Discussion of the Day
Takeaways cost
If you were to go for fast food with the family, how much would you expect to pay for the meal? How much for the kids? How much on yourself? What would you think is fair to pay?
Comments - Page 2
  • Daniel T 626103
    All I will say is the expression "Cheap as Chips" no longer applies.
    • Robert F 1161011
      Depends, with coupons, about $25 CAD. Without coupons, about $35 CAD. Add $2 -$3 for AU dollar conversion.
        I have never (as in ever) eaten at a 'fast-food' restaurant - but - it is on my 'bucket list' - LMAO!
        • lin r
          burger kind almost always has a 5.00 special sandwich drink frys chicken nuggets
          • Denise C (Qld)
            Paid $44 for Chinese takeaway for 2 people tonight. Whether I think this is fair or not I cant honestly say but it's not something I do too often and there was enough to make a second meal of it.
            • Dena G 246689
              We don't go out to eat fast food anymore. I would expect I would not get much change from $100 for my daughter & family if we all went out to Maccas. Just too expensive. I try to pick something for myself that is under $10.
              • Paul B 522937
                Nothing I never eat at fast foods

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