thinking in no way implies that they are not outright liers who tell l8ies for a living. They like Lawyers Manipulate the Truth for their own ends. The one thing I totally agree with what Jones has said is He is not a Journalist he is not employed to report fact and he pushed his preferred beliefs. Just like when he claimed that dirt at a place which was used to grow things was Good Enough To Eat. That in no way implies you eat dirt/soil or earth it is taken tot he extreme just like most things he claims and pushed over the top. he has repeatly proved he is not competent to comment on things he doesn't understand but continually comments on what he wants to believe and in so doing continues his beliefs which are counter to Facts.
                                                                                                            • GrommieColin L 88398
                                                                                                              Only comment I have is that the scientist rubbished his own figures he'd given Jones years before on a radioshow. Agreed Jones is a jumped up sort of prick in the pay of the big noters.
                                                                                                          • James B 70778
                                                                                                            • Frank N
                                                                                                              I go along with the majority of reputable scientists, who have concluded that human action has caused a real issue with climate change. The major contributor has been big business and only a very few profit from degrading our environment. So I find it quite interesting when I see or hear people quoting the big business mantras, like the current climate is really only part of the natural climate cycle that has been going on for thousands of years (to quote just one of the mantras they pay "buyable" scientists to say). The really interesting thing is that the rest of us are paying the price, not big business. Big business just reaps the profits.
                                                                                                              • View all 3 replies
                                                                                                              • Grommie
                                                                                                                https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViY2J3LPgN4 your famous TV commentator catches out a climate change scientist
                                                                                                              • Christine M 323842
                                                                                                                That’s it Frank. Everyone’s getting sold the big business bullshit. These businesses are very adept at getting people to believe anything they say, and buy any product or service that they offer. People like to use the big business bullshit as an excuse to not change their behaviours. So short sighted and gullible aren’t they?
                                                                                                              • roger b 167654Grommie
                                                                                                                again with the same clip - how many times do you need to post it?
                                                                                                            • Arthur S 231524
                                                                                                              I agree with JANN R it is part of the earths cycle, there was an ice age 11,700 years ago who caused that?.
                                                                                                              • JANN R
                                                                                                                I BELIEVE CLIMATE CHANGE IS A NATURAL PROGRESSION THAT CHANGES OVER THE CENTUREYS IT HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS
                                                                                                                • Amber21
                                                                                                                  I believe there is a lot of things that factor in on climate change
                                                                                                                  • Rifat H
                                                                                                                    I think Climate Change which is Global Warming due to Human Activities is a classic example of heavy negative actions having heavy negative consequences. We have to look after the Earth, it's our home planet! When establishing a project I think we must establish what's surely negative for the environment and what is not - eg. Renewable energy. We obviously didn't understand the full extent of the real environmental damage that can be caused - in the past. However, there's no excuse of not understanding how real negative environmental impact is, in our modern era!
                                                                                                                    • Dada WA
                                                                                                                      No global warming now. Its climate change because the temperature is falling.
                                                                                                                    • Rifat H
                                                                                                                      It's interesting as to which activities lead to which other activities. Since Scientists discovered that the ice at North and South Poles are melting at an accelerated rate... There is strong indication by certain quarters of TV land that there are ongoing artificial activities being carried out at those two regions to save coastal cities from sinking in the future. If true, do you suppose this is the explanation as to why the temperatures have been falling? :-)
                                                                                                                  • LEANNE B 221779
                                                                                                                    Absolutely. We are here we cause it! Animals don’t burn fossil fuels
                                                                                                                    • View all 3 replies
                                                                                                                    • Grommie
                                                                                                                      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViY2J3LPgN4 your famous TV commentator catches out a climate change scientist
                                                                                                                    • roger b 167654
                                                                                                                      Although domesticated animals are one of the causes
                                                                                                                    • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                                                      Very astute point - Leanne B
                                                                                                                  • Lachelle B
                                                                                                                    The world is overpopulated which results in a negative impact on earth (consumerism, food demand, cutting down forests for housing, etc). I live in a rural town and every second vehicle is a beastly 4WD. Climate change has occurred in the past, we're just speeding it up. Heck it's the middle of winter in NZ and my strawberries are fruiting!
                                                                                                                    • mary c
                                                                                                                      Agreed- something is certainly not right.
                                                                                                                  • Mr Blobby
                                                                                                                    I believe that climate change is another modern word for Global warning. It is not an exact science because even the scientists disagree with one another .I do not believe humans are responsible because it has happened before in our history. Examples would be the dinosaurs dying out; the Ice Age.
                                                                                                                    • JANN R
                                                                                                                      I agree with you Mr Blobby
                                                                                                                    • Dada WA
                                                                                                                      No global warming now. Its climate change because the temperature is falling.
                                                                                                                  • Sam W 180017
                                                                                                                    the young have sacrificed much for the old over covid 19 and will paying for it for years, be nice if the old would throw a bone and help a little with climate change
                                                                                                                    • View all 5 replies
                                                                                                                    • Grommie
                                                                                                                      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViY2J3LPgN4 your famous TV commentator catches out a climate change scientist
                                                                                                                    • roger b 167654Grommie
                                                                                                                      This must be over 20 times that you've posted this - this shows what sort of man he is https://www.monsterchildren.com/a-timeline-of-alan-jones-bigotry/
                                                                                                                    • Sam W 180017Grommie
                                                                                                                      wait you take Alan Jones seriously?
                                                                                                                    • GrommieSam W 180017
                                                                                                                      only when he is able to do the number on a scientist who debunks his own stats
                                                                                                                    • Sam W 180017Grommie
                                                                                                                      Alan Jones also said CO2 cant be bad because its 'invisible'. You might want better sources
                                                                                                                  • Kim N 285099
                                                                                                                    try to make better environmentally,
                                                                                                                    • Andrea R 192957
                                                                                                                      Climate change is a natural cycle. It is yet another fear forced upon us by governments and media.
                                                                                                                      • View all 4 replies
                                                                                                                      • JANN R
                                                                                                                        I agree with you Andrea
                                                                                                                      • Grommie
                                                                                                                        climate change is the "frightener".. the world needs a frightener, it was the atom bomb, then the cold war and then a new ice age, a hole in the ozone layer that closed by itself, now because global warming didn't resonate, it's climate change. Oh and North Korea. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViY2J3LPgN4 famous Aussie TV commentator catches out a climate change scientist
                                                                                                                      • roger b 167654Grommie
                                                                                                                        The hole closed as a result of the Montreal Protocol in 1987 which stopped over 100 of the chemicals that caused it. The Ozone layer recovered since that date,
                                                                                                                      • Grommieroger b 167654
                                                                                                                        the chemical blamed was a heavier than air gas used as a refrigerant. Tell me how it got up there. Oh and BCF or bromochlorodifluoromethane was continued to be deployed for aircraft
                                                                                                                    • Sheree T
                                                                                                                      I think it is a little of both, season changes and we should do all we can to minimize what we do in out homes and try to make better environmentally choices.
                                                                                                                      • Richo
                                                                                                                        It's just a change of seasons .we've always had extreme weather patterns now and in the past . Now if a cow farts it's all over the interweb. If we have a fire of more than a few acres, it's a world ending event.I could go on, but I save my breath so as not to cause a rise in world temp
                                                                                                                        • Paul
                                                                                                                          To quote an article I read yesterday, "Climate Change is a man-made myth". Before you react too strongly to that, let's call it what it actually is GLOBAL WARMING! The term "Climate Change" is a politically sanitised way of making An Inconvenient Truth less threatening and less profit eroding for those, political, corporate entities that profit from the environment. Could go on forever on that one, I'll keep trying to do my bit. I'll turn of my heater after my fingers have thawed out typing this! Think of it as Heat Exchange, The warmth from down here has gone north to Canada. If we can do something to share our natural resources more equally, I'm all for it! In the meantime check out this Australian You Tube channel. The language might offend some but it's fun! https://www.youtube.com/user/thejuicemedia/featured
                                                                                                                          • View all 4 replies
                                                                                                                          • Grommie
                                                                                                                            climate change is the "frightener".. the world needs a frightener, it was the atom bomb, then the cold war and then a new ice age, a hole in the ozone layer that closed by itself, now because global warming didn't resonate, it's climate change. Oh and North Korea. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViY2J3LPgN4 famous Aussie TV commentator catches out a climate change scientist
                                                                                                                          • roger b 167654Grommie
                                                                                                                            except the ozone hole closed because action was taken to stop producing the chemicals that caused it
                                                                                                                          • Grommieroger b 167654
                                                                                                                            wrong. BCF is heavier than air
                                                                                                                          • roger b 167654Grommie
                                                                                                                            There were over 100 chemicals on that list
                                                                                                                        • Chosen
                                                                                                                          I wish we could have had it sooner as it certainly has extended our summer and beach visits.
                                                                                                                          • APB
                                                                                                                            Yes...and I love swimming down to the shops too.....
                                                                                                                        • kristian s 513441
                                                                                                                          I don't know if humans are causing climate changes which it might cause by many factors.
                                                                                                                          • Sandra B 546769
                                                                                                                            I am not sure that climate change is caused by humans. Climate change is the nature of the Lord. That is what the Lord wanted to happen.
                                                                                                                            • David L 76026
                                                                                                                              Absolutely. Radical change across industry, governments and households may help but I suspect we have left it too late.
                                                                                                                              • Peter T 100083

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