Discussion of the Day
Future Treasures
Not everything around us is cheap badly made rubbish designed to be thrown away in a few years and end up as landfill (OK a lot of it is!) but we have future antiques too things we take for granted and ignore that maybe your grandchildren will treasure...one example is our current "floating floor" laminated floorboards just about indestructible waterproof...the thing I noticed is that when it is installed it looks pretty good...but after 5 or 6 years of having dogs skidding around, furniture and other items being dragged across it...it takes on a great patina it really starts to look REALLY beautiful with heavy wear. I predict that in even 50 years, people are going to pay WAY more for "vintage" laminate flooring. Look around you, there must be lots of other things we have totally missed...and they are all hiding in plain sight!
  • Glenyse H
    Yes get rid of any excesses now as your kids will just get a big bin and dump the lot
    • Karen K 487187
      you die and the next generation will simply dump it in the skip bin, because it won't suit there pretty overpriced house. You have to look suave and pretend to be wealthy. Be who you are and be content with yourself not for others people are just assholes,
      • Ally 2024
        A sandstone garden bench which is heavy and nothing special but at the time it cost a fair amount to purchase.
        • Tracey H 92684
          We have 2 garden bench seats that were brought in 1984 when we lived in QLD. There was 4 to start with. These have been repainted a few times and as of now really do need to be painted. They have moved around Australia and we can not take them apart. So even though they do sit in shade part of the day, they will probably there when I die. The old things last longer then the newer things. Only reason we do not have all 4 now is one was run over by a moving truck and the other one was stolen.
          • APB
            Thank you Tracey..I've lost stuff too for no reason..
        • Empress
          I love op shopping, it's amazing how many treasures you can find. It pays to research any flooring you install. nothing last forever
          • Dominique 1494499
            I love this because that is as factual as it gets. In our “World“ today. Vintage is one of if not the most sought after buys meaning : to sentiment. Coming from a person with experience working the retail thrift industry. Example pictures. Pictures often become ancient artifacts of man made life on accident due to in the sense I happen to be centering… Lost : A tragedy like natural disasters, fires, relationships, left behind for unknown reason etc. Today is what we would consider a form of Art and beauty. You know sort like one mans trash, another man’s treasure; one’s lifespan of pain/hurt, another one’s definition captured to beautifully art explained.👣 cycle of life
            • Merci
              In 1987 (10 days before the global stock market crash - I was the first female to become an associate member of the NZ Stock Exchange) I returned from a 6-week holiday to the Orient. It was the most fantastic thing I'd ever done. I bought a Ching Dynasty (the age after Ming Dynasty) Budha, gold over bronze with a sapphire in forehead. My husband and kids couldn't believe that I'd paid $50,000 for it, with the papers. So I've had it for 40 years already and I expect it will last for several more lifetimes. Will it be worth $50,000 when I pass on? I don't know and really don't care! I have it on a shelf where I see it every day and it gives me great pleasure to wonder what sort of actions/stories it could tell if it were able. I also have thigh high white marble statues of David and Venus d'Milo, they too give me enormous pleasue to look at...
              • Paula J 395266
                I don't think I would pay WAY more for old flooring. There will most probably be something entirely different in 50 years. I well remember lino. What I call treasures are small things, photo's, ornaments or jewellery. My father gave me all of his treasures and I really don't know what to do with them. He had kept the drivers licence he was given when he joined the army, he was underage but had to learn to drive once in the army. I cleaned out a cupboard the other day and came across a little tin box and when I opened it I found it was a tiny razor complete with blades. Dad probably didn't even shave when he joined up and it looks as though it has never been used. I feel I should check with one of the museums because dad's little razor is a veteran of D Day and I don't know if there are any others still out there after all these years.
                • Danielle R 478487
                  My grandfather brought home a cigarette case,small silver and lined inside. It had a map of Malta ingraved on the front. He was a w.w.2 military police officer ,it was gifted to him by another soldier
                • Paula J 395266Danielle R 478487
                  It sounds very nice. My father didn't get out of the army after the way but became a military policeman stationed in Italy.
              • Catalina
                Future antiques- I like that! If I look around myself, almost everything is already have a...patina. I wonder who sees it ...except me
                • palvinder kaur 1493563
                  I think family is our treasurer
                  • Claude H
                    I have no intention of dragging anything across my floor
                    • Greg B 520364
                      Yes I agree. I was a beautiful baby. Eighty years later look at me now. Like a good wine I have improved.
                      • Larry S 382961
                        news foks.no ATM's outside of earth,no antique dealers so why worry
                        • View all 3 replies
                        • APB
                          You planning on going somewhere Larry?
                        • Larry S 382961APB
                          No still here
                        • APBLarry S 382961
                          we will be keeping an eye on you...
                      • Danielle R 478487
                        For me it's books in print,in particular," special edition,or limited edition covers" Not only are books in print going to be less ,but the artwork on some is amazing. Both my boys share my live of books. I even have some signed by the author as I used to go to book launches with author present.
                        • doug p 631197
                          No family so I couldn't care less about the future or leaving valuables to anyone. I take each day as it comes. Not all laminate floors are Waterproof and these will void insurance claims should a liquid accident happen. In New Zealand we have a lot of new flooring options that leave laminate flooring in the dark ages.
                          • Don H 1233477
                            I'm a collector of Stamps and Coins in the hoper my Great Grandchildren will benefit educationally and financially
                            • nina m 212027
                              i have a few antiques but i have spoken to the kids about them when i go but don,t seem to be interested i,m on my last run so what happens to the i will never know
                              • Claudette 1462811
                                Se seras certainement plus cher.
                                • Ram 1380429
                                  Antiques are great things to care for !
                                  • Pam G 449028
                                    I’m all for refurbishing timber furniture instead of throwing it away.
                                    • Wendy Q
                                      We have beautifully polished wooden floor boards, look amazing.
                                      • Carolyn K 714554
                                        We had flooring boards and they were a great problem. Constant moving, forming gaps etc. they had to be replaced with tiles.
                                        • Paul B 522937
                                          I think I will put my money into a gold plated coffin so I can take it all with me
                                          • Therese M 73305
                                            Wouldn't stiletto heals do a lot of damage over time little indents every where I still say you can't beat carpet
                                            • Sarah G 76834
                                              Our future treasure is nicely summed up in the Bible. Lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth where moth and rust doth corrupt and thieves break through and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where moth and rust do not corrupt and thieves do not break through and steal. For where your treasure is there will your heart be also. - This means that things of this life are worthless but if you live to follow Christ you will live forever in God's kingdom on earth. There will be no poverty or greed because everyone will live under their own vine or fig tree.
                                              • Jenny L 591463
                                                Well with time every thing becomes vintage. There are things we had when we were children that are now worth a furtune if we hadn't taken them out of the box to play with. Left it in the dirt some where, lost it along the way into adulthood. Every thing is made of plastic and plastic gets brittle and things aren't made like they were once upon a time. We live in a throw away society and as much as we try to repurpose things it is just the way it is and will only get worse as the years go on. We are drowning in plastic and land fills are surely filling up at a great rate of knots. Who knows what is next or what is around the corner. Only time will tell.
                                                • Sonya F 68771
                                                  people dont care about old stuff they just want new and then throw it away
                                                  • Carol S 657195
                                                    I agree, and people have made fun of me for years for hoarding certain things because I think they'll be worth money someday. My things are not pretty things in my home since I can't afford those. My hidden treasures are things from my childhood. I have my highchair that probably both my older sisters, and at least two of my nephews used as babies. I have a little red vinyl upholstered rocking chair that was mine as a toddler. I have a doll the size of a three-year old that is in great condition! I have several other dolls from the 50's an 60's! None of my family has any interest in these items, and I have no children or even stepchildren to leave them to. When I check the value of them, they are not nearly what I thought they should be worth. My big doll is over 60 years old! I feel like a bad mom if I sell her! LOL I seriously do feel that way after having her so many years.I have Fenton art glass that I paid a lot for, and it is probably worth less than I paid for it! I have Byrd Chrystal that is no longer produced and a porcelain bird collection that sells for very little on eBay. Overall, it's disappointing. I have an old stamp collection, and an old penny collection. One thing that I know is worth money are my mother's wedding rings, and those are very difficult for me to party with.Being sentimental, doesn't mean what you treasure someone else will. That's what hurts! They are precious and priceless to me. I guess I'll keep them to make me happy in the time I have left and not worry what happens when I'm gone. The greatest treasure is my home in heaven!!!
                                                    • Shawn B 1061185
                                                      I tend to hoard old computers and CD/DVD. Will they ever be valuable? Maybe my original MacIntosh from 1984 or my John F. Kennedy speeches album from the early 1960's.
                                                      • Henrietta
                                                        I agree with Catherine G 309964
                                                        • Catherine G 309964
                                                          Our whoal family are collectors (read hoarders lol) of different things
                                                          • Bugalugs
                                                            I wish I had never collected anything and am in the process of disposessing myself of all of it! The family aren't interested and i know they will either send stuff off to the local Charity Shop, sned it to auction or simply throw it all away. I am going Minimalist!
                                                            • Beverley 1411982
                                                              Have lots of treasures ..will make a photo book for all of my sons and grandchild ...with a story and photos..as for the rest is it my treasure or theirs.... who knows ..only hope if they do not keep stuff they get some money for it..unless they know the history ,,it may not be important,,,just let them know.... it is their decision..... just hope they appreciate the books.....andl live their lives the best they can to have a fulfilling life...I treasure all of my loved memories in my heart...need to make a book for myself so that when I forget i can maybe remember to look at it to remind me.... a book is best with a copy on a stick or file .....copy to all so if lost they can replace it .....Other treasures I have are worth money..as they are very old .. but only treasures to those who want them ......Our treasures are another person's junk...... our children need to make their own memories..and pass it on...without a lot of junk.
                                                              • Cher
                                                                My adult children do not want my treasured stuff they call junk because they are minimalists. Perhaps the grandkids would? At ages 3 and 6, they love playing in my stuff. Sure hope that does not change. lol
                                                                • Robert T 597718
                                                                  as always you are right APB in total agreement
                                                                  • Joe B 288252
                                                                    Some days I feel like an antique and I’m pretty sure somebody treasures me……..somewhere…….l hope………ll
                                                                    • Elizabeth A 807208
                                                                      I have crystal vases and dishes and a box of silver cutlery that my parents gave me for my 21st birthday and never used but my family are not interested in them.
                                                                      • TERRIE K
                                                                        My late husband used to collect stamps and they are to be given to our children to pass down. We also have floating floors but they are being damaged because of the mine work that goes on all around us. Don't think they'll be much good in a few years time though
                                                                        • Rachelle 1472965
                                                                          I used to collect stamps and old coins, I gave those to my children to pass to their children. So far they still have them.
                                                                          • Dianne 1442893
                                                                            I think handmade items will be valuable..So few people crocs, knit, quilt, needlepoint or sew these days. I know i have things made by my mother and grandmother I really treasure and I’m 75 years old
                                                                            • Joy L 68767
                                                                              I was going to say books as everything is now on audio or kindle. the other thing that is making a huge come back at the moment is vinyl records
                                                                              • Caryl H
                                                                                Everything is a treasure to someone and it might not be of great value or age Nicholas Cage has a phobia of anything antique whereas others will pay a fortune for things of historical age Do you remember what you or a friend or even a small and young child would collect and consider their treasure it might be marbles or cars for some and continues to be cars ,as they get older Wether of aged or new prototype whereas women or girls will collect jewellery shoes or handbags but a toddler might have a butterfly or a piece of broken coloured glass as their treasure or grannies lace decorative hanky because it had that special perfume on it . My sister would have a piece of pure silk as one of her treasures but my brother. Had dad's old army coat and would wear it come winter or summer another sibling's was a tiny set tool's that would fit in their hand Treasure are what ever you find to bring you the greatest satisfaction to. Own but remember it might not be to everyone's taste. What was or. Still is your treasure mine was and still is Books I like the smell of old and new books each has a unique smell.
                                                                                • Pato Lo Duck
                                                                                  Floating, indestructible, waterproof, you could go sailing on it, maybe?
                                                                                  • Sharon T 891767
                                                                                    1pt. Maghony bed and dresser is over 200 yrs old passed down.
                                                                                    • Gunter L
                                                                                      Oh no!!! Not another oxymoron. "Hiding in plain sight" Now, I ask you: "Really?"
                                                                                      • Pato Lo Duck
                                                                                        It’s clowns hiding in plain sight that amuse me the most…
                                                                                    • Dada WA
                                                                                      • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                        cesarean section birth for me - raised in a tent - no floors - DEEP SOUTH - USA - minority - no future treasures in my future - can't relate - seriously - LOL
                                                                                        • Sheree T
                                                                                          I have a few treasures that belonged to my mum and grandmother and they will be handed down to my children and grandchildren.
                                                                                          • pam rae
                                                                                            hi Jann R
                                                                                            • Deborah 1368787
                                                                                              I have a few “vintage “ items mixed with new 😊
                                                                                              • JANN R
                                                                                                I have heaps of old stuff antiques not much modern things and they have been handed down to me I would not change any of them some of the things I have go back to my great Aunt and great Gandmother so they are very valuable
                                                                                                • writerrochelle
                                                                                                  I choose used over new 99.9% of the time but, after losing 45 pounds, I did splurge and buy new underwear, but replaced most of my clothes after donating the now oversized ones with smaller sizes from the Garage of Blessings, a free to donate, free to receive store here in Oak Harbor! ;-D
                                                                                                  • pam rae
                                                                                                    TYVM Susan KTC
                                                                                                    • Val 1394045
                                                                                                      1 pt
                                                                                                      • The dog house
                                                                                                        In Australia long ago we made our own products and they lasted decades now a kettle may last a year if you are lucky. We rely too much on other Countries inferior products and yes it all ends up in land fill
                                                                                                        • Tupulua S
                                                                                                          your health is the most important treasure for you and your love ones in the future, not material things
                                                                                                          • Tina 423889
                                                                                                            I love things that are older and stronger
                                                                                                            • Maria B 89860
                                                                                                              Future Treasures can even just be actual pieces of junk once owned by either a famous or infamous person ... think it depends on the hype being created around it.
                                                                                                              • Chosen
                                                                                                                I have to say I too get better with age and am certainly worth keeping for prosperity. A collectors item if ever there was.
                                                                                                                • Brandy N 1191175
                                                                                                                  Something are better old the newer crap never last like it used to.
                                                                                                                  • PETER M 134659
                                                                                                                    can't get rid of sentimental stuff. memories.
                                                                                                                    • Darla T
                                                                                                                      I agree but sadly the younger generations don't see the value in the mid-century pieces or the old china, silverware, and glassware but rather, find it dumpster worthy at best.
                                                                                                                      • pam rae
                                                                                                                        I STILL HAVE ANTIGUES AND GRANDMOTHER'S FURNITURE PLUS PARENTS HAD HIGH END FURNITURE STORES AND BUILT MY HOME WITH THE BEST ONE COULD BUY TO PASS DOWN ALL WHEN THE TIME COMES
                                                                                                                        • Tania NSW
                                                                                                                          I had my parents furniture it lasted many years
                                                                                                                          • Colin L 88398
                                                                                                                            Or just simply sand it back and estapol it.
                                                                                                                            • Sarah 1325723
                                                                                                                              • boy blunder
                                                                                                                                seen many a laminated floor destroyed by people who have no idea how to mop clean doesn't take much water for the laminate to lift but a great floor to have i agree
                                                                                                                                • boy blunder
                                                                                                                                  I would love to think my art/craftwork might be valuable, , my collection of Johnny Walker blue bottles, and my ceramic bells scotch whisky bottle, yes they are still unopened, maybe my Lego pictures portraits i scored this old porta potty from a house i cleaned out also a cupboard made out of a old fridge is great for storing bottles
                                                                                                                                  • Linda 1473555
                                                                                                                                    Recliners are my choice. So comfy. I have a cork floor and love it. They are natural insulation as well as looking good all the time.
                                                                                                                                    • david j t
                                                                                                                                      i am a hoarder
                                                                                                                                      • Holly Cat
                                                                                                                                        I'd say you can still find some dishes, pots and pans that are good quality. I recently bought a plate set made in America (hard to find) from a small company and I suspect these plates will last. I also have a plate set I bought during my college days made in USA that are still decent and now this same company my plates are from only has plates made in China now, so I better hold onto the ones I bought long ago for dear life!

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