Discussion of the Day
I Don't Want A Holiday In The Sun
If you grew up in a fairly cold and wet place....holidays involved going somewhere hot dry and sunny ... palm trees, beaches ... but living in a subtropical climate ... holidays involve the cold and snow ... somewhere DIFFERENT from what is usual, and that makes most of the planet an ideal tourist destination for someone. What do you think?
  • Rebecca B 614374
    The snow was fun when I was younger, but I think warmer holiday locations are more suitable for my bones these days.
    • roger l 315504
      either way skin cancers are a significant risk,,, and they, like covid , can kill an old fart like me.
      • Robert T 597718
        I love the sun rather than the cold
        • Paula J 395266
          No, no, no. It's sun, sun, sun for me, not the 40C sort but warm water, white sand and palm trees. You can have my share of the cold, wet and grey. It's a tropical paradise for me, but there is a downside, no change in seasons.
          • Priscilla R 316016
            I hate being cold [or over heated] so somewhere in between would suit me fine.
            • Katzeye
              Not a fan of the cold so it will always be somewhere warm for me
              • Pato Lo Duck
                An rew, come down here to the goat farm in the middle of winter and I reckon that after a week, you will be begging me to drive you to the airport so you can fly back to QLD.
                • robyn m 1081749
                  We've just returned from three weeks in UK, Paris and Norway (seeing the Northern Lights). It was totally wonderful.
                  • Catalina
                    I miss White Christmas. The seasons. But for holiday...I’d go wherever in whatever weather
                    • Dimitri T 100433
                      Had 18 years of living in cold climates & now prefer sunshine /warm climate
                      • Jennifer H 722364
                        rig a mortis set in when I get cold Sun surf swimming is my ideal get away
                        • Allen B 175494
                          i hate the cold sol is my best friend.
                          • Pat C 618241
                            As a young adult I loved going to a snowy areas for a holiday but snow is not so available in Australian winters these days. Also at my age, it's just too dear to pay for it. I'll stick to sunny now.
                            • DIANNE H 1017564
                              I would love to have snow for the holidays but l will not play in it.
                              • Sweetums
                                Yes, hit the Himalayans for a liitle hike, or learn to ski and there's endless options for that. Lol. Or there's snow camping. Only gets too chilly when you pull your knickers down to do your duty. Then you get a cold, tingly feeling all over your bum. Its like chewing ice breakers gum with flavor crystals in it. The wintergreen flavor.
                                • Eric’s wife
                                  I love holidays in the sun. We just got off of a cruise ship. We had sun for most of the cruise and we loved it.
                                  • Thomas (Rewardia Support)
                                    To member Racquel. Swear words are not allowed on the forum.
                                    • Shawn B 1061185
                                      As a child we didnt' have very much money. S ummer vacations, for two weeks, were the norm. I don't think anyone in our neighbourhood could afford a "long trip" more than once a year. We just learned to dress warmly, in layers, played street hockey, and just tried to enjoy as much of the season as possible.
                                      • Helen L 750218
                                        I prefer sunshine, but would love to experience a white christmas. :)
                                        • Denise C (Qld)
                                          Somewhere different but I prefer sunshine and greenery to snow and coldness.
                                          • Greg B 520364
                                            You always want to do something different to the normal every day
                                            • Paul J 94868
                                              Is the question a Sex Pistols reference?
                                              • Andrew T 123623
                                                Give me the back blocks and snow any day.
                                                • Wendy Q
                                                  I've always loved the beach, and still do.
                                                  • Jania S
                                                    Who care, Everyone takes holidays where they like, I dont pick holiday because of weather...
                                                    • Jenny L 591463
                                                      Yes we want to holiday some where different from where we live and a different climate. Snow can be as annoying as dust, maybe even more of an issue as travel is very difficult at times. Most climates have their challenges and if you grow up with it then you'd know the plights. Me my perfect holiday is staying at home curling up on the bed with my pets and reading a book. That would be pure heaven.
                                                      • clifford s
                                                        i live on the coast but its not for everyone,buts its almost for everyone rgds
                                                        • Lyn A.
                                                          I grew up cose to mountain in central North Island of New Zealand, would luv to go back to that type of climate/landscape. Crisp frosts in winter with sunny days, hot in summer
                                                          • Elizabeth A 807208
                                                            I do I grew up in Scotland and now hate the cold weather - living in Queensland and enjoy the warm sun.
                                                            • Regis L
                                                              • Rifat H
                                                                If you are into traveling, once a while you would want to visit a very big location which gives you a very memorable experience! :-) Poem by Sundaram Sarma (3 stanzas). Poet is really into Italy! Positano - Amalfi Coast's scenic seaside paradise When you think of touristy locales, Italy is at the top of the list, Picking a specific place at random would be wise to desist, The options are so many that one is spoilt for choice, But at the end of it all, it is a matter to rejoice Overlooking the sunny Amalfi Coast, Positano boasts of a picturesque landscape, Colorful, cliffside villas beckon visitors wanting to experience the "great escape", The sophisticated resort town is the jewel of southern Italy's iconic Amalfi Coast, The spectacular setting of this vertical town is so enchanting that it deserves a toast... The memories of this picturesque town linger long after the visit is done, As you tick off another scenic Italian locale that has hearts to be won, Images of the colorful setting (s) remain hard to erase from the mind, As you set about planning the next adventure, leaving this one behind.
                                                                • GrumpyBsd
                                                                  That certainly describes it, I still reflect back to my 2019 visit there with fondness and hark to go back.
                                                              • Amanda w 983870
                                                                western Australia
                                                                • Sandra D 962153
                                                                  I'm really looking forward to a long hot Aussie summer. Really over the cold and the rain... the never ending rain.
                                                                  • Sara A 1057026
                                                                    Currently where we are living it has been wet,wet,wet including cold weather in spring. I holiday in the sun sounds like an ideal Christmas this year
                                                                    • Hilary P 701184
                                                                      We are all a very unhappy bunch of humans. We complain when it is too cold and when it is too hot. We complain when we have been isolated for over 2 years but then complain because you cant make up your minds where to go once you are able to go out. With the weather as it has been the past year just enjoy if the sun is actually allowed to shine and take an umbrella with you if it starts raining and sing "Im singing in the rain" and smile at all those people with scowls and frowns on their faces. Enjoy wherever you are. Life is short and for living. I grew up near the sea and if was wonderful. But I know live only a few kms from the mountains so I can enjoy both the seaside with swimming icecreamsand fizzy drinks but also a beautiful drive up into the mountains to enjoy scones jam and cream and hot tea. It doesn't matter the weather just enjoy getting so hot that you have to eat melting icecream or so cold that your hands are freezing but you can warm them up with a steaming hot cup of chocolate and stand near an open fire. during summer dont use an airconditioner shut your blinds during the day and then open them up in the evening to enjoy the warmth of the day. No matter hot or cold weather just enjoy being alive and able to go outside.
                                                                      • Tupulua S
                                                                        If you are going for a holiday in the tropical island, palm trees and warm climate, you have to climatized your body first, that means that you DO NOT strip off your clothes at the first chance you get. Keep the woolies on for 1 or 2days, and slowly leave one off each day as you dress
                                                                        • Cinderella ( Can )
                                                                          I'll stay home were it is nice and cold
                                                                          • Carol S 657195
                                                                            I never could afford a vacation. My family was lucky to feed us and keep us clothed. As an adult, I had money when I worked, but no time. When I wasn't working, I had the time, but no money. When we were married, things seemed to change. We both had paid vacations, but we had a mortgage. We seldom took days off unless we were sick. When we were dating, he was working, and I was not. He had the money because he was living at home, so we did have a vacation every year, and he paid the expenses. He wasn't much for driving so I just took off in some direction and went from there. We had no reservation and no real destination. We eat when/where we wanted and stayed where we wanted. After my divorce, I met a man online from Australia and was able to live there for six months with no responsibilities. That was my vacation for my lifetime! Now we're divorced, and I'm alone trying to keep a roof over my head. I'd love to travel but have no one to go with. I never had children. I try to do other things for fun and being retired I don't have the need to get away. How do I travel without myself tagging along! LOL
                                                                            • Bugalugs
                                                                              I don't really care so long as I can get away from the endless barking of the next door Dog - the owners simply do not care
                                                                              • SANDRA G 394859
                                                                                report the dog to local city council
                                                                            • Empress
                                                                              I hate being hot! No money for holidays anyway!
                                                                              • Maria B 89860
                                                                                Save your money! Stay at home and enjoy the current Special Offer of "Four Seasons in One Day" and with the money you save invest in Power Generators!!!!!
                                                                                • John Smith
                                                                                  I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, just like the ones I used to know. Where the treetops glisten, and children listen, to hear sleigh bells in the snow, the snow ...
                                                                                  • Dawn B 1104751
                                                                                    I’ll take cool weather even if it is rainy or snowy over heat.
                                                                                    • Dada WA
                                                                                      The company I am with is more important than the place.
                                                                                      • Anna A 1092690
                                                                                        I prefer the mountains with their shade, trails, and lakes to sea beaches, sand, or deserts. I don't like too much sun or heat.
                                                                                        • MARGARET p 388156
                                                                                          I don't mine the cold and the wet while my husband wants to be in the sun.
                                                                                          • Mary M 329762
                                                                                            Everything with family together
                                                                                            • The dog house
                                                                                              I do not like the hot sweltering days. Even when travelling I try to go earlier in Spring compared to Summer
                                                                                              • catwomanau680
                                                                                                i prefer to go away some where like nelsons bay up here on the coast and i dont mind the sun as long as its not too hot.
                                                                                                • Smiley
                                                                                                  I'm not sure that's true for everybody. I personally preferred to spend holidays at my grandparent's little hobby farm and working on their friends farms. My childhood home was in the suburbs- but i had many animals so it was a bit like a mini-farm anyway.
                                                                                                  • Michelle R 745048
                                                                                                    For me the season was painted that white picket fence with my great-grandparents, grandparents, mother, and me of course. The Lionel train around the Christmas tree,putting up the tree special ornaments, Christmas music, The Twilight Zone Marathon, and the movie"It's a wonderful life.Maybe I could remember having the snow, all different kinds of weather but there was a time when it had nothing to do with that just the right people , a good heart, innoccent fun and laughter had by all
                                                                                                    • Carolyn K 714554
                                                                                                      I find it too hot in the Hot and sunny places. But that leaves a lot to see.
                                                                                                      • Barbara W 864827
                                                                                                        My only good place is in the sun!
                                                                                                        • Mildred M 1008100
                                                                                                          Always lived in the Northeast so I'm used to change of seasons. Never enjoyed those dog days of summer - Love the fall, crisp air of Autumn and the cold clear nights of Winter - something to be said for cooler temps especially around the holidays.
                                                                                                          • Sheree T
                                                                                                            I prefer the warmer climates for holidays. I don't so much like the cold and snow for a holiday.
                                                                                                            • Vivian M 867575
                                                                                                              I am a sun worshipper hate cold rain snow bbbbrrrr
                                                                                                              • Dennis S 1094854
                                                                                                                If one of my children picked a location that didnt have the best weather possibilities it would not affect my agreement to join them. As long as they travelled with me I would be satisfied
                                                                                                                • Gerald H 492195
                                                                                                                  A mix of weather gives the best holiday time.
                                                                                                                  • Chosen
                                                                                                                    Hotter the better.
                                                                                                                    • Darla T
                                                                                                                      Never thought of it that way but it sounds like a great idea as long as you are going with great people!!
                                                                                                                      • William P 589978
                                                                                                                        I tend to agree. Holidays are enjoyed more when there is a change of environment, including weather.
                                                                                                                        • Carolina Z
                                                                                                                          AGREE COMPLETELY
                                                                                                                          • Tiffany L 690503
                                                                                                                            I prefer the cold weather only
                                                                                                                            • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                                                              I grow up - in a subtropical climate (DEEP SOUTH - USA) and now reside in Southern Sunny California. Holidays ARE NOT about family for me - Holidays are just ANOTHER day for me!
                                                                                                                              • SueM2
                                                                                                                                I once spent the Christmas season in Ireland and it was magical! Carol singers going door-to-door, beautifully dressed shop windows, tree and mistletoe sellers on the footpath, yule logs in people's fireplaces and everyone in happy spirits (especially in the pubs, but I think that could be year-round!)
                                                                                                                                • ROBERT K 1065766
                                                                                                                                  The Holidays are about family. The climate to me doesnt make a difference.Its about being around the people love.
                                                                                                                                  • Paul B 522937
                                                                                                                                    I prefer the cold as I have very bad hayfever is the spring and summer
                                                                                                                                    • Phillip H 667301
                                                                                                                                      Irrespective of where you go, if you know that you will do or experience anything that you love to do, or have a passion for, or are with someone that means the most to you, that can very easily be a holiday, irrespective of the climate or temperature. We only live once. Life is what you make it.The power of the human mind is extremely under-rated and under-utilised. And I backpacked to 46 different Countries in 52 weeks, & it was brilliant.
                                                                                                                                      • Linda C
                                                                                                                                        I live on the Gold Coast in Queensland and love it here. I grew up in Melbourne where it could be 100 degrees F in the morning and 7 degrees by evening. I have been to the High Country here in Oz and the Rockies in USA and I really do not like the snow or the freezing temperatures. I holiday or have in Europe during the warm months which was great. The somewhere different for me is location, culture, food, history - not weather but prefer warmth. I have been to many places in Oz pre overseas travel which I deem a must first.
                                                                                                                                        • Jill N 111098
                                                                                                                                          I live on GC too and love our climate here..Am heading to Tassie for a few months holiday soon so will probably freeze at times there.
                                                                                                                                      • KAREN J 796020
                                                                                                                                        I don't mind living with the cold in the Winter as long as my home is warm and have heat. i don't mind living with hot sun in the summertime as long as I have an air conditioner and ice cream. In other words, as long as I'm alive and healthy.
                                                                                                                                        • Cher
                                                                                                                                          I grew up with the 4 seasons. I love the snowy crispy cold days still. My grand children are playing in the snow. Best time.
                                                                                                                                          • Rhonda D 522615
                                                                                                                                            Anywhere is it not cold and there is no snow.
                                                                                                                                            • Enloe M
                                                                                                                                              I AGREE 100%

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