Discussion of the Day
Fat Santa!
Some medical expert in Australia has just been saying that the days of a fat happy Santa should be over (Channel 10)...and that Santa needs to give up the cookies and milk and eat carrots like the reindeer ... come on guys ... this should be a good one ... what do you think?
Comments - Page 2
  • Suz S
    Let them alone. Let them worry about their weight.
    • Maree B 85308
      Doesn't fat shaming come under the heading of bullying, Santa should get himself a good lawyer, he could be in for a substantial payout ..........
      • Suzanne S 1017427
        Not at all...
        • Denise C 478002
          What rubbish who knows if santa has a fat suit on or not he can eat what he wants it's only once a year and whoever made this statement from channel 10 needs to get a life
          • Pennye R
            Santa us magical and can eat what he wants! Moderation is the key. Kids need cookies and candy on occasion but healthy foods should take precedence always.
            • Rita H 1119904
              Santa needs to eat, what Santa wants. He makes everyone so happy & if food makes him happy, then cookies & milk it is.
              • JANN R
                • boy blunder
                  there is a reason you don't walk in a cow paddock barefoot you are likely to tread in cow ???? these guys are walking in a bullpen barefoot never heard so much crap since Humphry b bear got banned for wearing no pants
                  • Jania S
                    WHO CARES, worrying about a fake identity and their look. Maybe the people is these organisation should look in the mirror, There look, behavior needs improving but they focus on the fairytales?
                    • Colin V 239370
                      The WOKE society are at it again, leave traditions and fairy stories alone and go to the real problem that you are hinting at and that is that you think that Santa being fat is a bad image for kids and leads to obesity. Well how about taking away the technology gadgets from kids and getting them out into the open and playing and exploring. It never had a bad effect on us in the 50s and 60s. Children need to be outdoors more instead of sitting on the arses and figuring games machines and social media. Wake up people
                      • lulu
                        They need to bugger off.
                        • lynda e 390007
                          Bah hum bug
                          • Helen E 469767
                            Santa has all ways been fat. That is how he is potrayed and should stay that way.
                            • allin
                              always thought fat santa got like that from eating all them cookies and milk, but then i had kids, and found out i was the fat santa from eating all the cookies and milk i left out for me,, along with a shot of tequila,, ho ho ho, happy holidays to all my rewardia unknown friends, and D-, you give benson a special treat,, stud him out, he will love you forever ;-))
                              • Mopos
                                And...a happy Festive season to you allin, keep warm and we will keep cool! "down under" Cheers!
                              • allinMopos
                                back to you my friend from down under,, i'm trying to keep warm but it's pretty cold for where i live, below normal, on the bright side, days will start getting longer on the 23rd ,, ;-))
                            • Frank K 593543
                              I was Santa for 15 years in the malls i am solidly built but needed a cushion to make me jollier Merry Christmas to all.
                              • Igor A
                                Santa is supposed to bring happiness. Let him be as he is, fat and joyful.
                                • Maria T 1103596
                                  I think some traditions of the holidays should be left alone. They are only fables. Just like someone said Santa should be gender neutral. Hogwash as my parents would say. Leave some traditions alone
                                  • Paul G 348946
                                    Channel Ten, the network that has also banned the use of 'Australia Day'. They're news reports are going to look rather stupid showing footage of people celebrating Invasion Day (probably not quite what they had in mind).
                                    • Elizabeth T 396096
                                      I think that they should just tell the truth: Santa, as we know him in the red and white suit with the black belt, all happy and fat and jolly was a marketing invention of the Coca Cola company, hence the colours and the colours of Coke. Perhaps they should also mention this is how fat you will be if you drink too much Coke due to its high sugar content. I think Channel 10 must be in some sort of ratings lull and are trying to get people to watch as there have been a number of articles in the news recently about decisions around certain topics at Channel 10 like "Channel 10 bosses have taken a firm stance on the ongoing Australia Day debate by announcing that January 26 will no longer be referred to as ‘Australia Day’ at the company". Although I agree that the date is not a cause for celebration for the First Nations people, who refer to it as "Invasion Day" and the start of the genocide of their people, I still feel that Channel 10 is trying to make the news so people's curiosity will be spurred and they may tune in to watch.
                                      • Lachelle B
                                        Non calorie counting Claus is fine as he is.
                                        • Amy M 1013186
                                          its just a christmas sdaying dfo not over criticize it
                                          • William P 589978
                                            Keep him jolly.
                                            • Beryl M 1009442
                                              These experts, they must be bored, geez, Santa has been around longer than them.....Next thing Santa will not be allowed, he died, over weight will be the next thing.. Never met these experts, who are they....would be people that are bored stiff. Next thing, cruelty to reindeer's, no water and they are flying far too long.Geez climate change, poor reindeers .. Some of the rubbish these (SO CALLED EXPERTS ) think up... They walk among us, sadly they breed
                                              • Kevin L 1010680
                                                Last I hear Santa is now dead. Claus of death, diabetes
                                                • Darla T
                                                  I give lots of leeway to fictional characters. Eat up!
                                                  • Beverly W 1083564
                                                    they can kiss my but! what kid would want to sit on a skinny unjolly santas lap????
                                                    • Judy CooplandiaQueen
                                                      • Debbie C 147795
                                                        Poor Santa.the things people come out with its not his problem that the parents are feeding their kids shit and making them fat parents get off your lazy ass and cook healthy meals for your children as 4 growing adults come on you know what u are doing to your bodies leave old Santa alone his got a good excuse for his weight he live in the north pole the fat keeps him warm you stupid people at channel 10
                                                        • lin r
                                                          WOW I SAY F U
                                                          • Denise C (Qld)
                                                            I say leave Santa alone.
                                                            • The Other Jamie
                                                              I think it's stupid. I watched it on the news the other night and just thought oh my damn. It's not going to make kids eat better because Santa is going to be skinny. If this is the case for the kids you can't just complain about one thing if Santa gets big because he is eating junk food or drinking are we now going to complain about your kids eating junk. You can't blame a fat Santa because kids are getting overweight you are responsible for your own kids and what they eat so stop blaming Santa and take responsibility maybe this year don't have deserts or food that is bad for your kids have boring stuff. Maybe I made Santa fat I gave him beer and cookies Christmas Eve and the reindeers got carrots maybe I should of did it the other way round so you could skip the fat Santa stuff and complained about the next thing on your lists. Stop complaining about everything and be happy. To all the fat Santa's out there you are doing a good job keep up the good work. I hope this gets me on the good list now cause I've been very very naughty. ho ho ho
                                                              • Liane H
                                                                Channel 10 and their conglomerates can all just get stuffed .. Leave the good fella alone
                                                                • The dog house
                                                                  Maybe if the stores stop selling these junk foods we might have a chance of a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately that will never happen.
                                                                  • Melinda B 311794
                                                                    My husband, who is quite slender, had a job one Xmas as Santa. They just gave him a padded suit and told him to go for broke. He said it wasn't his ideal job, as a lot of the job involved having crying kids farting on his leg. Ironically, I guess, Santa's weight would once have been an indicator of rude health. I really do think we have better things to be worried about. Don't you?
                                                                    • Gaza
                                                                      Everyone is trying to change things, so why can't they just leave things as is instead of changing for change's sake?
                                                                      • Hamzah S
                                                                        I thought milk is good for you. At this time of year, most people tend to overindulge so give Santa a break.
                                                                        • PEN15
                                                                          I really think that the show has misrepresented what this man is trying to say. Do they do this so people can get angry and indignant?
                                                                          • Phyrephly
                                                                            yes, yes they do....:L
                                                                        • Nola B 392757
                                                                          Typical negative crap that comes out of channel 10..you know what to do with those carrots channel 10 LOL
                                                                          • Christine M 323842
                                                                            Nice one Nola !
                                                                        • Christine M 323842
                                                                          Fat shaming Santa…don’t think kids are really looking at Santa as a role model, so I say that Santa’s size doesn’t matter
                                                                          • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                            Since Santa Claus is a mythological figure (NOT a real person). Does it really matter (in real time)?
                                                                            • APB
                                                                              Don't tell me that!
                                                                            • BLACK LIVES MATTERAPB
                                                                              done deed
                                                                          • JANET R 328390
                                                                            I think this is RIDICULOUS. Medical "Experts" should realize Santa is SANTA. He spreads fun, love and cheer - WHICH IS FAR MORE IMPORTANT TO KIDS I SAY. Kids are not fat because of Santa - it is what happens the rest of the year. I LOVE SANTA - JUST AS HE IS. i say leave him ALONE. LOVE YOU SANTA.................. HAHAHA

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