Discussion of the Day
Taxing the Rich!
The old cliche is: The rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer! Australia is one of the richest nations in the world.
Our percentage of Millionaires is --- growing.
Our percentage of poor are also --- growing.
Do you believe we should tax the wealthy more, to help the poor?
How do we narrow the gap?
  • Robert 1418630
    Let's tax all these companies that can use multiple tax agent to minimise there tax to zero our government is so weak and feeble at fixing the tax problem of big corporations why because one day aĺl there politicians want a job with these corporations let stop this madness where they can borrow money from there parent companies and keep doing it so the claim there are in debt and are given a pass by our corrupt politicians
    • Terry 1443234
      Taxes are already proportional by percentage, thus the more wealthy already pay a much higher level of tax. Programs that assist lower income people are important, however, socialists need to realize that seizing money earned by others will not improve the lives of lower income people. Tax too much and that wealthy company or individual will simply move to a geographical area that doesn’t have as high of tax level, thus you will have much less income by tax. Look at Baltimore and Detroit to see examples of this. People are leaving California at an alarming rate due to taxation.
      • Gunter L
        There has always been, and there will always be a gap.
        • Glenice L 1244113
          The math would suggest to help close the gap, keep the rich okay and the poor less despondent, it's fine to level a tax on the richest and to also spread that tax into improving livelihoods for all. Otherwise, the rich may be safer to live in their cocoons and to never mix with the persons they likely made all their wealth from. Then again, some folks just like to think they're the richest because they legally acquired every penny and never cut any corners and perhaps others even owe them some admiration. To those who worked, invested or inherited, good on you, but unless your faces are on the money, it may not all remain with you either. The economy won't get too much farther if we tax the poor. Perhaps if taxes were not thought of as punishments, an extra 1% - 2% tax from the rich to the poorer could help overall growth in the long run. So, a wealth tax could help others who are slipping way too fast into poverty and much cheaper than having to correct the mayhem that too much poverty can cause.
          • P F
            As a single male with no children & a half decent paying job, why do I pay so much tax and yet when the tax budget comes around I get zero back?. And before someone tells me "Well you got money with low expenses." Well that's true cause I made it that way. I put myself through university. Moved interstate to get a job. Started at the bottom and worked my way up. I live in a small apartment and drive a 15 year old car. I made the right choices and put the effort in. Why do I feel I'm being penalized all the time?
            • Gunter L
              You are not being penalized,
          • Fran M 1064096
            Those who are wealthier should not be taxed more just because they have achieved wealth. However, they should pay the same rate as those with lesser means and no loopholes. That simple change would automatically create more tax payments from those with more. We want people to do well so we should not punish them when they do. Just don't give them exceptional rewards such as ways to bypass their fair share of taxes. A simple percentage of money earned for everyone would make that happen. The same percentage.
            • Anton A 1225344
              What people need to understand is that for a few people to have much, a lot of people need to have nothing. If everyone was a millionaire, then money would have no value and everyone would have nothing.
              • Grommie
                tax the "rich"...ghastly word, and they move away, and the poor are poorer for it.
                • Erica L 393135
                  Yes, tax them, they don't pay their fair share and they do not pay their employees well at all, all they are doing is getting richer and richer by the day, while we all struggle to put gas in the car, food on the table and pay for medical bills. How much money does one person need, really. If we were all paid equally, we would all be happy and rich.
                  • Grommie
                    the green eyed envy monster shines through. You are speaking communism, and look how brilliant that is.
                • boy blunder
                  I am poor and very happy I get buy and i am really happy do i want to die rich no do i want to die happy yes
                  • Anna Rogers
                    They should definitely pay their fair share and I think loopholes they manage to use should be closed. However I am getting a bit sick of this envy culture against the rich. Firstly, apart from inherited wealth, Lotto winners or others who’ve done very little to earn their wealth the majority become this way through making wise choices from a young age i.e. staying on at school, going on to higher education to become qualified or going into a trade and sticking with it to get ahead. Others who didn’t make those choices later on live to regret them and in some cases become angry and resentful and those who appear rich in comparison. I know I did when if I’d made different choices my situation might have been better. That’s not a rich person’s fault and envying them didn’t change the trajectory for either of us. Glad I’m over that because envy is counter productive and helps no one.
                    • PH
                      stop all their loop holes and tax them fairly according to their earnings. why should lower incomes paid more tax then the rich because use loop holes to pay less tax.
                      • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                        close ALL tax loopholes - LEGALLY
                        • Fran M 1064096
                          Not tax them more, just tax them fairly. Close some of the loopholes. Not to help the poor, but to share the burden of funding the country fairly.
                          • rob 406309
                            • Sweetums
                              Same in America, and yes, tax the richer. My opinion. Don't need to be hassled for my feelings. Thank you
                              • Chris A 117384
                                Never been paid by a poor man!
                                • Vickie G 682501
                                  The only way i see is to take the rich more and do the opposite with the poor. United Dates only has soo much money, so it's gotta come from the ones hoarding it... Just saying. If the ritch was helping the poor more then, there would be less low class people in the world.
                                  • Grommie
                                    doesn't spell check work on your computer?
                                • Grommie
                                  if you can't stop a racket, be in on it
                                  • john v 551148
                                    how about a flat % tax across the board?
                                    • Richard M 407933
                                      Unfortunately our dreadful government is hell-bent on increasing the gap between the haves and have-nots. They have wasted many billions on handouts to the wealthy multinationals during their ill directed Jobkeeper program and the submarine fiasco but at the same time instigating their illegal Robo-debt debacle. Make no mistake, we have never had a worse government than this one.
                                      • Wendy Q
                                        But it is true, the rich do get richer, due to creative accountants and tax loops. Yes, a better tax would be good but then they would just take their business off shore, etc.
                                        • Edward S 497347
                                          I believe there is a country in which EVERYONE; rich and poor; pays 50% tax on their income and in return everything ( except food, drinks and entertainment ) is FREE of charge. There are NO poor or struggling people and the wealthy are therefore doing their part
                                          • Edward S 497347
                                            IF the rich were taxed more then Rewardia would be taxed more leading to us being paid less for surveys and games LOL Having said that; YES the rich should be taxed more. Big companies like Facebook, Google etc should be forced to pay their fair share of taxes. YES the rich should be taxed more and the government should put those extra taxes into a special fund and divide it amongst the welfare recipients and charities .... Call it " the rich tax to help the poor " ..... AFTERALL arent we all suppose to be equals
                                            • Peter O 164296
                                              Many years ago when Doug Anthony was leader of the Country Party, now the National Party, he came up with an idea to restructure the tax system. If you earn $1 in this country, no matter who you are or where you live, you pay x cents on every dollar, no deductions, no loopholes, no nuttin'. Needless to say, that got shouted down very quickly. From memory, had it been brought in, every dollar would have attracted about 4c in tax. Interesting.
                                              • Edward S 497347
                                                IF the rich got taxed more then it means that ALL politicians would have to pay more tax.... They would never let that happen
                                            • Carolyn7 P
                                              Hasn't anyone heard??? Biden is doing this....or is he?
                                              • Christine M 323842
                                                Equity.. extreme, obscene wealth is made at the expense of the people who have to do the work. It is also made with total disregard as to the environmental impacts, and with blatant disregard for those whose lives get destroyed in the process. Australia has done an amazing job of raping and pillaging the land, stealing water that belongs to the land, then selling it back to indigenous communities. When people understand that we only need enough money to live our lives and not to wipe our arses with maybe everyone can feel at peace.
                                                • Priscilla R 316016
                                                  The greatest tax return for a country is from the middle-income bracket because there is far more of them than the poorest [about 10%] or the highest [around 5%]. But thank heavens for those in that really high tax bracket as they are the ones that keep the arts, theatres, art galleries in work for us plebs to enjoy and they also do most of the heavy lifting in the health regions [think Peter McCallum, Eliza Hall, ONJ, etc] and worldwide think Warren Buffet, Gates Foundation
                                                  • Grommie
                                                    what a refreshing outlook you have, Priscilla R. You are to be congratulated for expressing your view.
                                                • Imperia S
                                                  regardless to how rich someone is, everyone should pay tax, according to their income, starting with politicians, and everyone else who thinks is above thelaw
                                                  • Jana P 438260
                                                    Start charging higher tax to international businesses. If operating in Australia tax should be paid in Australia and maybe sent a small ‘% to the countries they are from
                                                    • Jacqueline R 353303
                                                      Overdue so many big businesses & churches get away escaping taxes whilst the poor little person gets whacked.
                                                      • Emmi G
                                                        Every person should pay Tax but the rich and wealthy find loophole to pay less Tax. This makes it unfair as normal Taxpayer get penalised if trying to find ways to pay less Tax.
                                                        • michael b 383297
                                                          • Edith v
                                                            No .The wealthy do pay a lot of tax.We are developing a nation of people who think they should get everything paid for by the tax payer so they do not get off their bums & work .We didn't get the amount of child endowment paid today Or baby bonuses .We worked budgeted & lived WITHIN our means & we got there our own home ,kids thru school & are retired comfortably
                                                            • Glenys H 310155
                                                              yes, stop the perks, tax avoidance seems to be a problem,close the loopholes
                                                              • carmen H 297446
                                                                • Gaza
                                                                  I think the people who get off their bums and work should pay less tax, the big corporations who pay little or no tax should be chased by the taxation department with a BIG stick.
                                                                  • Judy C 96642
                                                                    Yes,no tax dodging
                                                                    • Sharon B 499107
                                                                      yes they should be taxed
                                                                      • Gavin N
                                                                        Ensure the corporations are being taxed, some of them are getting away with paying no tax. Stop taking political donations from Corporations because if they fund you that's who you work for!
                                                                        • malcolm 516503
                                                                          tax them more yes
                                                                          • karen h 72084
                                                                            that not me
                                                                            • Ivan S 396292
                                                                              Rich people pay enough tax, but I don't understand how someone could be 50 times smarter or better than poor people who earn minimum or even average wages. Difference in earnings between poor and rich has to be put in normal brackets. If you are not born smart but you work hard all your life why you are paid 20, 30, 40, 50 time less than lucky who were born smart and taking advantages very often in illegal and cruel way.
                                                                              • Christine M 323842
                                                                                Yes. Hard work does not necessarily create wealth.
                                                                            • David C 471262
                                                                              How hard can it be??? The more you earn, the more tax you pay, this is totally and completely fair. Tax provides FREE! access to EVERYONE to health, welfare and education. This includes the unfathomably wealthy and the the completely impoverished.
                                                                              • Robert T 597718
                                                                                tax tax and tax again
                                                                                • Sandra C 12043
                                                                                  I think the rich already pay their share. In fact if there weren't rich people willing to put their time and money into building businesses that employ people where would all the jobs come from. Or are you wanting a communist regime who own everything, pay a pittance to their workers.I know a few who have worked long hard hours to make themselves comfortable in life and I don't begrudge them one bit of what they have earned.
                                                                                  • Robin P 447811
                                                                                    An increasing divide in wealth will most probably lead to social disunity and rebellion. All wealth is gained from the labour of others and as such should be spread equitably. Setting the maximum value of an estate would narrow the gap.
                                                                                    • Darren S 116121
                                                                                      personally i think the wealthy pay their icome taxes,its the corporations that pay nothing and in most cases next to nothing
                                                                                      • Sonya F 68771
                                                                                        the very rich know how not to pay there taxes have very good accountants but the poor little guys always pay taxes
                                                                                        • Anneliese
                                                                                          So you're saying in Australia paying 45% of your earnings is not enough? The rich do pay more tax. Then for the poor, the first $18,200 you earn is tax free. I think it's fair. I've always been at the opposite end of the gap, but still never complained. I've always been able to save and go on overseas holidays and be able to afford luxuries, clothes, food, pay my rent etc even on less than min wage. So it's rubbish. If you are smart with your money and learn to not buy excessively you won't have problems. With things like afterpay and zip, so many people are overspending that which they can't afford so are getting trapped in owing lots of money.
                                                                                          • John W 577766
                                                                                            Good Lord, who on earth pays 45% of their wealth. Ever heard of minimization. Remember what K.P. said at a senate hearing . He pays less than 10% tax and that was too much, The little guy pays anywhere between 25 to 35% because he cannot minimize. It is not more tax the wealthy that is needed but a crackdown on deductions and loopholes
                                                                                        • Grommie
                                                                                          wealth is not health
                                                                                          • Jenny L 591463
                                                                                            I am not rich and I am not poor. Sort of just comfortable. The rich get taxed on their earnings and if they can find loop holes they will, we all do. I don't like large companies yes like Amazon not paying their fair share of taxes but they have managed to find a loop hole. Hence why I don't like them, will never use them. There are always going to be rich and poor. We can't narrow the gap. Who would make sure the poor got the tax the rich were taxed? Seems all unfair and unjust but that is just life.
                                                                                            • Carolina Z
                                                                                              They are taxed more per se but they have ways to legally reduce their taxes.
                                                                                              • Larry S 382961
                                                                                                We are all the same and end up in the same 6 ft space. Some will have a great send off and others plain but still same result. What are all those billionaires going to do with the money. I have been that there are definitely NO ATM’s outside of earth.
                                                                                                • Louisa W
                                                                                                  No comment
                                                                                                  • APB
                                                                                                    Yes...I am so very tired of the poor supporting the rich
                                                                                                    • The dog house
                                                                                                      Yes I noticed the more money you make the less tax they pay. Strange that. Churches do not pay tax nor the clergy. That is very strange also when they make a lot of money.
                                                                                                      • Colin L 88398
                                                                                                        Dump the current Government who are pushing the idea that the richer you are the less tax you should be paying.
                                                                                                        • Steve
                                                                                                          Firstly You will never narrow the gap Unless you actually pay the poor more And the Government isn’t going to do that in a hurry Secondly Got to stop tax avoidance As in the Amazon example below
                                                                                                          • Igor A
                                                                                                            Looks like it is not about rich and poor. It is about someone rich who wants to use the poor to grab the power from the other rich . The jealous poor have already being used and abused and disposed of many times in history but never tried to make a simple logical conclusion - think more of your job and trade, and less of what your neighbor has. In any political system the lazy will always be poor - democracy or autocracy whatever. More taxes on the rich = fewer rich + more poor.
                                                                                                            • Paul B 522937
                                                                                                              We can’t all be equal even if we became a communist state if we all had the same amount of money some would spend it and others save it Competition makes for an interesting life
                                                                                                              • Greg B 520364
                                                                                                                No all people are taxed the same. The rich will pay more because the earn more
                                                                                                                • Igor A
                                                                                                                  The rich can use a lot of their taxable business activity for their private purposes to minimize their taxes by showing more business expense and less taxable profit. You own a restaurant as a one man company and you do not pay yourself a good TAXABLE salary but instead you "TRY TEST TASTE" your luxury restaurant food with great wine everyday for free. You pay less tax as you do not pay yourself too much in TAXABLE waged/salary and your restaurant pays less tax as your " tasty CHOW CHOW is an expense to earn the taxable profit" And similarly SO ON in other industries.
                                                                                                              • Charles C 68798
                                                                                                                Yes, definitely, as they get our money in the long run buy us buying things we need, so they should be at least giving to the tax 40% is just about right. there are so many homeless people out there needing clothes to warm them for night on end.i say yes again to tax them more!
                                                                                                                • Igor A
                                                                                                                  A very complicated issue. I think if you want to narrow the gap then increased taxing of the rich is not enough. The other side of the Moon is to kick the poor lazy bums into some productive activity and stop just being jealous. It is not a secret anymore that being poor is OK nowadays.
                                                                                                                  • Bex
                                                                                                                    In Australia, we do tax the rich more. That's why the more you earn, the higher tax bracket you fall into. Unfortunately, it still doesn't help the less fortunate who struggle to pay rent and put food in their bellies, hence why so many people end up being homeless. This is a sad world, it's highly improbable that there will ever be equality across the board.
                                                                                                                    • Jane M 438289
                                                                                                                      Sometimes you can help others to much. You take away their desire to make it on their own.
                                                                                                                      • JAMIE D 156261
                                                                                                                        NO!!! The lefts definition of rich is " anyone who isn't me". I have a mate who never bothered to cook, eats out most nights or gets takeaway. He couldn't save money because of HIS choices. I learned to cook (badly) buy fresh veggies etc and cook to keep to a budget. Yes, i saved up over years. I still had my takeaway Pizza once a week, but it was free because I worked a 4th job as a delivery driver at night there, delivering take away to others like that mate! Now he cries poor and wants the govt to tax others more! Not help me learn to budget or cook, but tax them! F! them
                                                                                                                        • Roslyn A
                                                                                                                          Rich people can afford the expensive tax consultants who can find a loophole for anything. That's how the millionaire list is growing.....
                                                                                                                          • Kathy C 94408
                                                                                                                            No the poor have to learn from the rich.
                                                                                                                            • Peter B 231413
                                                                                                                              Taxing the rich will stifle investment. Where would we be with no jobs, no rental housing
                                                                                                                              • Stephen F 84899
                                                                                                                                Brilliant Mo B ! I also came to Oz with only $500 .Yes I worked hard, paid alot of tax but in the end got a nice unit to live in. Spent my money on the basics as well as managed to save, Now with Covid I am living off my savings,
                                                                                                                                • Chosen
                                                                                                                                  Money isn't everything but what is in second place is a long, long way behind.
                                                                                                                                  • JANN R
                                                                                                                                    I think that the rich should pay more taxs to help those that dont earn as much but still pay the same amount in tax there should be a more equal way to pay tax
                                                                                                                                    • CHERRY BLOSSOM
                                                                                                                                      you can't buy love or friendships with money.
                                                                                                                                      • MoB
                                                                                                                                        The wealthy pay proportionate tax the same as the poor. The socialist view is bring everyone down to my level, the capitalists view is give everybody a chance to improve their lives. I came to Australia with $300, that had taken a few years to save, in my pocket. I worked hard and saved hard. I didn't have new furniture in my home for several years, I didn't drink every night and I didn't get anything on time payments. I now have a great house, we have travelled overseas twice a year for the last 20 years (not counting the COVID years) and we eat out a couple of times a week. I have been in Australia for 43 years. It is a matter of, if I work I can have what they have, not it's not fair they have more than me. I didn't have a great education so it was a matter of taking whatever job I could find. If you want to get ahead it can be done but only if you put your mind to it and stop complaining that someone else has more than you.
                                                                                                                                        • Maria B 89860
                                                                                                                                          We are always being urged to get ahead and earn, earn, earn, so we are not a burden on Society then when some people are lucky enough to do just that why, oh why would we want to punish them. How would that narrow the cap, it's not like they are taking from the poor! There are some very rich people doing very good deeds on the quiet, not beating their chests about it, should they be punished too? If all men are created equal then they should be taxed in the same manner otherwise the sad option is that the poor will be punished for not paying any taxes, some going back generations. By the latter I am not meaning they should be followed up and hounded, in case I am being misunderstood as there will always be people we need to lend a hand to so they do not go hungry or without shelter.
                                                                                                                                          • Claude H
                                                                                                                                            YES BUT ONLY THE SUPER RICH LIKE THE SPORTS PLAYERS WHO EARN MORE IN A GAME THAN MOST PEOPLE EARN IN THEIR LIFE
                                                                                                                                            • JANN R
                                                                                                                                              I agree with you Claude
                                                                                                                                          • Carolyn C 364157
                                                                                                                                            Why work hard….stops incentive!
                                                                                                                                            • Tupulua S
                                                                                                                                              Agree, the richer should pay more tax, the only problem is the taxman is more favourable to the richer and less favourable to the poor
                                                                                                                                              • kristian s 513441
                                                                                                                                                I think rich people should more taxes than anybody else is because they make more money than anybody else this country.
                                                                                                                                                • David C 471262
                                                                                                                                                  tax is the oil that keeps society turning, it provides welfare for the poor and unemployed allowing the wealthy business owners to take it back when they spend it. Hopefully, in an advanced and civilised society everyone will live above the poverty line and there will be no need for tax, In the mean time, the more you earn, the more you pay seems fair to me
                                                                                                                                                  • PETER M 134659
                                                                                                                                                    • Sheree T
                                                                                                                                                      Absolutely they should be taxed more
                                                                                                                                                      • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                                                                                        It has been QUITE OBVIOUS for DECADES (actually at least a century in the usa) that the rich and big business should pay their fair share of income taxes like the average joe or average jane. However, we all know that is NEVER going to happen (talk about being completely unrealistic). At some point (in the future) - big business and the rich will openly run the planet - PERIOD! We have all been through the process of indoctrination (if you were born in a democracy (HAHA)): CAPITALISM is a good thing - it will install a work ethic in you! Socialism is a bad thing - it will eradicate the work ethic in you!
                                                                                                                                                        • LEANNE B 221779
                                                                                                                                                          Absolutely how is it not a no brainer the mor3 you earn the mor3 you tax you should pay and I just looked below at an obvious well don5 know what sh3 is but obviously has never been without money or a job and billionaires are the most selfish people in the world they just wan5 more money even though they’ve got all the money in th3 world who can help other
                                                                                                                                                          • lulu
                                                                                                                                                            All on paper Zing but in reality whose got money to throw around? I guess im comfotable but still have to penny pinch. Its always been that way and always will for all the working class.
                                                                                                                                                            • Frank N
                                                                                                                                                              Yes we do need to start increasing the amount of tax rich individuals and businesses make. At the same time, we need to reduce the amount of tax poor and middle income people pay.
                                                                                                                                                              • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                                                                                                A good idea!
                                                                                                                                                            • Richo
                                                                                                                                                              just make them pay some tax would be a good start
                                                                                                                                                              • David L 76026
                                                                                                                                                                Firstly a change of Government at the Federal level. Morriscum does everything to protect and enhance the wealthy including tax cuts. Secondly close all the loop holes smart accountants and lawyers use to reduce taxable income. Thirdly, legislate so that any income siphoned off to other lower taxing countries is automatically counted as income in Australia. And forth, deny expense deductions from overseas owners and franchisors that are a rip off and designed to transfer income overseas.
                                                                                                                                                                • Disie
                                                                                                                                                                  What we think, and what happens are two things. Polys rule law, so we have no chance as average Aussie's
                                                                                                                                                                  • LEANNE B 221779
                                                                                                                                                                    Actually billionaires and corporations rule including ruling our politicians
                                                                                                                                                                  • Priscilla R 316016
                                                                                                                                                                    But many who earn millions give back by supporting the arts, theatre and health - without philanthropists, we would be even worse off. A very low tax rate for the bottom 10% is helpful for all and a medium to high tax rate for the majority is better for the tax department than a very high tax rate for the 5% who are wealthy.
                                                                                                                                                                • Linda C
                                                                                                                                                                  The politicians say they are taxing them and maybe they do tax them a certain amount but with all the claims they can make, the offsets and the money going to offshore they do not pay much into the coffers of Australia and once again it is left to the middle and lower paid workers to cover everything. Businesses get away with too much including during Covid19 with the payouts they received even though they made billions and the people getting little or nothing. I hope the politicians realise we will be voting soon and they will be out.
                                                                                                                                                                  • Shirley H 391879
                                                                                                                                                                    As long as everyone gets to pay the right amount of tax?
                                                                                                                                                                    • Rhonda D 522615
                                                                                                                                                                      For sure! However, they find ways of getting around taxes. And if they are caught, nothing happens. But the "normal Joe" would be fined or thrown in jail.

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