Discussion of the Day
Every woman in the world is entitled to reproductive rights!
Kimberly H09-Oct-20
Gosh, a woman should be in charge of her own body, it's a basic human right. The patriarchy should have no say whatsoever. I cannot believe in 2020 women are still fighting for reproductive rights. It's like living in the dark ages.
  • PETER M 134659
    • Sabine V
      No one should have the right to tell or control a women let alone anyone
      • Beverly I
        A women should have a say for who own body
        • Margaret C 77490
          But if a woman wants to have Children older that should be ok aswell but after 33 it can be harder for her .
          • Margaret C 77490
            It tricky as some women or even men can't look after themselves let alone a child .but if someone can look after themselves,give birth safely and care for the children then I that person wants a bigger family and can naturally do that or through other means I'm all for that.like a child dosnt need to have rich parents and woman shouldn't have to wait to give birth to a child like until they are financially set up after their 30 . My mum had me at 23 personally I don't think that is too young not is a 18 yr having a child their first 1 .I think we need to encourage more woman to have kids between 18 yr to 30 and then if they have to raise kid on their own then we give them free childcare and courses paid for so they can work .woman should be able to work full-time and raise a family at same time.
            • Margaret C 77490
              It a woman right to be in charge of her own body and if in a relationship and guy didn't want baby then it still woman choose if she wants to keep it .it doesn't matter if she is single or in a relationship and if woman dosnt want baby but the guy does then the baby could still be born if we legalised surrocany in Australia.also their is woman who love getting pregnant and giving birth but dont want to keep that baby so if surrogacy was available to these group of woman than that be good as long as mum and bub are healthy . Another tricky thing about this is should a woman who is on drugs ,an acholic or even abused say 1 child be allowed to give birth to more children or would it be better that she had say or tubes tied
              • Imperia S
                With a name like Zing makes me think that you are not Australian, or from a Civilized Country, Pull your head in, and stop being so offensive, shame on you, And Rewardia, you should stop his postings, We are a friendly lot and we don't need him/her or shall I say IT
                • Edith v
                  I thought we were in the 21st century
                  • Disie
                    Totally agree. If we had an all-woman Government, this wouldn't be an issue
                    • Ivan S 396292
                      Is it any rights for men this days?
                      • Disie
                        Are you thinking of having or aborting a baby with your body? No? Well, this is about WOMENS rights over their bodies so men can't say NO you can't take the pill, you can't have that abortion with your own body. Men are never criticised for this!
                    • Katzeye
                      I'm not going to say too much on this subject because enough has been said about it already but I will say that I agree with you Kimberly H.Yes a woman should be in charge of her own body but if you are in a relationship then the discussion of having children or not having children should be talked about between the both of you,not just one sided.If a woman who is single decides to not have children then that is her choice and her choice alone,no one should force her in to motherhood if she does not want to be a mother.I have a few friends who have never had children and they don't regret it.
                      • Jeanine R
                        I get it yes you are entitled to do as you wish if you are a woman even it there are others that do not agree not a difficult discussion have a good one
                        • Margarret F
                          Absolutely agree. Some of us need to note the plight of others in other parts of the world. Bad trends are emerging even where there is better education which in the past has helped women.
                          • Paul B 88412
                            I agree wholeheartedly - women should not be dictated to as to having children!!!!
                            • roger l 315504
                              Hey, but some soerm donors have been ordered to support the outcomes of some women's exercise of their reproductive rights
                              • Leanne B 76015
                                My body my choice
                                • Graham I
                                  Quite agree Kimberley; should be a woman's right to decide on reproduction or not.
                                  • Barbara T
                                    Your body, your right; end of story. Next!
                                    • Paul J 94868
                                      What about the rights of the unborn child? Just asking...
                                      • Sonya F 68771
                                        Women are strong we can do anything
                                        • Joe B 288252
                                          This is a given and the woman chooses to or not to but once it’s done then there are biiiig responsibilities that most people tend to forget.
                                          • Beverley S 383001
                                            Only as long as the woman (and the necessary man for fertilisation) think about the rights of the child too.
                                            • Mr White
                                              Last time I checked, doesn’t it take a Woman & a Man to reproduce, 2 consensual individuals, equal involvement in this modern educated age, as you need to let Mother Nature takes it course, each generation needs to be more advanced than the last.
                                              • Kristina L 134251
                                                I think all moralistic choices are up to the person. When people criticise I just remember the quote ‘criticism is the luxury of the uninvolved’.
                                                • Pat P 206247
                                                  It is a woman’s right
                                                  • CHERRY BLOSSOM
                                                    It's up to the woman themselves anyway.Women are better off without men.
                                                    • Bugalugs
                                                      Of course it should be a woman's right. However I do wonder whether a woman who deliberately puts off having a child in order to pursue a career - a choice she has the absolute Right to make - should then when she gone through menopause and is no longer able to conceive naturally should then be eligible for IVF. I cannot understand why it is srtll considered somehow worthy of negative criticism should a woman decide she wants to have a child or children and she decides she wants to stay at home and rear them.
                                                      • Lachelle B
                                                        Want to mention that there is a sperm donor who has 'fathered' 200 children so far. Oh the repercussions if one of them met another and had no idea and started a relationship.
                                                        • Anneliese
                                                          Yes a woman has the right to what is happening to her body. I know in some countries it's illegal to have abortions or use contraception and people go to jail for it. So we are really lucky here that we allow women to have choices.
                                                          • doug m 408074
                                                            I spent several years working with the intellectually disabled and have to wonder if an intellectually disabled woman should reproduce!
                                                            • Bugalugs
                                                              If they have Family Support - as opposed to relying on Social Services - then there are no reasons why an Intellectually Disabled couple should not have a child. Just because one, or both parents are disabled that does not mean that any of their children will be. Who knows one of those children may turn out to be the World's greatest medical benefactor.
                                                          • Robert nsw
                                                            a women should have control over there own bodys
                                                            • Aisha A 379399
                                                              It is 2020 but in some countries women still can't afford birth control so they will have children whether they want to or not. Abortion is also not an option unless you go to a quack doctor.
                                                              • APB
                                                                In the dark ages most babies did not survive past the age of 5 so the whole thing about not having them wasn't really an issue then....
                                                                • APB
                                                                  Gosh, I think that this is the fight NOT to have reproduction...isn't that right?....no-one is fighting to have babies...no-one seems to have a problem WITH reproduction....which is strange because there are already far too many of us here already..the fewer people on the planet the better....isn't that right Kimberly?....we can't just rely on pandemics and wars to save the species...
                                                                  • Linda C
                                                                    I agree. It is our body who has to go through the traumas of child birth, usually raising the child with very little help from anyone else (yes I know there are good men/fathers out there but I am generalising). If a woman is raped she has the right to decide. I do not believe in abortion for convenience sake of course but there are circumstances when it is necessary for health reasons being either physical or mental and even economical in some circumstances.
                                                                    • Shirley H 391879
                                                                      • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                        Her body, her life, without input from males (since males do not give birth) on her reproductive rights!

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