Discussion of the Day
Christmas Traditions
Joy L 6876724-Dec-23
What Christmas Traditions do you have?
When my brother and I were young, our Dad would always wrap a potato up in lots and lots of newspaper and put it under the tree, and we would be there on Christmas morning unwrapping this huge parcel, only to find Dad had done it again.
As we got older we would go to the midnight church service and when we got home open one present from under the tree.
I still use the recipe my Grandmother used to make Christmas pudding and have passed it down to my daughter and granddaughter.
When my grand children were young, I started to give them a decoration for the tree. I still do this, even though my husband said last year they are getting a bit old for it. They asked where it was last year.
I love little things like this and hearing about other family traditions.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanuka, Happy Holiday's.
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