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Attention Australian PENSIONERS
Edward S 49734709-Dec-23 12:01 am
What do you reckon about the latest news from the Government?
As of the 1st of December 2023, Australian pensioners and the unemployed will NO LONGER get 17 and a half percent off our electricity and gas bills ( no more discounts at all)
First, the government stuffs up the Medicare system to the point where medical specialists no longer bulk bill and most GPs no longer bulk bill.....This means the government took away the FREE medical care and treatment which they STILL falsely claim we receive
Then they allow the costs of living including rents and mortgages to massively increase
Then they allow energy companies to massively increase prices and then TAKE AWAY the discount we are supposed to get on those bills and still have the audacity to charge us GST on those energy bills
In addition to that, I get funding from MyAgeCare for in-home help, and in addition to the 33% of my funding my service provider charges in annual fees my provider has overcharged me by $8000 between August 2022 and December 2023 and the Government agencies do nothing about it even though this Government claims they are going to crack down on the in-home services providers who are ripping off the system
How does this Government expect the pensioners and unemployed to survive by taking away our energy discounts and FREE health care especially when they are doing nothing about the high costs of living, high costs of rents and mortgages?????
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