Discussion of the Day
Banning of Fireworks
What are your thoughts on fireworks?
I see many petitions on social media to push the ban on fire works for the safety and well-being of animals/pets.
Comments - Page 2
  • Tina 423889
    i like fireworks, its fun
    • Vivian M 867575
      And they are so expensive to buy now may as well just burn your money!
      • Carolyn K 714554
        It is very important. I grew up when it was legal, and a lot of animals were being hurt. Plus, you can't stop the idiots.
          This Discussion of the Day was asked months ago, and my response has only slightly changed since then! I personally think anyone under 18 years old and pets should be ban from attending fireworks events. If you are 18 years old or older then you are an adult, then you make a risk assessment whether you are willing to suffer damage to your physical health and or mental health if the firework event goes astray with deadly consequences for spectators!
          • Norman PSBHRJ
            Fireworks needs to be ban. Technology now has ways of displaying fireworks that are not harmful to animals and nature. Drones have been very successful with duplicating fireworks. My poor dogs when it come to fireworks are horrible. They are extremely scare when hearing them and they shake for hours. Wild animal must be devesting for them as well. With the rise of prices on everything in the world, why would you want to spend your money on this type of entertainment.
            • Susan KTC
              Not the best in our community of families and animals, however I do remember when we lived in Australia the council and or army would provide displays that were monitored, the boy’s were in awe…
              • Daniel T 626103
                I love fireworks but.....a think a better solution would be to have specific designated area's people can let them off, and only let them be lit on specific dates etc, that way everyone wins!!😀
                • MoB
                  I find most of the people using fireworks are also those who think we should reduce emissions. I don't think they think the two things are related.
                  • EILEEN W 310556
                    absolutely a waste or money and causes terrifying pain and anguish to animals. All that money going into bangs and flashes when we complain about homelessness, no funds for roads or groceries. Before fireworks were banned in Victoria we had children letting off 'bangers' in our street. Our beautiful loyal Labrador was going crazy as he tried to cope with the incredible noise. Dogs hear things around 100 times louder than we do. We had a fence over 6 feet high but he still leaped over and broke his neck. That still haunts me and I hope it does the teenagers responsible.
                    • JANN R
                      It depends where you live I like the fire works and would be sad to see them baned where I live they dont impede anything its a small country town and they are alway out over the big lake we have so there is no danger
                      • Dsmiles2U
                        more pollution ban please as it is a health and safety issue
                        • Glenice L 1244113
                          Perhaps simulated warfare sounds are frightening and therefore not soothing to animals, the injured, some elderly, babies and other too traumatized and vulnerable to hide for safety. If it's kept at a distance, that doesn't impede conversations, it may be fine.
                          • Rod 1479101
                            Too many things are being banned these days. Get a life folks.
                            • Darla T
                              I could do without fireworks.
                              • sherrydp
                                Yes, ban them. Pets and our Veterans are more important.
                                • Heather 1570804
                                  I enjoy watching them but honestly they should be only done in areas designed or designated for fireworks. A ban on residential areas would be nice. I live in an apt building (16th floor) and the reverb/acoustics of the building amplifies fireworks, anything on a sound system, even people's conversation at ground level can be heard loudly & clearly from my balcony. If they do it say on the CNE grounds which I can see (Toronto, Canada) or up at Canada's Wonderland (north side of the building) most who don't travel can still watch from afar. Respect given is respect earned.
                                  • Mercy 1585193
                                    I don't really like it . But they could minimize the activity of the fireworks
                                    • Mercy 1585193
                                      Lovely poll
                                      • Val 1394045
                                        Fireworks are lovely. They should be done in a safe and open area away from people and pets.
                                        • jeffrey t 1083827
                                          When I was a kid we had fireworks and a lot more of us should be injured or dead for what we got up to
                                          • Toni A 861237
                                            Ban the sale of fireworks to the public. Have an organised display put on by the local council. The amount of animals that are injured or die due to idiots with fireworks is getting worse every year.
                                            • Holly Cat
                                              Sadly, I just read today that a baby red panda at the Edinburgh Zoo has died due to fireworks :( The frightening noises from fireworks from an event called Bonfire Night seemed to be too much for her and she choked on her own vomit.
                                              • Helena H
                                                That is so sad.
                                            • Tupulua S
                                              little bit of fun do no harm, but over doing it with fire works is dangerous in the residential area
                                              • Laurice 1567612
                                                Fireworks are wonderful. If people take precautions, everyone can enjoy the display of colours
                                                • Leisa J
                                                  I would love to see a ban on fireworks in residential areas. The shelters are over run the next day from dogs trying to escape the noise. And Many people including myself have to drug my animals because they are terrified
                                                  • Sarah 1325723
                                                    there should be some limitations, no one cleans them up afterwards, and they can damage cars, and people can get hurt from them
                                                    • Cath 1283732
                                                      Silent fireworks are available now. Probably too pricey tho. Easier on the animals.
                                                      • Susan 1441337
                                                        I think they are a waste of money. Not only do they scare pets and wildlife they leave debris everywhere and could cause damage. If people have monet to throw away for this why don't they donate to a food bank or something worthwhile
                                                        • Rosemary E 383382
                                                          We had one land in our (dry) wood storage heap so we really had fireworks. Lucky we were home and smelt it.
                                                      • Christine M 323842
                                                        Not all animals are pets. It’s the danger to wildlife that needs to be taken into consideration. Unfortunately, even if they are banned, they can be obtained illegally very easily by dickheads. These are the irresponsible people who think it is great to do things like let them off in the drive thru at McDonalds at 1am. Yeah…so not funny!
                                                        • Linda C
                                                          Have not been to a fireworks display for years but they are spectacular. As for pets, if you are home with them just give them a cuddle and make them feel safe. We have thunderstorms all the time here especially at the moment and from when she was a puppy I soothed her. She barely raises her eyebrows now unless it is a huge bang. I know though many animals do run away and I wonder why they are not safely inside during these times. Let's not ban them for a few wowsers. Educate the pet owners and people no longer or should not be letting them off.
                                                          • View all 5 replies
                                                          • Toni A 861237
                                                            I have horses so I can't bring them inside. It's not the pet owners that are the problem, it's the idiots with no regard for anyone else but themselves
                                                          • lin rToni A 861237
                                                            what no barn how sad for the horses
                                                          • Toni A 861237lin r
                                                            horses were never meant to live in a barn. What about the farmers who's stock ends up going through fences? It doesn't affect just cats and dogs
                                                          • Linda CToni A 861237
                                                            Years ago I lived in a new area (down fully developed and 100's of houses etc). However, back then I was the only house and there were horses in a paddock. Lightening hit and killed 6 of them. Horses should have shelter although whether this would have helped them I don't know.
                                                          • Toni A 861237Linda C
                                                            that's so sad. I've never heard of lightning hitting horses. We have trees for shelter and a shade sail for them to hide under out of the sun.
                                                        • Phyrephly
                                                          Fireworks on Sydney Harbour Bridge was a bit of a highlight of NYE 'celebrations' at Mum & Dad's house - tho' mostly always only me up to watch them on telly lol. This was after we dispensed with the Hogmany parties at the local church hall.
                                                          • Linda 1473555
                                                            Been banned in Western Australia for decades. A lot of human eyesight injuries, etc., been avoided. Not to mention accident fires.
                                                            • Susan 1441337
                                                              That's awesome I wish they would do that everywhere
                                                          • Tania NSW
                                                            I think they should only be used on special occasions buy qualified people who specialise in it…but I do think them for new years ect….. I don’t see them alot as I have a medical condition that flickering makes it worse. But I don’t see why they should be totally banned if you have pets keep them away…. Ok you might here them but they don’t go on for hours
                                                            • Toni A 861237
                                                              Unfortunately in NZ they bulk buy them and then let them off throughout the year. You never know when the are going to let the fireworks off
                                                          • Lady Flamingo
                                                            Never bought them, but I do love a good fireworks show!

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