Not yet but it's in the plans. Along with every other vaccination that is available to me. Hopefully some day they can vaccinate me against people...the real problem.
Golden Oldie
No….and I had Covid and survived,much to the disappointment of some.
Danielle 1633358
Katrina 1633128
Noooooooooo! And my older parents and my siblings and their spouses all got the shots and then they all got the boosters and they all still got Covid. I got Covid and I didn’t even know I had it. I thought it was an allergy it was so mild. 👍
And a booster every year, and I have never gotten that disease. I'll get a shot with the flu shot every year because I'm afraid of the long term side effects. ;-D
Madonna 1458397
Yes I have. I’m still a NOVID.
Kerrie 1601476
No ,I can''t have it until March, but I will ,when you have COVID 19 injection,it's not going to stop you getting it, but you shouldn't get it really bad,but that's just what happened to me ,everybody is different.
Melissa aimee
No. Am glad I did not..have not had any cold or flu either. I have had all other vaccines.
Jayne 1600822
Yes I have had all my shots is compulsory in my field of employment. I have caught Covid 4 times and each time the symptoms have lessened
Yes I have had the shots, but that made no difference, as I caught it twice, and many friends caught it as well, so in fact it never stopped people coming down with Covid-19. So in fact it can be said it was a waste of time having the shots.
View all 3 replies
all well and good peter, but did you ever stop to think that maybe because you had the shots, it was not as bad as it could have been
Bob 1515574allin
I have ordered more tin foil hats...
Rosie 563501
Yes and boosters
Sheila 1506058
When covid first came out I got it I was in the hospital for 2 weeks I have COPD so I almost died it was absolutely horrible I was so so very scared that I was going to but by the grace of God I'm still here but I will not get the covid shot
Heather 1570804
After doing my own research at the time, I chose not to indulge in the mRNA shot(s). I did have Covid twice in 2022 but after that I have not been sick. I also changed my diet again at the start of 2024 & have now become a non-diabetic after 14 years of being T2D.
I also have never taken the influenza shot as I have never had the flu.
And yes, I had all the mandatory inoculations as a child including the one for Smallpox as I was born before 1972.
Zena 1539369
Would love to hear about reversing your diabetes as I am pre-diabetic. You are smart to avoid the Covid vaccine.
Debbie 1581306
I received all COVID19 vaccinations, I am in favour of them, my son was born in the whooping cough epidemic and there were a number of babies sick and or dying. It terrified me, it took so long to fall pregnant with my child, at one stage I didn't think I was going to have children and the thought that I might lose him when he was born due to an illness that could have been prevented is so nonsensical to me.
Wow... what in the tin foil head wrap gear is going on in this comment section? Thoroughly entertaining malarkey... and I'm so here for it!! 🤣🤣
steve 1545404
Only got it done cause we got told we would loose our jobs.... thanks government :/
wow, 3 full years of stupid now,,,well in october 🤣
Mopos's October 24...........
Stu J
Appears to be no middle ground to this - no matter what we are all going to die sometime - just when and where and what of are the great unknowns that await us.
Frances 1562151
Why die too early? Why die before It's God's will for you? I found out that I was allergic to the pfizer vaccine after booster shot. No more for me.
6 pts
Yes, Pfizer & 1 booster
But, have Long Covid now
I like to be upto date on that type of thing less sickness occur however I will not advise under 5 not to get that one.
Simba 1006243
Hell, NO!
ChevyJulie 1473189
Are you crazy? Not in a million years. My body my choice. who knows how this vaccine is going to affect People in later years, they ONLY did short trials. Not like all the other vaccines that took years to develop.
Nail, head, love chevies too
Bill C
I have had 3 vaccine injections so I must have 3 of Bill Gates micro chips in me so he can control everything I do and know where I am all the time.
It is a pity he is so late to the market in tracking me in this world as I have carried a tracking device with me for over 20 years and noone has contacted me out of the blue that I didn't expect to hear from. That device is called a cellphone. The other tracking device of 15 years is my computer. Sorry Bill Gates, get in the queue and wait your turn. LOL
Helena 1455043
Yes, I had mine and three booster shots.
Lisa J 1255260
No and thank God young people are dropping like flies I know school nurse 24 heart problems now after getting the shot and still caught covid what's the point I don't like to contribute to Big pharma anyways it's all about money all the big leaders all the big money money root of all evil not to mention our government is the one mostly making all this stuff and it just gets out they need to quit fiddle farting around letting the scientists do what they want if you ever check out what they do you'd be shocked there's no reason for half the stuff that they do and experiment with except for to just manipulate it what they want chemical warfare the world's going to hell if you're happy about getting the shot you really should have an open mind and check into all aspects of it on both sides and see what you come out with you might surprise yourself
Jennifer H 722364
Yes had to have them to keep my job feel 10m years older than I am
Izabelle 1457992
No, I guess that makes me a white supremacist! But seriously, I don't trust my government or any other
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Lisa J 1255260
I think that makes you a Nazi is that the same I don't know what's the definition of a supremacist lol
Izabelle 1457992Lisa J 1255260
haha ya it's the same, basically.. I'm Canadian so Trudeau told me in a Nazi haha
ChevyJulie 1473189Izabelle 1457992
Izabelle 1457992ChevyJulie 1473189
we should start a club! Ha!
Gunter L
Of course, and all the boosters as well.
I can only feel sorry for those people who refuse to be vaccinated. There is a high chance that they will contract Covid and also a very high likelihood of dying from it.
Stephen S 945123
I don't "refuse" to not be vaccinated. I "CHOOSE" to not be vaccinated. Two very different words with different meaning.
allinStephen S 945123
care to give us your reasons to choose not to get the shots, just what you feeling or do you have some actual proof of why the shot is bad for you,, just curious,,,,,
Yes...all 5 of them. I have diabetes and 59 years of age, so I'm in the danger category. The interesting thing is that I've had it twice now and didn't feel a thing. Both times 2 different friends rang to tell me that they had it and I should test myself. Both times I tested myself 3 times cause I didn't believe the results. I had a slight runny nose. They had it much worse than me. One of my friends that only had 3 of the injections has long term fatigue syndrome and hasn't worked in a year. I guess covid effects different people in different ways.
Debra D 624780
I took two shots, never again. I no longer trust our Government. These shots do NOT work.
Joe B 288252
Life is a terminal disease………lol
Stu J
That's for me to know and no else to find out but I will give you a clue - I am a responsible parent.
Stephen S 945123
Aaah! Great to hear Stu J! A responsible parent. So to my understanding, you would not give your child a substance of which you haven't one clue of what's in it? That, is responsible parenting
Wendy Q
Had a few now, next one can't be far away, every 6 months.
Gunter L
Any sane person would by now have had their vaccine plus all the booster shots. Only the Antivaxers have not done so.
kathy b 656074
No ‘sane’ person would take any un-trialed, unapproved substance into their body.
ChevyJulie 1473189kathy b 656074
agree 👍
Sean f 1047130
A friend in his early 40s died from a massive stroke recently; seems potentially connected as there are a lot of young people dying this way. Hopefully I will not be one of them and hopefully I can trust our health orgs to do right and get these jabs (soon to get the fall one here in Canada)
mind your own business medical matters are confidential are they not
Only because I had to do I could kee Working
Brenda W 1244556
My predictions are that the government had something to do with covid. wrongfully done on purpose.they scared me into getting the first 2 shots.
Pat C 618241
After 5 boosters I don't think I need any more. However it seems there are new variants on the way.
PAUL G 568980
yes have had all 5
Teri 1282723
I got the first 2 doses when my sister had to get them for her job AND I have a diabetic son and knew if I got sick and then he got it and died from complications, I'd never be able to live with myself. For solidarity with my sister and fear for my son after watching a 'herd immunity' video, I got them. I was against the masks and shots but went along with them.....UNTIL I read The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. WOW!!! Fauci, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, big pharma together put out this virus (proven in emails between Fauci and Chinese doctors), made sure the vaccinations killed as many people as they helped (maybe more), made multi-billions because people had to order everything online (Bezos made highest of the billions of all these men listed) and controlled what people were watching on Facebook to spread the lies (Mark!). Everyone I listed made multi-billions of dollars doing this scam of the world's people. And governments were forced to keep airports open until the virus was worldwide. If airports and borders were closed to China and even the first village to have this virus, Gates and Fauci would have failed in their mission to lower the world's population.
Everyone should read this book. I will never get another covid shot, flu shot, pneumonia shot or any other shot in my life. Maybe tetanus if I live that long that I'm due. But I've lost all trust in my pharmacist, lost a little in my family doctor, and won't trust 'the science' ever again.
Found out months later my sister couldn't be forced to get the shots by employer but at the time she was definitely coerced into them. And we both, as well as millions around the world, have complications from whatever poisons we allowed put into our bodies. Swollen organs, weird things showing up in lab tests in our blood, sight issues, heart issues, blood clot issues, mental issues, dying from complications related to shots they got 2 years ago. The complications will continue to affect everyone who got the shots for years to come and I'm angry that I fell for the propaganda. Fool me once. And only once.
Dorky Deeker
Not falling for bill Gates Eugenic agenda . Thanks. Popularity doesn't equal wisdom
Lyndee K 920290
It was sore.
Gunter L
.....but it may have saved your life.
Pat C 618241
Aren't we in Oz rather voted out on this subject now. Either you have or have not had the jabs.
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Gunter L
Yes, by now we should all have been vaccinated. Unfortunately there is still a hard core of anti-vaccers who will always be against vaccinations. Some idiots will never learn.
Dorky DeekerGunter L
maybe you'll call yourself an idiot when you realize its NEVER stopped the spread Nor does it claim to. Enjoy blood clots in your lungs if you're ever unfortunate to get pneumonia bud
Gunter LDorky Deeker
Right on, Denise, ramble, ramble, ramble on.
Dorky DeekerGunter L
let me know how it goes when you get thrown into a ventilator the next time you get pneumonia. Oh nevermind. They usually won't let you off one alive . But we're the idiots according to you . 🤦🏼♀️
Gunter LDorky Deeker
Correct, you are the idiots. End of discussion.
ChevyJulie 1473189Dorky Deeker
i totally agree never got a shot never got COVID and I'm body my choice
Had all vaccines I need ..
Paul W 383502
Had Novavax, two doses. now
Debra Jay 1237276
Patricia B 1012160
i am full vacinnes all booster as of today
judy W 15921
yes now had all available including booster all Maderna and had no problems at all
Roy R 1009866
Judy it is difficult to convince people they have been fooled and you are living proof some people are easily fooled! Would I be right in believing you are a Trump lover? This disbelieving and mistrust has been and continues to be advanced and encouraged by the child, idiot, cheater, liar, twice indicted, twice impeached, tax avoider, women abuser, and draft dodger Donald J. Trump. I would rather take my medical advice from a medical person, someone who has spent years in school learning and studying medicine, not the child, idiot described above or his many non- medical followers.
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Lance P 1114997
Roy don’t be hard on Trump, we have a derelict in office running our country, talk about a thief he makes Trump look like an angel.
allinLance P 1114997
oh you the guy that has been messing with the ladies in bingo,, you a real piece of work,,,, looks like we have a derelict running around our bingo games,,,
Roy R 1009866allin
allin I have no idea what you are talking about with the bingo comment. I haven't and don't play bingo here (if it is available) or anywhere on line or in person, Now, what did my comments about the child, idiot, cheater, liar, four times indicted, twice impeached, tax avoider, women abuser, draft dodger and more Donald J. Trump have to do with your bingo issue?
Roy R 1009866Lance P 1114997
Looks like you are a Trumper, how do you sleep at night? We all know some of the crimes Trump has committed and once the court cases are over I would hope that anyone following the idiot Trump will see the error of there ways and come back to reasonableville.. You are also a Biden hater and call him a derelict but tell me what exact has he done? Don't use vague republican statements details! Here's one from the Trumps, his daughter made millions on patent in China from her various lines. Defend that.
allinRoy R 1009866
sorry, i was in error about bingo, but this fine upstanding citizen,, Lance P,, has been going around rewardia hassling the women,,,
kathy b 656074Roy R 1009866
Ivanka’s patents were on her own goods; every designer, creator, product inventor holds patents. Stop repeating MSNBC propaganda.
AngieLance P 1114997
what'd you say Lance...? You're hard.. for Trump 🍆🤣🤣🤣
Linda J 383315
Yep, up to number 4. Do support work so work with vulnerable people so cannot afford to pass anything on to them
Meghan H 909873
That old chestnut. The vaccine has been proven to not stop infection or transmission, so you are not helping others by taking it unfortunately. You could, however, be harming yourself. I've had the original 2 doses and no more. The truth about how useless these shots are is now starting to become apparent.
ChevyJulie 1473189
I'm Canadian and I think Trump's awesome 👍😎.s
Annette M 96035
I had two but never again. Have suffered complications since and have had to give up the majority of my work, making life very difficult financially and health wise.
Dorky Deeker
Wise to stop falling for the vaccine for the lost and naive. I hope your condition will improve. Bless you for waking up about it
kathy b 656074
The CDC has sent my spouse monthly health questionaires since we reported crippling joint swelling in both hands shortly after taking the J&J vax. CDC knew this company’s Covid-19 vax caused severe arthritis. They finally banned the J&J but, too late now, the damage is irreversible and directly responsible for loss of use both hands—result is permanent disability and ui, all because this corrupt government forced citizens to get unapproved so called ‘vaccines’.
david j t
YES i have had pneumonia and asthma attacks in the past can i afford not to but have not had resp syncytial vaccine yet my dr is dragging his feet on this one
Helena H
No and don't intend to get it, My arteries are 72% blocked so even one small clot would be the end of me.
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Dada WA
Had 7 stents for blockages but still had all my jabs (5) Why no stents?
Helena HDada WA
It was suggested but was a wait and see if it gets worse. The arteries are in my legs.
Dorky Deeker
Praying for your arteries to unclog in Jesus name. 🙌 strength in prayer. Believe in our great healer
Daphne 1274381
Yup four so far, better safe than sorry!
glad to see we have some new conspiracy theorists on board,, great poll for that for sure 🙃😉
Just had my fifth shot and will continue to have them if so advised
Judy CooplandiaQueen
remember, a sign of intelligence is the capability to entertain other outside ideas and facts that differ from yours. :)
WHY are we learning more from the European Parliament than our own CONGRESS? Not have our national newspapers reported on this. The cover-up is always worst than the crime...The best part of being a conspiracy theorist is not having Myocarditis. It’s very hard to make an individual understand that they were fooled. Many will choose to live in denialThe FDA. If they’re doing this to us with pharmaceuticals, imagine what they’re doing to the food”There is no instance in history when censorship and secrecy have advanced either democracy or public health.”What people need to understand is just because you feel fine doesn't mean you're not injured. Many often don't feel high blood pressure or diabetes for a very long time until other things go wrong.The European Parliament recently conducted a summit meeting about the ongoing COVID problem, and invited MRNA technology developer Dr. Robert Malone to address the conference. Dr. Malone shared truths with attendees about the reality of vaccine injury as well as the lies, misinformation and gaslighting that victims of vaccine injuries have been subjected to “European Parliament Admits TRUTH About Vaccine Injured! “ here->-. Malone’s comments and the bravery of those who are actively challenging the dominant narrative on COVID..b
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Roy R 1009866
Without clicking the link you have provided I am not sure if you are for vaccines or against. In the event you are against I would like to add this comment. While there were no effective vaccines developed people Americans as well were dying daily by the thousands. After the vaccine and the willingness of many, many citizens throughout the world, who favor life over the childish opinion that the "man" is trying to control their lives, have stopped dying. Now, there are still people dying from Covid 19 but often there are more factors contributing to their deaths but how many would be dead in the world without these life saving vaccines?
Judy CooplandiaQueenRoy R 1009866
European Parliament Admits TRUTH About Vaccine Injured!
Judy CooplandiaQueenRoy R 1009866
I wouldn’t put this in the lifesaving column of life saving the newest in the trials killed 8 out of 20 and 18 had life threatening episodes. They are also not only pushing it to old gold but women 30 days prior to delivery that can kill the mother and or kill the baby but onward they push it yet again. Simulor to the org flu type vax for seniors prior to Covid hit the news that killed a lot of seniors. I put little stock in most anything pharma
Roy R 1009866Judy CooplandiaQueen
Judy please read your comment above. What are old gold women? And "onward they push it yet again". What? Further "Simulor to the org flu type vax for seniors prior to Covid hit the news that killed a lot of seniors. what does this mean? So you don't believe anything "pharma" What about all of the life saving developments over the last 100 years? You don't trust any of that? have you or any friend or member of your immediate or extended family needed any of these life saving measures? And you don't trust them! I would bet you are a MAGA Republican.
Judy CooplandiaQueenRoy R 1009866
The only thing that killed old was pilling in the sick with the well. Get your facts straight
Do you trust the new clotionic they have for babies ?But this is for infants. How do you know that an infant has a bleeding disorder or allergies to these ingredients? They’re NEW HERE!
The FDA approved a shot for Respiratory Syncytial Virus or RSV for babies born during RSV season and children up to 24 months old who remain vulnerable to RSV. It is not a vaccine but rather an injection of antibodies. shot is called Beyfortus and it is made by AstraZeneca and Sanofi. It was given FastTrack designation for this approval, meaning it was expedited and accelerated. Pfizer and Glaxo Smith Kline have been working on infant RSV vaccines but those have shown between 5 and 7% risk of pre-term births and neonatal deaths so neither has been approved yet. The FDA says that Beyfortus “comes with warnings and precautions about serious hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylaxis” and should “be given with caution to infants and children with clinically significant bleeding disorders.” It also says that it “should not be given to infants and children with a history of serious hypersensitivity reactions to Beyfortus’ active ingredients or any of its excipients.”
But this is for infants. How do you know that an infant has a bleeding disorder or allergies to these ingredients? They’re NEW HERE!
Remind me again what that sign of intelligence is ?
kathy b 656074Roy R 1009866
‘life-saving vaccines’? these shots delivered experimental substances to millions of desperate people and made them sign waivers that stated they were taking the shot at their own risk. Fear was the motivator.
Mrs R
Sadly I have and experienced horrific reactions to all - I was mandated and would loose my job if not vaccinated was a horrific experience. I had an autoimmune response following each jab and got Bells palsy. Inflammation was so bad I lost circulation in my hands and ended up in acute care ward also had trouble walking. Research now shows it doesn’t even stop transmission or stop you getting covid!!!!!! Devastating
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Roy R 1009866
If all of these terrible things actually happened to you I am sorry for you. I have had 5 shots, in total, without any side affects. Now, lucky for you you were mandated to get the vaccine while the side affects were bad without the shot you may have died. Why would any sane adult gamble with their life.
Mrs RRoy R 1009866
Check the research there is so MUCH now showing the vaccine has NOT stopped transmission. And YES these things ACTUALLY happened to me. Not as bad as what’s happened for others. Now I have a degenerative autoimmune disease to live with, reduced quality of life & reduced life expectancy. Great to hear you were fine though. Thanks for your comment.
Dorky Deeker
Thank you for sharing your wisdom with the lost . We need your voice in here
kathy b 656074Mrs R
You’re not alone. I got Covid-19, was sent to hospital where a neurologist pulled me aside and told me, due to health issues I have, NOT to take that injection and that since I would have the barest hope the covid ‘vax’ would be of benefit, I sat through a 1-1/2 hr iv infusion of a substance not available to the public except for those with my condition. I am grateful that doctor didn’t allow the hospital to deprive me of the infusion that benefited me. My spouse is crippled from the Jansen shot and a 43-yo neighbor died after his Moderna shot which he never should have gotten due to reported fatalities for those with a rare blood disorder but, his employer said, “no jab, no job’…he’s dead, three small kids have no daddy now. Stay smart, Mrs. R!
Roy R 1009866Mrs R
Sorry to hear about your degenerative autoimmune. Has that been diagnosed, by a formal medical personnel like a Doctor, not a nurse, or friend, as a result of your Covid 19 infection or as a result of the life saving vaccine The virus continues to evolve and I don't believe anyone ever stated that the vaccine would eliminate Covid 19. You have to take care of your life and not having the vaccine is a sure way to take a chance on losing it!
Roy R 1009866kathy b 656074
These are sad storied you report from taking the vaccine but at a minimum 7,000,000 have died from Covid 19 BEFORE the vaccine was available. That speaks volumes!
Doneva 1304059
had the first 2, wish I hadn't, won't get any booster...
Meghan H 909873
Francis S 1044530
Yes with a boster
Shemedarose M
No plans too - dont trust it, seen heaps of adverse reactions in my circles and i cant risk that with my needle phobia and dr anxiety
Dont wear a mask or social distance
Never had covid either
Rachel W 1217344
Everyone should, it's a non issue.
Judy CooplandiaQueen
remember, a sign of intelligence is the capability to entertain other outside ideas and facts that differ from yours. :) WHY are we learning more from the European Parliament than our own CONGRESS? Not have our national newspapers reported on this. The cover-up is always worst than the crime...The best part of being a conspiracy theorist is not having Myocarditis. It’s very hard to make an individual understand that they were fooled. Many will choose to live in denialThe FDA. If they’re doing this to us with pharmaceuticals, imagine what they’re doing to the food”There is no instance in history when censorship and secrecy have advanced either democracy or public health.”What people need to understand is just because you feel fine doesn't mean you're not injured. Many often don't feel high blood pressure or diabetes for a very long time until other things go wrong.The European Parliament recently conducted a summit meeting about the ongoing COVID problem, and invited MRNA technology developer Dr. Robert Malone to address the conference. Dr. Malone shared truths with attendees about the reality of vaccine injury as well as the lies, misinformation and gaslighting that victims of vaccine injuries have been subjected to. Malone’s comments and the bravery of those who are actively challenging the dominant narrative on COVID.
Janine R 1234369
Yes. I have also had the booster. I have not yet had covid. If another booster comes out I will have that. My concern is the long term effects that some people have after having covid.
I got covid last year, but I've had flus that were a lot worse. No shots to date, and doing ok.
Definitely had my shots 4 in total so far and I will have whatever else is recommended
Not only do I not want COVID, but I feel it is my civic duty to help protect others
And I am not keen on being needled
Jilleen or Feisty
Only 2. Second one made me ache every where then abruptly stop
Rodger M
better than having covid ... believe me
Jilleen or FeistyRodger M
I know about suffering. I have 3 autoimmune conditions rheumatoid arthritis psoriatic rheumatism liver disease autoimmune conditions from RA attacking liver. Ptsd. The meds for autoimmune lower your immune system. I cant get rid of a ear infection. Hit menopause and my doctor had all 3 covid vaccine and still got it
Dawn B 1183336
Heel no and I never will. Those vaccines cause more health problems and I already have to many and don't wish to end up with Bell's palsy, or myocardius.
I will never do it again. The night and next day made my muscles hurt really bad. NEVER AGAIN
Will never go for it. I wanna die naturally one day
Jilleen or Feisty
My doc had all still got covid
Robert F 1161011
4 shots total, but I'm disappointed because they didn't give me a lollypop.
Craig S 1050522
Yes plus a booster - Went to get the second booster but got COVID the day before so now waiting out three months before the next booster
Dottie 1043512
Yes I have had all vaccines
Pat C 618241
I've had 2 vaccines and 2 boosters. That was in 2021. 3 days after my birthday in March 2022 I got Covid after visiting a restaurant for the first time since Covid struck in 2020. Had no effects from vaccine or boosters thankfully but Covid seems to do strange things to the brain.
I will receive another booster on Saturday - no problems or reactions so far. Do not expect any now.
Beryl M 1009442
yes, the third one made me very sick...Not with the virus, just made me so sick... Ended in hospital, then dreadful nightmares. over it now but wasn't good
mike B 1066235
Just here for the entertainment value in the comments and I sure haven’t been disappointed.
Mildred M 1008100
Very important to take these vaccines - have no sympathy for anyone who chooses not to -
Denise C (Qld)
Yes 4 to date
Jane C 787960
I've had 2 shots and 2 boosters.
Patricia B 1012160
yes have had 2 shots one booster
Carrie C 565223
Yea had to or lose my job ! No choice no freedom anymore
gloria N 666866
gloria N 666866
no and will not be getting any. Just something to make more money for the drug companies
Helen S 925961
I have had my 4th booster and am happy to have them as it not only protects me, but others as well. I am medically compromised and in the dangerous age bracket so I need all the help I can get. But seriously, I could not live with myself if I passed on covid to someone who then passed from it. And I would come back and haunt anyone who passed it on to me, lol!
Tom S Qld
Yep, all 4 shots, plus flu shot - I'm all dosed up! Probably get hit by a bus now.
MARGARET p 388156
I had 2 shot of the AstraZeneca and had Pfizer which the Pfizer made me sick and now I will be having the Moderna. I feel AstraZeneca was a lot better for me.
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