Discussion of the Day
Personal information
In our today's society, vertically everyone uses internet & platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. I hate these sites for the fact that most people outlay all their dirty laundry here. What ever happened to keep your private life private. Most people that do this, simply don't realise what a can of worms it opens. I believe that you allow many times that certain people can target you & even to the point of getting harm. These sites are I suppose ok if you're just looking or even if you had to chat, but kept it innocent & simple. How does others feel that these sites are to a point invading your privacy?
  • John 1411099
    I do my best to keep my private life to myself but sometimes other people have problems so we go on Facebook Messenger or What's App
    • LA
      Rule #1. We can’t change others We can only change ourselves :) Rule #2. Keep you identity private. Rule #3. Pass this along for your safety and others 👩‍🏫
      • Janet B 814772
        I love Facebook for the groups that post photos they have taken of places. I stay away from airing anything private.
        • allin
          you can stop people from invading your digital life, intelligence and due diligence along with top notch security,, and stay away from sites like that,,
          • sherrydp
            I stick to following cats and dogs. I've met nothing but wonderful people on Twitter this way. Just stay away from the trolls and haters and block them.
            • Sarah G 76834
              Don't answer the phone and say "Yes" They can use that to say that you have agreed to anything.
              • Betty 1365457
                Don’t think you should your private problems on Facebook. There is a saying “Do not air your dirty laundry to others”.
                • Judy CooplandiaQueen
                  Why’s this keep popping up as a question with no points
                  • Robert T 597718
                    Be careful EnBird
                    • Brandy Yining Z
                      I received phishing messages from LinkedIn and Facebook for many times. I don't add on people as friends on social media platforms unless I know them already but I keep on getting new dodgy invitations wanting to become my friend. I think everyone should be careful on the internet these days.
                      • Dimitri T 100433
                        don't put personal information on social media & use to keep in touch with my international friends
                        • Mary M 329762
                          I don't like social media. If a person talk face to face not Internet.
                          • Paul W 383502
                            I haven't had a problem with them.
                            • Edith v
                              I agree with you wholeheartedly
                              • writerrochelle
                                I choose to avoid all of them myself. I don't have time to waste on such things. Life is short, and it is a precious gift from our Creator, and so I use my time wisely. I use rewardia to earn points for Walmart gift cards, and I haven't spent a penny there in years. I get all of my paper goods, vitamins, shampoo, and I even got 2 new pair of Time & Tru jeggings for FREE! I delete all history every time I leave a site, such as this one, and do as much as I can to feel safe in a very dangerous world. ;-D
                                • Claude H
                                  It can have problems but keeping in touch with family and friends is important
                                  • Paula J 395266
                                    It's a choice to keep your life private or not. Many people feel invisible online or that it is another dimension and not quite real. Why else would anyone post nude photo's of themselves. Many years ago I watched a Jerry Springer show and was horrified at just how much of their person information people were prepared to "air' or share on TV. Do they enjoy the spotlight, being the centre of attention or notoriety. At the end of the day, who really cares. It's not me or any of my family and it's no-one I know so whatever floats your boat.
                                    • G
                                      It doesn't invade your privacy if you don't put anything private out there. Some people like to share everything and then if they have people target them, then it is their own fault. These sights are meant for fun/entertainment not oversharing and moaning about stuff that nobody finds interesting.
                                      • Empress
                                        That's freedom of speech.
                                        • Andrew B 1222902
                                          I ignore those who like to air out their dirty laundry on social media sites, they're just looking for sympathy likes and comments. But yes, some really bad people can definitely use all of that against them in scams and whatnot. No one wants to hear your sob stories except those who can take advantage of them... I also don't like it when people use social media to spread lies, misinformation, bigotry, and propaganda. This has become a real problem over the last couple of years.
                                          • APB
                                            We live in an age where a lot of people seem dedicated to giving total strangers a lot of personal information about themselves..I don't know why...it happens on here too...that has nothing to do with privacy...it is people placing trust in complete strangers..or worse...and I have no idea why they do it......
                                            • Shawn B 1061185
                                              I don't use any of these "sites for simple souls." Hiding behind the cloak of anonymity they can say anything that comes to their little minds. There is no way to fact check them, and and there is certainly no room for rational discussion. There are trolls that get their jollies harassing people, bigots, misogynists and just plain creeps just waiting to drop a bomb on someone. Not to mention the fake news. No thanks! I stay as far away from that nonsense as possible.
                                              • View all 3 replies
                                              • Dada WA
                                                Same on here. Rewardia no different. But you are using it.
                                              • Shawn B 1061185Dada WA
                                                That's true, and I thought about when I was composing my message. I guess that I feel that the people on this site, forthe most part anyway, are straight up, honest, and more compassionate than brutal.
                                              • Dada WAShawn B 1061185
                                                I think percentage is same on both sites. At least on facebook can keep it private and I can only be contacted by family and friends that I choose. Sometimes if I feel like it I go on open facebook but rarely. Am also a member of a few face book groups that are run by administrators who vet members. so its not as bad as people say. You can control your own privacy.
                                            • Janet H 854956
                                              I only do Facebook, when it suits me. 😉
                                              • Sheree T
                                                I never put anything personal about my life on social media. I do wish my family and friends happy birthday etc but nothing much more that that.
                                                • Priscilla R 316016
                                                  Main reason I avoid social media like crazy. I prefer to be a Greta Garbo in my life.
                                                  • Janet H 854956
                                                    I vant to be alone! (Said with accent!)
                                                • Larry S 382961
                                                  Every government department know more about you than you realize. I recently got my tax done at a place I had never used. One click of a computer keyboard and she had everything needed and I hadn’t even told her. Centrelink are the same. Only thing they don’t know is last week’s breakfast.I use Facebook / Messenger but only to connect with friends and relatives in Australia and overseas and very alert to what is said
                                                  • Sonya F 68771
                                                    I dont put anything up my life is personal
                                                    • Jules 544763
                                                      If you don't want anyone to know your business then keep it to yourself, but I do think a lot of people out there do have unfinished business that they need to seek help for and not put it on Facebook etc. talk to the right people about your issues. Have a great Christmas x
                                                      • Ernie 67
                                                        I keep my personal life private and unfriend those that share too much information that I don't want to know.
                                                        • Greg B 520364
                                                          If you want to keep it private do not put in on the net
                                                          • Colin L 88398
                                                            All Antisocial Media is a Security Hole that is impossible to plug and they are turning their users into what they are selling.You don't even own what you post on those silly sites if you read the Rules which no one actually do you'll find everything you post becomes the property of the site to do with what they like so I would expect to see images of your children appearing in Kiddy Porn adds and other disreputable sites after you give them away.
                                                            • Andrew C 287196
                                                              Stay well clear of "Social Media" sites ... to mis-quote Obi-Wan Kenobi: "They're a hive of scum and villainy."
                                                              • Andrew C 287196
                                                                I will never understand why people bother to use those useless "Social Media" site sin the first place. :-\ They're mainly for egotistical idiots who think everyone else is interested in whatever silly thing they are doing. For those who want to communicate with family and friends, normal email and text messages are more than enough.
                                                                • Grant 1393984
                                                                  Quite agree. There are some topics and information that do not need to be shared.
                                                                  • Bugalugs
                                                                    the very name "Social Media" is an insult to all, yet stupid people persist in being signed up to it. Then when some child, probably tota;;y unsupervised by Lazy Parents, gets groomed by some pedophile the parents then start jumping up and down, demanding 'the Government", "the Police" anyone but themselves, do something, then more of these idiots, this thime Adults also sign up to Dating Sites and then they, too, scream blue murder when their New Best Friend rips them off to the tune of many thpusands, indeed there are repoprts of these pathetic fools handing over Hundreds of Thousands only to lose the lot They willingly hand over their Bank Account details their PIN to people they have only ever met on-line, get royally screwed and have their bank accounts emptied and then they demand that "the Government", "the Bank" compensate them for their own blatant stupidity! Join any of these sites At Your Peril. If you get ripped off then that is entirely YOUR OWN fault. If Parents allow their children uncontrolled access and they get groomed then that is entirely the Fault of the Parent/s for it is not as if there has not been many Hundreds of Thousands of Warnings issued by both the Police and Governments around the World.
                                                                    • Gunter L
                                                                      Romac, it is called "Anti-social" media for a good reason.
                                                                  • Gunter L
                                                                    Let's get one thing straight from the beginning: The term 'social media' is a complete misnomer. It should actually be called 'anti-social media'. Now that we have this cleared up let's take the next step. Don't go on any platform where you don't feel comfortable. And never give any personal information to anyone. Take, for instance, the discussion boards on Rewardia. You can be on these boards without having to give sensitive personal information. And there are a sufficiently large number on the Rewardia platforms, so that you can have a discussion with any of them. So: Stay off the antisocial media platforms. Can you do that?
                                                                    • Phyrephly
                                                                      sometimes, it's easy to forget your written comments, (which when hatched, never die), are not shared in a cosy little circle. We tend to forget that lots and loads of people are watching and reading. Some of those people are more ... um, nefarious in intention, than most others, but we kinda get lost in the moment. I guess it's the price paid for being able to say exactly what you want to say, about a subject of given interest, without being interrupted. So yeah, we should be careful of information shared on SM.
                                                                      • Jenny L 591463
                                                                        I agree and I admit I some times over share on here. I am not on Facebook and the likes of any other social media platforms. I try and help if some one asks a question and I like sharing my truth. If some one doesn't like it then don't read my comments. I don't always agree with every one but every one has a right to their opinion. I would never tell any one to stop or want to make some one else feel bad. That is not expectable and no one has the right to do that to any one.
                                                                        • Samuel K 1157045
                                                                          If you could communicate clearly you might get a better response. But it seems you have very bad grammar as most people on social media do.
                                                                          • Beryl M 1009442
                                                                            How rude. Only a perfect person can judge and one hasn't been born yet. If you can 't say anything nice don't say it. There are some very vulnerable people on the net. Loneliness, depression. BE NICE !!! People who sit in judgement think they are perfect. Be very aware who you are chatting to and so careful. Facebook a den of iniquity but with common sense, the brain in full gear, aware that many people have no compassion you can find nice people there.
                                                                        • Paul B 522937
                                                                          no more than a survey
                                                                          • JULZ
                                                                            F social media
                                                                            • Jania S
                                                                              If you don't like it, don't use. You apparently use these sites and are connected to these people, Change the people in your life, and get off social media, get better filter, AND it is UNTRUE that VERTICALLY everyone uses Internet. for SOCIAL MEDIA. I dont know anyone, we use internet for education and surveys.
                                                                              • Emma F 1171442
                                                                                I am very selected in what I choose to share but I agree - others do tend to over share their personal things for attention or what ever reason.
                                                                                • Tamara 1427399
                                                                                  I completely understand what your saying. However there are times that these platforms are all someone has. And they reach out or vent on their page.
                                                                                  • karen 1363833
                                                                                    It seems like anyone can find out anything about anyone.
                                                                                    • View all 6 replies
                                                                                    • Gunter L
                                                                                      No, karen, they can't. I bet you, that you can't find anything out about me, because I have never given any sensitive personal information to anyone.
                                                                                    • writerrochelleGunter L
                                                                                      As one of Jehovah's Witnesses, I do letter writing for my witnessing because I'm 76. I receive a Territory with only the street name and the house address. So, I use True People Search and Fast People Search to get the names of the current residents. Everything on these sites is free! Phone, address, relatives, friends, you name it! I looked up myself and was shocked! It's All Out There! ;-o
                                                                                    • Gunter Lwriterrochelle
                                                                                      Writerrochelle, you only have yourself to blame for that. I bet you couldn't find out anything about me. Because I have never given any details about me to anyone.
                                                                                    • writerrochelleGunter L
                                                                                      Gunter, your information is everywhere! Do a search on yourself and see what comes up! If you pay bills, rent, ever bought anything, gotten married or divorced, anything, your info is there! You'll see! Trust me, you'll see... ;-D On truepeoplesearch.com you can search by your name or address.
                                                                                    • Gunter Lwriterrochelle
                                                                                      Nice try, Writerrochelle, but no cigar. I checked out the website you mentioned: No result, or should I say: misleading results. There seem to be a lot of people out there with a SIMILAR name to mine, also with a SIMILAR address, but nobody out there with the exact name or address. One of the searches placed me not only in a different country to where I live, but even a different CONTINENT LOL. So, you see, I feel quite certain that my information is quit safe.
                                                                                    • writerrochelleGunter L
                                                                                      Good Job! You're Blessed! I wish none of my info was out there. ;-(
                                                                                  • nina m 212027
                                                                                    have never joined them ans will never i have a facebook but hardly use it
                                                                                    • Daniel A 2
                                                                                      For this reason I decided to never join them. Although to begin with I joined face book, but I barely have anything to do with it.
                                                                                      • writerrochelle
                                                                                        I disabled my account years ago. Got tired of seeing all of the things my daughter was doing...but doing nothing with me, her mom. ;-(
                                                                                    • Elizabeth A 807208
                                                                                      I don't do social media either
                                                                                      • kristian s 513441
                                                                                        I don't put too much personal information on my social media accounts in which something remains private.
                                                                                        • ROBERT K 1065766
                                                                                          Too much personal information about your business is not a good thing.
                                                                                          • Morenita
                                                                                            I don’t do social media
                                                                                            • Toni 1416358
                                                                                              I agree that sometimes it makes you wonder why they post certain things that should be private. I use these sites mostly to keep in touch with my children and rarely post.
                                                                                              • JANETTE 1430054
                                                                                                They can only invade your privacy if you allow them to eg by posting something that perhaps you wanted to keep private
                                                                                                • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                                  Do I feel certain sites (online) are invading our privacy? NO (because you are not required to join any online site)! In additional, you don't have to read other people's dirty laundry (posted online) under any 'circumstances (period)'.
                                                                                                  • william 1389666
                                                                                                    its the reason i created a bogus name for facebook,i only use it to stay in touch with my kids, who are the only ones who know my id there, job accomplished
                                                                                                    • Dada WA
                                                                                                      What is the difference between social media sites and posting here on an open forum that anyone including scammers can access? If you don't do social media then why are you here posting, in some cases, personal information. Is Rewardia any more secure than facebook? I think not!
                                                                                                      • Tupulua S
                                                                                                        Generation go, generation comes, keep it simple. Technology is here to stay forever
                                                                                                        • Stefanie Z
                                                                                                          I simply don't go there
                                                                                                          • Carolyn K 714554
                                                                                                            I don't do social media! Too many people are being hurt through it.
                                                                                                            • pam rae
                                                                                                              HI Pamela, ty, have a great day..!!!!
                                                                                                              • JANN R
                                                                                                                I agree I only use it to keep in contact with my friends and family that dont live near me
                                                                                                                • doug p 631197
                                                                                                                  I don't use social media at all, I'd rather live my life and enjoy it offline. I keep my life as private as possible.
                                                                                                                  • boy blunder
                                                                                                                    don't go on them never have , never will
                                                                                                                    • Elizabeth T 396096
                                                                                                                      I hate that lots of these sites and sites in general ask you for too much information to join OR ask you for even more information after you join AND all of them want your biometric details at the moment under the guise of "2 factor authentication/security". Thankfully, factor identification is still voluntary. If these sites cannot secure your normal information, what makes them think we can trust them to secure our biometric information?
                                                                                                                      • Ricardo J
                                                                                                                        These sites exist to collect and share your information with companies. Ad revenues are very lucrative. But if you need to contact me, you'll have to use email or phone.
                                                                                                                        • Irena T
                                                                                                                          You are perfectly right!!
                                                                                                                          • lin r
                                                                                                                            twitter is the worst site on earth
                                                                                                                            • Roy R 1009866
                                                                                                                              What does "vertically" everyone mean? Do you mean virtually?
                                                                                                                              • Bex
                                                                                                                                It's those who are not horizontal 😂
                                                                                                                              • Roy R 1009866Bex
                                                                                                                                Thanks Bev, now it makes sense.
                                                                                                                            • FoxyAlien
                                                                                                                              I don't have facebook, I don't have twitter, I don't have instagram, I don't even have the etc's, and look a this I'm still alive!!!
                                                                                                                              • The dog house
                                                                                                                                I never used these sites before the pandemic. I am amazed at the cruelty I have seen towards animals throughout the world. Often those that send a video clip are paid and I hope that if it is true the money goes towards their cause. There are one or two that may be abusers of pups and kittens just to make a clip and be paid. I find it horrible that Facebook would allow this and do nothing even though it has been reported.
                                                                                                                                • Melinda B 311794
                                                                                                                                  Yeah, you are right. I have overshared in the past. Hope not to do that any more.
                                                                                                                                  • david j t
                                                                                                                                    narcissim nobogy cares rip off thy neighbour
                                                                                                                                    • SueM2
                                                                                                                                      Be aware that anything you post on any site will be there forever!
                                                                                                                                      • Paul G 348946
                                                                                                                                        And used as evidence against you.
                                                                                                                                    • Deborah 1314174
                                                                                                                                      There is really no such thing as privacy or private thought now. The "so called " anonymity of the net" makes people feel they can open up about everything.
                                                                                                                                      • Maria B 89860
                                                                                                                                        Do not partake of any :"worm manufacturing" Sites canned or otherwise!
                                                                                                                                        • Glenice L 1244113
                                                                                                                                          A(greed). Data mining sites are the scammers buffet.Ever since our internet and devices get interwoven with commercialism, we are all left very vulnerable. Although I'm here for now, I will purposefully avoid X and all of those mentioned. Best with your security and sanity too.
                                                                                                                                          • Cher
                                                                                                                                            Yes be careful.
                                                                                                                                            • pam rae
                                                                                                                                              OH "YES" NOT A GOOD THING, HAVE TO BE REALLY CAREFUL ON WHAT ONE PUTS OUT THERE.KEEP REALLY SIMPLE...!!!
                                                                                                                                              • mike B 1066235
                                                                                                                                                THAT IS BIG YES ANYONE CAN FIND OUT WHO AND WHAT YOU SAY AT ANYTIME, DAY OR NIGHT( HEADS UP).
                                                                                                                                                • Val 1394045
                                                                                                                                                  Yes it could bite you. You have to be very careful.
                                                                                                                                                  • JANET R 328390
                                                                                                                                                    It is up to individuals. I don't get on those sites and I won't be. We all have choices.
                                                                                                                                                    • Tania NSW
                                                                                                                                                      Some things need to be private.
                                                                                                                                                      • Holly Cat
                                                                                                                                                        Well if someone airs their dirty laundry on one of these sites, it's their choice and the site didn't ask them to air their dirty laundry, so it's not the site invading their privacy if they chose to air their dirty laundry. The sites are there for us to use, but it's not required to post personal information/air our dirty laundry.
                                                                                                                                                        • Elizabeth T 396096
                                                                                                                                                          True and you are also not required to read any of the life stories or drivel posted on these sites.

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