Discussion of the Day
Marriage and Money
Walter W28-Apr-21
People get marry for one reason in a capitalist country - money (or if you prefer an upgrade in their lifestyle). Capitalist countries have the highest divorce rate on the planet. Why do you think people get marry in a capitalist country?
  • Pato Lo Duck
    Ahh, now I know why no one wants to marry me…!!
    • Wendy Q
      Knowing what I know now, take the money and run!
        sad but true - still HILARIOUS!
    • Elizabeth M 203717
      To try and upgrade their lifestyle and empty someone else,s wallet
        Ain't that the TRUTH!
    • Christina C 466456
      I got in a relationship for love but have never been married. Each to their own. I don't think it's for me though as I just like to live simply without many complications and marriage seems to complicate things for many people.
      • Timtam
        People marry for many reasons in ANY country - capitalist or not. Love, money, lonliness, social status, societal expectation, family pressure, pregnancy etc are all relevant reasons why people choose (or are pressured ) into marriage.
        • View all 3 replies
          In a capitalist country - people marry for one reason - money ( are if you prefer too upgrade their standard of living)
        • TimtamBLACK LIVES MATTER
          that is an opinion, not fact and is short sighted and demonstrates a narrow vision and lack of insight. Certainly SOME people marry for money, no doubt, but people, are way more complex than the polictical and economic structure of the country they live in.
        • BLACK LIVES MATTERTimtam
          you stated your opinion (not one fact) - which was unbelievable short sighted and demonstrates a very narrow vision and a complete lack of insight - people said a lot of things - but I reside in a capitalist country (fact) - which operates on the principle - money over people (fact: think strikes) - and marriage is not an exception to the rule (fact: think pre-nuptial agreements)!
      • Keith L 485431
        Slip me a few bucks, and I'll tell you what I really think !! LOL
        • Leslie D 488751
          Actually The Ukraine and Russia are the highest divorce rate of at least 80%. A few reasons people get married in a Capitalist country is because it is easy, they most likely want to leave their lousy life for a better one, and the only place to have a better life is in a Capitalist country. Every marriage involves money at some stage, so why can't they get married and enjoy themselves in the mean time?
          • View all 5 replies
            Not really - Ukraine and Russia are having issues - which could lead to war - which forces the noncombatant too try to cover their asses anyway they can - which will lead to a high divorce rate!!
          • Leslie D 488751BLACK LIVES MATTER
            I know about the conflicts in the Ukraine and Russia but that has nothing to do with the divorce rate. If you look into the facts why the divorce rate is so high you will find that the 80% is realistic.
          • BLACK LIVES MATTERLeslie D 488751
            I did not state that Ukraine had a divorce rate lower then 80% - read my response to your original post to me - however thanks for making my point - Ukraine is consider a capitalist country with a high divorce rate
          • Leslie D 488751BLACK LIVES MATTER
            The Ukraine is a communist country, as are the countries around it.
          • BLACK LIVES MATTERLeslie D 488751
            Less tried this again - Ukraine is listed as a capitalist country - a poor capitalist country - BUT still a capitalist country - regardless with countries are around it!!!!!!!
        • Imperia S
          When I first met my husband I was not very fond of him, took me a while before I agreed to even go out with him, But after two years, I was told, that he needed to speak to my father, Which of course Dad replied Son I am willing to let you have all of her not just her hand, With that reply a ring was trusted on my figure, We have bee together 50years in total, we vowed to love and cherish in sickness and in health, rich and poor. We have been rich,by working our buts off in a business I started as a courier driver, he joined me and worked hard, and then we lost everything to HIH, we are not so poor now, and doing well, and better in love, now that he is not so well, I love him even more cause I don't know when the time that will come, how well I will do on my lonsome, Thats What Love should be
          • Imperia S
            Money, Money, Money, Must Be Funny In A Rich Men's World, Why is it that up and coming marriages don't have pre nups, added to the vows, that way couples can bang heads before the high cost of divorce
            • BLACK LIVES MATTER
              with humans - we are twisted - ego(s) get involve - being reasonable is off the agenda
          • APB
            Walter...well done mate..I've just read through all of these...WOW....I've only offered love and marriage to make everything better..to make everything beautiful...I didn't realise just how twisted things could be
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            • BLACK LIVES MATTER
              Hi Andrew 1 - Humans are the most twisted specie on the planet - I am surprise you are shock - me - I am a born-again cynic (a born-again sinner is so passé - SMILE)
            • BLACK LIVES MATTER
              Hi Andrew 1 - do you know that I am still getting responses to my post (marriage and money) - which is almost three days old - I know people are twisted - but did not how much - unbelievable twisted?!
            • Edith vBLACK LIVES MATTER
              I smiled
            • BLACK LIVES MATTEREdith v
              I always look forward to our discussion - because they show the ongoing divide in the country (USA).
          • Henry W 362692
            I think capitalist countries are irrelevant as far as marriage numbers people generally marry because they love each other this may wane over the years but in many cases the love between the couple nourishes & grows especially as the family grows,Ivbeen married for nearly 58 years & I love my wife as much as ever,we say at least once a day “I love you” life without her would intolerable,I’m so lucky.
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            • BLACK LIVES MATTER
            • JANET R 328390
              Henry - that is fantastic to hear. Congratulations to both of you. I had one very happy relationship that lasted for years but he ended up dying of cancer. I miss him a lot. I BELIEVE IN LOVE AND ALWAYS WILL. Best wishes to both of you. xxxooo
            • Henry W 362692JANET R 328390
              Thank you Janet,I’m so lucky to have someone I can cherish
          • Karina L 520510
            may be capitalist country has more freedom and better social security. so people don't need to still in marriage if they don't want to, not like the other will less money.
            • CHERRY BLOSSOM
              aS THE SAYING GOES money IS THE ROOT OF EVIL.
              • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                people are the root of all evil - not money
            • Edith v
              you are so wrong .Most of us "in a capitalistic country marry for love .Your opinion is a typical Socialistic comment .Why is the divorce rate so high? I don't know! but it has nothing to do with love or money
              • View all 5 replies
              • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                Hi Edith V. - I was born and educated in a die hard capitalistic country - USA. I was taught to value money over human relationship - hence, people DO NOT marry each other because they are in love with each other - they marry each other for monetary gain. Furthermore, humans are the most despicable and untrustworthy specie on the planet - you would only marry a human for monetary gain. Therefore, where is this typical Socialistic comment germane to why people marry each other in a capitalistic country?!
              • Edith vBLACK LIVES MATTER
                I married for love & conceived 2 babies in love .We worked together made a good partnership .We created our joint wealth & now as seniors 84 & 87 yrs we are now enjoying the fruits of our labour. I feel compassion for you to never had a loving relationship .NOT ALL people born in USA think like you an embittered unhappy individual
              • BLACK LIVES MATTEREdith v
                In your first post to me - I was a socialist (typical Socialistic comment). In your second post to me - I am an embittered unhappy individual. I am guessing you never heard of the first amendment to the US Constitution - which guarantees FREE SPEECH to every US citizen (which means I am entitled to express my opinion - without being harass (derogatory name calling direct at me by you))?!
              • Fairy DBLACK LIVES MATTER
                Just because you were taught to value money over relationships, doesn’t mean the rest of society follows this idea. People do marry for love, not just money, despite what you believe. Not everyone is as cynical and pessimistic as you. You are making a very generalised assumption about a LOT of people. You also have such a negative view of the world, it’s quite sad.
              • BLACK LIVES MATTERFairy D
                Capitalism is built on money over people - not on relationship - this is a capitalist planet - how is this a negative view of the world? You accuse me of generalized assumption - yet you do know how I was raised or under what circumstances!!! Furthermore, have you ever heard of a pre-nuptial agreement?
            • doug m 408074
              money should have nothing to do with the decision
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              • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                money should not have anything to do with a couple's decision to get marry - but we both know it does - and both of us would be unbelievable naïve to believe it doesn't
              • mary cBLACK LIVES MATTER
                i wouldn't have married my husband if he hadn't had a job so true i wanted someone who i knew had a job- as did i. So we could pay our mortgage.
              • BLACK LIVES MATTERmary c
                I have no idea why humans lie to themselves - we marry for monetary gain or help with the bills too reach a common goal for each of us - which is nothing to be ashamed of!!
            • JANET R 328390
              As far as I am concerned anyone who gets married for MONEY is an absolute fool. No wonder we have the highest divorce rate. True love is the only thing that keeps people together!!!!!
              • View all 4 replies
              • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                In a capitalist society we are taught to value money over human relationships (which most humans have a hard time admitting to themselves). Furthermore, humans are the most despicable specie on the planet (and can not be trusted under any circumstances - especially when it comes to marriage). The overwhelming majority of people in a capitalist countries - marry for money (or if you prefer to upgrade their lifestyle). Capitalist countries on this planet had the the highest divorce rate and capitalist countries on the this planet people actual stay marry to each for the shortest period of time. I am actual expect to believe people get marry for true love - RIGHT - I will admit exceptions do occur?! However, true love is a MYTH and needs to be bury - before it does further harm to the human psyche!
              • JANET R 328390BLACK LIVES MATTER
                Well I can tell you I did NOT marry for money but I will admit to being extremely naive and had no idea what "personality disorders" or "narcissism" was. I may be crazy ... but I say "true love" is possible ..... but you are right ..... most people don't want to put the effort in to MAKE IT WORK.
              • Edith vBLACK LIVES MATTER
                It takes love & money for a happy "marriage" also respect , loyalty, & sharing all responsibilities
              • BLACK LIVES MATTEREdith v
            • Therese M 73305
              After reading the discussion page seems a few people have been stung with marriage and settlement. When I divorced I only wanted the house and I had been paying the mortgage anyway which I had to get my son's funerals put on the loan as he didn't help with the funeral he was to busy with his girlfriend I didn't touch his car boat personal things or super .we never had a joint account so we didn't have to deal with dividing things .I got the debt he got freedom I raised my girls with no help through him but I hold my head high and say I've achieved a lot .I know I'll never pay my mortgage off but my girls will get a good start in life when sold .would I ever marry for money no if I ever found me right I'd have a prenup so nothing would be taken from my girls and every he would have would go to his family .I know of people that have taken up with a new partner and the partners kids get nothing but they make sure their kids are taken care of which is not right at all .I will not be a kept woman I'm to independent for that
              • Kristina L 134251
                I think it’s more in a capitalist country people can divorce easier because women have more rights and are not subservient to men. It’s good to be capitalist and not get stuck in a marriage just because men have all the cards.
                • Margarret F
                  Really nothing to do with money in most cases - at least in the initial decision. lack of money or poor partnership later can be a cause of divorce. Nothing to do with capitalism. Marriage today should be a partnership but too many people have romantic notions. In actual fact marriage may well be unnecessary in many countries with correct laws protecting women. When women can work they can support themselves and any children they have. They can have children and choose not to get married at all. there are far more choices today as equality between genders improves.
                  • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                    My question was why are divorce rate are highest in capitalistic country?
                  • Edith vBLACK LIVES MATTER
                    because in our countries we are equal
                • B Keeper
                  I got married because her father had a shotgun pointed at me. I did not ask him how much the gun was worth.
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                  • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                    my parents had a shotgun marriage (which was quite common in the 1950s) - it is a good thing you did not ask how much the shotgun was worth - seems like you know when to keep your mouth shut - which is a sign of intelligence
                  • B KeeperBLACK LIVES MATTER
                    ha ha, I have never been accused of having intelligence before. Mind you I can count to 10 without using my fingers.
                  • BLACK LIVES MATTERB Keeper
                    Let me repeat myself - you know when to keep your mouth shut - which is a sign of intelligence - PERIOD
                • roger l 315504
                  it's got to be tp facilitate a 'fair' distribution of wealth I married for money and later learned that my wife did too,,,,we were both wrong
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                  • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                    it sounds like poetic justice too me - as long as the the two of you are both happy at this point - money rewards all fantasy
                  • roger l 315504BLACK LIVES MATTER
                    been happy togethe since 1972 and since retiring 20 years ago we've hoarded up a bit since
                  • BLACK LIVES MATTERroger l 315504
                    like - I retired 22 years ago - this coming June it will be 23 years - took early retirement and glad I DID!
                • Colin L 88398
                  Because they believe that they will be better off as a result of marrage which is a load of rubbish.
                  • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                    last time I checked - love does not pay the bills - but cold cash does pay the bill - do the math
                • Morton B
                  Marry for money?, what a load of codswallop
                  • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                    last time I checked - loves does not pay the bills - but cold cash does pay the bills - do the math
                  • Morton BBLACK LIVES MATTER
                    I married for Love and the bills have always been paid on time, ps the word is Maths
                • Josephine WA
                  Arranged marriages
                  • Amber 22
                    I do not know I wish people would be nicer to each others
                    • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                      between you and me - I wish people would be nicer to each other (a lot)) - but I got over it
                  • Roslyn A
                    I always say "money can't buy you happiness" but my partner say "yes, but it can buy you the very best misery"
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                    • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                      I believe money can buy you happiness and lack of money will have you wallowing in misery?!
                    • mary cBLACK LIVES MATTER
                      especially true when you become ill and can't work. We were ok- had life, health and house insurance then my husband had a massive stroke and is paralysed. I am his carer and we live on govt benefit. Goodbye to all the things like health insurances- that we could actually do with now. Life can be very hard when the money is gone. People say to me oh you have to have your home insured! like i know.. but i have no money for it now! Your health is precious.
                    • BLACK LIVES MATTERmary c
                      I survive on the streets for four years as a runaway teenager - with no medical insurance - I am paying for it in my old age - going back to my parent's house wasn't a reasonable option or safe option during that period of time - I had to keep pushing forward and never looking back (which is easier said then done)
                    • Edith vBLACK LIVES MATTER
                      So that is where your strength comes from.
                  • lulu
                    I would hope to make a family , old fashioned and traditional.
                    • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                      Why are the divorce rate highest in capitalist countries. I believe the overwhelming majority of us get or got married (including me) for money (or to upgrade our life style). In capitalist society (I reside in USA) we taught the value of money over humans. Humans are the most despicable species on the planet - can not be trusted under any circumstances (including marriage)!!!!
                      • Edith v
                        Oh! Walter so sorry for your pain .My husband & I trust each other.We don't always agree on everything tho ,that is the spice of life
                      • BLACK LIVES MATTEREdith v
                        I do look forward to our online chat! Sometimes you can be quite rational and make your point - very succinctly!
                    • Amor Fati
                      you get marry for love and kids in any country, capitalist or any other
                      • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                        Ever heard of a pre-nuptial agreement - only in a capitalist country
                    • Gaza
                      That statement is a load of rubbish, sure that happens but most marriages are for love.
                      • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                        Since most marriages are for love - what country do you reside in - I reside in the USA - the overwhelming couples in the USA do not marry for love - the USA has the highest divorce rate of a capitalist country on this planet and has the lowest length of time people stay married to each other in a capitalist country on this planet
                      • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                        ever heard of a pre-nuptial agreement? RUBBISH?
                    • AlanH CENTRAL VIC
                      • View all 3 replies
                      • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                        My question is WHY do capitalist countries have the highest divorce rate on this planet?
                      • PhyrephlyBLACK LIVES MATTER
                        Could it be that the capitalist problem is really the love of money, instead of money itself?
                      • BLACK LIVES MATTERPhyrephly
                        Like - but all I have is a high school diploma - philosophy is way over my head. All I am sure of - is that the overwhelming majority of people marry for money (just don't like admitting to themselves) - in capitalist countries we value money over humans!! Which is why capitalist countries have the highest divorce rate on the planet!
                    • Rod R 101788
                      We didn't have much money, 2 students who couldn't pay bills & eat properly in the same week. 28 years later we still don't have much money, but we have 2 kids, some great memories & a good life. We work at it, the same way we worked at everything - together.
                      • Joe B 288252
                        Love...and then they both work hard for their money....lol what else
                        • Maria B 89860
                          Maybe the divorce rate statistics you refer to represents that they are free to so and not forced to stay in a cruel marriage and lucky to just escape with their lives and the clothes they are wearing. The marriage which may have been arranged for them and money may have paid to their family ... who really knows what goes on behind closed doors as some are fearful to speak up in any type of country.
                          • StaceSteele
                            each to their own
                            • Carolyn H 319412
                              No idea.
                              • GRAEME W 313058
                                What rubbish!!
                                • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                  Why do capitalist countries have the highest divorce rate on this planet? The rubbish starts when people - do not like a fact - when it goes against their belief system!
                              • Linda C
                                I doubt many have much money when they first get married. They work together saving to get a house/home, have children etc. The pressures this brings on a couple often ends up parting them but not all marriages end up this way. The realities of being married are hard. Expectations do not live up in the realities. Struggling financially brings problems and add children to the mix again adds more stress. Why just ask why people get married in a capitalist country as you call them. People marry in every culture and for various reasons. Love, arranged, expectations, etc. I think the majority of couples marry thinking it will last but as I said reality takes a huge toll and I don't believe people should stay married if they are unhappy. What's the point.
                                • View all 18 replies
                                • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                  the rich do marry do each other - everyone does not start marriage off without a lot of money - my questions are: Why is the divorce rate divorce rate higher in capitalist countries then non-capitalist countries? Do people marry more often for money in a capitalist country?
                                • Rod R 101788BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                  I don't really know, relationships can be hard. The added pressures of life & work don't make it any easier. If there was no love, respect & friendship to start with it may never grow. Life's too short to be unhappy, if you're not happy you're probably in the wrong place. We married for love but we were friends first.
                                • Maria B 89860BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                  Could it be that people move/immigrate/escape to take refuge in those capitalist countries, do they even care about the label, just for that purpose thus inflating the statistics?
                                • BLACK LIVES MATTERRod R 101788
                                  My question is: Why do capitalist countries have the highest divorce rate on the planet.
                                • Rod R 101788BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                  might simply be because divorce is an option.
                                • Maria B 89860BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                  To get your statistical answer you may need to ask each individual directly if they have managed to escape a brutal marriage and are still alive to tell their story.
                                • Linda CMaria B 89860
                                  Yes, we are in a tsnumai of murders and assaults against women/partners here in Aus. One was burnt to death by her ex partner in her back yard with her 3 children in the house a few days ago. AVO did not stop him. Police did not stop him although she was begging for help most days for a long time. Would you deny her a divorce. We cannot go back to the days when women are abused or murdered and nothing is done as the man/husband "Has rights over her". Much more needs to be done to protect women and children from domestic violence. Yes Walter, the rich do marry the rich but they are a very small percentage of people in the world. If as you call us capitalist countries divorce more it is because they have the laws and ability to do so. It does not solve all the problems as with the poor woman above but most go on to live better lives. I am divorced but I would never get married again or have a partner and in fact have not dated since. I have 3 children and things were tough but we did OK.
                                • BLACK LIVES MATTERLinda C
                                  I became a runaway and survive on the streets for four years as a teenager. My opinion is that people still marry for money (or an upgrade of their lifestyle) - in a capitalist society - in the USA (a capitalist society) we are taught to value money over humans
                                • Linda CBLACK LIVES MATTER
                                  Well that's America. You cannot judge everywhere with the same measuring stick.
                                • BLACK LIVES MATTERLinda C
                                  do other capitalist countries see the USA as a world leader and attempt to follow the USA
                                • Linda CBLACK LIVES MATTER
                                  Maybe once but no so now so much. I have never been an advocate to follow blindly. We need to stand together though but it seems your country is pulling itself apart.
                                • BLACK LIVES MATTERLinda C
                                  unfortunately you have a valid point about USA - however, it is not pulling itself apart - my country is reaping what it has been sowing for centuries
                                • Linda CBLACK LIVES MATTER
                                  Same thing. Sometimes it just all comes together at the wrong time. Right now you should all be working together against the evils of the world and the virus.
                                • BLACK LIVES MATTERLinda C
                                  not the same thing - we are dealing with the evil in ourselves - with no path going forward - the other capitalist countries on the planet are going to have work (together) to deal with evils of the world - I hope they are up to it!
                                • Linda CBLACK LIVES MATTER
                                  me too but your country won't be immuned to world events.
                                • BLACK LIVES MATTERLinda C
                                  don't count on that - we (Americans) are a selfish lot.
                                • Maria B 89860BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                  That is very sad to be surrounded by such heartlessness ... best to observe and form ones own principles and opinions .. best to have a clear conscience, much easier load to carry around.
                                • BLACK LIVES MATTERMaria B 89860
                                  Hi Maria B - I prefer to not have a conscience and carry money on me - I sleep better at night. LOL
                              • Stephen F 84899
                                We get married for alsorts of reasons
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                                • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                  people stated that they get married for a lot of different reasons - my question is - why are the divorce rate highest in capitalist countries?
                                • Joe B 288252BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                  Because they can...no use in living a life of misery and abuse, just end it and move on...find love and happiness which is much more important and valuable then money
                                • BLACK LIVES MATTERJoe B 288252
                                  My question Is: Why do capitalist countries have the highest divorce rates of countries on the planet
                                • mary cJoe B 288252
                                  true that.
                              • Bugalugs
                                Because of tradition, enforced religious nonsense. That old rubbish priests and others spread about that if you don'r get married, preferably in one of our churches. synagogues, temples, mosques etc. where they make a bicket load of money out of you, you will be "Living in Sin", "Will go to Hell" clah, blah, blah...Poor fools believe them and then as we have seen up to 50% of all marriages fail, often very bitterly! What's the point of it all? Just live together, if you break up then simply divide the assets down the middle. Don't breed unless you are both determined to stay together and jointly raise your children and that means not expecting other Taxpayers to support you by subsidising Child Care, or Early Learning all of which really means that your trophy kids are brought up by others whilst you run around making lots of money!
                                • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                  cynical - but I am cynical - still well written - LIKE!
                              • JANN R
                                • Helen E 469767
                                  money can be the down fall
                                  • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                    lack of scruples, values, morals, principles, etc. are the down fall of people - not money
                                  • Edith vBLACK LIVES MATTER
                                    here! here!
                                • Sonya F 68771
                                  I have been married for 37 years and my husband was dead broke it was not for money and we are still very happy
                                  • View all 3 replies
                                  • JANN R
                                    THATS GREAT SONYA YOUR ONE OF THE LUCKY ONES
                                  • Joe B 288252
                                    Great stuff you have a true treasure there
                                  • Sonya F 68771JANN R
                                    thank you I am
                                • Maree B 85308
                                  Speak for yourself, people get married for many different reasons. Love being a very popular one.just because it doesn't work out for everyone doesn't mean it isn't a dream worth pursuing as demonstrated by the happy testimonials here. We are free to be optometrists or pessimists. You get what you look for,I prefer to look on the bright side of life it leads to a much better outcome.
                                  • JANN R
                                    I AGREE WITH YOU MAREE
                                • James B 70778
                                  They don’t mix
                                  • Sheree T
                                    It is my 46 wedding anniversary this year, we got married in the registry office so there was no big wedding and neither of us had a lot of money. What we have accumulated over the years we worked hard for and it makes you stronger and appreciate the little things in life. Money can be very destructive if not handled wisely.
                                    • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                      CONGRATULATIONS on being married for 46 years and wishing you many more years together
                                    • Sheree TBLACK LIVES MATTER
                                      Thank you Walter xx
                                  • Tupulua S
                                    i think people want to improve the living status with wealth { money} which is one of the thing that we strive for, but in hind site there is lonely. what ever you want you can get it. because you have lots of money.. You can not buy happiness, real warm happiness, and love, real love
                                    • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                      interesting myth - money can not buy you love, etc. - try living without money and findings things in life that are going to make you happy
                                  • MoB
                                    From someone who has been married for 52 years it's easy to see why people don't stay married. Firstly they get together for lust, they spend more than a deposit on a house for a wedding, mostly to impress others. After a couple of years, not being able to save or do things they want to do and the lust wearing off, they want out. Then because they have children or pets a divorce costs another fortune. To get married for love you don't need a big wedding, you need to be aware of your partners faults and they of yours. Then you need to work together to stay in love with them warts and all. Don't start a family for a couple of years that gives you time for each other and to save. If you are in love staying home together and saving hard is no issue. When children come along you are then able to share your love and give them a stable home life. Unfortunately its all about what you have now, house, car, boat etc. most of which are not yet paid for. Love doesn't care if you are communist or capitalist it matters to the two people involved.
                                    • View all 4 replies
                                    • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                      well written and well thought out response to marriage (and why in your case - your marriage works) - CONGRATULATIONS on being marry for 52 years
                                    • Sheree T
                                      My sentiments exactly.You have captured it really well. Also congratulations on your 52 years wishing you many more years together.
                                    • MoBBLACK LIVES MATTER
                                      Thank you kindly. It hasn't always been easy but we have worked through any issues and because we married for love we stayed together through thick and thin.
                                    • mary c
                                      agreed-i think lavish expensive weddings are ridiculous and a waste of money.
                                  • Lachelle B
                                    To get married - costs $$, to be married - costs $$, to decide not to be married anymore - cost $$. I'm 21 years in with my partner unmarried, my siblings are between 21-34 years together with partners unmarried. We have simple rules: Keep it in your pants, ensure the family is taken care of and make us smile, and to reiterate... keep it in your pants lol.
                                    • John b 479999
                                      • Claude H
                                        There are a few golddiggers who get married & once they are entitled to their share get divorced
                                        • kristian s 513441
                                          I think marriage and money don't mix is because people marry the person for the wrong reasons. To me money is the root of all evil which nowadays all people care about is marry a person for their money not for love.
                                          • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                            I personally believe people are the root of all evil - and use the rationale of obtaining money (without any conscience) to excuse their despicable behavior - therefore, they do no have to question their morals, values, scruples, principle, etc. - blame it on the money - the money made me do it!
                                        • PETER M 134659
                                          MONEY-WHAT A STUPID QUESTION?
                                          • The dog house
                                            It could be an arranged marriage. Often they do not have a choice.
                                            • Mariaj
                                              I think both are overrated lol
                                              • APB
                                                People don't need to get married because they are in love (except for religious people...and that's up to them)..the main sensible reason to get married is so that both of you can live happily together in the same country without any problems..the other sad reason is so that someone (or even both parties) are sacrificing something to get a new passport...that's my experience..and I'm so grateful Walter....sometimes the things you say are like a terrible distorted mirror of where I am...and that is so sad..take care mate!
                                                • Leanne B 76015
                                                  People look for goods over comparability
                                                  • Shirley H 391879
                                                    Every woman needs her own money. She needs to know that she doesn’t have to account for every cent she spends. That there is money that is hers to do what she wants with. This is integral to her feeling of independence. So I would advise that both partners have their own account, and another account for household expenses.
                                                    • Aisha A 379399
                                                      I think it takes more than money for a couple to stay together.
                                                      • View all 4 replies
                                                      • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                        why do capitalist countries have the highest divorce rate of countries on this planet?
                                                      • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                        maybe - but lack of money will broke up a couple - quick
                                                      • mary cBLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                        i need a lesson on what are capitalist countries please? am i in one??!!
                                                      • BLACK LIVES MATTERmary c
                                                        since you are on rewardia.com - do you live in Australia, New Zealand, or USA - you live in a capitalistic country
                                                    • Rhonda D 522615
                                                      They want the money. And it might work out.

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