Discussion of the Day
Coughs and Headaches?...JUST USE THIS!
Surveys often want to how many painkillers and cough medicines you buy in a year....if you say none you are instantly flung out...and on TV there is a constant barrage of adverts telling which painkillers and cough medicines to buy...who is buying all this stuff?...if you are buying it regularly...like groceries...do you think that is normal?...why aren't people going to see doctors?...this industry is raking in millions of dollars...what do you think?
  • mary c
    i buy alot of panadol..always something hurting- usually my head.
    • PETER M 134659
      or sometimes.... something stronger
      • Paula J 395266
        Panadol is my go to but I think I know when to see a doctor. I try to eat healthy and take antioxidants but if I think I'm coming down with a cold I get out the Sambucol which is terrific and natural. For painful joints I use pain patches which once again are natural. If people are buying medicines like lollies I'm not one of them. I take prescribed drugs to keep me alive and even they have side effects which need treating so I am very careful about what I take. Even good old Panadol can kill you if you overdose on it.
        • Florence C 838397
          I try what my mom use to give me first. Then if that does not work. I call the doctor. But usually I can control it myself.
          • Paula J 395266
            I agree.
        • Imperia S
          I rely on my chemist to tell me what we need, however if it's a bad flu than it'sthe doctors choice, it's lemon and ginger tea with honey for us
          • Ruth v
            Cold and flu tablets.
            • lynda e 390007
              Panadol by script from Dr. Coughs n colds good ole cough medicine thats it, I eat who lemon including rind for real chesty or sore throat coughs.
              • Dimitri T 100433
                rarely take painkiller when pain is intolerable
                • Asesh S
                  Take painkillers if it is absolutely necessary otherwise I do without.
                  • Helen E 385873
                    my dad is currently in hospital due to to much acid from panadol over the years in his blood
                    • Pat C 618241
                      Hubby and I suffer from hayfever but rarely have coughs or colds. Being aged I find that aches and pains can be assisted by Osteomol which is for those of us with arthritis and aching limbs. For a not too bad headache we use Panadol. I am horrified that so many younger people are using heavy opiates for what appears to be just a headache.I only see my doctor about 3/4 times per year.
                      • Alicia 777371
                        • Greg B 520364
                          Apart from the odd vitamin I don't take any of these cough medicines.
                          • Pamela P 877367
                            I take 4 ibuprofen for everything…works for me!
                            • boy blunder
                              I have a special bottle that fixes my aches n pains its called booker t bourbon, it's not good on hair growth though, but I am gonna keep trying I agree with you these companies are machines, gov pay them to create medicine and then we pay them for the so-called cure, give me booker t or any decent bourbon
                              • Paula J 395266
                                Way back in the sixties I had Bronchitis so bought a bottle of cough medicine from Washington Soul H Pattinson and when I was better I put the bottle away. About 20 years later I had a bad cough so dragged my old bottle out but used it all before the cough had gone. I went to buy another but wasn't able to find it so got the empty bottle from the bin and took it to the local chemist asking why I wasn't able to find it. He asked where I got the bottle and how long I'd had it. It seems it had been banned 15 odd years before, alcohol I think. If I'd had it all of those years I was hardly addicted to it. The pity is that it really did work.
                              • boy blunderPaula J 395266
                                yes it really does if i get that dry itch in the back of my throat a good scotch or bourbon gargled helps immensely
                            • Jenny L 591463
                              Yes advertising is to make you think you want and need some thing when in reality they just want your money. I do not buy cough syrups and I haven't for a long time, we do have Panadol or Aspro for head aches but we hardly use them at all. We also use Voltaren for other pains and boy they look funny at you buying that and it is just over the counter medication. Hubby was mowing this week and fell over so he had a Voltaren and he was good again. Any one got any tips for going through menopause? Getting old isn't fun I must say.
                              • Maria B
                                Because I had a DVT and a family history of breast cancer, I wasn't able to take hormone tablets for menopause and was advised to take remodeling, which is a natural product and can be bought over the counter at a pharmacy .
                              • Jenny L 591463Maria B
                                Okay Maria B Thank you I will ask my GP tomorrow as I am on medication for hypertension. I am having night sweats and some sleeplessness and quite emotional.
                            • SueS
                              I try not to take any drugs. Healthy eating, sunshine and fresh air.
                              • Mooi
                                I have a very good doctor. He does not prescribe drugs unless it is really necessary. Been with him for over 25 years. I dread the day he retires. Doctors like him are very hard to find. If I get a cold I only use paracetamol but I do take Vitamin C every day and Vitamin D because my levels are low.
                                • Paula J 395266
                                  Try Elderberry. It's full of antioxidants.
                              • Robert L NZ
                                • JANET R 328390
                                  And you think Drug Companies - the stuff Doctors prescribe arent raking in EVEN MORE????. Wake up ..... Doctors aren't going to suggest natural remedies..........
                                  • Glenys H 310155
                                    I take aspirin daily on doctors recommendation following a heart attack, I have always had panadol available in the cupboard for other members of the household. I prefer to decide if and when I need other items if and when the need arises. for myself it is generally hot lemon drinks and plenty of fluids.
                                    • Greg B 520364
                                      More beer
                                  • Igor A
                                    The topic is too simple in the outside. Then it makes you think and you see it is too complex inside. So, I quit this discussion.
                                    • Colin L 88398
                                      Over the counter meds are a rip off most of the time, however when you have to buy the product which has been removed from the PBS because it is cheaper than PBS Prices you are sort of stuck with buying it. In many cases combining medications produce better outcomes then taking just one medication and as the drug companies do not make the combination meds you have to make your own at the recommendation of your GP or Specialist.
                                      • Sonya F 68771
                                        Hot lemon and honey is good, panadol for a headaches
                                        • Tupulua S
                                          drink pure lemon juice. straight off lemon tree. add half teaspoon honey
                                          • Bev
                                            The only painkillers I buy are Panadol Rapid.
                                            • Empress
                                              Because of being locked up, our natural immunity isn't being strengthened. People with normal immunity might get sick for a few days. Elderly and immuno compromised people will die. I always have painkillers/cold-flu tabs and immediately take more rest, hot soup and orange juice, tea with lemon and honey..You can't go and see a doctor now. If you have a runny nose they won't see you. We need to be more aware of our immune systems, I take supplements to keep me healthy and eat good food (vegs and fruits). If you give your body a fighting chance rest will allow it to get well and form immunity. Nothing has changed since this Covid garbage came around, they have just given it all a new name to panic us.
                                              • Elizabeth A 807208
                                                I am 85 and have never had a headache in my life feel so soorry for those who have them regularly. For coughs my mother used to give me hot water with a teaspoon of whisky and some honey - it sure worked quickly on coughs and colds
                                                • Jan H 753322
                                                  we have panadol in our home all the time and will try cough lozenges etc so as not to have to go to the dr . we are on enough presription medication as it is
                                                  • Lyn B 70486
                                                    Paracetamol in house no cough medicines as I don't get colds. only other medications I take are prescription medications
                                                    • Paul J 94868
                                                      I always have Paracetomol in the house. Otherwise prescription only...
                                                      • Bugalugs
                                                        The worst surveys of all are the endless ones about Banking, Insurance and Cars. Just what do those commissioning these surveys actually do with all the garbage they collect? Cars: they ask what sort of Car you have, are planning to buy and how much you are planning to spend. They then ask you to select from the following list and they include Top of the Range and Most expensive vehicles - Many might love to own a Maybach - well over $AU1 million - but few can afford to so why include? All Insurance and Banks are the same. They all belong to a massive World-wide Cartel and that includes all of Australia's Banks and Insurance companies. They same prices, the same rush to increase Interest and Premium rates to borrowers and insurers, the same refusal to pass on Increases in Interest rates to Depositors and the same rush to Reduce Interest rates to Depositors all making the same multi-billion dollar Profits. The banking and Finance Cartel is so strong Governments are scared to stand up to them and allow them to do as they wish. The same applies to the Pharmaceutical Industry - brand names are dearer than so-called Generic Brands - most of which are owned by the International Brands which operate their own Cartel across the world. Most so-called cough medicines are a gigantic scam, a couple of paracetamol, keep warm and stay home are usually enough to address and fix a cold.
                                                        • Carolina Z
                                                          i am senior, retired and avoid all kinds of medication and vitamins, yet i am healthy by God's grace
                                                          • Poppy
                                                            Me too, Doc wants me to go on statines but I just refuse so he washed his hand off me
                                                          • Carolina ZPoppy
                                                            good on tyou, Bob!
                                                        • Elizabeth T 396096
                                                          What I also think is ridiculous is when prescreeners ask you "please select everything that you have done or purchased in the last 3 or 6 months" and then you choose everything and then they give you a warning for choosing too many options saying it is :unrealistic". Their questions and answers are ridiculously unrealistic. Let's face it, even if it were about one month only, who can say they haven't drunk more than 3 of the following types of beveridges (ie: tea, coffee, milk, iced coffee, flavoured milk, water, juice, sparking water, vodka, beer, cider, red wine, white wine, tequila, scotch, gin etc) but if you choose more than 3 they think you are lying. RIDICULOUS!!!!
                                                          • Scott R 947830
                                                            There's nothing a little Single Malt Scotch won't take care of...
                                                            • Danielle R 478487
                                                              I suffer from migraines,some from my Narcolypsy(seizures,lack of good rest). I will take a Neurofen tablet. Other is from air conditioning,sudden drops in temp. Pain is from sinuses closing up. A hot shower or steaming hot face cloth,cup of boiled water gives me relief.Soup for colds,and ease a cold chewable tablets to boost immune system if I am really unwell. Medication has a profound effect on me so a little goes a long way. I try not to buy too much as I am concerned with use by date. I feel bed rest is best and lots of water for me.
                                                              • Helen L 750218
                                                                liquid Advil is great for a tooth ache. Id keep stocked up medication in preparation for ....
                                                                • Lyn A.
                                                                  for coughs I make own syrup. Painkillers I keep good stock of so when the time comes and I need euthanasia and wont meet our current standards to have.Yes it maybe classed as suicide but I have said for 40 plus years that when I can't look after myself I want to leave this world. At the moment our laws only allow for terminal illness likely to kill you within 6 months
                                                                  • Pato Lo Duck
                                                                    OxyContin is great with a few beers… Sometimes it makes you wonder if your head is even still there..
                                                                    • Sheree T
                                                                      Panadol and lots of rest.
                                                                      • Angie
                                                                        Nuromol is the best!
                                                                        • Ann H 652541
                                                                          I always take what the doctor prescribes it and Tylenol usually and singular if Tylenol and singular do not do it I go to the doctor
                                                                          • The dog house
                                                                            I only use paracetamol for headaches, pain and colds.
                                                                            • Beverly I
                                                                              I take panadols ,if I really need them for arthritis,which is hardly ever,as I believe eating a diet with mainly fruit and veges also excercise helps the arthritis, making lemon tea with a little ginger and honey ,for colds flu's and of course arthritis. I keep colds and flu's away by taking vitamin C every day .
                                                                              • Chosen
                                                                                Just harden up.
                                                                                • Vivian M 867575
                                                                                  hot lemon and honey drink
                                                                                  • Claude H
                                                                                    Who can afford a Doctor?
                                                                                    • allin
                                                                                      aspirin, chicken soup and fluids, for colds, but there are those folks that think the drug department at Walmart will cure anything, nice poll Dr A ;-))
                                                                                      • Jeanine R
                                                                                        Rest is always a good option or fresh air. I do need meds once in a while but I do not abuse it as what happens is it does not work any more then
                                                                                        • Dennis M 546874
                                                                                          headache? bed rest / sleep. cough? hot water with lemon juice, honey & scotch. still got it after a day? phone Healthline.
                                                                                          • kristian s 513441
                                                                                            I use headaches medicine that is prescribed from my doctor in which I don't use nonprescription medicine for my headaches. Then coughs medicine I normally uses hot liquid kind that you put in the microwave.
                                                                                            • Tiffany L 690503
                                                                                              It hard to imagine an world without reasonable medication
                                                                                              • Joanne N 391824
                                                                                                bunch of meds getting ready for the winter coming some people cant get to a dr or dont have ins.
                                                                                                • Disie
                                                                                                  Plain greed in companies. I don't think they should be advertising them at the moment anyway, because with Covid, it may not be the start of a cold. Maybe a disclaimer that you should check for Covid symptoms first.
                                                                                                  • Suzanne B 819834
                                                                                                    I use Panadol and Voltaren regularly to ease pain and enable me to exercise daily. This helps mental health as well. I don't usually buy into cough remedies. I find rest, hydrate and keep your germs to yourself the best course.
                                                                                                    • Paul W 383502
                                                                                                      Sometimes the doctors haven't got all the answers and you have to take painkillers. I just go for the mildest, which don't always work satisfactorily, but I don't want to get hooked on others, so I put up with some pain.
                                                                                                      • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                                        I still check with my GP (MD) - when it comes to OTC (medical remedies) - just to make sure there "isn't" any potential negative interactions with my prescribed medications :-))!
                                                                                                        • Linda C
                                                                                                          Doctors cannot do anything for coughs or colds etc. Old remedy, pain killer and or cough medicine, chicken soup and bed rest. Cold flannel on forehead or neck helps with a headache (I have suffered with migranes) and bed rest in a dark room. Having these products on hand can help especially if you live alone but now days most chemists will deliver free of charge but you have to wait most of the day hence, better to be prepared.
                                                                                                          • View all 4 replies
                                                                                                          • Nola B 392757
                                                                                                            Buy a jar of Vicks Vapour rub...will fix all of the above...even the migraines...dab on your temples. Good for leg cramps too.
                                                                                                          • APBNola B 392757
                                                                                                            be careful where you apply it!
                                                                                                          • Nola B 392757APB
                                                                                                          • just me- NZAPB

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