Discussion of the Day
I hate procrastination.
Johana C29-Sep-20
Procrastination is such an unhelpful state to be in and I hate it when I procrastinate but I am human and it happens. It happens before gym workouts, it happens before massive career decisions. It happens before cleaning the house. But I always feel better after any task is done and often wonder why I procrastinated in the first place. Surely others feel like this too?
  • Wendy Q
    Me too, but I keep putting it off.
    • Sabine V
      doesn't everybody?
      • Priscilla R 316016
        Everyone does it sometimes, but providing you get the job done anyway, where's the harm? It's those who never get round to doing the job who have a problem.
        • Dion B 434033
          can I let you know how I feel about it later?
          • Rose S 88496
            Love it myself ????
            • Elizabeth C 123058
              I do it all the time !!!!
              • Hummingbird 154349
                Sure, I do but its just something that happens. I don't mind, I always think it just gives me more time to make a decision or do a task.
                • Dimitri T 100433
                  agree that procrastination does not get things done?
                  • Maria B 89860
                    Maybe that could be your weird way of getting motivated.! In the end it seems like that you to get a fair bit done! To me, English being my second language, when I first heard it, it sounded like a very "fishy" word and I think I thought I was pretty clever working it out, yes, no? Unfortunately things aren't always what they sound like so procrastination is a good "stalling tool".
                    • Carmel C 103964
                      • Henry W 362692
                        My wife says that procrastinate regularly but I think that I have other priorities which seem to contradict her requests but eventually I appease her my own good sense.
                        • PAUL P 404567
                          Let me think about it for a while.
                          • Paul W 383502
                            I'd rather put it off.
                            • Joe B 288252
                              Just a minute....and I’ll get around to making a comment......maybe
                              • Ivan S 396292
                                Procrastination is for sure not very helpful, but on the other hand if you are rushing to make decisions is it helpful? I am not sure.
                                • CHERRY BLOSSOM
                                  only on the toilet.
                                  • Graham I
                                    Need to think about it, but maybe me too :-)
                                    • Merril E
                                      So do I
                                      • Jeanine R
                                        well as it was stated so well we all do this at times because your brain needs a break,, I generally do what needs to be done and then get to the rest as I can.
                                        • Imperia S
                                          I think it's a sign of aging, when we are young we go at everything like a bull in a china shop, when we get older we procrastinate
                                          • Chosen
                                            ..................... and STILL trying to decide.
                                            • Paul J 94868
                                              I'm not sure...i'll have to decide later...
                                              • Bugalugs
                                                Try living with someone who is Bi-Polar! You ain't experienced nothing until you live and work with one of these wonderful, annoying, confusing, loveable people!
                                                • Jennifer W 311243
                                                  Totally I know that feeling
                                                  • Sonya F 68771
                                                    We all do it sometimes
                                                    • James R 393760
                                                      Yes, I hate procrastination - maybe sometimes !
                                                      • Aisha A 379399
                                                        I think it's normal to procrastinate sometimes especially when you're not in the mood to do anything.
                                                        • Kacee VIC
                                                          Yes, I do not like procrastination
                                                          • Christine W 227261
                                                            Yes waste of time but living in Melbourne you have nothing else to do but.
                                                            • roger l 315504
                                                              can I just think about that, procrastination I mean
                                                              • Margarret F
                                                                Yes we are all human and we avoid those things we really don't like doing. It will always feel better when they are done - that's what we need to focus on - hard as it is to do. We need to focus on the final result. try one small victory at a time.
                                                                • StaceSteele
                                                                  It drives me completely nuts when people procrastinate. I try my best in life not to though. However with five kids its really hard to procrastinate because someone always needs something to be done.
                                                                  • Chosen
                                                                    Be patient as I am still thinking about it.
                                                                    • Leanne B 76015
                                                                      I’ll get back to you later
                                                                      • Chosen
                                                                        Still thinking about it.
                                                                        • Julie 330321
                                                                          Or that’s my excuse for procrastinating
                                                                          • Julie 330321
                                                                            One often finds procrastination helps get through the day
                                                                            • Alan P 162916
                                                                              There is always another day
                                                                              • Mr Blobby
                                                                                I also used to be decisive but now I am not too sure.
                                                                                • Chosen
                                                                                  Before I answer give me a minute to think about it.
                                                                                  • Frances C 101929
                                                                                    Something you just have to do it and get it over with, you'll feel better for it.
                                                                                    • Bettina 157818
                                                                                      I try not to procrastinate, I want to get things done, so that I can have some free time to myself.
                                                                                      • meredith j - NZ
                                                                                        Same. And I always think I’ll fail at something but always turns out ok
                                                                                        • Pat P 206247
                                                                                          I do what to be done, no waiting to see if I want to or not. It upsets me to others procrastinate
                                                                                          • Meryl E
                                                                                            I've always worked on the basis that if you can't decide with a yes or no do nothing until you can this way you'll always do the right thing by yourself
                                                                                            • JAMIE D 156261
                                                                                              thats a question i need to ponder. I;ll get back to you on this.
                                                                                              • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                                I am retired - I procrastinated every day!
                                                                                                • Disie
                                                                                                  I'll have to think about that one ;)
                                                                                                  • Priscilla R 316016
                                                                                                    Can't imagine you procrastinating - you are too busy.
                                                                                                • Linda C
                                                                                                  No I am the type that if it needs doing, do it. I do believe one has to think on big issues that might affect you, others, finance, job etc. before making such a major change or decision but to dither for ages is not a good state to be in for yourself or others it might affect. I usually go with my gut feeling and it has not steered me wrong yet and I am in my 70's.
                                                                                                  • Lyn 78550
                                                                                                    With this I agree Linda. My gut feeling has served me very well over the years and I am nearly 70. All major decisions I would not call it procrastination but prudence. Take care.
                                                                                                • APB
                                                                                                  Yes I wonder why you do it too.... you should get your act together girl!

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