Discussion of the Day
My unexpected life
Sherry 164286711-Mar-25
Sometimes I wonder why I can't just change my life I lost my dad 9 years ago due to cancer and just a year ago my younger brother took his life because of cancer he couldn't stand the thought of his kids seeing him in pain and really sick life our dad was. I wonder why god didn't take me instead or why he can't take the bad people, why the great ones. I guess it's a mystery that I will never understand. My life is like a lifetime movie no joke and I have tried changing it, but there's always something that seems to not go right. I see some people that have no issues like I do, and it's not fair, but I just keep looking ahead to a dead in street. If I lose one more loved one I don't know or how my life will end up I have lost a lot of loved ones I just keep praying and praying that one day something good is going to happen. I don't know if I should've shared this, but It helped, even if only one person reads this...
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