Discussion of the Day
Two types of Calendars
Why does this world need to use two types of calendars? In 1582 the Pope introduced the Gregorian Calendar, as the old calendar was incorrect by not having an allowance of a leap year & by 11 minutes in a year short fall. This was called the Julian Calendar. If the old calendar is short by a day & minutes, why does it still allow to be operated? To me, in my opinion, it is so confusing when you have 2 of everything. Like 2 Xmases, 2 New Years, 2 Easters, one of each is bad enough to celebrate & can get so expensive. When you have a mixed marriage or couples, you need to do this twice. Finished 1 celebration & again 2 weeks later to redo it again. This is ridicules that after 441 years it is still going. There should be a rule for the whole world to follow the main calendar like everyone else does. What do you think is this fair to have two calendars?
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