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If you're in a movie theater and the person behind you keeps kicking your seat, what do you do?
  • Katie 1540296
    Move seats
    • Grommie
      accidently spill my coke on his leg
      • Beth 348992
        If it was an accident I'd probably just keep quiet to avoid a conflict, if they were doing it purposely though I'd probably give them a bit of a serve and/or move lol
        • allin
          • Glenice L 1244113
            Same as on an airplane! Please stop, as it's triggering my anxiety.
            • Katzeye
              Just ask them politely to stop kicking my seat and if that fails just move to a different seat if available.
              • Cher
                1 pt
                • Lawrence 1262145
                  Get up and go get the manager and let him or her handle it and they might give you a free movie for next time or move to a different seat but go get the manager first.
                  • Kathleen 1396104
                    Easiest to move as you never know how they will react but I have asked politely in the past and it generally is 50/50 if they stop.
                    • boy blunder
                      the last time i was at a movie the guy behind me was a homer simpson, farted, burped, slurped and crunched, his way through the previews then i was told you could buy the movie on prime for 28 dollars so we left as others did, haven't been back since, we bought a big blow up screen and buy movies and watch with family and friends , when we want to see a movie
                      • Maria B 89860
                        Sounds ideal! Saves time, saves fuel, munchies cost less and pause to have a "wee break" and stretch the legs in comfort.
                      • boy blunderMaria B 89860
                        Kids have a blast , quite often on the trampoline while watching
                    • Vicki 1614162
                      I would politely ask them to stop. If they persist, I'd speak to a cinema attendant
                      • Renee 1556074
                        I would ask them nicely to stop. If they keep on doing it, I would go & get a seat behind them & do the same thing to them.
                        • Flayva
                          • Shona 1644417
                            calm and polite usually fixes the problem.
                            • Dimitri T 100433
                              1 good reponse
                              • Dolan 1467056
                                move to a seat behind them if available, and start kicking their seat............ fair is fair!
                                • Tracey H 92684
                                  • Larry S 382961
                                    Same as people doing it on planes.no manners
                                    • Karen 1610914
                                      I just move seats, they may be too tall for the space, or suffer from tourettes syndrome, cut them some slack!
                                      • Jennifer H 722364
                                        Stand up face the person and shout at the top of your voice STOP they won't expect this reaction and everyone will be looking at them they will try to leave before movie ends .
                                        • Rose I 1205334
                                          I usually sit in the back row, so there isn't anyone behind me
                                          • Jeremy V
                                            You should go to the movies with a partner or a group of friends, I received 1 lonely point for my answer. I'd turn around and politely ask them to stop what they are doing as it's childish. In the Movies here seats are actually a fair way back and are super comfortable so for them to actually kick the seat in front takes a bit of effort from their part to achieve. Movie places can be smarter with their seat design to limit this behaviour from happening. Used to happen heaps in the old style design where you were crammed in like sardines. :D
                                            • Ann 1498966
                                              This has never happened to me. We seldom go to movies when they are crowded so this will probably never happen.
                                              • Pat C 618241
                                                I would turn and ask them politely to stop doing it. If they persisted I would report it to an usher or more likely - move to another seat.
                                                • Hanno.
                                                  5 points for Move seats if any available. I very rarely go to the movies even though there is a Hoyts multiscreen theatre across the road from me at Warringah Mall.
                                                  • Maria B 89860
                                                    What a shame it's not one of those outdoor screens!
                                                • writerrochelle
                                                  '1' lonely point for not going to theaters but, if I DID, I'd politely ask them to please stop because it's distracting! ;-D
                                                  • Warren 1633603
                                                    When saying that be sure they understand what you are referring to
                                                    • Chosen
                                                      Smash em bro.
                                                      • Andy 1644125
                                                        Give Them the Benefit of the Doubt – Sometimes, people don’t realize they’re doing it. A quick glance back might be enough to make them aware.
                                                        • Wayne Wilson
                                                          • Dsmiles2U
                                                            gjhgjfghdf along with STOP FOOTS irratating me !
                                                            • Chosen
                                                              That wouldn't stop them.
                                                          • Annette 1642960
                                                            I would politetly ask them to either stop kicking or if they dont, i would simply move seats.
                                                            • Lee b 979050
                                                              Turn around give him a piercing glare then slowly stand up and turn towards him and lean slowly forward on the back of chair and say Do you really want to keep doing that. The rest will be in the hands of the perpetrator. From there only 1 of 2 things can happenYou get my drift
                                                              • Allen B 175494
                                                                I do not suffer fools gladly.
                                                                • Robert T 597718
                                                                  • Sheree T
                                                                    I don't go to theaters but if I did I would ask them to stop or move to another seat if available.
                                                                    • Lee b 979050
                                                                      You should Shefee there are lots of great movies that can only be watched on the big screen.I feel the need the need fir soeed
                                                                  • merricat
                                                                    3, ask them to stop
                                                                    • Daniel A 2
                                                                      I remember when I was twitching my foot behind someone seat because my foot had a problem, then eventually they turned around furious at me and told me to stop. It felt very embarasing when I didn't realise I had been harrasing them for so long. So maybe I would do the same. Although I don't think I could be that fuious my self. Now I don't think Neo's are going to be programed to kick seats, but you can certainly program them to ask those turning around to move to another seat.
                                                                      • View all 6 replies
                                                                      • Von
                                                                        What is it with your thing for Neos ?
                                                                      • Daniel A 2Von
                                                                        I point out that a type of AI robot you should be able to buy quite soon for 30k or more that can wash your dishes, and cook your meals, and learn how to walk your dogs, and should be able to learn how to watch the movies with you, could even be able to be tought to talk back to people in the seat in front turning around and yelling.
                                                                      • VonDaniel A 2
                                                                        I know but you talk about Neos in every comment ! Yawn !!
                                                                      • Daniel A 2Von
                                                                        I'ts kind of comedy.
                                                                      • Daniel A 2Von
                                                                        but soon it might not be when there are robots walking around like in starwars.
                                                                      • VonDaniel A 2
                                                                        That's the most ridiculous comment I've read today. Enjoy your day with your head in the clouds.
                                                                    • Catherine 1495271
                                                                      Simply stand up, move in front of them, when they ask what I'm doing, explain I'm moving to a new seat where no one is kicking my back
                                                                      • Linda J 383315
                                                                        Move seats if I can & give them an evil glare when I do, perhaps sit behind them & kick their seat if I was really daring!!
                                                                        • Damaris H
                                                                          I would actually ask very politely to stop it.then if they don’t I’d get someone to talk to them whilst I move to a different seat.
                                                                          • Andrew T 123623
                                                                            Why say anything as they now they are doing to piss people off. If you say something to them they will just do more to piss you off.
                                                                            • LEAH G. (Philippines CEBU )
                                                                              4 pts
                                                                              • Dada WA
                                                                                Just stand up and block their view.
                                                                                • Daniel A 2
                                                                                  You would be annoying more than 1 person.
                                                                                • Dada WADaniel A 2
                                                                                  They would soon stop the kicker
                                                                              • pam rae
                                                                                HI, TY Ashley 1461269
                                                                                • Shadow 1172638
                                                                                  Go sit behind them and do the same thing, let's see how they like it!!!
                                                                                  • Maria B 89860
                                                                                    Do you just move seats if any available .. especially if there is one free just behind the wrong doer ... maybe give a coupld of kicks then move! Funny if it was a Musical and you're actually playing musical chairs ... that would be real audience participation!!!
                                                                                    • pam rae
                                                                                      7 pts
                                                                                      • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                        I don't go to movie theaters - anymore. Fortunately, when I went to movie theaters - that never happened to me.
                                                                                        • Linda 3
                                                                                          I no longer go to the movie theatre but would definitely ask them to stop.
                                                                                          • Brandy Yining Z
                                                                                            1 point
                                                                                            • Mark 1510080
                                                                                              • Miriam R 782611
                                                                                                • Sandra H 325339
                                                                                                  5 points for I don’t go to the theatre
                                                                                                  • Squirrelsmo
                                                                                                    I usually sit up close to the back wall so that I have the best view and don't have that issue, and I do not kick someone else's seat, that's very rude to do, especially since you have to pay a good amount just to sit in there in the first place.
                                                                                                    • Von
                                                                                                      Throw my box of popcorn at them
                                                                                                      • View all 3 replies
                                                                                                      • Daniel A 2
                                                                                                        I don't think you could afford it.
                                                                                                      • VonDaniel A 2
                                                                                                        Then you don't know me.
                                                                                                      • Chosen
                                                                                                        Lucky for them you are not eating a hamburger and tomato sauce,
                                                                                                    • Liane H
                                                                                                      If it's a child , lw old speak to their accompanying parent nicely . If it's another adult I would either move or report it or both !

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