Discussion of the Day
I think private boy' schools create misogynists
Johana C12-Sep-20
When boys are in an environment with other boys only. They take on a "pack mentality" and don t know how to relate to girls and women. I think co-ed schools are the smarter option. They help raise boys to become decent men.
  • APB
    Well Johana...poor punctuation...wild statements with no proof or justification..I am not sure how many all boy schools you attended?..it is very similar to being in prison...but on the upside there are fewer fathers wandering around...and you do get a wide range of VERY strange teachers...They should all be male too...the female ones are there for all the wrong reasons...
    • Michelle 76159
      I think misogyny can exist in a pack mentality in any environment whether it be in a private or public school or workplace
      • Sabine V
        Each tp their own
        • Margaret C 77490
          But I will say I get more abuse by adults and less by teens and kids they are very polite to me and usually want to come up to me and say hi but parents these days alot over react and then will abuse me in front of their child and that is rude and disrespectful than they think it the school job to teach all that .to much is expected of primary school teachers and secondary aswell.
          • Margaret C 77490
            It about parents having the choose in what school they send their child to and what is best for them.also most of the misogynistic behaviour is taught by parents .school teachers their is alot of good ones these days .some parents send their kids to private schools because they want them to have a good education and also to not get bullied .but the bullying needs to stop in schools their is far to much in Australia these days.also suicide in young adults has gone up and our boys need to be taught by their parents that it ok to cry and even let their emotions out . It is not schools responsibility to teach that they should be their to just reinforce what has been taught at home educate the children and prepare young adults for work
            • Pat P 206247
              No opinion
              • Priscilla R 316016
                Think parents have a greater degree on how children turn out than the school. The first 7 years really define what a child will be and schools only help that indoctrination. If there is a good example in the home then they will turn out great men and women. If there is a bad home environment then schools of either type will build upon that.
                • Linda C
                  The issue of nurture v nature is a topic discussed by many. I have seen children become adults from the same family where one is great and the other a person you avoid. Same upbringing, same schools, etc. I think sometimes their peers influence them and this can send them down the wrong track.
              • Chosen
                Nothing wrong with being filthy rich and an elitist as long as you are married to an excellent cook and house cleaner.
                • Sabine V
                  lf you are filthy rich you would have a chief and house keeper so who needs a wife
                • ChosenSabine V
                  A cook is a chef and the wife is the chief.
              • Richard M 407933
                I am not sure that they create misogynists but I do think they create an elitist attitude in a lot of instances. I am also not sure that it is the the most desirable form of education anyway.
                • Maria B 89860
                  Surely their mothers' are women and without any doubt they are very closely "related"! As are their sisters who have girl friends who they just might mingle with. So if it's only at school they are lacking in female companionship .... anyway their eyes should be diverted to their text books (as should the girls) ... Remember chemistry is not just restricted to the classroom it can strike out of the blue quite unexpectedly!
                  • SueM2
                    Girls all together can do the same!
                    • Imperia S
                      A CoEd. school is better, I went to an all-girls school and my brothers went to an all-boys, Next door but we all traveled to and from school in one bus we had more fun on the bus than at school
                      • Maree B 85308
                        I have no idea, but this topic sure has some people hot under the collar. Every one thinks there right, think I'll sit on the fence for this one
                        • Paul B 88412
                          I attended an all boys school for 5 years - Then went to the local high school (boys & girls). I was completely lost as I did not know how to relate to girls!!!!!
                          • Valerie J 424116
                            • Leanne M 293000
                              I don't like these kind of generalisations. Mysoginy often starts in the home ; type of school has no bearing on this.
                              • Graham I
                                I fully agree Johanna; having gone to a boys only school myself, found it very difficult to mix and meet girls in later life
                                • Bugalugs
                                  Is there to be no end to the constant vilification of males? Now we have it being extended to male children as well. What about the Parents? Where are they in the education and up-bringing of their children - male and female? Today, they are nowhere and they expect the teachers to do it all. Wrong! Teachers are supposed to Teach what used to be called the 3Rs. They are not there to rear the children in decent behaviour. That is the sole role of the parents.
                                  • Maree C 80174
                                    I think co-ed schools are better
                                    • Bugalugs
                                      No apologies, Johana C but I thinkyour ideas are nonsense. I went to an all boys school and if anything, thanks to the plethora of paedophile teachers - including female ones, who were the biggest bullies of all - we came out as misandrists. Yes, in some ways Co-ed schools are better but let us not forget that girls can be every bit as cruel, nasty, vindictive - especially towards other girls - Their bullying techniques have, somehow, been developed into an art which is passed down from one year to the next and they take that through to their adult lives. Both demales and males will develop into decent Women and Men if they have the example set for them by their parents. Sadly today Parents would rather rake in buckets loads of money - half of which they waste on After School Care for THEIR children - than actually rearing THEIR children themselves. So children come out of school knowing nothing more than how to bully and are set to be misogynists and misandrists their entire lives.
                                      • Luna
                                        Where do you come up with these stupid ideas? So what does an all girls school create then? It really has nothing to do with the kind of school they go to and everything to do with the parents who raise them. Teenagers will always say and do really stupid things as they grow and learn. If they are raised well at home then no worries there. Btw I started at a co-ed school and was miserable. Was bullied by the boys, teachers did nothing about it even when it was done in front of them and the education was poor. Moved to an all girls school and learned a lot and the girls there were all nice and supportive. Just my experience of course but to me it was clear that the parents of those boys didn't raise them right.
                                        • Hummingbird 154349
                                          There are plenty of misogynists in places where people of varying genders are. It can be "created" anywhere & usually, but not exclusively, starts in the home. Just IMO.
                                          • Sue h 390225
                                            Very true
                                            • Rose S 88496
                                              Went to an all girls high school which was ok .... my brother went to an all boys high school and has trouble relating to women because he is shy ... don’t know if that was caused by an all boys school education or if it’s just part of his natural personality
                                              • Paul J 94868
                                                Co-ed is better...I went to a boys school...Didn't find it helpful...
                                                • Leanne B 76015
                                                  No but there is a lot of sexual abuse by students to each other
                                                  • Henry W 362692
                                                    I was educated by Christian Bros in two different schools and I’m not a misogynist my sons are exactly the same,they cherish the women in their lives
                                                    • Katzeye
                                                      What utter rubbish! All three of my sons went to an all male school and they have not turned out to be misogynists,far from it actually.At the end of the day it is how they are brought up not what school they went to.
                                                      • Joe B 288252
                                                        Only those born haters. There have been many decent people go through private schools
                                                        • MoB
                                                          99% of the boys/men I know that went to private schools, have more manners, treat females more as equals. I have never experienced a pack mentality from them. I have however experienced this from both girls and boys that went to Co-ed schools.
                                                          • James B 70778
                                                            no comment
                                                            • Mr Blobby
                                                              It doesn't matter schools (private or public) they go to. It is the environment that they are brought up in that determine whether or not they become misogynists.
                                                              • Sonya F 68771
                                                                it does not matter where you go school as long you study and stay away from the bad crowd
                                                                • Mariaj
                                                                  That’s rubbish...they just learn to consecrate on school work rather than be distracted by girls and vice versa
                                                                  • Claude H
                                                                    • Robert nsw
                                                                      i went to a private and i don,t have a problem may be the people you mixed with
                                                                      • doug m 408074
                                                                        Of course they do, but Iearned not to be - took several years but.....
                                                                        • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                          My OPINION is - MISOGYNISTS and MISANDRISTS - are deliberately created by PARENTS (home is where the hatred starts)! How you look at yourself (ethics) and the world (racism and sexism) starts at HOME!
                                                                          • JAMIE D 156261
                                                                            true. I went to a private boys school, it takes years to adjust your thinking
                                                                            • Disie
                                                                              I've always been against Girls and Boys schools. How are you supposed to learn how to understand the other sex? Women and Men are different and always will be, we don't need to add fuel to the fire by having Boys only schools where they only have their direct peers to connect with. It's bad enough that some Men still think the "Macho" image is cool. It's not. Which is why you;ll find most Men that have that perception of themselves will never have a good relationship with Women and they will never be good enough
                                                                              • Priscilla R 316016
                                                                                And more narcissistic men come from all boys schools.
                                                                            • Sandra C 12043
                                                                              Most definiely.
                                                                              • PETER M 134659
                                                                                • APB
                                                                                  There is also all the strange goings on in the showers and the dorms....
                                                                                  • Linda C
                                                                                    Parents, elders, teachers etc. all help to teach a boy to become a man and learn how to treat women, children, parents, elderly, basically every other human in their midst. Unfortunately, most women see it every day and experience rude comments, behaviour, and worse. I also thing that young girls need to be taught to respect themselves and others also.

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