Discussion of the Day
The worst inventions of the last 100 years?
Ian 156163806-Dec-24
It'll be interesting and fun to see what your answers are.
For me, it is the mobile phone.
At home or out and about, look around you.
I rest my case ...
Comments - Page 2
  • Izabelle 1457992
    Internet in general
    • Elizabeth T 396096
      Health food (whether it be for humans or animals) as it is anything but healthy and contains so many fillers and rubbish it is ridiculous and is actually ultra processed.
      • Sheree T
        I like having my mobile phone, but I absolutely detest how parents give them to young children just to keep them amused so they are not annoying them. And I don't like electric cars and would never own one.
        • Peter H (ACT)
          social media and the GST
          • Elizabeth T 396096
            The Gullible Stooge Tax? Where the rich can get away with not paying it by registering a business and everyone else does. ROFL
          • Peter H (ACT)Elizabeth T 396096
            We called it the Get Stuffed Tax
        • Christina D
          Social media
          • Chosen
            • Lyn A.
              unfortunately humans have been around longer than 100 years-too many of us
            • ChosenLyn A.
              Putin is doing his best to Cull.
          • Ek M
            Nuclear power
            • boy blunder
              Pet Rocks was an unnecessary phase for a while, as a cleaner I have cleared out a lot of houses I used to find only what I thought was a banana slicer, and then there were the gag gifts DVD rewinders, another great flop was the Juicero think it cost 4 or 500 and you subscribed to a place that sent you fruit and you got a better result by hand squeezing,i watched a podcast on patents there was on i have to tell you, the pregnant lady gets on a spinning table and delivers the baby by centrifugal force i am sure people were smoking strange things long before they were made illegal , i think they even tried a computer pet rock for a while
              • pam rae
                TY Ian 1561638
                • P F
                  The Smart Watch! Used by dumb people. I have a friend that buys the latest version every time a new model comes out...and the most expensive one as well. Barely uses 5% of it's capabilities but he thinks it makes him look important to others. What a loser!
                  • Larry S 382961
                    One of the best is the opening button on car keys. I couldn’t find my car in a shopping centre but 1 push of the button and hey presto there it is.
                    • Christy 1601003
                      Best and worst invention of the last 100 years the smart phone
                      • pam rae
                        HI JANN R---------TY
                        • JANN R
                          I agree with you and many more that make it hard for older people and Electric cars I hate them
                          • Daniel A 2
                            You've got to understand that oil is running out, so there needs to be something to help cover for it, and the ethonel won't be enough, probely not even with Cana made legal.
                        • Carolina Z
                          Agree to many of you
                          • Asesh S
                            The Nuclear bombs
                            • Robert 1571950
                              Commercials, hope I spelled it right
                              • Teri 1282723
                                You did:)
                            • pam rae
                              cell phones how I see it..
                              • darlenebbb
                                ''CELL PHONES'
                                • mandy n 972535
                                  def mobile phones - I dont even own one !!
                                  • jeffrey t 1083827
                                    Mobile phones are being used with earplugs I don't want to know other people's business
                                    • Rod 1479101
                                      Oh yes. Smartphones.
                                      • Dianne W 795962
                                        cell phones
                                        • Tupulua S
                                          Sorry ladies but thisis what i dont like {1} see through dress. {2} low cut top
                                          • Val 1394045
                                            Electric cars.
                                            • Lachelle B
                                              Not an 'invention' but an annoyance. Wanting local help but your call goes overseas OR pressing so many numbers to talk to a real person who eventually can't help OR talking to AI who can't understand you. So hop in the car (am rural) to get help and the shop's closed early.......sigh!
                                              • Kayebriggs70
                                                I reckon it's the chat rooms. I lost my partner because of a lady who harassed him to leave his family.
                                                • Melissa 1605135
                                                  Technology in general, as it's ruined the human interaction, and the environment!
                                                  • Debra D 624780
                                                    I do not like the self checkouts, have my own reasons, but know of something bad that happened to a friends son in law due to one.
                                                    • Debra D 624780
                                                      I sure wish I had cell phone service where I live.
                                                      • Lina H
                                                        Strongly disagree with the cell phone. The cell phone is one of the most revolutionary inventions in recent history. There are so many things that are done more conveniently on that device: - communication (phone, chat, email), - navigation (maps, GPS, tracking), - camera, banking, - library borrowing of digital books (ebooks, audiobooks), research & education, language translation, - health tracking, even scientific tracking & scientific diagnoses (these are quite niche uses, so most people would probably have not heard of them), - remote control, personal entertainment (videos & music), shopping (digital payments, store cards, digital gift cards) - AI search (take a pix of an item & it finds where to buy it), and more. It is now even used to report news from footage from the common people. Except for the phone, camera, PMP and remote control, almost none of the above functions can be done prior to 30 years ago in the small-form. Of course, the internet facilitated the cell phone to be so useful. But the device is so portable and multi-utilitarian, it is like Doctor Who's Sonic Screwdriver. This device can save lives (simply by contacting someone when in need, or research a first aid procedure in an urgent situation), even solved a murder case (Delphi murders), expose police brutality, just by providing evidence that would otherwise not be recorded etc. Cars pollute, can kill and need a lot of infrastructure to work, but not many people would say the automobile is a bad/worst invention. Even the much-hated (at the beginning) selfie-stick has its uses. It now evolved into a mini tripod whose legs can be closed together to be handheld like the original selfie-stick. Just because some people are glued to their phones does not negate the fact it is useful. I use my cell phone only as a phone, and occasionally as a camera, so am not one of those people who is constantly looking at the phone. It is a tool. And a very useful one at that. How you use it, is up to you. If I have to pick one or two, it will be the Coffee Pod and Laundry Pod. These products are targeted at lazy people and the price is extremely inflated compared to the original forms.
                                                        • Jack M 393074
                                                          BION but before Bell invented the telephone in 1876, much earlier the FAX MACHINE had been invented but never used until long after Bell's magnificent invention! BTW Ian, we were OK with the first cellphones that did not have all the gimcracks and other junk they put into making Smartphones! Still it has come a long way since Dr Martin Cooper of Motorola invented the first cellphone in 1973! Oh and Ian? I do not ever leave my home w/ my Smartphone, cellphone or cordless phones!
                                                          • Marc 1424471
                                                            Electric Cars.
                                                            • lin r
                                                              U WIN I AGREE WHOLEHEARTEDLY
                                                              • Linda C
                                                                The atomic bomb.
                                                                • SALLY 1524378
                                                                  Phones you have to push a button before you can answer a call.
                                                                  • Cher
                                                                    clap on, clap off for lights lol
                                                                    • View all 4 replies
                                                                    • Debra D 624780
                                                                      Yes, I got one of these a few years ago for Christmas, and it blew up my lamp.
                                                                    • Holly Cat
                                                                      Oh yes! Isn't it the time of year we're going to start seeing the commercials for the Clapper and Chia Pet lol!
                                                                    • Linda 3
                                                                      LOL, when I worked retail part time our department sold those. We all hated htem. It was one of the most returned items that was sold in our department. My nephew wanted one so I bought him one for Christmas one year. He never said if he liked it or not.
                                                                    • Linda 3Holly Cat
                                                                      Ch...ch.. chia LOL
                                                                  • Teri 1282723
                                                                    Hitler, Trump, Putin, self-scanning checkouts in grocery stores, AI has gone too far and is going to be everywhere that it's not already, Smart everything, COVID-19, which then brings me to Fauci and his big wig cronies, electric cars that drain fast and start burning for no good reason, oh, the list goes on and on .......
                                                                    • Holly Cat
                                                                      the retractable dog leash
                                                                      • View all 5 replies
                                                                      • Linda C
                                                                        I have had one of those for my dog for about 13 years and I find them terrific. I keep an eye out for dogs or dangers and reel her in if necessary. No arguments from her so controlled but with a bit of freedom. Never have her off lead outside our home.
                                                                      • Holly CatLinda C
                                                                        I won't use them. I've seen people with an aggressive dog 20 feet in front of them and they're trying to reel them in. I just feel a regular leash is better and safer to walk dogs.
                                                                      • Takirah 1589567Holly Cat
                                                                        Depends on the dog.. for example I got my dog from an Amish woman who lived in an area where the closest neighbor was miles away. Having to introduce my new fur baby to a leash I was faced with a lot of trial and error. I bought every length, strength, material & attachment there was in store and online.. as well as multiple harnesses, collars & straps.. she just wasn’t used to being clipped to anything since she was used to an area that didn’t require it. I live in a suburban area with lists of other people dogs and noises. So For safety reasons I needed her on a leash. The standard nylon leash kept her from walking beyond my feet. The extra long loose tension leash was easier but bounced her backwards after on a little tension was applied which scared her. The walk with me waist to waist leash tangled me and her, the retractable also changed trust because although she got comfortable enough to test limits beyond my feet. The one downside was locking it so a nearby dog on another leash couldn’t reach her because unlocking it yanked her harness fast & to forceful without warning..even with the different sizes.. none of them were gentle. Ironically besides the leash she doesn’t startle easily with anything else. & she wears a harness and collar just fine. She also doesn’t mind a seatbelt even tho the same retractable connection is applied. So although both have pros and cons. I don’t think one is safer then the others. I’ve seen my dog and other dogs on regular leashes get tangled or wrapped around a leg or neck which are tighter when pulled which is how dogs attempt to untangle & that can cause injury within itself. I’ve also seen dogs yank regular leashes from a persons hand by taking off unexpectedly or nearly taking the arm with them..so I feel it depends on the dog & walker.. but definitely not in regards to safety.
                                                                      • Linda CHolly Cat
                                                                        You are lucky they are on some form of a leash. I walk my dog and there are large dogs off leash all the time and some are quite aggressive and the owners do nothing when I ask them to control their dogs. My little girl is over 14 but has always been good and I trained her so she behaves. Pity the owners with especially the larger breeds don't and yes I agree, they should not be on extension leads at all.
                                                                      • Angie
                                                                    • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                      The worst invention of the last 100 years - in my humble opinion (HAHA) is the automobile. I know the first modern automobile was invented in 1886. However, it was during the roaring 1920's that the average employed worker could afford to buy a car (on monthly payment plan) and the selling of automobile TOOK OFF. The automobile is the number one polluter of the atmosphere for the last hundred years! That translate (for me) into the worst invention of the last 100 years and the worst invention by mankind for public consumption - EVER!
                                                                      • View all 8 replies
                                                                      • Daniel A 2
                                                                        Electric cars came about in the 1930's or 1920's or earlier. It's the greed of the oil company's why they only seem new now.
                                                                      • BLACK LIVES MATTERDaniel A 2
                                                                        Hi Daniel A 2. WOW! I thought electric cars were invented in the 2010s decade. I know cigarette companies sat on the fact that nicotine cause cancer for decades before the public learnt that nicotine in cigarette cause cancer.
                                                                      • Daniel A 2BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                        you could watch something like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EG6rqA2vvA for a bit more info. though he is talking about electric cars in 1899. earlier than my first guess!
                                                                      • BLACK LIVES MATTERDaniel A 2
                                                                      • Daniel A 2BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                        a Movie I saw like 13 years ago called "who killed the electric car" made in 2006. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uep5zOrsAEA&t=3881s that might be it.
                                                                      • AngieDaniel A 2
                                                                        🤣🤣 you're so gullible Daniel A 2 but also kinda cool
                                                                      • Daniel A 2Angie
                                                                        Maybe I can be Gullable? But who is more Gullable? Black lives matter for believing EV's where invented in 2010 (just like they wanted him to believe), or me for seeing history showing the first electric car was made in 1842. What is Gullible really?
                                                                      • BLACK LIVES MATTERDaniel A 2
                                                                        Black Lives Matter is vision impaired and has been vision impaired all of his life. I have never owned a car in my lifetime. I have never driven a car in my lifetime. What is your point about me GULLIBLE about cars.......
                                                                    • mike B 1066235
                                                                      THAT IS VERY HARD ONE BOTH
                                                                      • APB
                                                                        that shirt comes close ...a couple of world wars weren't too good.... and then Bunnings introduced facial recognition software on its security cameras in store illegally... and was forced to stop...."if you see a warning sign about our facial recognition cameras out side our stores,,,,we will reduce them by 10%"
                                                                        • View all 4 replies
                                                                        • Daniel A 2
                                                                          the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd WW where in invented over 150 years ago. that's more than 100.
                                                                        • Daniel A 2Daniel A 2
                                                                          Many say we are in the 3rd ww now
                                                                        • APBDaniel A 2
                                                                        • Daniel A 2APB
                                                                          the 3 of them were designed in the 1870's

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